“Adult! Adult!!” Hillester gasped for breath and jumped onto the deck, screaming and searching for the shadow of Han Jin.

“Raphael is in Yalina.” Cessacioun glanced at Hillester curiously. “What happened? Hilester, what happened?”

“It’s too late!” Hillester hurriedly threw the next sentence and strode down the stairs.

When Hillist knocked on Yalina’s door, Han Jin was laughing in the room with Yalina and Resley, Lorraine two girls Magician, looking at Solomon’s letter, and Yalina. On the face, Han Jin is very friendly to Resley and Lorraine. Of course, he also likes these two noble, but never arrogant girls, trying to make them feel the warmth of the big group.

When I heard someone knocking at the door, Yalina hurriedly stood up and greeted the door and whispered: “Who? Come in.”

Hillester couldn’t wait to push open the door. He wanted to speak immediately. He couldn’t help but hesitated for a moment. He whispered: “Adult, can you come out?”

“Let’s talk.” Han Jin rushed to Resley and Lorraine, and turned and walked out.

Han Jin and Hillestra opened the distance from the room of Yalina, and Han Jin frowned and asked: “Hilster, what?? Panic!”

“Adult, you really want to put the big elf Constance back?” Hillett said with a bitter smile.

“Yes what’s the matter?”

“But…but I have already spread the news, just tonight, auctioned Constance!” Hillester cried: “You put her, what do I sell?!”

Han Jin didn’t talk, sinking.

At this moment, Lang Ning and a few guards came over from the side of the corridor. Among them was a female elf with green long hair, but Hilster turned his back to Lang Ning. Highly concentrated and unaware.

“Adults, those nobles are very interested in Constance, maybe they have raised a lot of elf slaves in their homes, but the elves are very rare! Some people have even released words, preferring to abandon half of the property, but also Constance bought it!” Hillester pleaded: “Grandma, give me Constance!”

Han Jin laughed, with a gaze and a greeting from Lang Ning, the female surname heard the story of Hillist, the body could not help but shake, and the fists were slowly gripped, staring at Hilley with cold eyes. Ster’s back, and Hillester still did not notice, still begging: “Adult, I know you can’t bear it, but who can blame? It’s Fine Spirit Race invading us, how do we treat them all? Yes! I can guarantee that the Constance can sell at least tens of thousands of gold coins, or even hundreds of thousands of gold coins. The sky… is the price of a high-end Top Grade Magic Crystal, adults…”

Han Jin smiled and said to the side: “Lang Ning, you first go inside wait for me.”

“Yes, adults.” Lang Ning came over and laughed on the shoulders of Hillester: “Continue to work hard, don’t give up!”

“You still have a good time to say cool words!!” Hillester almost jumped up. “I went to see you last month. If you handed the Constance to me earlier, there would be breaks.” What?!”

“This is the command of an adult, don’t blame me.” Lang Ning was still laughed, and then waved, several guards pushed the female surname into a room, and the female surname was pushed into the room. Still trying to turn his head and stare at Hillist with hateful eyes.

Hillester doesn’t mind being hated, but seeing Lang Ning has brought the Constance ribbon over, and his heart is in the mirror. He wants to get people out of Han Jin’s hand and it is almost impossible. He turned his eyes and thought of it. A compromise: “Adult, give me Constance, just one day, one day!!”

“what are you going to do?”

“The auction of Constance’s virgin body!” Hillester said: “Adult, I will return the Constance ribbon tomorrow, then I will not care, let alone put Constance back, even if She gave the human race, and I don’t care.”

Han Jin still smiles and doesn’t talk.

When Hillett saw this little wish, he couldn’t realize it. He was angry and anxious, and immediately said: “Adult, I really don’t understand! It’s a fine Spirit Race that invades us. Why do you still feel soft? Some… No Like you, this is a kind of…”

“What kind of?” Han Jin said with a smile.

“Compromise! Yes, it’s a compromise!” said Hiller Chop nails and sever Iron.

“The connotation and connotation of compromise is much richer than its literal meaning, and knowing it is quite different from practicing it.” Han Jin whispered: “What’s more, you just didn’t compromise with me?”

“I and you… how can I be like those elves?!”

“It goes without saying, I can’t hand you Constance to you. Her use is more than just a slave.”

Hillester was really discouraged, and he whispered aloud: “Understood…” Then he turned and walked up the stairs.


“Adult?” Hillester hurriedly turned around and he thought that Han Jin had changed his mind.

“You are ready, I want to release all the elf prisoners of war back in stages. Of course, this includes the slaves of the night of bliss.”

Hilst as if was struck by lightening, it’s really stealing the chicken, not killing the rice, losing the wife and folding the soldiers. People don’t want to say anything, even the female slaves under their jurisdiction can’t keep it, and Hillest is dull. Looking at Han Jin: “Adult, you… aren’t you kidding?”

“Do you think I am joking?” Han Jin asked.

“What about the business of the night of bliss… What to do?!” If you can cry here, Hillester really wants to cry.

“Before, Dismark didn’t have a lot of Elf slaves in their hands, but they still managed to run bliss nights very well, I believe you can do the same.” Han Jin whispered.

Hillester was so anxious that his eyebrows should be erected. This is obviously standing and talking without hurting! Now the guests are getting higher and higher, and their tastes are getting more and more sloppy. If you want to make more money, he has to make more tricks, but there is no one in his hand. What can he do?

“That’s it…” Han Jin feels a bit of a rush and Hilst is indeed a bit pitiful: “After a while you go to Lang Ning, those abyss demoness, can give you half.”

Hillester grinned, showing a stubborn smile, and then swaying along the promenade. In fact, he always had heavy pressure in his heart. His strength is very poor, so he must make other things. The outstanding achievements can continue to maintain the current status, so he put all his heart on the business of the night of bliss, but the result is terrible, and the emotion is of course extraordinarily complicated. What’s more, the scale of the night of bliss is so big that half of the abyss demoness has little effect.

“Hilster.” Han Jin screamed.

Hillester suddenly stepped up, and the lessons he had just learned were in his heart. He instinctively thought that there would be no good things.

“Hilster!” Han Jin slightly improved his voice.

Hillester had to stop and sighed back: “Adult, is there something?”

“I speaks correctly staging the elf prisoners back, but I don’t say the exact deadline, maybe one year, maybe ten years, and you have enough time to prepare.”

This is the only good news that Hillester heard today. He smiled and nodded and walked down the corridor.

Han Jin turned and pushed open the door. At first glance, Lang Ning and several pro-guards were entangled with the female surname. Lang Ning also drank something, but because the entire War God was a complete The Magical Artifact, each room has its own defenses, and the sound insulation is also very good, Han Jin did not notice the movement inside.

“What happened?” Han Jin frowned.

“Adult, she wants to commit suicide!” Lang Ning said.

“Let her go, it doesn’t matter.” Han Jin whispered: “There are tens of thousands of elf prisoners outside. Anyway, if she really wants to do something, you can retaliate against her companion.”

Lang Ning released his hand, and several guards stood up from the floor. The elf was stunned by Han Jin’s words. I think there are thousands of brother sisters outside, and her heart can’t get down. It is clear that she will become a slave to a dirty aristocrat, but she has no power to die. This World is too cruel for her.

The female surname climbed up a little, and her body was shaking slightly. However, her expression was very stubborn, at least unyielding, and she looked down at her frozen red toes.

“Can you calm down?” Han Jin smiled. “Then let’s talk, sit.” Han Jin pointed to the chair next to him.

The female surname, like the one who did not hear Han Jin, still stood there reluctantly. However, Langing’s escort was not so good-tempered. She pushed the female surname to the chair and forced her. Pressed down.

“Constance…” Han Jin whispered: “If I remember correctly, in the Old Elvish, this is hard and strong. A female surname should not have such a name.”

Constance dropped his head aside and continued to remain silent.

Han Jin’s gaze swept through Constance’s wrists and ankles, with shallow red marks on it. In fact, when they completely occupied Holy Crown City, all the prisoners of war had been dealt with. The hands are experienced, and the four knives can make an elf become a waste. Of course, they will not cut the veins completely, only cut off more than half, so that the elves can still walk, dance, or do some pieces. The little life, but can not jump vertically, can not pull the bowstring.

This kind of injury is lifelong. Constance is a big elf. His strength is better than that of Lang Ning. It is far more than the few guards. The result is like a little lamb being pressed on the floor. Move even a little bit, and she has made the greatest strength, and can not compete with the four robust man. If it was before, even if she had no weapons in her hand, she could easily kill all of Langing.

“For any powerhouse, losing power is one of the deepest sorrows. I can understand your feelings.” Han Jin indifferently said: “However, if you remain silent, then we can’t talk about it.” “”

“I know what you have to do, I can promise you, but I have a request.” Constance said in a stiff tone.

“What requirements?” Han Jin asked with interest.

“If you are willing to release all the prisoners of war in the camp, I can do anything for you!”

Lang Ning couldn’t help but make a sneer, and the Spirit Race is not good at this, too unrealistic! Because you let all the prisoners of war go out, who do you think you are? !

“Are you sure?” Han Jin laughed: “I suggest you think about it again.”

“Nothing to think about, I am sure!” Constance took the courage, looked towards Han Jin, she knows what kind of person is sitting next to her, and the record of Han Jin has spread throughout the city, including POW camp: “If you disagree, then I…” She wanted to say a hard word to intimidate Han Jin, and then discovered that she was just a prisoner of war, and what capital was there to scare people? Finally, it was stopped by the words.

Han Jin’s gaze swept through Constance’s face and fell a little bit. Like other elves, Constance had an impeccable look, and because she was a big elf, she was more or less proud. Temperament, and the wounds on the wrists and ankles, not at all too much affect the appearance, the place is still very white, the smooth and tender place is still very smooth.

“Since you say that…” Han Jin reveals a very stubborn expression: “Well, I promise you.”

“Ah? Adult?” Lang Ning was stunned.

“What?” Constance was also stunned, and she did not expect Han Jin to promise such a crazy request.

“Actually, even if you don’t mention this request, I am going to send the prisoners back to your city in batches.” Han Jin whispered: “But this is a bit complicated. I can’t get rid of the prisoners of war, so I have to be slow. Slow negotiation.”

“hmph! Don’t think that you can fool me!” Constance sneered.

“Do I have to lie to you?” Han Jin faintly asked.

Constance once again stunned. Now she is a knife. She is a fish. If these people are willing, she can take her off at any time and throw it into the bed. She can’t resist, she can only be deaf, and it is necessary to deceive. she was?

“Wait, your friend is coming, and by that time, you will know my sincerity.” Han Jin whispered.

The atmosphere in the house became extraordinarily quiet. Lang Ning glared at Han Jin and tried to talk to Han Jin, but Han Jin did not see it and ignored Langing. Constance became fidgety. She was thinking about the true intentions of Han Jin, in order to get her? Let all the prisoners of war be released? That is absolutely impossible, and this self-knowledge is still Constance.

I don’t know how long it took, Han Jin signaled a Langing’s escort to pick up. For a moment, Kane first came in, followed by Gibran and Julia, who had been ‘forbidden’ for a long time.

As the captain of the red squad, Gibran has experienced countless times of death and death, and Julia has the same. No matter what kind of crisis he has encountered, they can always keep calm, but now they can’t do it, go out of the basement. After that, they saw too many shocking scenes.

At a glance at Han Jin, Gibran called anxiously: “Raphael, what happened?! Tell me, what’s going on outside?!”

Julia’s gaze swept through Constance and saw the scar on Constance. In the past, she must ask clearly, but now she can’t care about anything, just want to know this. What happened in time?

Han Jin is also watching Gibran and Julia, because in the basement for too long, Gibran and Julia have a pathological paleness on their faces, and every time he sees Julia, he will be involuntarily I think of Edwina, that is the pain in his heart forever, and it is no longer a pain to make up!

The most painful thing is that Kane told him a secret, because there is nothing to do, Gibran and Julia can only talk before, Kane once inadvertently heard the conversation between Gibran and Julia. At the beginning, Edwina was poisoned, and Han Jin’s strength was still very poor. He could only detoxify Edwina in an extreme way. As a result, Edwina was almost naked, and Edwina was awake at the time. She knew everything that happened, perhaps because of the help of life, perhaps because her body was seen through, and some things inevitably happened. Edwina secretly liked Han Jin.

But because of Sunier, Edwina knows exactly what she should avoid. She always maintains a relatively alienated but friendly relationship with Han Jin. The sadness and helplessness in her heart, only with her elder sister. When she talked about it, Julia found that she often looked at Han Jin’s back and asked, and finally knew that Edwina wanted to hide the secret of her life. Therefore, when Han Jin wanted to go out and follow the enemy, Edwina must follow, and when he saw that Han Jin was seriously threatened, Edwina shot his own arrow without hesitation. In fact, Edwina’s combat experience is no worse than Gibran and Julia. He found that Hayden is a traitor. What she should do most is to hurry back to find support as soon as possible, instead of taking the shot, because the enemy must set a kill. The trap is only due to the feelings hidden in the heart. Edwina is in a mess and has created an irreparable tragedy.

Although this sacrifice is not necessary, Adevina does not play much role, but sacrifice itself, can never be measured by the effect!

“Call you, just to tell you the truth.” Han Jin whispered, although his thoughts at the moment can already be described by shed the body and exchange the bones, but I can still think of Edwina, but I feel very heavy in my heart:” Kane, it’s up to you.”

Kane slammed, and he had already written the draft, starting with the sudden invasion of the Spirit Race, when Sunier betrayed Han Jin, married Prudence, and finally said that Prudence set the trap. Attacking Han Jin with Longcheng Elder Maxwell, the result is not Han Jin’s opponent, etc. After listening to this passage, Julia and Gibran’s face has been changing constantly…

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