In the horn sound, the blast wolf warriors let go to the sides, more than a hundred tall hill giants lined up in a row, like a wave of nearly a kilometer long, they held a round in their hands, and polished Very smooth stones, Sunier faintly felt that something was wrong, but could not see where it was weird, and could only continue to observe silently.

The giants of the hills stopped at a distance of more than 800 meters from Wild Willow City. Only a few elves, such as Sunier and Athena, could damage the enemy. Now the enemy’s intentions are still unknown. They don’t want to waste their physical strength.

The orc’s horn sound suddenly changed. The row of hill giants began to step forward. They were tall and tall, and they rushed out of the X, 60 meters, and they threw out the stones in the handle.

A piece of boulder draws a heavy and fierce trajectory in the air and falls to Wild Willow City. The elves have already seen this scene. Their expressions are very easy, estimating the falling points of the stones, avoiding them. The dense vines grow out of the ground and cover the city wall with layers to reduce the damage of the stone.

At this moment, the stunned scene appeared. Most of the megaliths did not fall on the ground, and they exploded into large and small pieces, and then rolled down in a black shadow.

Some of the elves were suddenly smashed by the stones that had suddenly exploded. They had not waited for them to wake up. Suddenly they saw an ugly and awkward face underneath, and then the snowy light was covered. Lived everything.

Those shadows and the hurricane wolf warriors outside the city have a sharp contrast. The body of the typhoon wolf is mostly in 1.8 m, nine or so, back of a tiger and waist of a bear, and looks very strong, but those shadows only have one. Mi four, five, it seems very short, not to mention the typhoon wolf warrior, and the elves are a lot worse, the blast wolf warriors with strength and fierce dominance, the power of those shadows can not see, but the speed is fast The pole, just like a group of fleeting ghost shadows, is in the wizard.

At the moment when the shadows landed, the old tree that had already started was immediately reacted. A rattan with a sharp barb was drilled out of the ground and rolled toward the black shadows, and those black shadows always leaned on the high speed. The movement avoids entanglement with the vegetation of life. In the elves, the east and the west are interspersed, and the blade light shines every time. There is an elf in the pool of blood.

“The bloodthirsty warrior! Is the big shaman Yuridin!!” Branzi screamed.

What Sunier just wanted to say, a sudden warning in her heart, her eyes smashed into the thousands of thunderbirds that were quietly swooping down from the sky, and it was too late to talk, Sunier furiously shouted, reaching out and struggling to put Athena And Branzi pushed out and jumped away from the city wall.

Sunier’s reaction is only half a second slow, the consequences are unimaginable. At the moment she jumped out of the city wall, countless electric lights have fallen from the air, concentrated on the position she just stood, gathered into a diameter almost The semi-circular light ball of seven or eight meters, followed by a loud bang, the smoky clouds and gravel rushed to the high altitude of the weekly ten meters. The nearest elves were swallowed by electric light and disappear without a trace. A few dozen elves in the distance can not help but fly out, some flesh and blood, some limbs separated, the nearby vine vegetation was swept away, revealing a scarred wall, at the center of the explosion, stay A black hole deep into the weekly meters, a path of cracks extending outward, the widest crack is almost one foot, and the same attack, it is estimated that the city wall may collapse on the spot.

Both Branzi and Athena are in good shape. They adjust their physiques by tumbling movements and land on the ground, but they have a shocking expression on their faces. Although they are under the city, they can’t see the city wall. The damage, but the explosion was too strong, and they felt the pain in their eardrums. It is conceivable that if they are still standing on the city wall, what will happen now.

Looking down from the sky, you can clearly see that a glimpse of greenery emerged from the base of Wild Willow City, and soon a large city was dyed green, numerous tall vines stretched into the air, waving Swinging, blocking the inside, and even saying that Wild Willow City has disappeared, it has become a dense forest.

The ancient trees of life are fully launched, and they pose no great threat to the orc warriors outside. At most, they can’t find the target of attack, but for the bloodthirsty soldiers in Wild Willow City, the consequences are fatal. Their The range of activities is getting smaller and smaller. In the case of changes in the whole city, the speed needs to be protected quickly. After only a few interest, all the bloodthirsty soldiers are entangled in the ubiquitous vines, just like a single Poor silkworm cocoons, let them fight and struggle, and it is difficult to break free.

In fact, the bloodthirsty warrior is a very elite squad with a special force. They have a strong individual combat power, and the worst is equivalent to the human six, 7th grade fighters, facing the entire city. The arrow of the tree demon, they can only become cage birds.

Thousands of thunderbirds continued to circling, releasing lightning to the same place, a vine just growing out, being torn by lightning, then growing again, being shredded again, and many elves were aware of it. The intention of the human race, from the vine’s gap, is the sky, but thunderbird is a nine-order Warcraft. It’s hard to imagine that an elf who just practiced shooting can bring thunderbird to the fore. The elves are in their hands. It is not the firearms made by the legendary refinement, anyone can use it.

One after another thunderbird fell from the sky, that is the result of the high-level elves, but unfortunately, for the thunderbird group with a thousand numbers, the loss rate is completely affordable, and the thunderbirds continue to hover and release lightning. Trying to make a gap on the city wall.

Outside the city, countless typhoon wolves ran silently, hundreds of hill giants followed, and they had an iron rod that was about five meters long and had thick human thighs. The giants of the hills are more than just shooters. Their ability to fight in close combat will never be worse than those of the wolf warriors. It can even be said that if they start to kill each other, more than a hundred giants can make thousands of blasts. The wolf warriors are all mashed into meat!

Perhaps it was tempered by Sunier’s response. Perhaps this is the combat style of the orc commander. Just after the war, the human race launched a full-scale attack without leaving any backhand.

Two-hour appointment, there are still some reasons, the animal human race will go all out, if you can’t beat it in two hours, it doesn’t make any sense to fight it, only to make their casualties even worse!

At this moment, a fierce and somewhat strange magical wave came from afar. All the orc warriors had a layer of light green halo, even those bloodthirsty warriors, who bound them. The vine vegetation made a burst of screams that could not be heard but could be sensed, and quickly shrank back. Just like the poor bloodthirsty warriors in the cage, all recovered their freedom.

Some elves are responsible for killing those bloodthirsty warriors. Only a wave of magical waves is coming, and then the root vines are shrunk back. They have not waited for the reaction, and the bloodthirsty warriors have already waved the scimitar.

“So wide range of Soul Fire…” Athena only felt bitter in her mouth, she now believes in Branzi’s warning, it is indeed the big shaman Yuridin!

The magic of the Orc Shaman belongs to the soul magic. Compared with other magic, the system of soul magic is very thin and monotonous. There is almost no attack on the surname magic. Only a few kinds of defense surname magic are also very pitiful. In addition to communicating with World of Warcraft, it is to make their soldiers more crazy and more brave. Of course, from a strategic point of view, they do not play a role worse than the traditional Magician, because they can create a large group even if they are burned out. Bone, a madman who can still wield a weapon.

Soul Fire can make the Orc’s combat power rise all the way, speed, strength, combat, magic resistance, physical strength, etc., have been greatly improved, but this magic also has side effects, the Orc will be applied to Soul Fire for a long time The inside is weak, because their vitality has been hurt, and this magic lasts for a short time, even if the high priest Yuridin personally released, the time is far less than two hours.

However, using this magic to deal with the ancient trees of life, the effect is surprisingly good! The ancient tree of life itself is not at all wisdom. It only relies on its own instinct to launch an attack. It touches the orc warrior and feels that its vitality is burning. It will immediately retract it. This is the instinct of life!

With the retreat of the ancient trees of life, the situation immediately reversed. The bloodthirsty warriors walked around in Will Willow City, wandering around, waving the vines and becoming obstacles for the elves. They could not lock the enemy’s position and see Silhouette flashed, they immediately opened the longbow, but the silhouette disappeared, and then flashed again, the bloodthirsty warrior appeared in front of himself, and raised the bright scimitar.

Around Wild Willow City, there are nearly 10,000 tall old trees in the city. The trees are covered with nuts, big or small, even if the winter does not fall off. The small is about ten kilograms, and the big ones are more than A hundred pounds, the rattan wrapped around the tree began to move, they wrapped around the nuts and kept shaking their roots, like a bean sprout that swayed in the wind, followed by one after another nuts like a bird Fly to the sky, draw a curved track, and kneel down to the hurricane wolf warriors.

Countless elves are hidden in the vines. They don’t even care about the bloodthirsty warriors behind them. They are desperately pulling the bowstrings, shooting the enemies in the sky and on the ground, and picking a time to take a photo, you can see, Wild Willow The East Side of City has turned into a huge sea urchin, and numerous spikes pierce the sky, covering the plains outside the East Side.

The hurricane wolf warriors only held shields, resisting the nuts falling like raindrops, and the arrows that came in from the front, struggling forward, from time to time, soldiers were shot down and squatted, but what the rest of the soldiers looked like I can’t see the same, stepping on the body of my companion without pity, or stepping on the corpse and continuing to sprint forward.

The equipment plays a role in determining the surname. Unless it is killed by the big elf, the orc warrior will not be easily injured. How many elves can wear a shield and wear armor? In this Wild Willow City, the high-level elves are pitiful.

Elites in other parts of the city heard the warnings of the East City and supported them here. After Branqi arrived at Wild Willow City with the elves, the total number of elves in the city reached more than 7,000, and they already had the ability to adjust tactics.

Who knows that the elves have just left their defense zone, Wild Willow City has a large number of orc warriors in the south, north and west, but they are all infantry. Uridin’s mission is to support War Zone and lay Wild Willow City. It is not reading power. Launching the offense, he let the miscellaneous army then launch the general attack, just for their own magic considerations, to apply Soul Fire to these thousands of wind wolf warriors, has reached his limit, if you add those orc warriors who do not have much combat power, There can only be one result, the magic fails, and he becomes a dry corpse.

The counterattacks launched by the elves were very sharp. Unfortunately, the time was too short. The hurricane wolves did not have any tactical evasion and always rushed forward. At the speed of the blast wolf, the distance of seven 100 meters is only a dozen seconds. How can an elf shoot a few arrows during this time? !

Sunier had only a few orders to let the elves kill the trapped bloodthirsty warriors, and then concentrated on killing the thunderbird in the air. When she was about to issue the third order, the hurricane wolves outside the city had already rushed. Arrived.

A loud bang, the city wall collapsed in the electric light released by the thunderbird group, the spattered gravel has not yet fallen, the blast wolf warriors have rushed down the city, like a frenzy, coming in from the gap, the whole process is like flowing water. It’s as smooth as they have known, and the city wall will collapse as it rushes down the city. The thunderbird group in the sky began to rise to the sky, their mission has been completed, there is no need to pay for it.

Even the hill giants who seem stupid are neatly divided into two rows. The front row continues to move forward. When it rushes to less than 20 meters from Wild Willow City, it suddenly turns to kneel on the ground and throws away the iron. The stick, his hands overlapped in front of him, and the giants in the back row rushed over, stepping on their palms, and then the giants on the ground hills stood up and threw their companions out.

There are more than fifty huge bodies that rise like a cloud, jumping over the city wall more than 20 meters high. This should be Yuridin’s trick, even if the thunderbirds are unable to destroy the city wall. The giants of the hills will also give the line of defense that easily tears the elves!

The hill giants are definitely a kind of tyrannical creature, just because their minds are too stupid, so they will be looked down upon, but their combat power can not be glimpsed. It is completely imaginable that more than fifty ten-order powerhouses suddenly penetrated into the line of defense. What kind of results will result.

It took only more than 30 seconds before and after, and it decided the battle of victory and defeat. It can already be described with lightning speed!

Every elf is desperately pulling the bowstring. In less than 30 seconds, the elves are not hurting much, because only those bloodthirsty warriors who infiltrate the inside can cause harm to them, and their results can be objective. More than a hundred thunderbirds fell from the sky, and more than three hundred hurricane Knights armed with teeth fell into a pool of blood, or they were stepped into a meat mud by their companions, creating such a record in less than thirty seconds, even in the battle of Big Legion. On the battlefield, you can also be proud.

Unfortunately, this is the elves who traded all the advantages! And their efforts can’t stop the orc’s lightning battle. From the thunderbird group quickly separated from the battlefield as the dividing line, the two sides have been entangled with each other.

The enemy is often the best alchemist stone of its own. This is like a contrived or cruel, but the truth inside is very real. Fossa has been struggling with Solomon. In order to deal with Solomon’s no stronghold, the invincible magic Legion, he must erect his own strengths and styles. The so-called lightning battle is completely forced by Solomon to fight the magic Legion. Loss is inevitable. Instead of losing it, it is better to get close to the enemy and get some money. This way, the enemy will be scrupulous in the next battle, lest Solomon be too arrogant and too bully.

Sunier’s body trembled a little, she was not afraid, but a helpless, powerless, she first experienced the feeling of non-war crimes. The human race this time is definitely an elite force, and the elf she can command is a kind of rabble. It belongs to the Wild Willow City more than a thousand, plus the nearly six thousand elves of Branchi. The staff is complicated and unable to unify the command, and the enemy understands everything about Wild Willow City. It has already planned before the war, otherwise it will not play so fast and smooth, and she knows nothing about the enemy.

But in any case, the human race broke the line of defense almost in the blink of an eye, which is an unbearable shame.

“Dead!!” Sunier screamed, her longbow little by little pulled away, pointed finger towards the crack on the city wall, as for the front ten meters outside, a few waving iron sticks to her The giant giant from the hill, she didn’t even bother to look at it.

Athena leaned back and squinted back. Branchi listened to Athena and talked about holding her ear to the side of Athena.

The bowstring finally pulled into a full moon, Sunier was slightly paused, the arrow came out of the hand, and a scream that almost broke the eardrum rang out in the sky, and then a faint black light flew past the hill giants. Straight to the gap in the city wall, around the Jinya, it seems that there is an inexplicable irresistible force, and instantly twisted several hill giants into pieces of scattered flesh and blood, where the arrow flies, Wherever the bloody flowers were splashed, the vigorous vegetation was torn into pieces at the same time.

“There is still one arrow.” In the battle of the human race, a young orc with a thin body is indifferently said, his shape is a bit weird, the expression temperament is also inconsistent with other orcs, and his arms are still holding him almost High horn.

“She grew up very fast, so she should have been removed.” Another voice was uploaded from a large chair. “hehe…” The boy smiled and turned to look at the orc warrior on the side, the orc. The soldier lacked a right arm and was stained with blood. It was the soldier who was shot by Sunier: “Have you seen her?”

“Yes, adults.” The orc warrior’s situation is very weak, but the body is still quite straight.

“I will catch her.” The boy was paused: “When I have enough, I will give her to you, let her be your slave for a lifetime, and even your child can be…hehe.”

Just then, a gentle voice screamed abruptly: “Sorry, she belongs to me.”

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