At noon, Han Jin walked into the barracks of the rapids Legion, the oldest army under Han Jin. Most of them knew Han Jin, including middle and lower commanders and ordinary soldiers. The soldiers at the door were in a hurry. Moving the checkpoint and welcoming Han Jin, several soldiers wanted to report to Lang Ning, but they were stopped by Han Jin.

Last night and Yalina rested for one night on the night of bliss, and Yalina was happily pulling Han Jin to go shopping. She went to noon and happened to meet Steelberg and Mirien to buy wedding supplies. He let Steelberg Staying with Yalina and rushing to the camp of the rapids Legion, it does not mean that he has no patience, but he does have something to deal with.

It was originally the resident camp of the Holy Crown City of the Gerald Guards. All the houses in it were brick and tile. Not at all tents, they went into the handsome department and saw the guards of Langing squatting in the window. Feet, concentrate on listening to the movement inside, their attention is too concentrated, and did not even see Han Jin.

In the identity of Han Jin, of course, there is no need to say hello to the guards. He only curiously looked at the guards and then reached out and opened the door. The guards on both sides were shocked and waited for them to see. It’s Han Jin. When I want to inform Lang Ning, it’s already late.

There were almost 20 generals in the spacious hall, most of them fell to the ground on one knee. Lang Ning looked gloomy, carrying his hands, turning around in the hall, looking up at Han Jin, Lang Ning immediately exposed Wry smile: “Adult, even if the nobles of the nobles are renting, aren’t you as anxious as you? Give me a few courage, I don’t dare to rely on your account!”

“What account?” Han Jin.

“What else can it be? The debt of the night of Bliss, the bill is still here!” Lang Ning licked a thick stack of paper in his hand.

“haha…you don’t say that I almost forgot.” Han Jin laughed, then glanced at the generals who were lying on the ground: “What happened to them? Because of debts?”

“If it’s just a debt, it’s nothing.” Langing took a long and deep breath, he was hesitant, but decided to say things: “Hilster came to me to discuss, they know, they actually I want the soldiers to attack Hillist outside the camp!”

The generals were pale and no wonder they could only blame the original Hillester for being too low-key. They didn’t even know that there was a person from Hill Jin, who knew the Boss of the night of bliss. Dare to go to the military camp and collect debts from Lang Ning. They felt ashamed and angry, so they gave birth to heart. It was only when Lang Ning had slandered them that the identity of Hillester was revealed. Everyone felt scared. Seeing that Lang Ning had no concealment in front of Han Jin, they were even more afraid at the moment.

Han Jin did not expect the generals to think of poisoning the hands of Hillester. There is a word in his mind, proud! And his face was slightly uncomfortable.

“The arrogance is overbearing, the eyes can’t be disciplined, who taught you? Is this your Knight’s code?!” Lang Ning said more and more, suddenly flew up, kicking on the nearest general’s cheek, the general He couldn’t help but flew up and slammed into the wall. With a bang, he fell to the ground, but he climbed back to his original position and fell on one knee. He didn’t release it from start to finish. Fighting to protect yourself, of course, he does not dare.

At this moment, Lang Ning has completely controlled the entire rapids of Legion. When he gave orders, he used more of a kind of negotiation tone. Even if he was so tolerant and low-key, there are still several generals who are unwilling to obey his orders. It is a true commander.

“Lang Ning, forget it.” Han Jin opened the mouth and said. Since he ran into it, he should help to say good things. In that difficult and promising scorpion, the rapids Legion can still maintain a strong fighting spirit. , and Wood Luo fight, and Beitman’s coalition fight, this is also a kind of suffering.

“Adult, this is not a bad thing, otherwise what is the significance of military law?” Lang Ning is still gloomy face.

Han Jin took the stack of bills from Lang Ning’s hand and flipped through a few pages, said with a smile : “Plus a lot of money?”

“It’s almost like to be on top of the entire torrent of Legion for two months.” Lang Ning squeezed a word from his teeth.

“This time I will make up for the debts for you, but in the future…”

“After? Can they still have a future?” Lang Ning’s eyes were swept away on the generals. Although there is no way to blame the public, it is still easy to find a few scapegoats from within.

Han Jin smiled and sat in the middle seat: “Well, let’s go out first.” In fact, he intended to stop this kind of ethos. After all, it is not a major event such as murder, and now the alert has reached the goal. It is.

The generals were relaxed, but they didn’t move, waiting for Langing to speak.

“Adult, it’s too cheap for them!”

Han Jin’s helpless shook the head, took the copy placed on the table, and looked bored. If you change another narrow-minded person, you will be dissatisfied with the generals and may even be dissatisfied with Langning. Is the command of the lord longer than a Legion? !

Han Jin really doesn’t care about this. The purpose of repairing is not to trample other lives under his feet, but to comprehend the world. His attitude towards his friends is enough to prove everything. There is of course a difference between people, but this difference is reflected in fate, heart name, literacy, Wu surname, position, etc., and has nothing to do with high and low.

In fact, even Han Jin did not realize that his power could expand so quickly, although it was related to his strength, but his attitude towards others was also inseparable.

It’s a good idea to easily destroy Zaganide, but it is a hard-hitting high-end duel with Dismark. Guevera, Gaelic, and especially Jedice have played a pivotal role.

If Han Jin is a arrogant person, be sure to control all the actions of his subordinates, even to control other people’s thoughts, not to say that Gail and Jedith, even Guevera is very likely to drift away. These three powerhouses have experienced too much. With their pride, how can they tolerate a hairy boy pointing them at them? !

Maybe Han Jin is not as powerful as some lords, and there is no insight and wisdom that some lords have in the whole world. However, he can make the partners around him feel relaxed. This is an advantage that other lords cannot reach. He is very Those who are less reluctant, always face their own resistance when they are in danger, never arrogant to their own people. It can be said that Han Jin is the lord who is the least like the lord.

There is another saying in World that the husband can’t argue with it, so the world can’t fight with it. However, with this purpose ‘indisputable’, he still wants to fight, and Han Jin has no interest in the rights, or even never Interfering with government affairs, almost everything is done by Guevera and the others. He has set up a stage. Anyone who has the corresponding ability and is recognized by everyone can sing and dance on the stage. Showing all his abilities, and he never interferes, so Guevera will regard this as the last home to be placed on the soul, and Jeddy also believes that it is the best choice for the Holy See to be with Han Jin.

This is Han Jin’s unique charm, and it is also the result of his experience, culture, pursuit and so on. The other lords want to learn, it has become effective, and Han Jin has no pretentiousness, otherwise Guevera and the The eyesight of others is enough to penetrate the hypocrisy of Han Jin in the first place.

Lang Ning’s eyes flashed, half a slap, waved his hand, shouted: “Take me out!”

The generals were as big as they were, and they made a ceremonial greeting to Han Jin and Lang Ning, and then they quit.

“Adult, you are looking for me… something?” Lang Ning whispered.

“They are gone?” Han Jin raised his head and put down the case: “There is nothing, just walk around.”

“Yeah, your order, do I dare not obey?” Langing said with a bitter smile, Han Jin rarely interfered with his military affairs, so Han Jin occasionally said a word, always let him attach great importance to it, otherwise, Even if faced with a very authoritative lord, he must argue with reason. Even if he compromised now, he is not satisfied with Han Jin’s tolerance. The military law is not strict. What use is there?

“You, sometimes it’s too serious.” Han Jin said with a smile.

“Adult, serious… isn’t it?” Lang Ning asked.

“This…” Han Jin was asked, and then shrugged: “Okay, I am wrong.”

Lang Ning looked a little embarrassed. Han Jin had already admit his mistake and continued to discuss the issue. He was too much. He hesitated: “Adult, you are looking for me, really nothing?”

“Well, I am just here to wait for someone.”

“and the others? Who is so big, worthy of you…”

“It’s the original Morgan Business Group.”

“Morgan Business Group? Ah… is the Business Group of the Keeley family?”

“Well, I feel that he seems to need help, just as I asked about the year.” Han Jin said: “I was shopping with Yalina at the time, so let him come to you today.”

“The Morgan Business Group has been disintegrating for almost three years?” Lang Ning frowned. “I don’t think I can ask anything.” Lang Ning thought that Han Jin wanted to capture the legacy of Morgan Business Group, but here is the site of Dismark. Dealing with Morgan Business Group is also done by Dismark, and all the wealth has been searched out by Dismark.

“I always want to check clearly, but it is also an explanation for Keeley.” Han Jin’s topic turned: “Lang Ning, there are more than two months in the winter, have you had any specific plans? I heard that you Tian and Guevera argued very difficult to deal with, how? Who persuaded who?”

“It’s hard to say that Mr. Guevera is not easy to convince.” Langing said with a smile: “But I insist that it is unwise to compete with the Spirit Race. Some elves are now continually gathered together. But how many of them are there?”

“what do you mean……”

“We fight with them.” Lang Ning slowly said: “The resilience of Fine Spirit Race is very poor. After the collapse of Wild Willow City’s Silver Pegasus Legion, after twenty years, they still have not formed a new Silver Pegasus. Legion, this is enough to prove, so we don’t expand, just looking for opportunities to annihilate the little elves, can kill each one, in the case of Li Bao Crown City without losing, I guess … up to six months to a year, Fine Spirit Race can’t bear this loss, and their interior is likely to be divided. You know, the Spirit Race itself doesn’t like war, and they are now occupying the ground everywhere, giving us a chance to annihilate. ”

Han Jin slowly nodded.

“Adult, although you are very strong, there are Mr. Guevera, Jessie, Gail, but there are more than 20 giant dragons in the Spirit Race, and you killed the Dragon Race Elder Maxwell, Dragon City. I will definitely send a helping hand to revenge.” Lang Ning hesitated: “In the high-end power, we do not take any advantage!”

“Isn’t it not dominant, but it’s quite a disadvantage?” Han Jin laughed.

“Yes, adults.” Lang Ning whispered: “Dragon City is a mysterious place. How many giant dragons there are there, no one can make it clear, but I think there should be at least a few hundred? Adults, if Several of the Dragon Races that mastered the magic of the dragon language rushed over with hundreds of giant dragons. Do you think we can stop it?”

Han Jin is silent. If Dragon City decides to retaliate, he or they will never be the opponent of Dragon City.

“Mr. Guevera said that if it’s just because of the Spirit Race, it’s impossible for Dragon City to send a large number of giant dragons to help, but if you kill the Elder Maxwell in Dragon City, it’s all different.”

“I know.” Han Jin sighed: “So we need an ally now.”

“Who is willing to fight against Dragon City with us?” Langing said with a bitter smile.

“The Grand Duke of Solomon.” Han Jin indifferently said.

“I am not optimistic about the ally of your choice.” Lang Ning also sighed: “With one element of the capital, there is no strength to compete with the Dragon City, not to mention the Solomon Duke and his own enemies. In the past, he may be happy to see You are close to Yalina, but now… he is very likely to change his attitude, adults, you have to be mentally prepared!”

“It depends on whether the Grand Duke of Solomon has the power.” Han Jin showed a free and easy smile: “I still have two things to deal with. After a few days, I will go to Yaliina to go to the capital of the elements. On the one hand, The Grand Duke of Solomon healed the disease, and on the other hand, he also looked at the possible surnames for cooperation.”

“Adult, this is not the power, but the interest in the survival of Life and Death!”

“Yalina and I talked a lot about the Duke of Solomon. I feel that he is not only a great magister, but also a superb Scholar.” Han Jin said thoughtfully: “He should have let you, let I have all startedled performances.”

“One hundred Scholars can’t match a sharp sword.” Langing said slowly: “Adult, IMHO, you shouldn’t put hope on someone you have never seen before.”

“hehe… you are wrong, I never hope, who will be my savior.” Han Jin said with a smile: “You can save yourself by yourself.”

“Then why are you going to the elemental capital?”

“Would you like to meet one side?” Han Jin whispered: “I want to propose to Yalina. Do you not consider the feelings of the Grand Duke of Solomon? Is this a marriage or a hatred?”

“So fast…hehe, adults, congratulations.”

“It’s still early, maybe the Grand Duke of Solomon is a weak man, and I can’t even just reject it.”

“Adult, if you… really rejected, what do you do?”

“What can I do? I ran away when I grabbed people.” Han Jin smiled.

Lang Ning shook his head helplessly, but as a subordinate, he couldn’t say too much. He only hoped that Han Jin could be mentally prepared.

Time flies in the conversation between two people, until the sky is near dusk, Han Jin stands in front of the window staring at the fiery red, frowning: “Why haven’t come yet…”

“Adult, I have already told you to go, as long as someone comes to see you, they will immediately report it.” Lang Ning said: “Probably… that person has something to be dragged.”

“Impossible.” Han Jin shook his head. At that time, he saw the awe of the businessman’s eyes. Especially when he let the other party come to the military camp to see himself, he even showed a kind of expression to be wild with joy. It’s hard to imagine that person. Will miss the appointment.

“Adult, what the hell are you waiting for? My Sect people in the past?”

“No need.” Han Jin thought for a moment: “Lang Ning, do you want to go out with me?”

“Okay.” Lang Ning smiled and stood up.

Both of them are men. Of course, they don’t need to dress up. Lang Ning changed his clothes. He and Han Jin took the horse out of the barracks. He only took four guards and was with Han Jin. Of course, there is no need. Concerned about your own safety, with four guards just to deal with some trivial things that may happen, such as running errands, looking for people and so on.

The foundation of the Holy See, Ceremony, passed yesterday. There were very few pedestrians. At first glance, there were only a dozen pedestrians near the deep house.

“Adult, is that yard?” Lang Ning pointed to the front with his hand.

“Yeah.” Han Jin ordered nodded.

“You wait here for a while, I used to look at it.” Lang Ning jumped off the horse and strode to the yard. He was annoyed in his heart and let the city’s lord wait for an afternoon. The guy was really rude. pole! Therefore, he took the initiative to call the door, on the one hand to restore some face for Han Jin, on the one hand, to teach the guy.

Han Jin also saw Lang Ning’s thoughts. He was not at all waiting in the same place, laughing and following Lang Ning.

Not waiting for Langing to call the door, a voice rang behind Han Jin: “Adult, adults!”

Han Jin turned and saw a young man dressed up jumping from a carriage parked on the side of the street, escorting with a smile.

“You call me?” Han Jin asked.

“Yes, adults.” The young man bent over: “Are you looking for the owner of this house? Very unfortunately, the people in their family are doing funeral in the cemetery in the east of the city.”

“A funeral?” Han Jin said.

“Yeah, the owner of that family died last night.”

“Dead??” Han Jin looked cold and his eyes swept over the docked carriage. After all, he had been a private detective. He always found details that others might overlook, the horses in those cars. Underneath, there have been a few piles of horse dung. It is obvious that this young man has been waiting here for quite a long time: “You have been waiting for me here?”

“Ah…” The young man snorted and immediately responded: “Yes.”

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