Lydia had a cool heart in her heart. She knew very well that the few elves left and the tree demon who had lost strong remote support couldn’t stop the attack of the human race. The collapse was only a matter of time. If you can’t make a bloody road, wait for the human race behind to occupy the big camp, chase it, surround them with them, and don’t want to escape.

There have been screams of screaming horns in front, and there are dozens of orc warriors composing dozens of battalions riding across the blast wolf, appearing on both wings, they are not at all eager to launch an attack, when the Spirit Race is desperately trying to kill When they have a bloody road, they will insert two knives from both sides of the fiercely to completely tear the battle of the Spirit Race.

Lydia saw the animal race’s attempt at a glance, but she had no choice but to move forward. Time for her, representing the lives of countless elves!

The other elves couldn’t help but slow down the speed of the Silver Pegasus rushing. Only Lydia, who rushed out of the battle of the Spirit Race alone, shot like a lightning bolt, and the longbow in her hand was drawn into the full moon at a distance. When the hill giants were less than five 100 meters, she finally shot a dark red arrow.

With a violent magical volatility, the sharply flying arrow showed an ignition light, which turned into a small Fire Dragon of length 20 meters, roaring, baring fangs and brandishing claws straight to the hills The giant rushed.

The giants of the hills saw that the elves had used magic, and they couldn’t help but smash, and then a giant of the hill waved a heavy hammer and rushed down from the hill. The hammer was from the bottom to the top. His huge Fire Dragon.

With a bang, the Fire Dragon exploded, and countless flames rushed around, instantly swallowing the body of the giant of the hill. The hay and trunk shrubs in dozens of squares were all lit by the fire tongue, and a powerful shock wave along the hillside. Gushing up, dozens of hill giants on the top seemed to be hit by an unknown force. They and everyone flew out and fell in disorder, but their injuries were not serious and they quickly climbed up. .

The soldiers of the Spirit Race race also followed Lidia to the front, and countless arrows were like the birds, and the targets were all concentrated on the giants of the hills.

There was a loophole in the human race of the human race. They thought that the Spirit Race must be desperate to resist their offense. It was impossible to force the army to retreat, so they placed the hill giant and the wolf cavalry in the second. On the front line, responsible for stopping the powerhouse in the elf, and the small elf army, then placing the ordinary orc warrior on the third front, and encircling the remaining squadrons of Spirit Race.

Fossa understands that after this battle, the human race and the fine Spirit Race will become the enemy of the irreconcilable. If a large number of elves are released, he will face long-term revenge, and the Spirit Race is in this respect. Very persistent, and therefore, his goal is very clear, one can not let go!

It’s just that Lydia didn’t want to resist the sudden attack of the human race, and the strength of Wild Willow City itself was not weak, plus dozens of patriarchs who could not return to their tribes, these hill giants and wolf cavalry. In the face of it, it is the most powerful elf armor, of which the ranger-level shooter has reached hundreds, and even more than a dozen marksman. The orcs who feel that victory is on the horizon may be eligible to despise the elf race, but they cannot despise the elves’ powerhouses’ all-out attack.

In the arrow rain that hiding the sky and covering the earth, the giants of the hills retreat like an electric shock. Tens of thousands of elves released the attack, the arrows were too dense, and any parry and dodge became meaningless. Many hills The giant hurriedly lifted the rock in front of him, but he couldn’t stop the head, and the archer’s combat skill was to use the powerful tension of the bow to send the arrow to the distance. It can be said that each arrow is hidden. Not a small force, hundreds of arrows shot in the same stone, so that a giant giant hills giants can not control their body shape, squatting backwards, not to mention the Ranger level elf powerhouse It is said that the rocks are not so strong. The arrows they shoot can easily penetrate into the rocks, even through the rocks, causing damage to the giants of the hills. If another round of arrows is reached, the rocks will fall apart.

There are hundreds of hill giants on both sides of the hill, but under the first round of the Spirit Race, there are more than 30 hill giants lying in a pool of blood, some are in painful mourning, and some have stopped. Breathing, the remaining hill giants see power is far from good, immediately covered head and sneaked away like a rat, desperately fled to the back of the mountain.

Lydia had no time to chase down the giants of the hills, and her ominous feelings became more and more intense. On the one hand, two silver flying horses were sent to protect the flanks to contain the wolves Knight on both sides, and they commanded the army to quickly pass the mountain pack. And move on.

Then rushed out ten li or so, the black pressed silhouette in front of the jump into Lydia’s eyes, roughly estimated the number, almost between six or seventy thousand, countless orcs quickly running, rushing toward the elves, obviously, the beast The human race has been warned to adjust its deployment. The equipment of the orc warriors is very good. Almost every orc has a steel weapon and even a shield. When seeing this scene, Lydia only feels a bitter taste in her mouth because the equipment is fine. Spirit Race for the orcs, Han Jin out of the dungeon, not at all to empty the arsenal stored in several cities in Beitman, no need, fine Spirit Race occupied the entire Beitman, naturally got all the equipment, but themselves If you have little use, you will give it to the orcs. Today, you finally tasted the consequences of raising tigers.

What makes Lydia’s heart colder is that her outstanding vision can be clearly seen. Behind the beast of the human race, there are a group of orc warriors riding over the mammoth Warcraft, and there are two bodies up to the last eight meters. Bimeng giant beast, even if Gaobin is here, the strength of the two of them is combined, it is difficult to protect other elves under the impact of Bianmen giant beast!

Not only did Lydia see it, the elves in the front row almost saw the huge silhouette in the distance, and an invisible wave spread in the fine Spirit Race. Many elves raised their heads and searched with a stunned look. Sky, they expect to see the silhouette of the giant dragon, but unfortunately, what they see is a darker, darker night.

“Wait a minute!!” Julia rushed from the rear. She and Constance had been working with the army. Lydia had already understood the purpose of Han Jin, and of course they wanted to protect them.

“en?” Lydia looked back, her eyes cold, because she made a desperate decision.

“Raphael will come over and help us!” Julia anxiously said.

“What? Raphael will come??”

“Definitely come!” Julia said in the tone of chop nails and sever Iron: “When we just attacked the human race, I have already sent out a magic signal!”

Lydia’s eyes are very complicated, but this time she can’t think much about her. The two wolf Knights are slowly approaching and swimming outside the range of the Fine Spirit Race. Obviously, they are looking for fighters, and the front The orc warriors held up the shields and waved the long sword. They flooded like the tide, and the orcs were approaching. They were always not good at the elves and they would be slaughtered one-sidedly!

The elves in the forefront opened their longbows and fired arrows at the influx of the orcs. The elves in the back row pointed the arrows diagonally into the air and launched the projectile, but the orcs were fearless, holding the shields high and making crazy. Shouting, the speed of the charge is getting faster and faster, and there are always the arrows of the orcs falling to the ground, but other orcs are too lazy to look at it. This is to exchange the distance with life.

If it was before, this row of volleys can bring heavy casualties to the savage beast human race. Now, only high-level shooters can easily shoot the enemy, and most of the elves’ damage is severely weakened.

One after another, the Fire Dragon flew out of the elves’ battle, roaring and shooting at the orc warriors. Every explosion will make hundreds of orcs around them turn into a group of coke, followed by a powerful shock wave. Some of the orc warriors who survived and the orcs around them were rolled up.

The other big elves also played their full strength. Some arrows suddenly turned into hundreds of afterimages when they approached the target. They shot several or a dozen orc warriors into a honeycomb. Some arrows shot the target and they would It turns into countless stretches of vines and rhizomes, and entangles all the close orc warriors. It is Julia’s tree demon arrow. Some arrows have endless penetrating power and can be easily penetrated. The shield, even a dozen orc warriors shot in one breath, the power on the arrow will be exhausted.

Hundreds of Ranger-level shooters are the real main force, because only they can bring effective damage to the Orc Warriors, but hundreds of shooters are still too small compared to tens of thousands of Orc warriors, the distance between the two sides has been constantly Close, five 100 meters, 400 meters, three 100 meters… Finally, the front-end elves have clearly seen the sultry and violent expression on the orc face.

Lydia’s nose and forehead have already produced sweat, and her magic is not endless. Is it really irreparable? !

Lydia’s hand slowly extended to a small, sac that had not been used for more than a decade. At this moment, a gray silhouette shot from the orc battle like a fireworks flagship to the air, followed by The sound of the whole audience was heard into every ear of life: “Hey!!!”

Countless white light smashed out from the silhouette, every white light landed, it turned into a giant of three or four meters high, waving a rough, but strong arm, squatting to the front of the orc warrior, only in In an instant, there were more than 600 giants out of thin air on the battlefield. They lined up on an azure front, forcibly blocking the offensive of all orc infantry.

The orc warriors are not afraid of any challenges. They screamed long swords and rushed to attack the weird giants. Compared with the orc warriors, the giants’ movements were somewhat sluggish and the reaction speed was slow. Evading enemy attacks, it can be said that they do not care about that kind of attack.

Long sword slashed on the giants, leaving a path of deep or shallow scars, and some long swords may even get stuck in their bodies, so the orc warriors can hardly pull out, but this does not affect Their fighting power, and they backhand punch, but can make the orc warriors bloody.

Most of the orc warriors don’t want to die. The giants don’t know what ‘life’ is. Their fighting styles are very monotonous and very wild. They are fluttering, smashing, sweeping, and nothing more, but they stand like a tsunami. The reef that does not fall, never tires of fighting and persisting.

From the heavy demise, I felt relaxed. This emotional change caused Lydia to have the urge to cry. Her fingers shook slightly, left the quiver, and then pulled the bowstring. In a tearing whistling sound, an orc warrior forced to rush from the gap between the giants, his head slammed into the air, and the headless body swayed a few times and fell softly.

Han Jin’s release of the wooden warrior is worthless for the real powerhouse. Even if a magic apprentice releases a small Fireball, it can cause damage to the wooden soldiers, but against the orc warriors who wield the weapon, The wooden soldiers became powerful. Even if they were lying still, let the orc warriors slash, it is estimated that at least ten minutes, the orc warriors can cut off the legs or arms of the wooden soldiers, but this way They can still fight!

The wooden man is equal to the demon of the tree demon. Their attack power is far less than that of the tree demon. The defensive power is almost the same as that of the tree demon. What’s more, the Spirit Race does not expect to rely on the giants to defeat the enemy. They only need time to release. attack.

Han Jin’s body shape is falling, and a fat strength composed entirely of God’s mind is like a thunder. With a burst of sound, the following dozen orc warriors have been crushed into a beach mud by the strength of the wind, even Their long sword and shield were distorted, the ground was blasted into a big pit, and the nearby orc warriors felt the earth tremble violently, they couldn’t control the body, and they fell to the ground, next moment, Han Jin’s The figure has disappeared into the big pit.

The orc warriors who were riding on Mammoth Warcraft showed a horrified expression, searching for the traces of the other side. The orc leader led the line of sight to the left. I don’t know when Han Jin appeared there, his right hand. Very casually holding a long sword burning with flames, Jianfeng also dragged to the ground casually, with Han Jin’s footsteps, and the ground constantly collided with, making a crisp sound.

“Fire Dragon Sword?!” The orc leader, aok a long and deep breath, asked in a word: “You are Raphael?!”

Han Jin did not answer, but slowly stepped forward and approached. He was indifferent to the two huge and savage behemoths. In the battle system of the human race, the Biangi giant beast is a trump card combat, and with the Biangi giant beast launching the group charge, it is often easy to determine the outcome of a battle, but the world is simply a restraining one, only one Is it worth the attention of the small Three Smells True Fire to knock down the opponent? On the contrary, if there are hundreds of thunderbirds here, he can’t keep it as easy as it is now.

“Why?” The orc leader, coldly said.

Han Jin smiled. He couldn’t understand how the orcs in front could ask this question and open the history of the orcs. They were full of barbarism, blood, and slaughter everywhere. They never created, they only used direct violence to make other things. The achievements of the race, the resources are taken for themselves, and the plundering is consumed, and then plundered again. why? When they lifted the butcher’s knife, they never asked themselves why they should do this. When they feel threatened but feel unfair, they must ask why, and this makes Han Jin’s killing intent more intense.

“Because you are all damned.” Han Jin indifferently said.

“I think… we have a common enemy!” The orc leader once again took a long and deep breath: “You should attack those elves.”

“And then?” Han Jin said with a smile.

“Then…” The orc leader had some words, and he knew what Han Jin’s words meant: “Then we can live together peacefully, Wild Willow City and Beitman are us, others, we can give it to you.”

“Interesting, very interesting… When did you live peacefully with humans?”

“We…” The orc was pained, showing an expression of anger, coldly said: “Raphael, don’t think that the orc family will be afraid of you, just because you inexplicably impact us, so regret that’s all.”

“I don’t regret it, not at all.” Han Jin waved the Fire Dragon sword, his eyes filled with swearing: “And I am ready to propose to Yalina.”

“What?” The orc leader did not understand, what is the connection between the proposal to Yalina and the deliberate provocation of Han Jin?

“Killing you, this is the best gift for the Grand Duke of Solomon.”

“Dream!” The orc leader was furiously shouted.

The two giants beast have been waiting impatiently, and at the same time, they have rushed to Han Jin from the left and right. Han Jin has more than 50 meter away from them. For them, this is just a two-step process. Then, they waved the sharp claw and grabbed straight from above to Han Jin.

Han Jin’s figure flashed and disappeared from the place. With the appearance of 100 meters, quietly staring at the two giant beasts, his eyes were even more embarrassing.

What Solomon taught him was not only the technique of using mental power to attack, but also the various methods of tempering mental power. In the past, Han Jin could only slowly cultivate his own thoughts in the meditation and stagnation, but now he There is more than one road, and the advantage brought by the more powerful God is self-evident. At least he has become very quick to release the curse. He can even do something and then display it. curse.

Two Bi Meng’s giant beast looked around, and soon found Han Jin’s position, and rushed to Han Jin one after the other.

Han Jin’s silhouette flashed and disappeared again, and then appeared in the distance, a sense of leisurely self-satisfaction, this is not a fight, but a play. Not to mention the two giant beasts, even if there are thousands of them here, as long as he gives him enough time, he can kill all the giant beasts!

“Fire… that fire…” The orc leader screamed in panic.

On the feet of the two giant beasts, there are a few flames burning quietly, but the skinny and thicker than the giant beast has not felt the pain, and does not think that the star-like flame can cause anything. Hurt, but the orc leader knows.

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