In the boundless snowfield, a unicorn of a sacred horse opened its four hooves and galloped toward the end of the sky. As the saying goes, the habit was good. After being captured by Han Jin, the unicorn passed a trembling in Fear’s nephew, but in Holy Crown City, its life has completely changed, one is because Yalina likes it, one is because Han Jin is too lazy to abuse ‘farm’, and at the request of Yalina, it is also this The Horns blessed the Spirit Beast offering several times and enjoyed the same treatment as the little thunderbirds.

In just over twenty days, the temperament of the unicorn has changed miraculously. In Dark Raven City, it is always low-eyed, just like a huge mouse, even at the moment. It’s a chest-high head and a look forward to it.

Yalina is like a bird in the arms of Han Jin. Han Jin wants to go to the capital of the element to treat her father, and Han Jin really accepts her, tastes this, her heart is no longer able to use language. To describe it, so that she sees everything is a smile, the once iceberg beauty, now completely melted, melted in the embrace of Han Jin.

However, Han Jin couldn’t smile, and the road to the capital of the element had been cut off by the Spirit Race, and he had to force it. The so-called snake bite, three years afraid of the rope, Han Jin certainly not so embarrassed, but his heart is also full of vigilance, before the departure is better prepared.

Although Dragon City’s giant dragons can’t react so quickly, but they are not afraid of 10,000, just because of the high-profile Han Jin has become low-key since the war with the Spirit Race. Race’s patrol team immediately turned around and tried to avoid conflict.

What Han Jin didn’t know was that the elves were much more nervous than him. The elves who fled back to Hilary Reilly had already passed the results of the war and the results. Many elves knew that Han Jin had changed their attire, and On the snowy field, the cloak of the big red behind Han Jin is particularly conspicuous. Far from seeing Han Jin, the elves are all scared of soul destroyed, waiting for the commander to give orders, they will make a mess and flee. stand up.

From the perspective of the gods, you can see a very interesting scene. The two sides met very far. Han Jin turned out to be a turn, and the elves responded faster than Han Jin. Han Jin ran out of the distance, confirming that the elves did not catch up, and did not sense the fluctuations of the top and super-order creatures, only to sighed in relief, and after the elves escaped into the city, they immediately started Tree of Life, and then waited. After a long time, I dared to slowly relax the warning.

Han Jin doesn’t even know what it means to fight with Maxwell!

The fate of Sunier, Gaobin, Lydia and even the Elf family has been changed. They can’t believe Sunier’s evaluation, but they can’t believe the truth! The Spirit Race paid a huge price to get the Elder Maxwell from Longcheng. Now that Maxwell was killed, who is responsible for this responsibility? Dragon City certainly won’t take responsibility. Just push the problem to the problem of the distortion of the Spirit Race. The Spirit Race is in trouble. The key is to invite the Elder Maxwell to fight in the Dragon City. The Elders of the Senate have lost. A lot, a lot, how much can you pay for the forgiveness of Dragon City?

And before Prudence went to attack Han Jin, Lydia had raised sharp objections and contacted many tribal patriarchs. Of course, there must be their own reasons. Lydia’s reason is that Han Jin’s The strength is very strong, and may even have broken through the final barrier. It is unwise to be an enemy of such a powerhouse. If it fails, it will suffer cruel revenge. In fact, Gao Bin’s judgment is correct. Only a small number of patriarchs are willing to stand on the side of Lydia. Most patriarchs believe that there is Dragon Race in the battle. They are enough to crush Holy Crown City into powder, but with Lydia. Pretend to be polite that’s all. The last facts prove that Lydia’s correctness, Holy Crown City is still standing there, being crushed into powder, is their blind optimism and confidence.

The direct consequence of this war is that Prudence’s prestige suffered an unprecedented blow, and the influence of Gao Bin and Lydia expanded rapidly. When he was lucky enough to witness the decisive battle of Hilaryly, he became a strong follower of Gorbin and Lydia. She will never forget the scene. The Dragon Race Elder near the Half-God Level is like a poor, being What happens when the skinned fat pigs are unable to roll, mourn, and change into elves in the air? Also through the mouth of Hilary, many elves know how embarrassed Prudence was at that time.

It is said that killing the Raphael lord is as easy as killing an ant. The result is Maxwell, and then you abandon your comrades, escape with your bare butt, and what face to continue to serve as the commander of the coalition? !

The world is like chess. At the moment, Han Jin is just a piece of chess. He has no idea what kind of changes are brewing inside the Spirit Race. He can only do what he should.

At dusk, the unicorn stopped on a hill that was not tall or short, and swayed the long tail like a cloud, and a pair of blue eyes looked round.

Yalina straightened up and looked at the front, whispering: “Raphael, be careful in front.”


“The front is the buffer zone of Wild Willow City and the Capital of Elements. The radius is almost a thousand miles of swamp. This place, my father doesn’t want it, it doesn’t make sense, and Wild Willow City doesn’t dare.”

“Don’t dare?”

“Yeah, maybe they used Tree of Life today to turn this into a flat wilderness. Tomorrow, my father’s army will come over, and there is Fusa in the city, and Fossa dreams about opening up the territory.” Yalina said with a smile : “There are some goblin immigrants living in the swamp area, but the number is very rare, there are some World of Warcraft, of course, for you, this is nothing.”

“Is there any way to go around?”

“It’s going to go far,” Yalina said. “If you’re going from here, you have to go through Wild Willow City and then into the forest. If you go from there, you have to drill the forest and then go through the site of the city. To the capital of the elements.”

“How did you get to the city of Lonely?”

“Go from here.” Yalina pointed forward: “But at that time it was summer, you could see the road faintly, and it was troublesome in winter. Some swamps were iced, and some swamps were only covered by ice and snow. If you are not careful, you will fall.”

For Han Jin and Yalina, the swamp does not have any threats, but the trouble is indispensable. Han Jin likes to be clean, and Yalina prefers to be clean. In this wilderness, washing is too inconvenient.

“On the way, have you seen the goblin? What do they look like?”

“I didn’t see it.” Yalina shook the head: “We only met a thief group.”

“The thief group?” Han Jin smiled. “At the beginning… you took the students out of the elemental capital, and the courage is not small.” Not to mention the strength, almost no traveler’s experience, take the risk Going out of the lab and embarking on a wilderness and an unknown life is a great adventure in itself.

“People are magisters!” Yalina said hehe.

“Is there a place to rest in the swamp?”

“Of course, are there those goblins rolling in the mud all day?” Yalina paused: “Raphael, if you really don’t want to go from here, then we can go around, just need to walk a few more days.”

“Forget it, let’s go from here.” Han Jin whispered, he didn’t tell Yalina at the time. Before the departure, Gail found him. In fact, the condition of the Duke of Solomon was very serious last year, even the Grand Duke. I once talked with Gail, and I can live this winter is a victory, so the mood of Gail’s general manager is very excited. I ask Han Jin again and again. If you really have the cure for the Duke of Solomon’s asthma, you must start as soon as possible.

Seeing that Gail’s manager did not hide his emotions, Han Jin faintly understood why the Gaelic squad would continue to put pressure on Yalina, and the Duke of Solomon would die. No one can protect the capital of the elements, and Yalina would not. The elements were created by the Grand Duke of Solomon, and the Grand Duke of Solomon was the soul of the capital of the element, losing his soul, and it was impossible to compete with the lord of Versail.

He must fight for time to avoid regrets for life, not to mention that his azure glow has been destroyed, and his combat effectiveness has been greatly reduced. It is not wise to walk from Wild Willow City or from Falcon.

The sky was getting darker and darker. Han Jin decided to find a place to rest in the back of the mountain. Camping outside, for Han Jin and Yalina, it was a light road. Soon, Yalina cleaned up a clean place and released magic. Covers, blankets, pillows, and food. Two or more days ago, she also did the same thing, but the mood is definitely different from that at that time, and the uneasiness of the past has turned into a sweetness that cannot be turned away.

Two people ate something and chatted for a while. Han Jin always rushed on the road a few days ago. Yalina’s physical exertion was very high. Today, she finally took a break earlier. She couldn’t resist her sleep and gradually broke into it. In her dreams, Han Jin couldn’t sleep, grabbed Harley and let Harley observe the movement of all around. Of course, the ‘work on duty’ will be handed over to him at night.

Now Harley and the unicorn form a stark contrast, how old is the former unicorn? Now it has become daring, and Harley, who is extremely arrogant and even dares to slap everyone to drink wine, has become silent and well-behaved. In fact, no one can stand it. When you meet, you will find a Thunder Palm, two days a day. Ok, it’s been a long time, Harley has been conditioned, and Han Jin and Yalina are together at the moment. The two are tender and affectionate. What did Harley do? Want to fight? !

However, heaven knows, how much Harley is eager to tell, no matter what to do, whether to repent or to beg for mercy, as long as he has the opportunity to speak, he has nothing to ask for.

After adjusting for a while, Han Jin slowly opened the eyes, his wrists turned over, and a few long red swords appeared in front of him. These are all flying swords. Their use is terrorist self-destruction. It may be used to cope with high-intensity battles. Over the past few days, he has always wanted to re-tempering a master weapon, but unfortunately, there is no favorite material in his hand.

Indulge in a moment, Han Jin helpless sighed, and after a few days, if you can’t find the corresponding one, you can only refining the Fire Dragon sword, although it is a pity, but the situation is not tolerable!

The luckiest thing is to find some good things from the Grand Duke of Solomon. I want to come to the position of the Duke of Solomon. There must be a precious collection. There is no refining Fire Dragon sword. There is hope in this respect, but… The confession of the Grand Duke of Solomon, I first thought about finding some benefits from father-in-law. Is it too arrogant?

Han Jin smiled at the head, he knew that the concerns of Langing and Jedisi were justified. Even if he cured the disease for the Grand Duke of Solomon, the Grand Duke of Solomon might suddenly turn his face and not recognize himself, or even deal with himself. In order to please the Dragon City. However, from Yalina’s intermittent narrative, he faintly felt that the Duke of Solomon was a very intelligent person, and such a powerhouse should not make such a shameful move.

Even if he really got that step, he will take Yalina. Anyway, before he left, he spent a lot of energy on himself and Yalina. He made ample preparations. It is no exaggeration to say that he and Yalina are close to Body of Undying, running away is no problem.

As for Yalina’s attitude, he secretly worried, but now I think that many has no meaning, only one step at a time.

The threat of the Spirit Race, the threat of the Dragon City, the threat of Nikola, his situation is very bad, like the danger of being tired, defeating an opponent, he has to face a stronger opponent, but he also has his own advantages. And the opportunity!

The seven spaces of Magic Crystal appear in front of Han Jin, exudes the crystals of light, and the crystal of Jedisi. If he can get the crystal, there are two ways that can be described by subversion. Can make his combat power greatly improved!

The soldiers of Holy Crown City took him to the sky, and he said that Han Jin is already a Half-God Level powerhouse, but a person knows his interests, he could not release an attack of equal forformable power, only complete Take advantage of those two methods, give him another year, no more, just one year, he can have the ability to fight against any powerhouse alone, including Nikolay!

“Master…” Harley didn’t know when to come back and said in the ear of Han Jin with a very low voice.

“What did you find?” Han Jin asked softly.

“No.” Harley looked at the space on the carpet, Magic Crystal, hesitated for a moment, and finally couldn’t help it: “Master, when did you release the miracle?” * “It’s not a time.” Han Jin shook the head : “I will spend all my strength. For a while, I can’t do anything, become a waste person, wait… after we return to Holy Crown City, let’s see the situation.”

“Oh…” Halley was a little disappointed.

“Harry, I need your help when I get there.”

“What do you need me to do?”

“opportunity to live.”

“opportunity to live?”

“You are also a kind of life, so I will strip out more than half of your mental strength and cannot recover.” Han Jin said with a slight smile: “Would you like?”

“I… I am willing!” Harley bit his teeth: “As long as you can see the miracles, even if you strip out all your mental strength, I will.”

“Okay, that’s it.”

Harley just wanted to use his impassioned vows to express his loyalty and sacrifice. Suddenly he felt that Han Jin’s words were wrong. What is the final decision? His life form is a bit special. The ordinary powerhouse is stripped of all his mental power, but it becomes a waste, but he will completely disappear. Of course, the ghost of Devouring Soul Bead still exists, but it will never be his Harley.

“That…the master,” said Harley.


“That… you will be reluctant to me, right?”

“I am willing to give up, what is it?”

Harley only felt a murky heavens dark earth, and his heart felt a feeling of grief. If he could cry, he would really shed tears: “But…”

Han Jin said with a slight smile : “Scared like this? Your opportunity to live is just a bad thing, even if you let me use it, I won’t use it.”

Harley stayed for a moment and almost cheered, but realized that Yalina was sleeping, and she barely controlled herself. Because she was no longer nervous, his mouth was no longer swallowed and became very smooth: “Master, then you have to use who?”

Han Jin’s gaze turned to Yalina, slowly said: “Some things… let her know.”

“Ah?” Harley could hardly believe his ear: “You won’t be so cruel?” He couldn’t talk about the developed mind, thinking that Han Jin wanted to strip all of Yalina’s mental power.

“What do you think about it?” Han Jin glanced at Harley and immediately became hesitant: “But it’s still a little worse, two instruments…”

“Master, what are you talking about?”

“And you said that you can’t understand, there is no life, one gasification of two instruments, two instruments and four images, can you understand?”

Harley’s shook the head.

“Teach you slowly later.” Han Jin smiled, but his smile quickly became stiff.

Harley also sensed what he looked up and looked up into the sky. Although the night was very thick, he could still clearly see that a group of dark things like the clouds had pressed from the end of the sky. And they all heard faint, familiar screams, and on the War God, they often heard similar sounds, thunderbird! And it’s a large group of thunderbird! Just look at the posture of hiding the sky and covering the earth, fearing that there are thousands!

Han Jin suddenly reached out and leaned into Halley’s chest, whispered a few words, then lightly shouted: “Open!”

Harley’s figure exploded silently and turned into a smoky smog. Then the smoke covered the magic shield and turned into roads, rocks, gravel, and completely covered their traces. .

Fengshan array! When he was kneeling on Nikola’s site, he was hiding it by the seal of the mountain, and he had enough time to extract the energy of the dragon’s blood. Unlike the low-level Jiugong illusion, even if someone is close, they just walk over their heads, and it is impossible to find anything hidden underneath.

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