I don’t know how long it took, Sunier finally woke up from a coma, and it was a blue sky. Sunier didn’t rush to look at his all around environment, but looked at the strange sky and the moment, after a while Two drops of tears slipped silently from her eyes.

Seth is just one of Sunier’s many playmates when he was young. So far Sunier just remembers his voice and smile. As for what Seth likes, how martial arts practice, and no family, these Sunier know nothing about it.

For the former Sunier, Seth was just a passer-by, and there was no difference between it and no. However, it was this passing passenger who paid her young life for her. It was only then that Sunier knew that when Seth said that she would help her into the trial environment, why did she sigh?

He already knew what he was going to face! As soon as I thought of Sunier, I felt a pain in my heart. It was my ignorance that pushed Seth to death! It should have been thought that such a place that can quickly improve the strength of clansman, how could anyone not guard it? How can you make people feel free to go in and out!

However, it was already late, and from the moment Sousse rushed into the yard, everything was late.

Sunier was lying on his back, and he was too lazy to move. His mind was full of chaotic thoughts. It was a smile of Seth’s gratification, and a moment of Han Jin’s lonely back. After a while, it became Great Elder. Awkward faces. Sunier felt his head blast, and quickly sat down and shook his head, trying to threw away the chaotic pictures, but the result was a worse mood.

Sighed, Sunier slowly stood up, things have reached this point, guilt, remorse are not helpful, the road always has to go.

As soon as I stood up, my vision became wider. Sunier found that she came to a strange world. All around densely packed with countless tall trees, it was strange to see only one bare branch falling to the ground. But I can’t see a leaf.

All the trees are like this. As an elf, Sunier can’t feel the kindness in this strange forest. Some are just a feeling that can’t be said. It is like… a kind of indifference, this strange world seems to be welcoming Sunier in this silent way.

The crisp sound of “gu!” suddenly broke the silence in the forest. Sunier was scared and shriveled. He took out the bow and arrow with lightning, and looked at the direction of the sound like a big enemy.

After a while, a small silhouette broke into Sunier’s field of vision, moving swiftly between the bare branches, and Sunier couldn’t see how it looked.

In a short period of time, this little thing has no idea how many laps around Sunier, and Sunier’s head is a little dizzy, but it can’t be used. It can’t be seen clearly, it can’t be locked at all, the arrow in the hand It feels like a piece of furniture, and I don’t know where to shoot.

At the beginning, Sunier was still nervously maintaining the attacking posture. Later, it was found that it was not malicious. It was just a circle of self-concerning, and gradually Sunier relaxed his vigilance. Anyway, this little thing The speed, really want to attack your own words, even if you are cautiously not necessarily able to stop.

Just as Sunier wanted to take a few steps forward, when he tried it, the soft soil suddenly slammed into a gray-white shadow, and it was extremely tangled in the little silhouette that ran between the trees.

It all happened only at the moment of the electric light flint, and when Sunier reacted, the little things had been tangled up by the shadow of the gray white.

At this time, Sunier saw the little thing. If there were no two long fangs from his mouth, it would look like a miniature monkey; and wrapped around it, It was a tentacle-like thing, and it was still squirming in a drum.

The little thing screamed in anger, and Zhangkou bite it down. The sharp fangs easily pierced the tentacle wrapped around him. There was a dull misery in the ground. The tentacles were lightning-fast. Shrink back.

Sunier’s gaze suddenly condensed, because she clearly saw that the place where the tentacles had been bitten by the little things had turned black!

The little things that were attacked no longer turned around, but jumped to the higher trunk, and a pair of small eyes concentrated on the ground, as if waiting for something.

It didn’t take long for a gray white shadow to come out of the mud without warning. The little thing turned over lightly, hid behind the trunk, and then turned back and bit the flutter. A tentacle that was empty but could not be retracted.

This time, the little things were bitten, and they were no longer loose. The four claws clung to the trunk firmly, letting the tentacles pull straight, and the thick trunks were somewhat deformed, making a sound of zhi zhi .

A dull roar came from the ground, and the ground trembled. Then Sunier saw a thrilling scene. Countless roots of tentacles shattered like mushrooms, forming a dense net that was on the trunk. The little things rushed over.

In Sunier’s view, such an intensive attack, even if the little thing moves faster, can’t hide, so what she didn’t expect was that the little thing actually didn’t mean to hide, and the mouth still bite. It was not with the tentacles, and I didn’t care about the big net that hid the sky and covering the earth.

Just when the tentacles were about to capture the little things, there were suddenly a few small silhouettes in the forest, and they didn’t know where they were hiding, as if they were coming out of the air. Jumping, countless silhouettes, greet countless root tentacles.

The tentacles that shot into the air trembled together, and instantly lost their strength. The guy in the underground seemed to want to take back the tentacles. However, the speed of the little things was too fast, and the blink of an eye caught the tentacles. Just right.

The strange scenes appeared. The number of small things far exceeded the tentacles. There were at least three or four silhouettes on each tentacle. These little things grabbed the tentacles and began to shuttle between the trees. After a while, they put that Countless tentacles have become countless knots.

Sunier suck in a cold breath of air, this is still a monster, it is simply a group battle, lurking, enemies, capture, in one go, without any muddy water.

Things are not over yet, the little things slid down the tentacles to the ground, and began to use the claws to quickly sift the soft dirt. It took no long time to dig a big pit.

The shape of the big guy in the ground appeared in front of Sunier, a creature that Sunier had never seen before. The huge body surface was covered with spike-like bulges, and the position connecting the tentacles was a basin-sized one. Grotto, in Sunier’s opinion, this should be the mouth of the monster.

There was a constant roar sound coming out of the hole, accompanied by a smelly smell of scent, but the little things seemed to have seen the coveted tastes and they rushed up, soon The roar sound is mixed with a lot of pain.

Later, the monster had not even screamed, and only the little things were smashed on it and even bitten. Some of them had exposed the bones.

When these little things are full and full, and after they are dissipated, there is only one huge skeleton left in the original place. They are not even a little bit of pork, and there are countless roots tied to the tentacles. It seems that the tentacles of this monster must not taste very good, otherwise the little things will not let go.

Sunier looked at the white bone on the ground, and she couldn’t help but raise a trace of fear. She asked herself if she couldn’t resist it anyway. In this case, Moxinke had a better chance of survival than her. Much bigger. Sunier has some doubts about this. How did the clansman who tried to practice these things deal with these little things like the wind?

Of course, Sunier didn’t know that these little things like looking at the inconspicuous monkeys can definitely be regarded as the most difficult creature in the history of the temple. In the past, these little things would not appear near the entrance. Even those who passed the trial and successfully harvested the seven-color mandala flower were not seen. However, in the past few days, a weird thing happened in the depths of this world, forcing these little things to leave their place of residence and wandering outside, so that there is this scene in front of Sunier.

But what makes Sunier strange is why these little things didn’t attack themselves? She was puzzled, and capturing Sunier was significantly less difficult than capturing the big guy who was full of tentacles. At this time, Sunier’s gaze condensed and landed on the ground. In front of her a few meters away, there were a few small insects swimming, and there seemed to be nothing wrong with it. The ability to observe the Spirit Race was originally on the continent. It is second to none, and Sunier’s heart is more detailed, and soon found the anomalies.

These small insects tried to get closer to Sunier’s side, but they were always blocked by an invisible barrier. They always bounced back within a certain range. Sunier walked around the white vortex and found that In the five-meter circle near vortex, no creatures can enter, and this is a sudden realization. No wonder that those little things have not attacked themselves. It seems that they have long been unable to get close to here.

However, I found out that this matter does not have much effect on Sunier at the moment. Can’t I stay in this circle all the time? Although coming to the temple is not entirely for the trial, but for the really strong Sunier, she will never hide here.

There are only two roads left in front of me. One is to leave and explore the unknown World. The danger is self-evident. When it comes to those little things, Sunier only has to escape. Or jump into vortex and go back to the real world, but what does it mean to have Sauss’ sacrifice?

Sunier is in a dilemma.

When the day was bright, Sunier finally made up his mind. After a thorough night’s observation, Sunier found that the horrible little things have never appeared, and the surroundings are always quiet, there is no other signs of biological activity. How can there be a lack of life in the forest? Sunier believes that there are only two answers, one can be seen from the surface. This forest is really strange. At least Sunier has never seen a tree with no leaves. So the creatures here are rare. impossible. Another reason should be related to the little things. Even the monsters hidden in the ground have to be rushed out and eaten. Those creatures that are active on the ground can hardly escape their claws.

If it is the second reason, then there is no food here, and those little things should not continue to stay. It’s like the locusts in the real world. After eating a crop, it will always fly down. A piece of farmland.

Walking in the morning dew, Sunier cautiously walked through the forest, and the footsteps were already very light, for fear of awakening which crouching rare beast. However, along the way, even the shadow of an animal was not seen, and some were just the remains of white bones everywhere on the ground. Sunier’s heart became more and more frightened. It seems that the little things have already taken a nearby animal to a thorough, but fortunately, when I woke up, I didn’t go around, otherwise there might be an unknown bone.

I don’t know how long it took, Sunier has been frightened from the initial sight of the bones, and it is now common practice. Also used to all around the kind of heart-breaking death of the dead, the only thing that can be heard in the ear is his own inaudible footsteps. Sunier had a glimpse of it, as if he would go on like this. As for what it means, Sunier doesn’t want to think about it. He just walks in the forest that can’t see the end. There is no purpose, no end.

Danger, always coming inadvertently.

Just as Sunier passed through a big tree that looked like nothing unusual, a branch of the tree suddenly came alive and slammed into Sunier.

Under the circumstance, Sunier only had time to lift the bow in his hand, and the body shape flashed to the side. The thing just hit the bowstring, and it screamed and shook back to the tree.

Sunier saw that it was a snake-like creature. The size of the bean-shaped pupil shimmered with a green glow. The color of the body and the trunk were mixed. At first glance, it was like two trees growing on the trunk. eye.

Although I don’t know if this guy is poisonous, Sunier never wants to be bitten, and when he slams back and pulls away, he bends his bow and sings, and an arrow hits the middle of the two green glows.

In such a short distance, the snake-like monster couldn’t even react to it and was nailed to the tree.

The monster is dead, but Sunier is not happy at all. The snake can hide the claws of those little things and prove that they are hard to find. In fact, without the two green glow guidelines, Sunier can’t tell where the trunk is, and where is the snake.

Sunier looked at all around the densely packed trees, and the headaches were so great that every snake might have such a snake. These hidden enemies were much more terrifying than the beasts they saw. The pressure is not what the ordinary person can bear.

Although Sunier has experienced countless times of fierce fighting, but in the face of this unseen attack, there is no way to do it, only to maintain a high degree of vigilance.

All the way, all the way to kill, Sunier killed at least dozens of strange snakes, and also added several wounds, but fortunately this snake is not poisonous. In the same age, Sunier can be counted as a well-know figure. At least she participated in a large-scale battle scene much more than others. The accumulated combat experience has given her a keen instinct, always at The crucial moment avoids deadly sneak attacks and kills opponents with minimal cost.

The sky is already dark. In the jungle, what Sunier should do now is to clean up a safe place for overnight stays. But Sunier didn’t do that. She seemed to have become a machine, moving forward, constantly being sneaked, dodging, and then counterattacking. Even sometimes Sunier didn’t even bother to hide, but it added a wound to her body. However, she does not care at all.

Sunier’s energy is on the danger of coming, Han Jin, Great Elder, and even the dead Seth, seems to have been forgotten by her. This is exactly what Sunier wants, fully integrated into the battle, forgetting everything that makes her feel worried.

Escape, never the best way to solve the problem, but Sunier really can’t think of a better way.

There was almost a blank in my mind, so that Sunier didn’t notice that there were fewer and fewer monsters attacking her.

Animals also have some wisdom. Sunier doesn’t know how many pythons are killed on the road. They are all stained with blood on their bodies. They have their own, but more of them are monsters. Now those geeks saw that Sunier couldn’t even hide. Except for a few courageous people, the other ones were far away from seeing Sunier coming over, and they hurriedly fled to the trees farther away.

Just look at Sunier’s enthusiasm. If there are other people here, there will be an illusion. Sunier is here to kill these monsters to the last one.

Finally, Sunier stopped, not because she was tired, into the kind of self-forgotten realm, she did not know what the tiredness is, just mechanically repeating the move, slaughter these two actions. The reason she stopped was because a small lake appeared in front and blocked her way.

The clear and bright lake is like a bright moon set in the forest, not only illuminating Sunier’s cheeks, but also smoothing the unspeakable resentment in her heart.

The elves are the most loved nature races. Although the beauty of the environment can not affect their combat effectiveness, it will definitely affect their mood. The reason why Sunier is killing all the way, his hands are covered with blood, and it is not unrelated to the bare forest that all around. It is very elegant to know that the elves are even in battle. Don’t say that the female elves like Sunier are even male. The surname elf is also rarely such an unscrupulous slaughter, disregarding the blood on his body.

When I saw this crystal clear lake, the violent temperament in Sunier’s heart was disappeared, accompanied by intense fatigue. Even if Han Jin was killed from the early morning to the dusk, it is estimated that Yuan can be exhausted. Sunier insisted on the present with a resentment qi in the chest.

Sunier lay down on the grass so casually, sniffing the muddy soil with a little moisture, and the peace of mind was unprecedented. I wanted to sleep like this. However, in the large and small wounds, the pain was constantly coming, making her unable to sleep.

Sunier’s annoyed gimmick tried to drive away the pain, the result was useless, the more clear the mind, the stronger the pain, and she was hiding in the temple, she had no time to prepare, no medicine, no food, no drinking. Water, the blood stains on the body that have been dried up make her feel very uncomfortable. In desperation, I had to drag my tired body and climbed up to the lake.

This is a world without people. Sunier is not afraid of being sneaked by anyone. He can slowly untie the clothes on his body. The body of white jade is bathed in the moonlight like water.

The clear and transparent lake is sprinkled on the body, the refreshing and refreshing pain and the bitter pain in the wound come at the same time. I can’t tell what it feels like. The lake is like ice, stinging like fire, and Sunier is faint under the ice and fire. With a bit of coziness, even deliberately sprinkled the lake water to the wound.

After a while, Sunier suddenly stopped his hand and looked at the wound that had been washed white by the lake. When did his heart become so hard? I remember that even if I broke a small wound in my childhood, I would cry too much.

This is not bad, Sunier is thinking in his heart, he is not afraid of death, then what else will make you fear? Sunier suddenly passed the head of single thought in his mind. If he died here, would anyone feel sad? Raphael? Should he be very sad? Thinking of Raphael’s narrow smile, Sunier’s heart is warm.

Lying in the lake, letting the soft water flow on his body and swaying on the lake, the Sunier brain is now sober. Does Great Elder hate Han Jin? No, they have never met each other. If Han Jin is the one who has the blood of God, I believe that Great Elder will definitely wait for Han Jin to come to Wild Willow City.

Sunier can understand the mood of Great Elder. The myth of Spirit Race’s millennium is about to become a reality. At this critical juncture, who dares to stop, who is the enemy of the entire fine Spirit Race!

Her marriage to Prudence is probably not the expectation of Great Elder alone, but the hope of all the Spirit Race people.

However, Sunier is wronged, why is there no one to ask yourself? Is it only for the close relationship with that Prudence that you can exchange for the rise of Spirit Race? Why can those people not see the potential of Han Jin and those who stand next to Han Jin? Sunier is convinced that as long as he gives Han Jin enough time, he will definitely become the Legendary on this continent. Is anyone better than Han Jin? In just a few short years, it has become a powerhouse from the lonely aristocrats. This miraculous rise may be there, but in the history of continent, until now, only Han Jin has done it alone. .

what should I do? Sunier silently asked himself, loved ones, loved ones, and light? Heavy?

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