The woman was so frightened that the splash of glass fragments covered her, and even a piece of semi-finger, sharp triangle shaped pieces pierced her eyebrows. If she turned it further, it would definitely turn her into One-eyed man, but she was scared to feel no pain, staring at Han Jin and the others with a big eyes, and at the corner, a maid who was cleaning the bookshelf was frightened and threw. Remove the rag and cover your mouth with both hands, and the body will almost collapse into a ball.

“You go out, there is nothing wrong with you here.” Han Jin said indifferently said to the maid.

The maid stood up in a panic and rushed out of the house without looking back.

“Stand up!” Han Jin suddenly shouted.

The maid was shocked again, and put her back on the wall, her arms and legs were shaking slightly. In fact, she couldn’t walk anymore, and footsteps came from outside the door. I walked in and walked in, followed by the two middle age person, who still had a nose-skinned cook in their hands. Obviously, when they rushed upstairs, they were blocked by the cook, and Schumann was not at all polite. Direct command is under the control.

“Schumann? Is it you?!” The woman dressed as a lady screamed.

“Do you know her?” Han Jin asked.

“Of course I know that she is the wife of General Quincy and the only wife.” Schumann laughed and replied.

“Quincy?” Han Jin thinks the name is familiar.

“Quincy’s strength is not very good, but it has been trusted by Dismark. It is only after Gerald. However, I heard that when General Quincy had a mission, the mysterious disappearance, um… seems to be underground.”

“hehe…” Han Jin smiled, he remembered, Quincy was the general who was trapped in the abyss, but this was a few years ago.

“Schumann, what are you doing to me?!” the woman screamed.

“Don’t pretend, Mrs. Mesa of Aster.” Schumann turned cold: “Let’s take a trip with us.”

“What… what aster flower?” The woman asked in amazement.

“Not dead?” Schumann said with a sneer: “Gibron adults, look at you.”

Gibran just took a step forward and Han Jin waved his hand to stop Gibran’s movements. His eyes turned to the maid: “Mrs. Mesa doesn’t know the Aster, you should know?”

“Ah?” The maid’s eyes widened, and the delicate and pretty faces were full of confusion and fear.

“Tell me, who is the blade?” Han Jin asked softly. No matter how perfect the maid’s performance is, but his insight, when the ordinary person is afraid of something, he will always make all kinds of meaningless actions. If you shift the focus elsewhere, use the corner of your eye or feel it. By filtering out the tremors that are disguised, you will find that the maid’s body posture is very stable. Moreover, the lady has been scared, sitting on the ground for a long time can not climb, a maid is actually stronger than the owner’s psychological quality, how much can not be said.

According to the situation of Han Jin, there is a guardian next to each aster flower, usually held by high-ranking professionals. Elma was killed late at night and was mistaken for death due to illness. It is the handwriting of the blade holder. Other branches such as the flower and the filament are easy to say. Only the blade holder must be removed as soon as possible. The people around Han Jin are not all powerhouses. Schumann often turns around the streets. Steelberg and Mirien also like to hang out in the city. Hillett is in the gentle township all day long, and so on. A few people will become weak spots, and Han Jin cannot send people to protect them all.

“What? What are you talking about?” the maid said in a trembling voice.

Han Jin had no interest in nonsense. He whispered the blasphemy, and the right hand raised it. The maid suddenly hugged his head, and his mouth screamed and shook his body a little.

“Yes, very powerful spirit!” Han Jin issued a coldly snorted sound, and the right hand slowly broke into a fist.

The maid jumped up, and the tragedy in his mouth became more and more fierce. Then he ran into the house like a madman, knocked over the bookshelf, knocked down the round table and the chair, and finally hit the wall. The maid’s movements became so excited that it was like finding an excellent venting channel, holding his head and struggling against the wall, and a dull crash on the wall, along with a piece of blood imprint. But the maid did not stop, but the frequency of the collision was faster and more crazy.

This incredible scene made Gibran and Kirk stunned, and they remembered a kind of terrifying magic, curse! However, in their impressions, there seems to be no cursing magic that can induce people to commit suicide.

Han Jin’s situation is not easy. He has a feeling of if you ride a tiger, it’s hard to get off, and wants to forcibly strip the soul. The first condition is that he must have a thousand times stronger than the other, and deal with the ordinary person. Of course, no problem, it can be done for low-level professionals, but when faced with a strong spiritual professional, then Han Jin’s situation is dangerous, and his carelessness will be hit hard.

He thought that the strength of the other side is at most between six and 7th grade. Who knows that the maid’s strength is far beyond his expectations! This should not be, according to the analysis of Gibran and the others, this small building is just a ‘flower stem’. If the strength of a flower stem is so strong, then the power of the entire aster flower will be re-evaluated.

“Open!” Han Jin screamed, and Devouring Soul Bead on the left wrist bracelet slammed out and flew straight to the waitress’s back.

With a slamming sound, Devouring Soul Bead didn’t get into the maid’s hair, the maid trembled abruptly, and the screams came to an abrupt end. Her figure flung on the wall and then fell down a little.

A smog of smoke flew out of the maid’s back and sank into the shape of Harley. Han Jin sighed and his sweat had been oozing out of his forehead. It seems that this method cannot be used often, at least Can not be used without protection.

“Harry, how?” Han Jin asked slowly.

“Good power, oh…” Harley smirked.

Han Jin waved, and Harley changed the black faint beads, shot Han Jin, reloaded Devouring Soul Bead on the bracelet, and Han Jin swept away, sweeping from the nose-skinned cook and the lady. Needless to say, the cook is just a woman who has no power to bind her. At the moment of the broken window, Han Jin always observes the reaction of the lady, and does not evade it. On the body, one piece of glass broke into her brow bone and almost made her blind. Faced with such danger, most professionals can’t control their instinctive reaction, so Han Jin will put their own The attention was transferred to the maid.

“Let’s go.” Han Jin whispered.

“Adult, is this going?” Schumann asked in surprise.

“What else do you want to do?”

“At least you have to send someone to control it, lest the news leak out.” Schumann said: “And… they both heard it, we are looking for a blade!”

“No, I haven’t heard anything!” The lady was shocked. She gave the meaning of Schumann’s words and screamed with her ears. It seemed like this would prove that she had really heard nothing.

“You go to Alexandre Reiter and let him send a few mountain warriors.” Han Jin slowly said, he deliberately ignored Schumann’s words, because there is no need to make a poor widow, let alone General Quincy is dead. In his hands, he killed the poor little widow and gave him a feeling of copying the family. He didn’t want to be so vicious.

After that, Han Jin jumped out of the broken window. Schumann looked at Mrs. Mesa coldly and waved her hand to the door. The two middle age people threw the nose-skinned cook. On the ground, I also followed Schumann.

“Raphael!” Gibran caught up with Han Jin in the court and whispered: “Why is this so troublesome? I will kill both of them directly.”

“How?” Han Jin stunned, according to Gibran’s surname, should not be so cruel.

“You didn’t find out? Mrs. Mesa should know who you are. There is hatred in her eyes!” Gibran whispered: “She seems to have learned about General Quincy, but… we have not said to outsiders. How did she know?”

“There is no wall in the world. After a long time, there will always be people who say leaks.” Han Jin thought about it, said with a slight smile: “Forget it, hate me, hate me, a little widow, can make What is it?”

“But I have a feeling of uneasiness in my heart.” Ji Bolun said.

“Oh?” Han Jin’s footsteps suddenly stunned. For others, he may not take Gibran’s words seriously, because he feels that this kind of thing is the most unreliable, but Han Jin is different, as a former private detective, he I believe in my instincts. Similarly, he will not ignore the intuition of others.

The wind blew in from the broken window and made a sound of wu wu. Mrs. Mesa sat quietly on the ground, and the cook licked her mouth and finally got up from the ground. When she saw the vulgar body of the maid, she scared. I have to have soft legs and another ass sitting on the ground.

“Get out.” Mrs. Mesa coldly said.

The cook didn’t dare to disobey the master’s orders, but she really couldn’t climb up. Finally she cried and smothered her hands and feet and climbed to the door.

*** In the setting sun, a well-dressed, sultry old man walks slowly into the Holy Crown City, although the scuffle between the Spirit Race and the human race has reached its peak, Holy Crown City not at All was affected, because Fossa’s prior strategic plan was almost unrealized, and he did not have the energy to play the Holy Crown City idea.

Therefore, the warning of Holy Crown City is not very strict, pedestrians are free to enter and exit, but the ethnic characteristics of humans, elves and orcs can not be concealed, if the two appear in the city gate, of course, the treatment is not It will be the same.

The old man is not walking fast. While walking, he looks at the scenery on both sides with great interest, but he is not strolling around. It seems that he has a certain understanding of the layout of the Holy Crown City. Road, when going straight, go straight, turn at the corner, with the slightest hesitation, finally, he stopped in an alley, left and right looked, directly pushed open a courtyard door, slowly walked in.

There was only one person in the house. He was staring at the wall. The old man pushed open the door and no one walked in. The two men collided with each other and the owner of the house slowly stood up and said in a humble voice: “You coming.”

“Who are you?” The old man’s tone was not at all polite, full of a condescending taste.

“My name is Curtini.” The man in the house bent slightly and bent: “My master asked me to wait for you here.”

“Your master is Raphael?”


“Let Raphael come to see me.” The old man waved impatiently.

“Your tone is a bit less friendly.” Kurtini indifferently said: “And… I have to affirm that Raphael is the master of the city, and you are just a guest, correct your attitude, to you, It is good for us.”

“Friendly?!” The old man was furious: “In my eyes, you are just a group of small reptiles. What are the qualifications for me?!”

With the roar of the old man, an invisible pressure swayed, the windows on both sides of the room were washed away at the same time, the dust on the roof was shaken, and Curtini’s face became pale. But his body is still quite straight.

“If you really can’t control yourself, then everything is simple.” Kurtini said with a sneer: “The dragon guardian Xia Zuo is here, I am looking forward to the two scenes.” ”

The invisible pressure disappeared disappear without a trace, and the face of the old man became extremely unsightly. He paused for a moment and said in a word: “Xia Zuo? What did he come here to do?!”

“That’s not what I can know.” Curtini’s eyes showed a smirk: “Would you like to be quiet? Hehe… It turns out that the most powerful top race in the continent is also guilty.”

“You…” The old man took a long and deep breath: “You are deliberately irritating me?!”

“No, I just want to get back a fair.” Curtini coldly said: “You just insulted my Master, isn’t it?”

“I can kill you.” The old man squinted at Curtini: “Since Raphael can find me here, it is impossible for me to refuse to cooperate with me because of you.”

“I don’t care.” Kurtini smiled. He really didn’t care. Since Han Jin and his family buried the ashes of Zaganide, he knew what to do in the future: “This is what Raphael is, and I Just do what I have to do, just fine.”

The old man expression became dignified, staring at Curtini deeply, for a long while, and he sighed: “Anyone like you are willing to be loyal to him? Can you give everything? I… really More and more curious.”

“I am just a negligible servant.” After recovering his face, Kurtini’s tone has also eased. He does not want to be mad at the other side. Of course, if the other party continues to be proud and rude, it is another One thing: “Now, are you willing to talk to me?”

“Is you coming to talk to me?” The old man’s brow suddenly stood up.

“Of course not.” Curtini laughed: “The situation in Holy Crown City is now a bit complicated. The owner doesn’t want to see an accident, so I will be with you for the time being before the owner makes a decision. What is wrong with you? Although I can say that I can answer, I will answer you truthfully.”

“He hasn’t made a decision yet?” The old man was so angry that he had to be arrogant, but he never gave up the pressure: “What did he do for me?!”

“Because at that time, the guardian of the dragon domain Xiazzo not at all contact with the owner.” Kurtini replied softly.

The old man closed his mouth, and the muscles on his face twitched at the same time. Kurtini’s explanation was profound. Xia Zu took the initiative to find Han Jin. The Holy Crown City already had many choices. Oh, Crown Crown City is not afraid of you!

After a long silence, the old man had to lower his posture, and his tone became softer than Curtini: “How long has Xiazu been?”

“It seems to be… a few days.” Curtini smiled and replied: “I have been staying in the house, rarely going out, so I am not quite clear.”

“So…” The old man suddenly became swallowed, he wanted to say, but didn’t want to say, because the secret was too big.

Kurtini waited for a long while, see no following, not shrugged: “What do you want to ask?”

“Xia Zuo… already knows the whereabouts of the Dragon Heart?!” The old man finally couldn’t stand it.

“I don’t know.” Curtini shook his head.

“You don’t know? What do you know?!” The old man angered.

“A lot, because I am involved in a wide range of fields, magic, alchemy, right, and poetry, what do you want to talk about?” Curtini replied softly.

“You…very good, very good.” The old man said in a very blunt tone. If he changed the scene, he would not have the slightest hesitation to crush the person in front of him, but now he can only bear it.

“You have a good reputation.” Curtini smiled: “I just said, I am just a negligible servant.”

“When will Raphael come to see me?”

“I will pass your message to the Master, but when will it come… it will be up to the owner to decide.”

“If Raphael doesn’t come for a month, will I wait here for a month?” The old man laughed.

“That’s impossible. If you don’t see you, how does the master know which kind of decision is sensible and appropriate?” Curtini’s face was getting more and more smiling.

“Let’s go.” The old man slowly closed his eyes: “When you see Raphael, don’t forget to tell him that my companions are in the middle of the forest 200 miles away. My message is long… Their patience is not as good as me.”

“I will tell the master.” Kurtini expression remains the same: “You have nothing to say to me?”

The old man waved his hand, and he figured it out. It didn’t make any sense to talk to someone who was not humble and slick.

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