Under the introduction of Yalina, Han Jin understood the origin of the Holy Crystal. On the first day of the establishment of the Guangming Church, the Holy Crystal existed and remained on the top of the main hall. Therefore, the mountain where the main hall is located was People are called the mountains of the mountains, and it is said that there will always be a bright world. Every night, the crystal will emit dazzling rays of light. Even the bad weather such as storms and rains will not cover the glory of the crystal.

However, afterwards, the Holy Crystal suddenly no longer shines, unless there is a high-ranking priest releasing the magic to start the Holy Crystal. The high-ranking church is divided into two factions. One group believes that the sins committed by people have angered the gods of light and must strengthen the authority of the Holy See. In this way, more people can be bathed in the sorrow of God, away from the darkness, and the other is considered to be the reason of the Holy Crystal itself, trying to study the mystery of the Holy Crystal.

Among the radicals, except for a few ambitions, most of them are fanatical believers who only obey the will of God. They even lack the rationality they deserve. If God says that human beings should walk backwards, they are definitely the first responders. The key point is that they cannot communicate with the so-called gods, and God’s will is often conveyed by humans.

The composition of the conservatives is much more complicated. In the words of another World, there are theorists, scientists, and workers. They always want to ask why, but it is very difficult to study the crystal. I got the consent of all the top officials, because the status of Shengjing is even higher than that of the Pope. It is impossible to imagine that the noble pope will lie naked and let them play and study, not to mention action. The idea itself is awkward.

The advantage of the radicals is unity. They inspire themselves, inspire their partners, touch themselves, and touch their partners. Everyone is twisted into a struggle and a conservative struggle. Everything is for the will of God, but their shortcomings are also reflected. Come out, there are not many smart people inside. A priest who is good at thinking, in addition to God’s will, has other concerns, such as justice and justice. As an example, it is very clear that a certain person conveys the will of God and says who is a bad guy. The radicals will slash the man with the long sword, but the priest who is thinking is asking himself, that person really Is it a big evil? Shouldn’t he be given a chance to redeem? Must kill?

In fact, any group, even culture and ethnicity, has its own surname. It is because he is good at thinking, so he cannot blindly follow, or he will dislike the radicals and turn to the conservatives. If they are in the sphere of influence of the radicals. Inside, he dare not say, can’t say, then he will choose the attitude of protecting the body, but this is not to give in, nor to agree.

Conservatives also have their own disadvantages. They are too good at thinking, and they have too many concerns. They have to argue over the fart and have no internal unity. Although their contribution to the development of the Holy See is far from being possible by radicals. But I can’t overwhelm each other.

From the narrative of Yalina, Han Jin first knew that the Holy See had played a role in fueling the current chaos of continent.

After the split of the continent, the lords of all places kept the balance for a considerable period of time, and the leader of the Holy See radical, Tuya, was elected the pope. He took several years to consolidate his position, then raised the butcher knife and released it. God’s grace.

The so-called grace order means that as long as you become a believer, you can no longer pay taxes. Of course, you will instead donate money to churches everywhere. The amount will be halved. You have to pay ten Silver Coins. Now you only need to pay five churches. Silver Coin is fine. God’s grace is not limited to race, that is to say, even the orcs can become believers and enjoy equal treatment. Tuya’s measures have been madly supported by civilians and slaves. Naturally, civilians needless to say, and if slaves become believers, they can dismiss slavery, just, open and honorable, and be free to behave.

The grace of Tuya is too whimsical and too crazy, and all of them angered all the lords and nobles. Most importantly, most of the professionals became vested interests because of the special surname of this continent. One of the members, the Holy See suddenly monopolized all the taxes, then what do they eat and drink in the future? Is it going to be a robber who beats home?

The lords and nobles of all parts of the world showed unimaginable unity. Even the empire was unified, it could not be compared with this moment. Some even exhausted the family wealth, recruited the army, and then burned the church, slaughtered the priests, and drove the believers. Then all the local coalition forces gathered in the southwestern region, and spearheaded the mountains.

Tuya did not put the coalition in his eyes, but instead went to wild with joy, because he could solve all opposition forces and become the master of the entire continent. The coalition forces did not even have a general commander, because no one is willing to obey the lords. This is incredible for a war. It is reasonable to say that the coalition forces should not be the opponents of the elite Bright Knights and Cardinals. You must know that the strength of the Holy See at that time was many times stronger than it is now.

But Tuya is wrong. He is facing the anger of the entire continent. It is said that the Dragon Knight and the numerous Magician silhouettes on the battlefield have covered the sky. The two sides have not officially engaged in the battle. The Bright Knight Group has suffered hundreds of The cursed strikes, it is also said that most Magician not at all release magic, because they are afraid, the elements of the current turbulence is too violent, they even sense that World is collapsing.

After the defeat of the Holy See, Tuya committed suicide. Since the establishment of the church, he was the first pope to commit suicide, and he was the only one after another suicide. Although he has superb strength, this is exactly what he can become the pope. The cost, but his responsibility is too heavy, whether it is a career or not, his belief in the light god is beyond doubt, so he hopes to use his death for the understanding, to reserve a line of opportunity to live for the Holy See.

At that time, the coalition forces could completely erase the Holy See if they opened another two hundred or so. However, the death of Tuya made many lords suddenly realize, what is the Pope? It is a sacred and inviolable leader who can be compared with the great emperor! Actually committed suicide under their power… What is that power? !

Some lords secretly took their own troops and evacuated them. The entire continent army is here. Of course, there will be great benefits when going home first. Some of them will be cunning, and the army will ambush early and attack the territory to attack themselves. Neighboring lord. Because the contingent forces are gathered in the southwestern region, most of the cities are no longer capable of defense. Some lords suddenly gave birth to sorrow during the process of withdrawing troops, so they went back and burned and looted, and some lords returned. When I got home, I found that my homeland had been destroyed, and I was so angry that I took everyone through the army. Some in the process of withdrawing the army, they found that the two lords were in a melee, and they secretly waited aside. When the other party beat the bone suffer, he would kill it again, and some would use security as an excuse to find the alliance and be sure that he was safe. And turned to poison the allies. Anyway, in the scorpion, what strange things happened, and since then, the continent has become completely confusing.

The war between the coalition forces and the Holy See was named the battle of the curse, because in that short period of time, too many curses were released. The coalition’s fratricidal killings were named as the Battle of Hundred and Bloody. At that time, it was more chaotic than now. The rules between the society were completely destroyed. Every other army is its own enemy. Who can’t believe who? The two armies that meet unexpectedly will inevitably hit you and die. Unlike the martial arts, the magic that holds the main attack has an unforeseen surname. The battle between the same level Magician is definitely the first to be strong and the latter to suffer. You Don’t want to fight, wait for the opposite Magician to release the magic, and then change your mind, it is already late. Even the most lenient lord of the psychological quality lost the square inch at the time, and even dared not send someone to scout, let Magician go, easily suffer from strangulation, waste precious magic power, send Knight to go, when Knight found the situation, the other party also I can find him. If the other party is also a lord who is dedicated to protecting himself, then it is better to say that if it is a lord who has attacked several companions and plundered a lot of wealth and is happy, isn’t he exposed himself, a lamb in a tiger’s den?

In the northeastern region, the dead Zaganide, Dismark and the others, but also a dozen or so lords, but this is the natural result of the survival of the fittest. At that time, the entire continent coalition was composed of hundreds of local armed forces, so many mutual The hostile army is like a scattered flower, retreating in the same direction. As a result, it is conceivable that almost half of the troops will never return home.

Han Jin is embarrassed and loses order, and the surname will become terrifying! However, Yalina then talked about the orc federation with the tone of taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

The fall of the orcs was also due to the battle of bloody battles. At that time, the orc federation was the largest federal in the empire. It was nominally obeyed by the management of the empire. Actually, its own reading power was in power, and the empire was disintegrated. The strength of the orc federation was better than that of the locals. The lords are much more powerful, but they have not waited for the human race to give birth to a ghost. Tuya has issued a decree of God. God’s grace is equal to all races, and all believers can enjoy equal treatment. Therefore, the orc federation also sent itself. The army.

Tuya committed suicide, and the lords gave birth to dissent. The orcs decided to continue to attack the mountains that are not falling, and set an example for the capricious human beings. Unfortunately, the example has been done, but no other lords should be. The so-called a centipede dies, but never falls, the most powerful time of the Holy See, the Archbishop under the Pope and mastering the high-order light magic reached more than 20, the cardinal is even more than 100 counts, and even has a complete The stormtroopers composed of St. Knight, although defeated by the coalition forces, suffered heavy losses, Pope Tuya committed suicide, low morale, and people’s hearts, but still retains a strong fighting power.

This war was called the battle of invincibility. The result was that the army of the orc federation was completely annihilated, and the Holy See was once again hit hard and was in a worse situation, so that after hundreds of years, it has not been able to Restore vitality.

The birth of powerhouse requires soil, and inheritance also needs atmosphere. At that time, the Holy See had a set of mechanisms for excavating talents. There were bishops under the cardinal group. There were priests under the bishops, Archbishop to guide the cardinals, cardinals to guide the bishops, and then the bishops. To select the priests, the various parishes were destroyed, the priests were killed, and in two consecutive bloody battles, Archbishop’s casualty rate was less than half, and the cardinal’s casualty rate exceeded 90%, the stronger the strength, of course. The more able to cope with the harsh environment and cope with various crises, but the huge talent pool has been swept away, and this loss cannot be remedied.

However, the loss of the human race was even more devastating. At that time, the king of the human race, Kazaru, believed that the orc’s chance had finally come, but he was worried about the overall strength of mankind and thought for a long time. He came up with a soldier who was threatened and threatened. The trick is to use all the power in the war to eliminate the Holy See and let the humans look carefully. When he later conquers the lords, he naturally does not have to fight. Outstanding, but no orc can return to his hometown. What is more tragic is that Kazaru even took his son and wife, and even the legal heirs did not. As a result, the orc federation and the empire quickly disintegrated. It is.

Han Jin listened very carefully, especially about the Holy See, because it determines how he wants to stay with Jeddes, and how to deal with the few Knights, the bright Knights and the priests. Something, Jeddy will not tell him.

At least, he already had a vague decision in his heart. For the radicals around Jedice, they must be completely eradicated. They are the source of the disaster! Contrary to the heart, he often encounters things that he can’t help himself now. He wants to come to Jedice too. Originally, Jedice didn’t want to do that, but there were more radicals around him, trying to put pressure on Jedice, Jeddis. It is possible to compromise, but how to get rid of it… it needs to be arranged slowly. This is an urgent matter!

Yalina had already spoken dryly, but seeing Han Jin listening carefully, she was laughing at her lips, sweet in her heart, until she reached the door of the night of bliss, she stopped.

“Sacred crystal is the tear of the god of light?” Han Jin couldn’t help but said with a smile: “A big tear.”

“The legend, when it is not true.” Yalina also said with a smile.

“You said…” Han Jin suddenly said: “I told Jedice, I really need that crystal, will he promise?”

“It’s strange! He will fight with you!” said Yalina chop nails and sever Iron.

“Forget it, take your time.” Han Jin smiled and shook his head.

Several maids in the door are offering them with a smiling face. Their eyes are slightly different. It is normal to bring a woman to a night of bliss, because the night of bliss is the ‘entertainment city’ of the comprehensive surname, four buildings, each The items in the building are different, but wearing a hard suit is a bit weird.

“Is Hillist in?” Han Jin asked a maid.

“You…” The maid clearly stunned: “Do you know Master Hirest?”

“Yeah.” Han Jin ordered nodded. * “Please come with me.” The maid smiled and led the way. She led Han Jin and Yalina into a small hall and succumbed to it: “Let’s wait a moment, I will inform the Hilister adults. “”

Han Jin complied, looking around, although the grass, the wood, the table and the chair belong to him, even the slave girl and the maid belong to him, but he has never been here, the hall is full of a splendid The smell is full of glittering decorations. Of course, this is not his style, but Dismark. Fortunately, the battle they took at the beginning of the city quickly solved the enemy, and it really made a big noise. The loss of Holy Crown City will never Will be small.

Yalina also looked at all around curiously, then turned her attention to the cup on the table, took it and looked at it, and let it go back. Although she was dressed very plainly today, she was born into a giant, element It’s much bigger than the Holy Crown City. A ducal palace is worthy of the first half of the Holy Crown City. What good things haven’t seen before?

Han Jin found that the room was a little weird. There were six doors around. He was thinking about the past, and suddenly heard the rapid footsteps coming from outside. Then the six doors were pushed away at the same time, rushing in a group of half. Armed mercenaries.

Han Jin didn’t frown, then a familiar voice sounded: “Adult?”

Tough barely fell, Chituk’s figure appeared in the air, and he turned and shouted: “Go out, go out, go out, nothing you!”

The group of aggressive mercenaries turned around with no morale and slammed out.

“What are you doing?” asked Han Jin.

“I thought…” Chitke was a little embarrassed: “I heard them say that someone called Hilster’s name, and I thought someone was looking for trouble.”

“You!” Han Jin was quite helpless. When Dismark was there, I never heard anyone coming here to find trouble. Isn’t Han Jin’s deterrent power is not as good as Dismark: “I think it’s your own uncomfortable here. Looking for something? I don’t ask him what his name is for him?”

“hehe… you don’t know, Hillist’s kid is now an influential figure. No matter who comes to him, he has to call him an ‘adult’.” Chitke became embarrassed: “I am here.” … actually it’s quite good.”

Han Jin observes Qi Keke. Seeing Qiu Keke’s expression is very natural. It is very different from the unmoving nervousness at that time. It should be recovered. He turned his gaze to the wall, but the focus was not there, as if through the wall. Looking into the distance: “Qi Qi Ke, do you want to do something?”

“I?” Chirk was surprised and happy: “Adult, what can I do?” Stay here, although it is delicious every day, and there are beautiful women everywhere, thousands of beautiful women, but he I feel very bored. For Chisuke, who was a long time ago, it’s a paradise to be able to mix this step, but now he is not reconciled. He is a good deputy. He is a deputy to Hillist. He is not good at hearing. He is A look at the scene, and look at a place that no one dares to mess up, life is too boring! Those who are like Moxinke, with Han Jin going to the end, how can they become the lords of the ring, is this the same in his life? !

“Isn’t it a beautiful garden behind us? Let’s talk there.” Han Jin whispered. In fact, his preferred candidate was Gibran, but Gibran and Julia were ‘detained’ together and could only retreat. .

“Adult, please come with me.” Chitke spoke with a vibrato, and a rushed to open the door.

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