It was dawn, because last night ‘tossed’ too late, Han Jin and Yalina could not sleep for a long time, Han Jin is no problem, but Yalina’s expression looks awkward.

Stopped Breakfast was very tasteless, Han Jin kept his attitude of making fewer mistakes, and Yalina didn’t know what to say. After dinner, Han Jin invited Yalina to go around and Yalina hesitated for a moment and answered Han Jin. invite.

Shopping is equally boring. Han Jin talked about the atmosphere of Nguyen, talked about this Nuremberg, talked about the caveman, and extended his impression of the various races in the abyss, but Yalina was not interested in this topic, and rarely interjected. Not to mention the discussion, Han Jin then closed his mouth.

The bright sunlight penetrates through the gaps of the vines, turning the whole Nuremberg into a colorful World, with large and small light and shadow everywhere, a warm fragrance filled in the air, that is all the green vegetation mixed together The taste, if removed from the psychological factors, Han Jin has to admit that the fragrance is very smelly and comfortable.

It is not easy to open up such a world in the endless world of ice and snow. Unfortunately, the so-called love house and black, because of Sunier’s abandonment, he does not have any good feelings for the elf, this refurbished green world The same is true.

After the elves left, the people who could escape escaped. The rest were people who didn’t want to escape or couldn’t escape. In the corner of the city, from time to time, men and women screamed, cried, and mixed. Say good, laughter.

The overall family name of this continent is very vivid. It can be described in a few words or even a sentence. Only human beings can hardly describe it. An abyss demon who is unwilling to kill, will certainly suffer endless ridicule, contempt and rejection in his ethnic group, and an orc who likes poetry and sentimentality is estimated to have been killed by clansman.

The human family’s overall family name can be regarded as all-encompassing. Sometimes, they can be more cruel than the abyss demon, more violent than the orcs. Sometimes, they can be more cultivated than the elves. They are more holy than Angel. There is no way to specifically evaluate them. It is wrong, there will definitely be the opposite example.

Han Jin didn’t want to gossip, heard the instigation in front, just wanted to take Yalina to another road, but suddenly burst the pot in front, almost there were more than a dozen well-dressed big men wail like ghosts and howl like wolves Han Jin came in this direction, seeing Han Jin wearing a strong suit, and Yalina holding a magic wand, and immediately screamed and turned and rushed into the alley.

A black faint bead chased from the front and ran rampant among the big men. Every time it flashed, it would bring a bloody rain. In a moment, those big men had all fallen into a pool of blood.

“Harry, what’s the matter?” Han Jin said with a frown.

“It’s too vicious! It’s too vicious!!” Harley yelled impulsively: “Master, you go to the front to see, just understand!”

Han Jin slightly shook the head: “Yalina, let’s change direction.” Harley itself is not a good person, can make Harley move the heart of the heart, heaven knows what kind of heaven and man are angry.

“Master, we shouldn’t come, let the elves kill them!” Harley was still yelling: “I suddenly felt the elf…”

“Okay!” Han Jin opened the door.

Suddenly, all the green vegetation in the city began to dance at the same time. The vines were swaying, the trunks were shaking, as if they were all alive, and the movements were very rhythmic, showing a joy.

“The elves are back.” Han Jin reacted immediately, his mouth faintly smiling: “Let’s go, let’s see, what are they going to do with us! Harley…”

“Understand, Master.” Without waiting for Han Jin to speak, Harley understood what he should do, and then floated up, and in the blink of an eye, through the vines, he rose into the sky.

In the north of Nuremberg, there are about five or six female surnames who approached the city at the speed of either or fast nor slow. The elf headed is exactly Sunier, and the last few female elves have been talking and laughing. They can hear their crisp, sweet laughter. This is not a troop of troops, but a group of girls who go out to play.

Harley first discovered the elf here, and the spurs came from the spurs. When the distance was still about a kilometer, Harley suddenly stopped, and then seemed to see what the most terrifying things were, all the way fast as lightning back. Fly away.

“Yalina, I will send you to Abyss World first.” Han Jin whispered to Yalina: “They must be ready this time, some danger.”

“No…” Yalina slowly shook the head.

Han Jin smiled: “Well… okay.”

At this moment, Halley shot from the air and immediately restored the original shape, but his expression was very uneasy. Even if he did not have a clear facial features, he could still let others clearly sense his emotional changes.

“Harley, did you find anything?”

“There… there…” Harley Ai’s replied: “There are a few elves.”

“Only a few?”

“There are six in total.” Harley calculated it in his heart.

“You didn’t do it?” Han Jin felt a little surprised. With Harley’s name, no matter how many elves he came, he should rush to the hands. It is understandable that Harley has been too long and too long.

“No… no.”

“You are very upset?” Han Jin whispered: “They are very powerful?”

“No, Master, they… very weak.”

“What is very weak?” Han Jin feels that Harley is already incoherent.

“Master, you… you still have to check it out yourself.” Harley said with difficulty. If you can sweat, Harley is already full of cold sweat. Han Jin retains his intelligence. Of course, he has his own little ninety-nine. The relationship between the owner and Yalina has just come to a point. Sunier is back, and the two sides come together. What will happen? It’s messy, everything is going to be messed up!

When Han Jin appeared in the north of Nuremberg, the female surnames were already close to the city, and Han Jin could clearly hear the happy laughter of the other party, and then he saw the female surname headed, although the distance was four. Outside, five 100 meters, but he immediately recognized each other, the pretty eyebrows, the exquisite figure, the silky smooth golden hair, and the streamers in front of the forehead, are very familiar! If a giant thunder hit him, Han Jin was stunned, hateful and nostalgic, painful and unwilling, and at this moment it was completely intertwined, causing him to burst into arrogance.

As if there was a sense of ignoring time and space obstruction, the opposite Sunier suddenly stopped. She extended the hand arm, blocking the elf behind her, a pair of sky-like eyes, turned to Han Jin’s position.

Then, Sunier showed a horrified expression, apparently recognizing who was opposite, she hesitated for a moment, biting her lips, then she passed the silver Pegasus and galloped in the direction of the coming.

“Sunier !!!” Han Jin uttered the snoring of earth-shattering. All the grief, incomprehension, anger and even hatred that had accumulated for a long time broke out at this moment. He took a second thought and immediately released the contraction. Sunier chased it.

But the speed of the Silver Pegase that Sunier rode is unusually fast, even surpassing the giant dragon. It has turned into a silver arrow flying in the sky and even a thunderous roar. .

Han Jin smashed the handcuffs, punched the curse, and then paused, it would appear more than a hundred meters away, and then began to shake the handcuffs, at this unimaginable speed, can only be slow shorten the distance.

There was a green forest in front, and the range was almost a kilometer. In this silver package, it was as conspicuous as Nuremberg now, but Han Jin turned a blind eye and he did not have the energy to think. See Sunier rushing into the forest, he He also rushed in, although he couldn’t release the curse in the forest for a long time, but the silver Pegasus could not fly as fast.

Han Jin’s crazy body shape, Yuan Neng also ran to the extreme, chasing Sunier’s silhouette, quickly interspersed in the forest, abruptly, the front Sunier exclaimed, the silver Pegasus fell, and Sunier did not After flying out, rolling into the grass and flashing a few flashes, it disappeared disappear without a trace.

Next moment, Han Jin has appeared in the position where Sunier disappeared. As he prepares to rush into the grass, his figure is abruptly stopped. An elf jumps lightly from the big tree behind him, standing there quietly. Looking at his back.

Han Jin turned around a little, his eyes swept from the elf, then fell on the falling silver fly, the silver pony was still not dead, with its four-footed kick, a mouthful of blood rushing And out, dye the grass around the red.

“Raphael Lord, fortunately.” The elf bent down slightly, revealing a deep smile.

Han Jin’s eyes turned to the elf again. The other is a very feminine male surname, a pair of green eyes, clear and deep, a brilliant golden curl, a towering nose, a little cherry under the straight nose. Lips, yes, it is the lips, let this male surname wear a dress, no one should doubt his surname.

If you change to another World, if Han Jin is in a good mood, he may smile and ask the other person: “Korean?” But now Han Jin can’t laugh, he has a sense of crisis, that is, the other person gives him It creates pressure, and the appearance makes people feel as beautiful as women. It does not mean that they can despise his strength.

“Prudence? Trap?” Han Jin indifferently said: “Sunier with you, set a trap for me?”

“Do you want me to make it clear? Why?” Prudence said with a slight smile: “The facts are enough to prove everything.”

When Prudence uttered this sentence, a strip of tree roots stretched out from the ground, crawling around the ground, and connected into a piece, making the entire ground become a undulating ocean.

Han Jin can feel the creeping movement under his feet, yes, it is really a trap! This is afraid that I will escape from the ground! Han Jin’s eyes are a bit stunned, but only for a moment, he is restored to the clear, the action is always better than the sound, Sunier has proved her choice with facts, how naive and ridiculous the feelings are in front of the entire Spirit Race. Still need to explain? Ok, okay… At this point, let me draw a full stop for you, even for your entire race!

All the anger at this moment turned into a mad burning fight intent, but his expression is still very calm, looking around, as if watching the scenery: “Do you think this will be useful?”

“If only myself… really can’t say it.” Prudence’s smile was a bit embarrassing: “But I have friends.”

A silhouette fell from the branches and leaves, standing quietly behind Prudence, his appearance is very ordinary, but his body is gorgeous to the extreme, gilded jade, splendorous and majestic, just like a foreign chief Or a bride who is going to marry.

“I will introduce it. This is… Maxwell from the Dragon City. In the Long language, Maxwell refers to a powerful and respectable powerhouse.” Prudence said with a Slight smile : “Oh… you are suspicious? tsk tsk, your eyes justify your shallowness, Maxwell has mastered the ultimate deformation, do you know what it means?”

Maxwell was quite proud of his smile and listened to Prudence introducing himself.

“I don’t know? This means that Maxwell has broken through the final barrier.” Prudence sighed.

“Oh.” Han Jin laughed.

“You are the Raphael of the Dragon Slayer?” Maxwell felt that he should also say something, but he deliberately brought out Han Jin’s ‘title’, which contained a scorn and provocation that was undisguised. Are you not a dragonslayer? I see how you slaughtered the dragon in the end? !

“hehe…” Han Jin was laughed again, an azure glow spurted out of his mouth, and immediately turned into a giant sword that was more than 30 meters long. He didn’t like to say, especially at this time, there was more, Shouting high can not alleviate the pain in his heart, the Spirit Race brought him, and Sunier brought him, only blood can wash!

“Proverbs…” Maxwell opened his arms, bursts of indescribable violent magic waves from his mouth, and the surrounding trees and grass trembled neatly, and the invisible and unpredictable shock instantly swept more than 10 li. Even the sky was darkened, and then he spit out a syllable that others could not understand, just like Han Jin sang.

Next moment, Maxwell’s finger to Han Jin, Han Jin suddenly felt numb, a thick black spread out on his chest, and soon filled his body, he could not control any muscle, the whole person They all became a statue, and the azure glow that was about to launch the attack also slammed into the air because it lost the mind of Han Jin.

That is a very terrifying feeling! It seems to be sealed in the iceberg of Wannian. Even the fingertips are impossible to move even a little bit. Not only that, but Han Jin also finds that his sensory ability is gradually fading, and a slight scream is heard in his ear, and his vision begins. It became ambiguous, close range was OK, but things in the distance had turned into a fog, and he saw that Prudence was talking, but could not hear what he said.

Han Jin’s Yuan can work at full strength, but he can’t compete with this feeling. He clearly judges that Liu is slowly huddled in the boundless darkness. It will take a long time for him to become a A statue that listens, can’t see, can’t go, doesn’t have any sense! Maybe he can think about it, but what is the use? !

“Maxwell, can you?” Prudence said with a faint smile. Since he came to Maxwell Elder’s Maxwell, he never worried about Han Jin. It’s hard, just how. Find Han Jin and don’t let Han Jin escape.

“Wait… Wait a minute, what are you worried about?” Maxwell’s voice was very short, including dissatisfaction, and then took a long breath: “Dragon Race, which is more powerful, it is impossible to release two rumors in succession!”

“Okay.” Prudence shrugged his bladder.

Maxwell’s face has become pale, his chest is breathing sharply, as if the dwarf is pulling the bellows, the seal of rumors, is the most powerful blessing magic of the formidable power in the dragon language magic, of course, is a negative blessing, seal curse The formidable power can even mask time and space. Even if the seal has existed for tens of thousands of years, then after the sealee returns to freedom, what will not change, including age, including memory and so on.

Although as a Dragon Race Elder, the long years have given him the boundless magic, but Maxwell can not afford to wear, at least he can not release this curse continuously.

For a long while, Maxwell took a deep breath, and Prudence slowly raised his bow, said with a slight smile: “This moment, I have been looking forward to it for a long time.” Finished, he pulled the bowstring The corner of the eye drifted to Maxwell.

Maxwell slowly spread his arms: “Proverbs…”

Apparently, they had a good understanding of Han Jin’s ‘magic’ and was preparing to attack Han Jin, who was resurrected.

At this moment, a lightning hangs from the sky, hitting Prudence, and then several lights are continuously falling. The fast approaching Yalin then releases the momentary movement, appearing next to Han Jin, a faint magic light curtain. Out of thin air, Han Jin is firmly wrapped in it.

“hehe…” Prudence smiled as if nothing had happened, his eyes showed an interesting expression, and Yalina’s appearance made him amazing, even in the elves, it was difficult to see such a beautiful and unfortunate female surname.

“Seal…” Yalin reveals a horrifying expression. She is a magician after all. She has a deep knowledge of the magic field. She knows what this strongest curse means. Her sight falls on Maxwell. On the body, he said in a trembling voice: “Upper Dragon Race…”

“Let it open, I don’t want to be difficult for you.” Prudence softly, he is a graceful elf, do not want to poison such a beautiful woman.

The magic wand in Yalina’s hand hangs down a little. She understands that she is not the opponent of any powerhouse in front of him. Then, a heartbreaking beauty blooms on her face, owes you, and returns it to you today!

Next moment, Yalina’s magic wand points to the sky in a firm and incomparable position, a path of giant thunderbolt down, nine gray descending!

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