what happened? “Han Jin said with a smile.”

“You… forget it, let’s go.” Yalina turned and walked slowly toward the city gate.

“Is it afraid that I will give you a shame?” Han Jin looked up and down: “I don’t think so.”

“Let’s talk!” Yalina is white and Han Jin glances: “I am afraid…”

“What are you afraid of?”

“My father is very strict with people. If… If he makes you unhappy, let him let him, okay?”

“Do you think of me as a small child?” Han Jin looked helpless. Can he still play in front of the Grand Duke of Solomon? Not to mention the identity of the elder Junior, even if it is better than strength and status, he does not have that qualification.

“But I am afraid…” Yalina’s hands were tightly twisted together. She had a dreamy feeling about happiness now. I was afraid that when I woke up, I would be lost, and I would like to be close to my hometown. The heart is more and more uneasy, her father is accustomed to the air, and Han Jin’s surname is also very strong, if one of them said something excessive, it is very likely to evolve a series of unpleasant things.

“It doesn’t matter, trust me.” Han Jin gently held Yalina’s hand: “Go.”

Yalina once again looked at Han Jin deeply, then turned and walked slowly toward the city gate.

The soldiers who were at the city gate saw a pair of young men and women approaching them. Several soldiers greeted them under the leadership of a junior officer. Their eyes first looked toward Han Jin. This is also where Han Jin has a crush on the military capital of the capital city. The patrols that are encountered outside the city, as well as the soldiers in front of the city, are all pleasing to the eye. There is no such thing as a condescending state, which makes people feel very comfortable. His torrents Legion and the mountain Legion can’t do it.

However, when their eyes turned to Yalina, they were as if was struck by lightening, including the junior officer, who was stupid and stayed there and would not move, and would not speak, and their eyes would be as big as a bell. It’s almost going to fall out.

Obviously, they all know the proud daughter of the heavens, but Yalina not at the meeting, they only took Han Jin and walked to the city gate.

The low-ranking officer reacted violently and turned around and fought his hands to signal the soldiers to remove the wooden fence at the city gate. He dared not yell and yell at Yalina.

The soldiers in the city gate were somewhat unclear, but when their eyes turned to Yalina, they were as stupid as their bosses, and they forgot to think about the boss’s intentions.

Yalina took Han Jin and walked past the end of the wooden fence. The nearby soldiers hurried back and gave way.

Next moment, Han Jin and Yalina walked slowly into the inner city, and the soldiers’ eyes condensed into the hands that were held together, and couldn’t help but whisper.

The junior officer couldn’t take care of his duties. First, he followed Han Jin and Yalina, walked out of a hundred meters, hurriedly turned into an alley, and then began to run wild.

Han Jin can of course sense the action of the junior officer. He whispered to Yalina: “I can see that your return has shocked many people.”

Yalina barely laughed, then turned his eyes to the front and thought about his own thoughts.

The pedestrians in the inner city are far less than the outside, but most of them know Yalina, and when they recognize Yalina, they look exactly like the soldiers. They are fixed and surprised, then wait for Han Jin and Yalina to go far. I whispered there.

Yalina has never let go of Han Jin’s hand. Although it is a bit shameful, she knows that she must express a firm attitude. The more determined her attitude, the more she can protect her feelings. To put it bluntly, she is not inseparable from the warmth of Han Jin, but to show it to others. It is of course best for you to accept it.

After walking for almost 20 minutes, a carriage with a very common decoration came from the front. The coachman’s technique was very good. When he was more than ten meters away from Han Jin and Yalina, he took the reins and the car’s rut ​​was also at the same time. Stop spinning, the bottom of the rut and the slate make a harsh rubbing sound, and leave a long trace on the slate, slide out more than ten meter away, just stop at Yalina and Han Jin, the position of the dock is unbiased, Han Jin can open the door with just one hand.

The driver smiled and bent over to Yalina, and then the door was pushed away from the inside, ‘Young Lady…’, with cheers, jumping from the carriage, four girls, Yan Yan, when they rushed When it was to Yalina, Han Jin could clearly see that a pair of eyes had overflowed the teardrops, and the excitement and joy were not deliberate.

“Yeah! How come you?!” Yalina is also very excited.

Han Jin gently released Yalina’s hand, his expression was very bleak and calm, and the dust was just right. He added a heavy color to his handsome cheek. His sunshine and handsome not at all changed, but more. A bit of vicissitudes, and this temperament is the most essential difference between boys and men.

The driver’s line of sight has already been transferred to Han Jin, and he is quietly looking at it. It can be said that it is an audit.

For a moment, Han Jin looked up towards the driver, and the two men collided with each other. The driver hurriedly bent over Han Jin, revealing a kind smile, and Han Jin smiled back.

Yalina and the four girls chirp chirp twitter twitter said something, but the scene was a bit confusing, because each of them was anxious to tell, at this moment, no one wants to be a listener, and some say Yalina’s room and dress. How good is the maintenance, one is asking what is fun outside of Yalina, but one is asking Yalina’s second brother Edison not to come back, there is another question about how long Yalina will stay, and will not leave.

And Yalina wants to ask more things. She wants to ask father, mother’s physical condition, and the changes in the elements. As a result, several girls are rushing for a long time, but no one can get the answer they want.

One of the girls opened the door and wanted Yalina to get on the bus. Yalina turned and asked Han Jin for advice. Han Jin knew that Yalin had been walking since the beginning of the city and had been tired since then.

Several people drilled into the carriage, and then the carriage slowly started, turned a half circle, and went to the center of the inner city. The attention of several girls in the car was transferred to Han Jin, and they also bit their ears with Yalina from time to time. , whispering, and Yalina’s face is slightly red, she looks a little shy, obviously, she can’t resist the curiosity of those girls. But she could not introduce the two sides. This was the ceremonial decision of the nobility. Although several girls were very close to her personal relationship, they were only a few maids in the Duke’s house. Han Jin rushed to the capital of the elements, the first batch. It turned out to be a servant, and when it came out, it became a big joke.

In fact, Han Jin’s ears are very smart. I can hear what they are talking about, such as, ‘Young Lady, who is he? ”He is so beautiful! ”hehe ……Young Lady, congratulations on finding your guardian Knight. ”You look at his eyes, darker than the night, deeper than the deep water, God… I have to get stuck! ‘These conversations have made Han Jin slightly awkward. To describe a man’s appearance with beauty, is this praise or depreciation? And he is not used to being judged.

For a long while, the carriage finally stopped in front of a quiet small courtyard. Han Jin finally walked out of the carriage and looked around. The small courtyard in front was unremarkable, but behind the small courtyard was a group of winding buildings. The pale white rock is built. He can’t see the use of the building. From the style, it looks like a large parliament, but there is no one around.

Into the small courtyard, two sly girls took the first step to push the door inside, Han Jin looked around the room layout, said with a smile: “This is your room?”

“Yeah, how do you know?” Yalina curiously asked.

“Because it is similar to your room on the War God, there is only a small dressing table, the rest…” Han Jin smiled at the head, in this room, except for a dressing table, all around Full of vertical bookshelves, there are all kinds of books everywhere, and on a long table against the wall, there is a set of simple magic test utensils, and the squares below the long table are filled with large And small of all kinds of magical pharmacy, there are not many Magician who can sleep and forget to eat to this point, and there is only one Yalina beside him. As a pure aristocrat, her diligence can even surpass Kane, of course, in strength. More than that.

Yalina grinned. She never thought that the lack of a girl’s embellishment in the room, such as beautiful vases, luxurious mirrors, etc., was a shameful thing.

Then Yalina gave Han Jin a look, pushed the door of the bedroom and walked inside. Han Jin slowly followed. Yalina whispered: “Raphael, I… I got to go, are you waiting for me here? ?”

“it is good.”

“You know, I have to go first…”

“I know, go.” Han Jin said with a smile.

“If you are tired, you can rest in bed for a while, if you are bored, go out to read a book, and… you are hungry? I want them to prepare some food for you?”

“It doesn’t have to be so troublesome.” Han Jin said.

“Then I will go first, I will try to come back soon.”


“wait for me!”

Han Jin ordered nodded, and Yalina walked outside and whispered a few words with a few girls, and took them away in a hurry.

Han Jin turned around in the house for a few laps, took a book from the shelf and sat down at the desk. In fact, his mind was not at all used in the book. To be precise, this time to the element All come, in addition to treating the Duke of Solomon, there is also a political goal, which is to form an alliance with the Grand Duke of Solomon. But this thing, he can’t say to Yalina, afraid that Yalina is so heart-wrenching, it is certain to cure Yalina’s father, and a strong ruler alliance is also necessary. The only contradiction lies in the goal Han Jin wants to reach. It is the same person and it is difficult to explain clearly to Yalina.

Initial observations, maybe those people do not understand their identity, maybe they understand, but they or their attitude is quite friendly.

Moreover, Han Jin’s mind has become deeper and deeper in bloody tempering. He also has some new secrets, and he must never disclose his secrets! Lang Ning and Jeddis and the others are against him to go to the capital of the elements, because there is no way to judge the reaction of the Duke of Solomon, he dares to come, in addition to confidence in his own Tao, there is an important factor, a must Most people have forgotten the pieces.

By coincidence, Han Jin rescued Juvens, the vice president of the Lone City Mercenary Guild, and Evans was able to safely deliver the Magic Crystal to the Holy Crown City. A few days before Han Jin left, Evans had quietly Going back to the city of Lonely, he bears the secret mission of Han Jin and controls Edison, who is enjoying his time in the city of Lonely. As long as Edison reveals any attempt to leave, he must have received any news. Juventus will immediately start, and then expose everything, and use Guevera, Jeddes and the others to use Edison to control the Gaelic. No matter what the Duke of Solomon is going to do, the life safety of a biological son and an old partner who has been suffering for decades, is too costly. Is he willing to pay?

Han Jin didn’t want to do this. He felt too dirty. He made the things that Chitak did more dirty. However, there are some things he can do, some things can’t be done, sitting in the current position. On the other hand, he is no longer the small mercenary who wandered around.

From the heart, he never wants to go to the step of seeing the poor! If the things he is worried about do not appear, then everything he has prepared will disappear silently, and no one will know except the party.

I don’t know how long it took. Han Jin woke up from his meditation. He slowly closed the book. He just had to stand up and suddenly found a dark space under the desk. He curiously extended the hand and fumbled for a moment. The narrow wooden box, which contains a few well-stacked books, he took out a book and flipped through a few pages to understand that this is Yalina’s magical memory. Many Magician have similar habits. Every day, for magic, jealousy, or understanding of life, leave it to look back and find inspiration and opportunity.

Although it has become a lover relationship with Yalina, it is very impolite to look at the 曰 ,, and there is a footstep outside, Han Jin hurriedly put the 曰 本 back to the original place, and wants to push the wooden box back, the problem It just happened, the back of the wooden box seemed to be stuck, and he couldn’t push it after pushing a few times.

“Yalina elder sister!” came a crisp and pleasing shout outside the door, and then the door was slammed open. The two girls rushed in from the outside and saw Han Jin at the same time, dumbstruck.

While the two girls saw Han Jin, Han Jin also saw each other. The girl on the left wore a light red magic robe with a slightly brown skin, but it was a very healthy brown with a big pair of eyes. Another woman is wearing a snow white magic robe, her eyebrows are curved and her mouth is small, and she looks extraordinarily refined and delicate.

“Who are you?!” asked the girl in the shallow red magic robe on the left.

“I?” Han Jin thought about the wording while pushing the wooden box, ka-cha, the wooden box became distorted, and a few of them smashed into the ground.

“You are peek at the magical memory of the Yalina elder sister?!” The girl in the shallow red magic robe was furious, and the right hand stretched forward, with a magic wand in her hand.

The girl who looked extraordinarily refined and delicate hurriedly grabbed her companion and then said to Han Jin in a cold voice: “Lord, no matter where you come from or whatever you just did, we are not embarrassed.” , roll! Get out now!!”

The exquisite and delicate, like Barbie-like girlish voice, there is a kind of killing and decisive taste, which makes Han Jin somewhat surprised, but more helpless, perhaps, facing Guevera, Jeddes and the others, His intelligence and experience do not take any advantage. He can face two young girls. He has to be much stronger than the other. Han Jin can clearly see that the delicate girl’s eyes flashed a killing intent. He thought I thought, said with a smile: “Is it not difficult for me? Thank you.” Then he picked up a few notes from the ground, and he was misunderstood anyway. His surname was swaying and he wanted to know before. Yalina likes something.

“You…” The delicate girl was so angry that she trembled: “Listen well, I mean, if you can get out immediately, I don’t bother you, otherwise…”

“You can only lie to the little child for this reason.” Han Jin showed an interesting expression in his eyes: “You don’t dare to start here, you are afraid of breaking the things in the house. If I dare to go out, it is estimated that In the face of two female madmen who are worried, isn’t it?”

“Do you think we are afraid to do it when you are here?!” The girl wearing a light red magic robe screamed, followed by a fierce magical wave.

Han Jin’s face became dignified. He didn’t expect that this girl had such a deep accomplishment in magic. It is definitely not inferior to Kane, but it is relieved to think about it. There is an example of Yalina. Nothing is impossible. Understand.

At this moment, the girls I saw before ran in a fruit bowl and tea set: “Lesley Elder Sister, Lorraine Elder Sister, what happened? What happened?!”

“You are leaving soon!” The delicate girl crossed a step and stood in front of the door: “Here is dangerous!”

“Don’t get me wrong! He is a guest of Young Lady!” a maid screamed: “He is coming back with Young Lady!”

“Guests? What kind of guests will sneak a look at the master’s memory?! shameless! Yalina elder sister was cheated!” The girl in the shallow red magic robe became more and more angry.

“Wait!” The delicate girl’s mind looked sober. She looked up and down Han Jin and asked in a suspicious tone: “You came back together? Excel, I ask you…”

“My name is Raphael.”

“Raphael? Holy Crown City’s Lord Raphael?” The girl in a light red magic robe stared wide-eyed.

“Beat the Raphael of Elder Maxwell in Longcheng?” The delicate girl added another sentence.

“ga ga …… yes, yes, gā gā gā ……” Harley, who had been silent for a long time, couldn’t help it anymore. He didn’t want to let go of any opportunity to accept worship.

“God… the magical props that can talk? It’s amazing!” The girl who had been very calm couldn’t help but scream.

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