The man who pretended to be like David had a long eye behind his head. When he reached out, he grabbed Schumann’s hair and shattered Schumann’s unrealistic fantasies. His face was a scornful smile: “Want to die? Death is not an easy task in front of me unless you get my permission.”

Schumann’s pain came out of tears. He struggled twice and couldn’t make it, but his eyes fell behind Schumann and he showed a surprise expression.

“haha… I want to play tricks?” The white-haired old man couldn’t help but be teased.

A black thread swims silently, and when the thread is about to touch the old man, the old man is aware of the strangeness, but he has no time to turn back, only to release the stealth immediately, but unfortunately, the black thread has been wrapped around. Invisibility Technique was released, but only for a moment, his body shape was exposed to the air, and then he fell to the ground, and the black thread had tied him up.

The act of pretending to be David was not slow, and it was still very clever. He did not try to use the hostages in front of him to swear, and his body slashed out and then disappeared with disappear without a trace.

“Adult…” Schumann made a cry of joy and cry.

“Be smart next time.” Han Jin indifferently said: “You just told them that I have already arrived.”

“I… I understand.” I don’t know if it was because of excitement or shame. Schumann’s face became red. In fact, the first time he experienced this kind of death and death, he couldn’t be like those real. It is already very courageous for the professional to control his emotions and make up his mind to commit suicide.

“You came out by yourself, or I called you out.” Han Jin said to the dark alley.

No one answered him. The roadway was very quiet. Only the best-sighted people could see it. A tiny black beetle slowly moved about a foot or so from the ground.

Han Jin’s mouth sneered, the right hand waved forward, a long whip appeared in his hand, and the whip tip wrapped in a whistling sound, plunging into the darkness.

With a slamming sound, the tip of the scorpion was slamming on the wall of the cave, leaving a deep mark like a knife and axe. Han Jin’s arm trembled, and the whiplash whistled and rolled to the other side of the wall.

The screaming screams came, and the man who pretended to be David showed signs. The soft armor on his chest had cracked, revealing a shocking blood trough, and blood poured out like a fountain, but he did not lose his fighting spirit. , rolled around on the ground and jumped up.

Han Jin’s figure appeared in front of the man, slammed his fists, and the fist was squatting on the man’s lap, then a loud bang, Han Jin half-arm fell into the depth of the hole, the other half of the leg It was also smashed by Han Jin.

The man who pretended to be David once again made a tragic sound, and his body fell down. His posture was a bit strange. The leg was thrown up into the hole wall, and the toes were still exposed outside. At this moment, the head was hanging down. There, it was a fracture, the calf had been smashed, he was so painful that his body was squatting, and the other leg kicked and smashed on the wall, but he could not pull his leg out, his The screams are more and more hysterical, and a pair of eyes are prominent, like a light tap, and they will jump out of the eyelids.

The white-haired old man saw this miserable scene, and his heart was frightened, then his eyes turned cold, and his muscles on his cheeks twitched, and his body shook slightly.

What Schumann understood, hurried to the white-haired old man, grabbed the old man’s neck with both hands and shouted: “Open your mouth and open my mouth!”

The eyes of the old man have become awkward. He didn’t look at Schumann and didn’t open his mouth, but a trace of blood ooze from his mouth.

“Adult! This guy bit his tongue!” Schumann turned back and shouted to Han Jin.

“I thought it was done?” Han Jin coldly snorted, his fingers flicked, and Harley’s figure appeared in the air.

“Adult, this is…”

“Schumann, let go!” Han Jin formed hand seals, screamed: “Take!!”

Han Jin’s hand was shot to the white-haired old man, and Schumann suddenly saw that the old man seemed to be two people, one still lying on the ground, and the other seems to be controlled by an invisible force. Floating up, Schumann stunned and shook his head hard. When he looked again, he found that there was only one person left, the illusion?

Harley’s figure rushed up, screaming and screaming, waving his bones against the air, but no one except Han Jin and him could understand what he was doing.

“Schumann, what did the guy say to you just now?” Han Jin said in a playful tone.

“Just?” Schumann looked at Han Jin’s gaze and saw that the person posing as David had barely interrupted the bark, supported the ground with both hands, and tried to look over towards his companion.

“He said that in front of him, death is not an easy task unless he is allowed.” Schumann Loudly said, he felt extremely relieved.

“This way…” Han Jin smiled: “Before me, even if I am dead, I have to make me satisfied. Otherwise, he will always sink in the purgatory and drive!”

With Han Jin’s gesture, Schumann saw a picture that made him stunned. The old man he saw in the illusion appeared in the air, his body consisted of a soot-like thing, and the stick in the hands of Harley. Every time I swing, I will poke a hole in the old man. Then, the hole will heal slowly, and the old man’s face is very embarrassing. The limbs are struggling, but they can’t escape Harley’s control. A mouth is open, it seems to be screaming, but Schumann can’t hear anything.

The man who pretended to be David was also stunned. What the hell is that? soul? !

Using the Dao method to forcibly strip the souls of the people is a sadness. Han Jin didn’t want to use such a Tao. But it doesn’t matter now, because there is no such thing as a positive, no magic. This is a World without Heavenly Dao. There is no causal reincarnation, and whoever is strong is the master of all beings.

“Harry, don’t play.” Han Jin indifferently said.

Harley snorted and opened his mouth. The old man seemed to be attracted by an invisible force. He flew straight into Harley’s mouth. Harley satisfied his pats and then fell into silence. For a long while, Harley shook a bit: “Master, this guy is called Qian Ning, a person in an organization called Aster.”


“Don… Donald?!” Harley’s voice changed.

“Donald?” Han Jin looked towards the person who pretended to be David: “Do you have anything to tell me?”

***Wild Willow City In a corner of the Temple of the Elves, a seemingly ordinary yard suddenly appeared with dazzling rays of light. After a while, when the rays of light were exhausted, there was already more in the yard. A person.

Sunier, who was in the dust, just appeared in the center of the yard, and heard the deafening sound that came from far away, and even the earth under his feet seemed to tremble slightly.

Sunier frowned, glanced around the circle, unexpectedly did not see a Guardian, what is going on? The export of the illusion should be guarded by the facts. Many of the elves who have passed the trial are scarred and must be treated in time. It is obviously unreasonable to see the scene in front of them.

The huge sound is still ringing, and Sunier glances in the direction of the loud noise, which should be the location of the city gate. Under normal circumstances, the Elders will not allow this kind of squeaky sound to exist, slightly hesitate. For a moment, Sunier walked straight in the direction of the city gate.

Sunier not at all noticed that after so many days of death, her mood has changed quietly. If it is in the past, she will definitely go to Great Elder and ask what happened. Now she has chosen a more direct way.

Before Sunier walked out of the temple, he saw several Guardian costume elves running out of the front yard, and a pair of enemies quickly ran outside the temple.

Sunier lightly jumped a few times and caught up with the elves. He asked one by hand: “What happened?”

The elf that was pulled was obviously impatient, didn’t even return, and tried to open Sunier’s hand and shouted: “Come on, go to the ancient tree of life!”

“Life tree?” Sunier pulled hard and let the elf face himself, solemnly asked: “What happened?”

The elf then saw who was holding him. He couldn’t help but scream for a while, then he shouted in surprise: “Sunier?!”

At this time, the elves that ran in front also stopped and saw that they were happy after Sunier.

“Really Sunier!”

“Great, Sunier is back, we have hope!”

“Wait!” Sunier quickly stopped the talk of the elves. “Who told me, what happened?”

A more embarrassing elf quickly told the whole process. Sunier knew that Wild Willow City had been attacked by the human race and that the main force of the Spirit Race was not in town. Worst of all, the human race’s forces have hill giants, and the city wall is already crumbling under the continuous remote attacks of the hill giants. The command of the current commander, Athena, is that if the city breaks, then all the elves will gather under the old trees of life and make a final fight with the orcs.

After listening to the whole process, Sunier did not say a word, turned and ran to the direction of the city gate, the whole figure is like a sharp arrow of spending strings, swift and incomparable, the back between the blink of an eye has disappeared.

The elves stood in the same place and looked at each other. They all saw the surprise in the other’s eyes. This speed is not strange to Lidia. It can be seen on the Sunier they know. It is a bit strange. .

A few minutes later, Sunier has appeared under the city wall, slamming the ground, and the whole body leaps like a fireworks flag. When it is done, it stretches out a pointed place on the city wall. I will continue to go up.

Sunier just jumped over the city and saw a boulder rolling down. The Sunier still in the air completed the bow and string movement between the electric and the flint.

When Sunier’s foot was on the ground on the city wall, the arrow in his hand had already been shot. After a scream, Sunier’s arrow slammed into the boulder and made a loud bang, and the boulder was smashed.

The elves on the city wall were dumbfounded, and they even gave a warm cheer. For a long time, they have no way to attack the giants of the hills. They can only let a piece of boulder fall. During this period, Athena opened an ancient tree of life, making the vine grow thicker, but the effect is not significant. .

Athena also saw the arrow that Sunier shot. The eyes immediately lit up, and she couldn’t help but ask Sunier how suddenly she had such a powerful arrow skill. She quickly ran to Sunier and said quickly: “Fast, put those mountains. The giants of the hills are killed, and the city wall is going to stop!”

In fact, I don’t need Athena to say that Sunier also sees the crisis of the situation. Even the ground on the head of the city has a vertical crack. If the hill giants are still attacked, it is estimated that it will take a long time for the city wall to be completely Collapsed.

Sunier took a few steps forward, and with her current vision, she can clearly see the dozens of hill giants outside 400 meters.

“Is it all here?” Sunier asked Athena around.

“Well.” Athena nodded her head, and her heart was a bit puzzled. How many dozens of hill giants are not enough, is it that you are still too little?

Sunier took out an arrow. After thinking about it, she took out two more. I decided to keep some physical strength. If I shoot the earth-shattering arrow that day, I can kill all the dozens of hill giants, but I also If you lose more than half of the combat power, who knows if the orcs still have any backhands.

Without aiming, Sunier locked the target, the fingers were loose, and the three black glows spurted out. Almost at the moment when Sunier released his fingers, the bowstrings were not reset, and the black glow was already on the hill giant. Appeared before.

The three hill giants are preparing to throw out the stones in their hands, and suddenly they feel the darkness in front of them. Even if they lose their consciousness, the three black glows will not be reduced, and they will wear them from behind their heads. Because the speed is too fast, many orcs have not responded, just to see the three giants of the hills fell to the ground.

The elves couldn’t help but cheer, and although they had made up their minds to meet the death, the strength that Sunier showed showed them to see the dawn again.

At this time, the low horn sounded again, the formation of the orcs soon changed, and the remaining hill giants slid down. The orc warriors also jumped from the blast wolf at each and everyone, blocking the mountain. In front of the giants of the hills, they formed a meat wall with their bodies.

At this time, Sunier just put three arrows on the string. When he saw this scene, he couldn’t help but scream and turned to ask Athena: “How do I think these barbaric guys suddenly become smart?”

Athena smiled bitterly. “I think so too.”

Sunier watched the opposite side for a while, suddenly smiled and put down the bow in his hand. “Let them keep that position. I don’t believe that the giant giants can throw stones here.”

Sure enough, the giants of the hills that could be used could not use their full strength, and the stones that were thrown fell on the ground at the severe ten meters outside the city wall. Seeing this result, there was some incitement in the orc army.

A giant of the hill suddenly stood up and forced out the stones in his hand.

At the same time, Sunier lifted the bow in a lightning bolt, and shot two arrows in succession. The first arrow was swift and infinite, and instantly penetrated the body of the giant giant who stood up. The giant of the hill accompanied the blood of the chest. The rain fell. When the second arrow was shot, Sunier obviously didn’t use much strength. The arrow flew slowly to the rock that was rolling in the air, so that people could use the naked eye to trace the trajectory of the arrow.

A light sound, the arrow hit the edge of the stone, the result is that the stone deviated from the original direction, slanting on the land outside the city wall.

It’s not too hard to completely crush a stone, as long as there is enough power, but like Sunier, the seemingly light and clever arrow makes the fast-moving stones deviate from the direction, and it needs more than just power. It requires incomparably accurate eyesight and a grasp of the trajectory of the stone.

Athena knew very well that she could never do this. She couldn’t help but secretly sneaked into Sunier. What did she get in the illusion?

The dead giants of the hills have set a good example for their companions. No giants dare to stand up. The stupidity of the mind does not mean that the situation cannot be clearly seen. It is already obvious now. Whoever stands up will die!

After a moment of silence, the horn circling over the battlefield, the orcs seemed to hear some kind of instruction and started moving again. Some orc warriors slammed down with the sound of the horn, and other soldiers stood on their backs, and they also fell down and then stood up again. In the blink of an eye, in front of the giants of the hills, the orc warriors stacked up a wall of five or six meters high.

This height allows the giants of the hills to stand up safely and use this method to deal with the sniper attack of the elf shooter. Although it seems stupid, it is undoubtedly the most effective. No one can penetrate the arrow. After another orc’s body, he can also shoot the giants of the hill hiding behind the wall.

It seems that the human race has made preparations for this attack. When the long-range strike can’t achieve the intended purpose, the attack of Fine Spirit Race is a bit pale and weak.

The elves on the city wall are watching, and the actions of the orcs have subverted the impression of this barbaric race in their memory.

“God, even these things are all done?” Athena’s eyes widened.

“It looks like a big cake.” Sunier looked at the wall outside the 100 meters with interest.

“What? Cake?” Athena looked at Sunier in surprise, wondering how she could still laugh. To know that the giants of the hills are not threatened, they only need to cast a few rounds of stones, and the city wall under their feet will not be able to keep it.

“Yes, it’s the cake.” Sunier replied in a serious way, then slowly opened the bowstring, and the look on his face became solemn.

Sunier didn’t want to use that trick, but she didn’t expect the orc’s IQ to suddenly rise a lot. The response made her unable to kill the hill giants. But what Sunier wants to laugh about is that so many orcs are stacked together, clearly a super-large target that is tempting. Maybe other elves can’t do the orcs with this formation. Coincidentally, the current Sunier happens to have This ability.

Although that means she lost the physical strength to continue the attack, but there is no better way at the moment, not to mention that the formation of the orc can precisely give her the greatest lethality.

At the moment when Sunier pulled the bowstring, Athena, standing next to her, first noticed that Sunier had changed, and a dignified mountain-like momentum spurted out of Sunier’s slender figure. In an instant, Athena even felt that breathing had become somewhat difficult.

Sunier’s whole mind is condensed on the arrow in his hand. The supple blonde is windless and automatic. Like a high-rise golden flag, in the eyes of all the elves, there is no longer a trace of weakness from Sunier. , is a sly killing intent.

All the elves are waiting, waiting for Sunier to shoot the arrows in their hands, although they don’t know what the outcome is, but the intuition tells them that something must happen.

Even the beasts in the distance felt the same. The giants of the hills stopped the throwing action abnormally. At this moment, the eyes of the opposing sides were surprisingly consistent, and the focus was on the same place.

No one knows what kind of power will erupt in the slender body under the golden flag on the head of the city.

Soon, Sunier gave the answer they wanted and gently loosened the bowstring in their hand.

The dark arrow spurred out, and glared at the momentum of the front, flying to the high wall. At this moment, everyone clearly saw that the air had become distorted within the distance the arrow flew, and at the same time, a sharp, trembling whistling sounded like a sharp needle. Into everyone’s ears.

Then there was the deafening explosion, and the moment the arrow fell into the wall, it seemed to trigger a huge explosive barrel. The orcs in the 100 meters were crushed by this blow, and numerous broken limbs were sprinkled. In the air, it was immediately torn by the violent energy stream, and a large piece of dust was made on the ground, accompanied by the flesh and blood of the sky, and it was not willing to fall for a long time.

Countless orc warriors licked their ears and made a mournful cry. Even the thousands of elves on the city wall were shaken, and the sharp voice was like a steel needle piercing their eardrum. They pierced their brains as if their bodies were exploding, uncontrollable pain, and madness.

When the smoke and dust were exhausted, the elves who barely climbed up discovered that not only the wall of the face, but also the giants of the hills hiding behind the wall and the orc warriors all around have disappeared and left in place. It was a huge earthen pit, and it was particularly shocking that the soil inside the pit was dark red.

Just an arrow, there is such a formidable power, so that nearly a thousand orc warriors become nothing, what kind of power is this? !

Time seems to be still at this moment, absolute silence on the battlefield.

Fear, as if the plague spreads quickly among the orcs, finally the orcs can’t stand the dead silence, and after screaming, flee quickly to the rear.

With the first one, naturally there will be a second and a third. In the past moment, the orc warriors who are morale and rainbow-like, all rushed back, and turned their heads to look at the city wall without any courage. Even though the city wall is already ruined and crumbling.

The horn sounded a little out of place, but this time the orc warriors no longer showed good training, and they still did not stop their escape. Until the horns gradually became so high that the elves could hear the anger contained in them, the orc warriors gradually stopped running and gathered together, but this time, they stood in the distance from Wild Willow City. 800 meters is open.

“Help me!” Sunier’s weak voice rang in Athena’s ear, awakening Athena, who was still shocked.

Athena found that Sunier’s face appeared to be a pathological pale, and quickly extended the hand to catch Sunier.

Sunier felt the blackness in front of her eyes, the incomprehensible sense of weakness filled the whole body, and she could not stand by Athena’s help, but she could not rest, because it meant giving back to the beast. The courage of people to attack.

“It’s awesome, Sunier!” Athena praised sincerely. If it weren’t for Sunier’s appearance, there would be no earth-shattering arrow, I am afraid that I am now ready to perish together with the orcs.

Sunier looked at Athena, and a smile came out of her mouth. “I hope to scare them, but it seems that the damn barbarians are not ready to continue running.”

“That doesn’t matter, Sunier.” Athena smiled and replied. “Without the giants of the hills, they are nothing.”

At the back of the battle of the human race, a large number of guards emerged. Among the crowds, one tall and one short and two silhouettes were particularly eye-catching.

The tall one from the body and the bones in his hand can be seen that it is an orc shaman, and the shorter one is only a teenager. The only weird place is the boy’s hand. Hold a horn that stands up to him and is almost tall.

Because the distance is too far, Sunier’s eyesight can’t see the boy’s appearance. What I can see is that the teenager seems to be angry, is yelling at something, and all the orc warriors in his all around are like what he committed. In error, they have lowered their heads. The orc shaman bent down and seemed to be comforting the boy, but after being scorned by the boy, he stood aside and the brief remark was sent.

This kind of situation is rare. It can be said to the shaman. In addition to Fossa, only the sons of Fossa have this qualification.

Seeing the eyes of Sunier’s question, Athena thought about it and said: “I heard that Fossa has a younger son who is sick, has very low force, but is very smart, especially who likes to study humans. Various things. If this is the case, I think I can explain why these orcs seem to be a military discipline.”

“Is it smart? Maybe.” Sunier looked at the little silhouette in the distance, softly whispered. If the boy appeared on the battlefield from the beginning, Sunier would bring him to the embrace of Death God with the slightest hesitation. .

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