“Raphael, thank you, otherwise, we…” Julia couldn’t keep going, her eyes flashing with crystal tears.

“What are you talking about?” Han Jin smiled. “You are fine.”

Lydia is also here, there are dozens of patriarchs, senior commanders, and listening to Han Jin, they all have the feeling of ashamed and unable to show one’s face. No matter what they have done, the elves are a shameful race. They started the war first. As a result, in times of crisis, they are the ones they want to destroy. This is undoubtedly a loud slap in the face. On their faces, although they can also hear, Han Jin said, ‘You are fine,’ is not ‘you’, but at this moment, what qualifications do they have doubts?

There are also some patriarch expressions that are very complicated. Han Jin deliberately provokes the contradiction between the elves and the orcs, and then turns around and becomes their savior. This feeling cannot be understood, but they are also clear. When things go out, they are attacking. They obviously have a specific plan, otherwise they will never be so quick.

“Raphael, what do you say we should do?” Lydia asked softly. If they met Han Jin as early as a few hours ago, and Lydia asked Han Jin in the same tone, it is estimated that all the elves will go crazy and go crazy, but now every elf feels normal and their eyes are concentrated. On Han Jin, waiting for Han Jin’s answer.

“This is your business, I can’t say it.” Han Jin shook the head: “The key is, what do you want to do?”

“The human race will not only attack us, I want to… support our companions.” Lydia reprilied, from start to finish, Lydia never objected to Han Jin and Sunier, and did not agree with the attack. Han Jin, so her look is natural.

“I can understand.”

“Raphael, can you…” Lidia’s words were halfway and she closed her mouth. She felt that she could not say anything.

“I can’t help you in a short time.” Han Jin knows what Lydia wants to say: “Most of the orcs have fled, and Fossa should be able to judge that I will definitely stand on your side, in order to avoid fighting before and after, he It is possible to temporarily change the target, advanced to Holy Crown City, you can retreat, you can’t hold it and you can withdraw into the forest, and we have no place to retreat, can we still retreat to Dip City?”

“What you did for the Spirit Race, we will always remember it!” A fine Spirit Race stood up and said in an excited tone that it could become a patriarch. Of course they have a certain mind and don’t have to talk to Han Jin. Through, they can understand the potential of Han Jin.

If Han Jin sit on top of a mountain to watch the tigers fight, then it is absolutely impossible for Fossa to provoke the Holy Crown City, only concentrate on destroying the elves first, and Han Jin shows up to save people, which is equivalent to showing the human race. The hostility, Fossa has a great possibility to change the plan, which is undoubtedly to lead the danger to himself, what is the use of Germany to complain? They saw the perfect interpretation in Han Jin.

“I am also for myself. If you are wiped out by the human race, the situation of Holy Crown City will become very bad.” Han Jin laughed: “From now on, our destiny has been linked.”

“Yeah!” The fine Spirit Race nodded hard, Han Jin said, he knew all, but Han Jin could say it frankly, which made him add a bit of affection to Han Jin, how bright and young. People!

“But… do you have any specific plans?” Han Jin asked.

“Plan?” Lydia said with a smile: “After we were attacked, we immediately organized a breakout and ended up with the ambush of the human race. Where is the time to plan?”

Han Jin sighed and turned his eyes to the distance. The elves were cleaning the battlefield and bandaging the wounds for the injured companions. They also carried the bodies of their companions together. The time was tight. They didn’t have time to return their companions to the embrace of life. Can be buried in the grass.

“Oh… if Gaobin is here, it’s fine.” A fine Spirit Race sighed.

“Gaobin?” Han Jin stunned. He felt that the name was familiar. He soon remembered that he had seen something about Gaobin in Solomon’s secret room.

“You don’t know? Gao Bin is Sunier’s big brother.” Lydia whispered.

“Oh…” Han Jin grinned, his smile relaxed, but his heart was slightly painful.

“Raphael, I think… there is something we should tell you confessingly,” said the patriarch, who is very fond of Han Jin. The United Senate is bent on joining the human race. It turns out that the veterans are very wrong. Who will dare to believe them in the future? ! According to the current trend, Gao Bin is very likely to become the leader of a new generation, and Gao Bin is firmly opposed to forcing Sunier to marry, and through the mouth of Lydia, they know that Sunier only likes the human lord in front of him. Finally, It was this human lord who saved them. For three reasons, he thought that the truth should be opened.

“What?” asked Han Jin.

“Cough… It’s Sunier’s business.” The patriarch looked around, and the rest of the elves looked at each other, but they didn’t speak.

“Sunier? Right, where is she?!” Julia asked anxiously. She always wanted to find Sunier and asked, but when she arrived at the camp, she was attacked by the human race. She had no time to ask. what.

“Sunier…” Lydia smiled: “She entered the temple illusion a few months ago, and Great Elder has sent people to Sunier several times, but there is no news. Finally, the interior of the illusion seems to appear. Change, we can’t open the illusion outside.”

“Will Sunier know…”

“No, Gaobin said that Sunier will not have anything.”

“How is it possible?” Julia woke up like a dream, yelled: “She entered the temple illusion a few months ago? Not right! Didn’t she marry Prudence?!”

“At the time, Great Elder Ampudullah did have this meaning, but… How could the reluctant Sunier be willing to obey? On the day of Ampudra’s conversation with her, Sunier escaped into the illusion with the help of an elf, and then again Didn’t appear.” Lydia said: “In order to inspire everyone’s morale, then Ampudra chose a wizard similar to Sunier, let her and Prudence hold a wedding, adults, you…” Dia can’t say anything. From the beginning to the present, Han Jin’s performance has been very good. His smile is very warm, his tone is soft and polite, and there is no arrogance. The answer is not one drop. Of water can leak out, but after listening to the conversation, Han Jin has become another person. Although he did not make an action, his eyes sparkled with golden light, which dazzled, Lidi Asia feels like something is going to explode.

“Prudence and Maxwell set the trap and let Sunier seduce me. The Sunier is…” Han Jin’s tone has also become very strange. He doesn’t seem to be talking, but like a word. Going out.

“Of course it’s fake. How could Sunier hurt you?” Lydia said.

Han Jin has become completely silent, and at this moment, he has nothing to say!

“Look, I said earlier, Sunier won’t marry that Prudence!” Julia, the end of the hand, grabbed Han Jin’s arm, and the joy on her face changed. It’s stiff, Han Jin’s arms are as stiff as steel, and even trembling, which is caused by too tight muscles: “Raphael, you…”

Han Jin still kept silent and quietly looked at Julia, but Julia knew very well that Han Jin’s focus was not on herself. The unfocused eyes seemed to penetrate themselves and penetrate the earth. When she was involved in nothingness, Julia asked with concern: “Raphael, what’s wrong with you?!” Kane deliberately avoided the relationship between Han Jin and Yalina when she told it, so she didn’t know anything.

“Nothing.” Han Jin’s mouth twitched a few times, finally barely tilted up, revealing a soft smile, Sunier’s betrayal did hurt him, but this is not a problem, he is not a small child, There is enough self-recovery and there are ways to get rid of yourself.

Are you not betraying me? It doesn’t matter, I don’t hate you. On the contrary, I will help the Spirit Race to provide shelter for the Spirit Race. The more I act, the more selfless, the more I can reflect your superficial ignorance.

But now that I know the truth, Han Jin has been kicked from the moral high point. Sunier has done nothing. It all comes from his credulity. The heart is not hurting, but it hurts, a bloody The pain!

“Raphael, you don’t have to yell at me, I can see that you must have something to worry about!” Julia asked anxiously. “What happened?”

“It’s really okay,” Han Jin whispered, then slowly spit out a sigh of relief: “If life is just like seeing…”

“What are you talking about?” Julia hurriedly scanned all around, and Han Jin used to release magic with incandation that they couldn’t understand. She thought she had a hostile situation.

“I mean, if life is always as beautiful as the first time, it must be a very happy thing.” Han Jin laughed: “Spring is coming…”

As if to verify Han Jin’s words, a twisted lightning flashed through the night sky, illuminating the world, and then a thunder rushed into their ears, trembled in the ear, and then a piece of rain fell from the air, spilling On the face, the feeling of coolness is very comfortable.

“Let’s go, I stay here to fight for time for you.” Han Jin indifferently said.

“Well, I won’t be intimate with you.” Lydia stood up, but she took a few steps and looked back, slowly said: “But…thank you!”

“You are too polite.” Han Jin’s eyes turned to Julia: “Where do you want to go? Follow me, or…”

“I want to fight with the clansman!” said Julia Chop nails and sever Iron, but she hesitated again: “That…”

“Gibron? Rest assured, I will look at him for you.” Han Jin said with a smile.

Julia couldn’t help but be ashamed and angry. Although she didn’t realize that Han Jin was deliberately transferring the topic, it was very important for her. Therefore, Han Jin’s attempt was shattered: “You… don’t want to see Sunier?” !”

“How can I not want to see it?” Han Jin slowly said: “But I have to go back and wait until the situation improves.”

“When I find Sunier, go to Holy Crown City with her to find you.” Julia said while watching Han Jin.


Julia felt that Han Jin was a little bit wrong, but she couldn’t tell what was going on because of the indulgence, and the doubts in her heart turned into words: “Keep it!”

“You have to take care, otherwise, Gibran will hate me for a lifetime.” Han Jin half true half false.

The action of the Spirit Race was very fast. I cleaned the battlefield and buried the body of the companion. The injured were also properly taken care of. Then the whole camp was rushed to the forest. They are coming out of the forest, where they are World, and it is just as important to save their companions and save themselves. It is too dangerous to be found on the plains by the human race, although the forest can slow down their speed significantly, but At least to protect their safety.

Han Jin stood there quietly, and the thin rain did not stop on him, and gradually wet the robes, but Han Jin never felt it. After the Solomon’s taint, Han Jin’s mind has become tenacious, but he can’t control the ups and downs of the heart.

Right or wrong? !

Can’t deny that if he didn’t come with Yalina, Solomon would be more open-minded and couldn’t hand over the most precious inheritance to him, then he couldn’t clearly understand the truth of this world! One heart is self-cultivation, the golden body is not extinguished, it is good. If you practice hard, you will one day reach the realm that is not dead, but what can you do? Alarmed by the powerful existence, he will be killed! In the past, he even thought about hiding somewhere, secretly practicing, and now I know how naive it is, this world has its own rules!

It is a great blessing to hold Yalina’s hand. Otherwise, he can’t go far, even if the body is not dead, he can’t escape. So, he can’t say that he is wrong. It is Yalina who changed his destiny. Solomon gave him a goal, and he still has no time to return anything, but he is right, who is wrong? Sunier? Sunier is nothing wrong!

I don’t know how long it took, the pursuit of the human race has never appeared, and the elves have long gone, Han Jin’s figure slowly began to move, but he chose a strange direction, not back to Holy Crown. City is not going to chase the elves, nor does it mean finding the human race trouble.

Perhaps the soul is still not strong enough. In the heart-like acupuncture pain, the stunned Han Jin instinctively chose to escape.

Han Jin sometimes takes a few steps, then releases the curse, appears in the distance, and then walks a few more steps; sometimes he walks out of the meter for a while, sometimes releasing the curse again, he has no direction, just I don’t want to stay in place, I don’t want to calm down, he has to do something.

The sky is slightly brighter, which means that the bloody night has turned into the past, but the sky is still cloudy and the rain is getting bigger and bigger. In the middle of the night, Han Jin releases thousands of contracts. The curse, already out of Beitman, broke into the scope of Dark Raven City, and his pace changed from scattered to flying, rushing forward in wind and rain, because the oncoming coldness can make him heavy. The heart has become a little more relaxed.

Dark Raven City is also the sphere of power of Spirit Race. They are not knowing what happened on the front line. As always, they patrolled. Soon, they found the silhouette of the distant shot and hurriedly sent dozens of silver Pegasus fighters to try to block each other. Han Jin unconsciously released several miniature spells in an unconscious manner, bypassing the elf warrior and disappearing into the distance.

It is said that the spring rain is as expensive as oil, but today’s ‘oil’ is too depreciating, the rain is getting bigger and bigger, the wind is getting bigger and bigger, a path of silver snakes are moving in the dark sky, and the thunder is connected. One sound, suddenly, a lightning bolt fell from the sky, and there was a towering old tree in the middle of it. Several people’s thick trunks were shot black and even flared, but the rain that followed came quickly It is extinguished.

The towering old tree is only six miles away from Han Jin. The footsteps of Han Jin are abrupt. Although he has maintained the status outside the game, he is still very alert to the crisis. This lightning allows him to completely Wake up in confusion.

Han Jin discovered that his robes had become tights. The robes and cuffs kept twitching in the water, and the hair was soaked. He couldn’t help but smile. Then he was able to run the energy, and a thick steam of water from him. The body came out.

Han Jin swept around, he didn’t want to hide in the ground, there was some depression, and his mood was very bad. Although the weather is not much better now, there is at least one fresh taste.

There is a dilapidated hut in front of it. From the nearby traces, it should be a small village, but it has been abandoned for too long. Most of the buildings have already collapsed, leaving only a stone-built hut.

Han Jin’s figure suddenly changed direction. Several ups and downs came to the door of the hut. It was barely able to shelter from the rain, but Han Jin had a good name, didn’t want to go inside, stood at the door, and the water vapor rising from him. It is getting thicker and thicker, and it is almost necessary to cover him all over.

It didn’t take long for an old man to come from the other direction. The old man’s dress was very weird. Even the most degraded beggar, compared with it, it was a few worse, and the white hair was draped on the back. Near to the waist, heaven knows how long he had not dealt with the hair, the front beard was dense and long, blocking his entire chest, the wrinkles on his face were so deep that it was not like wrinkles, as if someone was on his face On the top of the hacking dozens of knives, bare feet, the feet are all mud, the broken clothes are soaked early, wrapped in mess.

Looking at the direction of the old man, he should want to go over here and walk to the door of the hut, but when he saw Han Jin at a glance and saw the steaming water on Han Jin, his eyes lit up and he was interested. Look at Han Jin.

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