After three days, Yalina never had eyes opened. However, no one has accused Han Jin. Even the most painful Gaelic director has forgiven Han Jin, if Han Jin is too big or otherwise. The reason is that Gail’s manager will never let go of it, but his opponent is Elder Maxwell of Dragon Race. What can he say? Guevera is right. It is not easy for Han Jin to come back with Yalina. At least Yalin now has breathing, not a dead person! Moreover, since it has been absolutely involved, the risk is unavoidable. Following the Duke of Solomon, the director of Gail experienced numerous choices, some succeeded, and some failed. After all, the Duke of Solomon was not a god, and always made mistakes. At the time, many people also sacrificed for the mistake of the Grand Duke of Solomon. In his view, Han Jin still has a certain gap from the Duke of Solomon. Even the Grand Duke can’t be foolproof. He can’t even blame Han Jin. He chose the latter between love and reason.

The most important thing is that everyone is very busy and very nervous. Gail’s manager has no energy to catch Han Jin’s fault, because Han Jin is not killing the ordinary giant dragon. How can Dragon City sit and watch? Rational? Holy Crown City is very likely to suffer the fierce revenge of Dragon Race!

In this chaotic World, justice is just a stinking fig leaf. No matter who needs it, you can hang justice in front of you. From the perspective of Holy Crown City, they suddenly suffer from the attack of Fine Spirit Race. Of course, it is just right. Dragon Race even sent a giant dragon to participate in the battle. It was purely taking the side of the evil-doer. It should be killed. From the perspective of the Dragon City, a noble Elder was killed by humans. They absolutely Can not forgive this insult.

The ‘potential’ thing is very mysterious. Regardless of the situation, the situation, or the general trend, the mid-term is mixed with an involuntary taste. At the beginning, Gail’s director did not want to participate. He went to the city of Lonely just to Protected Yalina, but then Guevera appeared, and then Jedice appeared, which made the Gail manager move. The capital of the elements has been playing with the city for decades. The war between the two sides has evolved into a model, even a habit, and it is no longer possible to find the passion for entrepreneurship. It can be said that the Gaelic administrator has been lonely for many years. .

Regarding the situation in the nearby area, the Gaelic supervisor has conducted a careful analysis. In addition to some troubles in Chesham’s Cold Shadow City, other Wild Willow City such as Zaganide, Dismark, Ma Lishen and Elves are not very strong, Beitman. It can be ignored, and Han Jin’s powerhouse is like a cloud. It is only a matter of time before the city is occupied. Joining this group is a icing on the cake, taking advantage of the trend, and building a profound relationship with a new and promising lord. Friendship, the best of both worlds!

Moreover, with regard to the issue of the heirs of the Grand Duke of Solomon, it is Yalina who is the most interested in the Governor of Gail. The eldest son of the Grand Duke is narrow-minded and gloomy, and can even be poisoned by his pro-younger sister, which makes him very disappointed. The second son of the Grand Duke is too good-hearted, and there is no ambition, a typical, past and past pampered young master. Only Yalina is the strongest surname, and he is still a magician. He hopes that Yalina can help Han Jin in the battle. The scorpion grows up quickly, and naturally it is qualified and capable of inheriting the glory of the capital of the elements.

Later, I learned the news that Sunier left and got married. The Gail manager was to be wild with joy. One mountain can’t be shared by two tigers, Han Jin After destroying the rest of the lords, will they be safe? It’s hard to be difficult. What if Han Jin extends his claws to the elemental capital? Now, the most worrying problem is solved! As long as Han Jin and Yalina come together, everything becomes their family affairs. As for the future capital of the big duchy will not be established in the capital of elements, the Gaelic director does not care, he only cares about the inheritance of the big duke bloodline.

However, it is easy to get on the boat, and the Gail manager only thought that it was a icing on the cake, and he took advantage of the situation. Blood Race The distant ancestor Arquette suddenly appeared next to Zaganide, and there were seven more abyss demons. This gave Gail the head of the team. If you knew that there would be so many powerful enemies, maybe he had forcibly left Yalina. Fortunately, Han Jin lived up to expectations, and almost did not use everyone to contribute, he solved all the troubles.

The Gaelic Explorer has just been relaxed, and the Fine Spirit Race has been united. The powerful army has formed an overwhelming advantage. The problem of the Elf has not been solved. Han Jin has killed a Dragon Race Elder. The pressure is too great. ! The director of Gail suddenly found out that he was really old. When he was with the Grand Duke, facing the powerful enemy, they could also talk and laugh, but now they are timid, but have already reached this step, he Can’t you back down, will you be ruined in your life? The Gail manager never wants to be old but becomes the laughing stock of others.

For three days, Han Jin rarely went out, most of the time sitting on the edge of the bed, watching the awake Yalina, when he broke free of the seal, Yalina’s breath was absolutely, he used almost all Yuan Neng released the enchanted curse and let Yalina regain the opportunity to live. However, he was still a step later. Although Yalina’s body continued to recover, there was no sign of waking up. Han Jin only released a total of Two times to curse the soul, and they are all released for Yalina. He has no experience and does not know what it means, so he must stay on the sidelines.

It’s not just Gael’s manager who is involuntarily, he is the same! Killing Maxwell, although he drew a powerful and unmatched energy, even more than the sum of the previous giant dragons, but he also paid a heavy price, azure glow completely disappeared.

The magic weapon has the difference between the primary and the secondary, and the azure glow is his main magic weapon. If he is given a few more years, he is confident that he will condense the energy calculated by the etheric E in the azure glow. Even if he encounters Nikolay, he should also The power of a battle, but now, has become a bubble.

From condensing the azure glow to the present, after more than a year, he spent countless efforts on the azure glow. The question is, how many years can he waste? Does he still have time to consolidate new magic weapons?

Before making a choice, it is on this shore, but the target is on the other side. In the middle is a sea full of squally winds. Unless it is not in the water, the water can only go forward. If you step back, it will be overwhelming, and the enemy will not give him a rest. Time, let alone the azure glow is destroyed, even if the War God number, and other magic weapons are all destroyed, the energy is also exhausted, and he will not look back.

“Master… Master.” Harley suddenly whispered.

“How?” Han Jin woke up from his meditation.

“Yalina’s face…somewhat wrong.”

Han Jin’s eyes fell on Yalina’s cheek, and the pale face gradually became dim, and her heart was shocked. She hurriedly reached for Yalina’s wrist.

***In the capital of the element, mention the Duke of the Grand Duke of Solomon, no one knows, known to everyone, the elements are the largest and most prosperous city in the northeast region, and the Dukes Palace is the first capital of the capital city. No one can surpass, of course, this has a certain relationship with the status of the Duke of Solomon, and most importantly, the Dukes House is too big, accounting for almost one-sixth of the entire elemental capital.

To put it bluntly, the Duke’s House is a city in the city. It was put a few hundred years ago. This is a kind of overstepping. Is the Grand Duke of Solomon built a palace or a palace? But now no one is in charge of the nostalgia of the Grand Duke of Solomon. Who has that qualification? Who has that guts?

On the west side of the Duke’s House, there is a lush and green woodland, which grows all the same tree. The height of the tree is mostly more than 30 meters. The thinnest tree has a trunk diameter of more than five meters. The ordinary person stands. Under the tree, it is almost like a small insect.

The colors of the trunks and leaves are weird, a fiery red, and no flaming redness. Under their mapping, even the land here is emitting red light.

If a well-informed bard sees these trees, he must be exclaimed, because these are extremely precious fire paulownia, natural magical materials, shields made of the stalks of the fire sycamore, with fire elements. The ability to immunize is against the fire attribute Magician’s Supreme weapon.

The whole piece of woodland, except for this kind of tree, has nothing, even a weed, and the ground is very smooth, like a layer of red tiles. In the sky, there is a huge magic array, which covers all the woodland. It is the forbidden place of the Duke’s Mansion. Only the Duke of Solomon can freely enter and exit. Don’t say the soldiers and servants in the government, even the second son of the Duke of Solomon. Edison, the most naughty child when he was a child, did not dare to go half a step.

An old man walks in the woodland, which is the Duke of Solomon. In fact, he is only in his fifties, but his appearance is far older than his age, and his forehead is covered with wrinkles like a knife. There is also a white beard, and the old spots on the thin cheeks are almost the same as the human nails.

His shoulders are wide, but his back is a little bent, as if he is carrying heavy objects that he can’t see. The robes he wears are well-fitted, but the fabric is very ordinary, with a black cane in his hand. The pair used to be slender. The fingers have become skinny at the moment, and if they are dead.

He was all over the body, and except for the sighing old state, he couldn’t see anything different. If he walked out of the Duke’s house and walked down the street, he would immediately get into the crowd.

He walked very slowly, because he took a few steps, he had to stop, coughing for a while, sometimes not coughing, only standing there and breathing hard, because of poor breathing and severe cough, his face The rose was slightly reddened, and the corner of his eyes also overflowed with tears. However, his eyes always had a faint smile.

It was a pair of very young eyes, clear and bright, and it was in stark contrast with his appearance.

Suddenly, a fire red bird jumped from behind the tree, almost half a meter high, and the feathers were very incomparable. From a distance, the feathers were fire red, but from a close look, It can be seen that there is a thick stream of light in every feather, and it is found that the Duke of Solomon immediately screams with a high voice. Zhang opens a spit out of a Fireball and flies straight to the Duke of Solomon. Then it flashes again. After the tree, it disappeared.

The Fireball that the bird spurted began to be only half a fist, but when it flew to the front of the Grand Duke of Solomon, it was almost the same as the wheel, and the speed of the flight was exceptionally fast, and between the moments, it hit the chest of the Grand Duke of Solomon.

The Grand Duke of Solomon extended the hand, and the Fireball of the car [***] suddenly stopped and it was unimaginable. The unscrupulous meteor would become so well-behaved, and then the Fireball would fly straight to the sky.

Sholo the head of Solomon shouted the head and continued to move forward. At that moment, he exudes a pressure that would allow the adult person’s heart to stop beating, but now it has returned to an ordinary old man.

The big bird waited for a moment behind the tree, seeing nothing happened, curiously peeping out, looking at the Duke of Solomon, and then scanning around, seemingly looking for his own Fireball.

Next moment, the car [***] Fireball dropping from the sky, is squatting on the big bird, a loud bang, a thick fire rising from the sky, the big bird completely unprepared, was flattened On the ground, it is like a roast chicken in a plate, but it does not seem to be injured at all, and hurriedly jumped up and fled to the depths of the woodland.

In the depths of the woodland, there is a giant bird lying there quietly, and the height of the squatting has reached more than ten meters. The feathers on the body exude a thick brilliance, such as bright pearls and burning flames. Although it did not say, it did not move, but it exudes an indescribable prestige.

The big bird just turned into a little bird at the moment. It screamed and sold, and while fanning the wings, chirp chirp twitter twitter called something, as if it was complaining, it seemed to complain.

The giant bird looked down, and the fiery pupils were full of warmth, full of smiles and love.

Cough cough ……cough cough cough…The figure of the Duke of Solomon appeared, the little bird was shocked, and one of the giant birds was not able to come out.

The pace of the Duke of Solomon seemed slow and difficult, and he stopped to cough, gasp, and rest from time to time. However, when the long road was finished, he finally walked to the giant bird. From the figure, he was very It was small, but the expression was very calm, and before he looked up, his eyes flashed a puzzling apology.

The giant bird stared at Solomon for a moment and suddenly spit out the voice: “Your body seems to be getting worse.”

“Old… all this.” Solomon showed a smile that didn’t care, and then slowly said: “Old friend, are you thinking about it?”

The giant bird was silent for a moment, whispered: “Over the years, under your protection, I live very quietly, but I can’t help you. Maybe, it’s time for my child… to repay you for me. “”

“You are wrong, we are not at all, what is good, I helped you, and you helped me.” Solomon paused: “This is just… as a friend’s request, I don’t want to force you, too You are not qualified to force you, you can refuse.”

“For me, if I didn’t have you, I would have been dusty.” The giant bird sighed and then stretched out the bright wings, carefully holding the little bird up and placing it in front of the facade. “I just hope that your descendants can really treat my child as a partner of Life and Death.” *The little bird is unknown, so after falling to the ground, Solomon was found standing behind it, scared and screamed. And drilled down to the giant bird.

Solomon coughed again and then gasped for a moment, slowly said: “You don’t have to doubt the friendship between them, she is my child, no one knows her better than me.”

“You do this… Jared will hate you forever,” the giant bird whispered.

“Don’t you want me to choose Jared? I guess… if that’s the case, you must reject me.” Solomon laughed.

The giant bird was lightly sighed and did not speak.

“Not to mention that I never mind that others hate me.” Solomon said indifferently: “Hate this thing, but the weak that the self is comforting the method that’s all when you are helpless.”

“But Jared is your child after all.”

“Because of this, I can’t choose him.” Solomon sneered: “He only knows hate, hates this, hates that, but never reviews himself, and never thinks how to do better, hehe … …my evaluation seems to be a bit too aggressive, seriously speaking of which, if he is allowed to sit in my position, he can do one thing.”

“what’s up?”

“Destroyed my elemental capital, in this respect, Edison and Yalina can’t match him.”

“But I think Jarrid is the smartest of your three children.” The giant bird whispered: “However, this is your family business, you don’t need to care about my opinion.”

“Smart? Little smart is not a major event, and a smart person who only knows his own people is destined to be sad.” Solomon shook the head: “Like a poisonous snake, in addition to making people hate, he is again What can I get? Don’t look at his friends, but they and Jared come together, just because they are afraid, they are the target of being hit. If Jared is at a disadvantage, there will be countless feet on the horse. Go on!”

“Actually, you didn’t guess wrong.” The giant bird’s voice carries a smile: “If you choose Jared, I will definitely reject your request.”

The giant bird said as he pulled the little bird out again, and the little bird was anxious to scream there, but he couldn’t get out.

Solomon took a small bottle from his arms, which contained a small half bottle of fresh red liquid.

“It seems… you are ready.”

“The time is running out, I want to go some peace of mind.” Solomon casually stretched out his crutches and pointed at the little bird. With a magical wave, the little bird could not move to even a little bit. Only Solomon can be seen with horrified eyes.

“Running out??”

“Being able to survive this year, for me, is a victory.” Solomon whispered: “Old friend, I want to start.”

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