“Master, what if he is not afraid at all?” How much Harley knows some of Han Jin’s fighting styles, knowing that flying swords are hard to hurt a super-powerhouse.

“Hon Jin indifferently said, at this moment, his face looked calm, the anger and impulsiveness of the moment just disappeared, and Little Jin Lei was curious in the room of Han Jin. Looking west, it has never been here, and is curious about everything. Surprisingly, it is normal to walk, and it is in stark contrast to the limping just now.

“Master, are you singing… incantation?” Harley couldn’t understand the language of another World.

“Simply say it.” Han Jin smiled: “The poet meets the soldiers and can’t make sense. Do you know what this sentence means?”

“The poet has encountered a soldier…” Harley seems to understand the point of nondded: “Understood.”

“The reputation of Xia Zuo has always been very good. In fact, Dragon City sent Giant Dragon and Nikolay a long time ago, but in the end Nikolay chose Dragon Field, which is inseparable from Xiazo’s efforts.” Han Jin whispered: “He is very upright, sincere, understands the difficulties of the next race, knows the priorities, although he is as proud as other Dragon Races, but he can control his pride, not when necessary, rarely adopt a tough method. ”

Harley concentrated on listening, as far as he could understand, only he knew it.

“I will give you an example, and you will understand.” Han Jin slowly said: “After Xiazzo and Nikolay reached a cooperative alliance, they left the Iron Wrist City, another guardian of the Dragon Field, Hariya. He took over his task, but after only half a year, the contradiction between Nikolay and Harriet became very sharp, even to the extent that he would tear his face.”


“Because a great magician under Nikola made a konjac, Harriet thought that this giant python would pose a serious threat to Dragon Race, asking Nikolay to immediately destroy all the konjac, and In public, he increased his death.”

“Geng Green is…”

“It’s the great magician who made the konjac.” Han Jin continued: “Nicola refused to disagree, and Harriet arbitrarily ordered the giant dragon to attack the army of Nikolai, trying to force it on its own. Destroy the konjac, but Xia Zuo, who heard the news, returned to the Iron Wrist City with the fastest speed, and returned to Harriet. What happened later, I don’t know, this kind of thing will not spread to the outside, but The result is… Nikolay gave in, ruined the drawings and all the experimental data of the konjac, and destroyed most of the konjac that had been produced and destroyed, leaving only a single digit 湮 湮 弩The most important point is that Nikolay handed the big Magician Green to the Dragon Field and let the Dragon Field judge. He does not interfere.”

“Does this sell your own hand? He is too much something!” Harley cried, knowing that Han Jin had always regarded Nikolay as an opponent, and that the chance to catch the Nikola stopped.

“It’s absolutely impossible to change to Harriet.” Han Jin said with a slight smile: “You can let Nikolay step back, and Xia Zuo will certainly have to sacrifice.”

“This is a compromise!” Harley said.

“Yes, but you should not underestimate the compromise.” Han Jin paused: “Compromise is a kind of jungle wisdom that is contingently privileged. Only compromise can achieve a win-win situation or even a win-win situation. Otherwise, it is likely to suffer a suffer, because compromise can eliminate conflicts. Rejecting compromise is inevitably a prelude to confrontation. In my eyes, Xia Zuo is much smarter than that of Harriet, who only knows how tough, and the former understands when to compromise properly and how to choose “”

“Master, I… some don’t understand.”

“hehe, in the eyes of some people, the compromise seems to be a weak and unsettled performance. It seems that only by uncompromising, can it show the true character of the hero. Don’t you think that this idea is too rude? In fact, only the person and the person are identified. People will always be conquered and conquered, they will not compromise, without this premise, it is really necessary to either the fish dies or the net splits?”

“Master, if that Xia Zuo really has such a clever way, then we are not in trouble?” Harley called.

“Trouble?” Han Jin laughed: “I can’t talk.”

“Then how do you deal with him?” Haley saw curiosity when he saw that Han Jin had nothing to do.

“I am very young, this is my advantage, so I can lose my temper, do wrong things, and say the wrong things, but he can’t.” Han Jin indifferently said: “He wants to find ways to persuade me, induce me, even me. Really angered him, he can only swallow the bitter water, because he is an elder, an adult, and I am just a small child, he must have a demeanor, how can I lower oneself to somebody’s level?”

“Then you… really forced him into an unbearable situation, what should we do then?”

“No, he just mentioned the Grand Duke of Solomon. Am I not down?” Han Jin said with a slight smile: “I will always let him see hope.”

“hehe… I understand, just give him a stick and give him a sweet date. You said this before.” Harley sings with a smile.

“In fact, those I said can be understood in one sentence, honest people are weak to deceit !” Han Jin paused: “I don’t understand it? I told you several times, take some time to study the ancient rune, Did you do it? Idiot!”

“Master, not that I don’t do it, those runes are too esoteric!” Harley called.

At this moment, the door was suddenly pushed open, and Yalina came in from the outside and shouted: “How is the little Harley? Where was the injury?!” The voice did not fall, Resley and Lorraine I followed it from the outside.

Little Jin began to be shocked, and then felt that his paws began to numb again. It looked at Han Jin with a grievous look and slammed it on the floor.

“Yeah…” Yalina took two steps and made two steps, rushing to Little Jin Lei, leaning down and gently stroking Little Jin Lei. When Moxinke tried to trample the Little Brat, Yalina immediately ran away, almost Release the magic attack Moxinke, now more than a year to develop the feelings, Yalina is more heartache, tears in her eyes and turn around.

For Little Jin Lei, this position was very uncomfortable, but it didn’t dare to get up. It had to make a low scream and tried to exchange Han Jin’s sympathy.

Han Jin is still not good, but Yalina can’t stand it. She stands up suddenly. The right hand clasps her ‘Golden Hammer’ and screams: “Who did it? Is it the guy outside?!”

“Forget it, Yalina.” Han Jin whispered.

“Raphael…” Yalina couldn’t help but bite her lips. Although she had the magical power of Heaven Destroying, her surname was still very weak. At least in front of Han Jin, she was weak, Little Jin Lei was Injury into this, she is not reconciled, but Han Jin has already spoken, and she does not want to be troubled by Han Jin, where she is embarrassed.

Of course, the acting is to perform a full set, Han Jin formed hand seals, a white light hit the Little Jin Lei, Little Jin Lei found that the feeling of tingling disappeared, and slammed from the ground.

Han Jin has some helplessness. Fortunately, they are all people, and their observation is not very outstanding. If you switch to the old guys, you can immediately find the weak spot.

“Little Jin Lei, is it okay?!” Yalina was surprised and happy.

Little Jin screamed and swayed to Yalina’s side. The wisdom of Warcraft was limited. It felt that Han Jin always bullied it intentionally or unintentionally. He was afraid of it and planned to hide far.

***Guevera and Xiazu’s conversation was full of goodwill. Xia Zuo did not come to trouble, and appropriately expressed his low posture. Guevera did not want to be confused as his own enemy. As for Xia Zuo’s hard opening, he Understandably, if Xiazo laughed and came to the ship and said that he was the guardian of the dragon domain, it was too much for the children to play. If someone else did not believe it, would you still have to use the token to prove it? It is normal to show your strength first, then express goodwill, step by step, and deepen understanding.

Xia Zuo chatted with Guevera and watched the War God and the War God, including Dominique sitting quietly. Compared with Guevera and Gael, he paid more attention to this silent tunderbolt Titan. Because the power of Guevera and Gail’s chief has reached the peak and they are old enough, they are not likely to continue to strengthen, but Dominique is different. If Han Jin can really play a territory of his own in this continent, Dominique will Become an indispensable powerful boost.

Cessacioun, Lei Zhe and the others also came back. They didn’t wait for Guevera to introduce them. Harley floated out of the stairs and shouted them to Cessacioun, and then they didn’t come out.

The time passed quickly, and at noon, Han Jin and Yalina and the others came out from the slowness of the following, and Little Jin Lei followed them. Yalina did not hide her hostility, even deliberately cold coldly snorted, taking the lead. Relatively far away, it seems to be very disgusted to approach the uninvited guest.

Yalina has no city, this issue does not need to be discussed, Xia Zu can see at a glance whether the hostility is from the heart, he can not help but smile.

“Raphael, Little Jin, is there anything?” Guevera saw Xia’s embarrassment and asked with a smile.

“Fortunately, there is Raphael, no death!” Yalina gas hu hu said.

This time, even Guevera felt a little embarrassed. He spread his hands and decided not to touch Yalina’s mold.

“That is…” Xia Zuo lowered his voice and asked Guevera.

“Raphael’s fiancée, Yalina Young Lady.” Guevera also whispered.

“Understood…” Xia Zuo coughed: “Raphael, before this time, I heard that the Duke of Solomon said that your weapon was destroyed in the battle with Maxwell, is that right?”

“Yes.” Han Jin is not salty and not rude.

“It looks like I am coming.” Xiazo smiled, his wrist turned over, and there was a glass bottle that was more than a foot high. The bottle was filled with some sand-like things in the sun. Under the light, the fine sand radiates countless shimmers, like a sea of ​​stars.

Guevera couldn’t help but hold his breath, and he looked at the glass bottle with his eyes straight. He was well-informed. From various characteristics, the fine sand in the bottle was like a thing, but he was a bit afraid. Think about it, just approximate it! impossible!

The mouth of Gail’s manager opened slightly. Although he could control his emotions well, he should not have a long beard. The slightly twitching Hu pointed out his secret.

Yalina slanted Xia Zuo with a sigh of relief, then turned over, then her eyes slammed the boss, and immediately turned back, watching the glass bottle in a daze.

“This is…” Guevera couldn’t help but ask.

“Star Gold.” Xia Zuo smiled very softly, but his heart was in pain. Before he came, he made several plans. Wan did not expect that an opening anger annoyed Han Jin and annoyed Yalina for the future. Cooperation, he can only bleed: “I want to use these stars to build a weapon, maybe not enough… But for everyone, collecting some sputum should not be difficult, mixing 陨铁 and 星金金 together, not Will affect the effect.”

“Star Gold?” Han Jin’s brow was awkward, because there was too much to learn from Solomon, and it was far from being fully mastered, so he was the slowest one, but he knew what was the star gold.

“Moxinke, come out and see what it is!” Cessacioun cried.

Moxinke was the last one. When both Resley and Lorraine went up to the deck, he only followed it out and followed Cessacioun’s hand. He asked hesitantly: “Sand?”

“You…” Cessacioun has some gas knots, sand? Who will put the sand seriously into the glass bottle, and then take it out like a treasure?

“cough cough… cough.” Guevera coughed a few times.

Cessacioun and Lei Zhe reacted at the same time. The other party will never go to this. There is nothing to offer. The more precious the gift he has, the less simple his vision will be. Can it be accepted? And the more excited they are, naturally means that they are fully aware of the value of the stars, which is not good for future contacts.

Cessacioun tried to control the muscles on his face, calmed himself down, and took care of Moxinke.

“Is it sand?” Moxinke was not sure, and continued to ask.

Han Jin stood up and walked slowly. His eyes were fixed on the glass bottle, and Yalina hurriedly stood up and followed Han Jin.

Xiazo lightly smiled, handed the glass bottle over and whispered: “Raphael, this bottle is heavy, you are careful.”

Han Jin extend the hand After taking the glass bottle, sure enough, the weight of the bottle far exceeds his estimate, almost six or seven hundred pounds. If it is not tyrannical, he is likely to be ugly in public.

“Is this really a star gold?” Yalina’s voice shook a little. She is not a financial fan. Last time she went to the capital of the element, Han Jin rushed into Solomon’s treasure house of knowledge and had no concern for others. Yalina also had her own secrets. She did not find a suitable weapon for Han Jin. This became a pity for her. Now seeing the stars, she is not excited.

“This question, it seems that I don’t have to answer it?” Xia Zuo sighed, the meat hurts and the pain, Han Jin and Yalina’s lost self-control made him very satisfied, and the gains must be lost, in order to become a victory in the fateful battle. Who can completely defeat the Dragon City, what can’t be sacrificed? !

“Star Gold??” Moxinke became aware of the sudden snoring.

“You are a little bit!” Lei Zhe said dissatisfied.

“But that is…”

“Don’t talk!” Cessacioun cuts the road.

Moxinke was in a hurry, and Lorraine in front of him turned his head and looked at Moxinke slightly shook the head. Moxinke realized what he was doing, scratching his head and not speaking any more.

“If this is the gift you gave us…” Han Jin hesitated for a moment and put the glass bottle on the table: “It’s too expensive, I can’t accept it.”

The huge weight in the glass bottle squeaks the table, the War God is Han Jin’s personal tempering, the table is not, after a while, it may be crushed, Xia Zuo saw the glass bottle end In the hands, once again handed over to Han Jin: “There is no need to be polite, although the gold is precious, but it is of no use to our Dragon Race.” Yalina did not speak, although the eyes were full of enthusiasm, but always controlled Be yourself, because Han Jin has not made a decision yet.

“This…” Han Jin is still hesitating.

“hehe, you don’t have to hesitate any more.” Xiazo said with a slight smile: “Actually… compared to our future, this is nothing at all!”

Han Jin sighed, he felt sincere admiration, but did not admire Xia Zuo in front of him, but Solomon! The names of all living beings are very different. Even if there is a giant dragon, there are huge differences in the surnames. There are arrogant, humble, violent, deep, brave, and embarrassing, the most terrifying places of Solomon. It is to have a pair of insights into the eyes of the autumn, to see people see very accurate!

Han Jin used to deal with Dragon Race. Most giant dragons have an aloof and remote attitude. Solomon told him that if he really wants to cooperate with Dragon Race, Xia Zuo is the most suitable choice. La will choose to cooperate with Longyu, Xiazu definitely played the role of deciding the surname! As it turns out, Solomon not at all said that in addition to the unpleasantness of the beginning, Xia Zuo has always been very sincere, even using a respectful saying for a human being, knowing that the guardian of the dragon domain is equivalent to the Elder of the Dragon City, is the whole The highest existence of continent, there is no need to make himself so humble, he can let others accept his rudeness, arrogance, because he has this power and qualifications.

“Raphael, take it.” Guevera whispered.

Han Jin paused, once again extended the hand, caught the glass bottle and said in a very serious tone: “Thank you.”

“What kind of politeness?” Xia Zuo laughed. His two longevity brows lived and kept shaking. He felt very happy. Although this young man is not very good-tempered, he understands the truth. If he can continue to be friendly, he is confident to curb the expansion of the Dragon City in this land.

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