The real powerhouse is very limited after all. Gerald has released his own vindictiveness, but Han Jin still keeps his disregard. Intuition, Gerald judges that Han Jin’s strength is far stronger than himself, plus Age, race, the answer is already coming out. Therefore, Gerald did not dare to block, nor dared to send people to track, turn the horse’s head, and ran back at the fastest speed.

Han Jin walked slowly, he really didn’t care, the manicure, the curse, and the earthen corpse guard. He didn’t think anyone could keep him, even the sword-level Ni Gula appeared here and he could escape safely.

Although World is big, there are many powerhouses, but he is a unique and unmatched self-cultivator. He has enough reliance. Even if he is in front of Blade Mountain fire sea, he is also very capable!

However, today he is destined to visit the full view of Holy Crown City. He has just walked through the crossroads. There are more than a dozen Magician horses riding in front of him. He walked over all the way, and the Magician headed by him turned out to be Kane!

Han Jin saw Kane, Kane also saw Han Jin, he snorted, turned back and said something to the Magician behind him, then waved goodbye and took another street.

Han Jin also took the street and walked behind Kane slowly. Kane put the speed very slow, almost out of the seven, 800 meters far away, he suddenly jumped down and took the horse into a courtyard.

Han Jin didn’t stop, went on, and walked out more than 500 meters. He just turned into a bar next to the hotel. Dismark had already told the whole city about the victory. The bar was filled with a festive atmosphere, although it is daytime. But it was already filled with guests, and most of them were drinking and laughing.

Compared with the bar in the dungeon, it seems to be much more civilized. Of course, it is essential to remember women. Dilly-dallying and sly movements are also natural, but the females will never be in front of others. Just talk, this is their last fig leaf, the final dignity, there is no bottom line, it is hopeless.

Han Jin is looking for a seat. There is a female woman who should drink too much and sway to Han Jin. Like Han Jin, this ‘Little White Face’ is very popular in most places. heart of. Waiting for Han Jin to speak, the woman took the first step on Han Jin and swayed on Han Jin with her towering chest. A pair of big, powerful eyes slammed a few times and flirted with Han Jin.

Han Jin grabbed the woman’s wrist and pushed it gently. The woman’s body could not help but retreat a few steps. She was hitting the back of a soldier. The long sword hilt worn by the soldier was not light or heavy. The woman’s waist was a little top, and the woman’s mouth made a sharp, painful cry.

The guests turned their eyes and saw that they had attracted enough attention. Han Jin took out a gold coin and pointed a bullet. The gold coin made a curved trajectory in the air and flew straight to the woman. Although the woman is not a professional, but the action is very agile, immediately turn tears into laughter, stretched out the white hand, accurately grasped the gold coin, and Han Jin slowly sinking into the ground in the eyes of the public.

For a moment, Han Jin appeared in the courtyard, pushing open the door, Kane had already waited inside, and saw the silhouette of Han Jin, and stunned and welcomed: “Raphael, how come you come here? ”

“Look at it.” Han Jin took the door: “How did you get along with those Magician?”

“At the time, the situation in Holy Crown City was very critical. Dismark had a call for the order. I am a 9th-order Magianian. Of course they will not let me go.” Kane reluctantly shrugged.

“Jibulun and Julia are not with you?”

“They have been hiding in the basement.” Kane said as he pointed to the inner room.

“What to hide?” Han Jin did not respond.

“Julia is an elf! If she is discovered, the people in the city will never let her go.” Kane said with a bitter smile.

“Oh.” Han Jin ordered nodded: “You didn’t tell them that I am coming?”

“No…no.” Kane’s face changed slightly: “Raphael, the people in the city said that the elves have occupied Beitman, is this true?”


“The damn guy!” Kane hated and said: “After hearing this news, Julia’s mood has been very unstable, hehe… I don’t know how to tell you.”

“It’s okay.” Han Jin laughed: “They don’t take long, they will get out sooner or later.”

“Raphael, you…do you blame Leah?”

“What do I blame for her?” Han Jin’s face became solemn: “It’s not related to her, and she has no ability to influence the decision of the Wild Willow City Senate.”

“You look so good!” Kane took a long breath.

“You didn’t tell them that I came, I was worried about me…” Han Jin faintly smiled and said.

“Raphael, you don’t know, Julia’s emotions…oh! She always said that there will be no face to see you later.” Kane whispered: “So, wait a minute, I will find them. ”

“No, I will leave after a while, don’t bother them.” Han Jin shook his head. “Right, Kane, isn’t the elf already taking advantage? How can it be inexplicably retired?”

“I was not on the city wall that day, but… I felt a very weird smell coming out of the city, and then the crowd of the Spirit Race was a mess!” Kane said: “Then Dismark Leading all the troops to kill, the Spirit Race did not organize effective resistance, and was defeated. If the Spirit Race is not supported by more than a dozen giant dragons, Dismark has already won a great victory. ”

“A dozen giant dragons? So, the loss of Dismark will not be small?”

“Dismark’s loss is not that big. Instead, it’s also captured a giant dragon.”

“How is it possible?” Han Jin couldn’t help frowning. He dealt with a giant dragon. It was a slap in the face, and if Dismark could block the attack of a dozen giant dragons, his strength would be unimaginable. !

“Raphael, you are too young to fight the power of the magic Legion under Dismark.” Kane said with a smile: “Although the magic Legion lacks high-level professionals, plus me, there are only three big Magician, but the following Magician strength is very average. Most of them are real Magician, there are dozens of warlocks and sages, hundreds of Magicians release magic together, that scene…you can even use hiding the sky and covering the earth to describe the strength of the giant dragon. I didn’t dare to break into the magic barrage, hehe… In fact, I was also the first to witness the magic of the Legion battle, spectacular, it is too spectacular!”

“I still can’t believe it.” Han Jin shook the head: “Twenty years ago, Silver Willow City’s silver Pegasus Legion was attacked by giant dragons. It was impossible to fight. The whole line collapsed. Dismark’s magic Legion is only a few hundred Magician. Can it compare with tens of thousands of Pegasus fighters?”

“Because Wild Willow City’s Silver Pegasus Legion has no super-order creatures and giant dragons to fight against.” Kane said: “Even if the situation is so unfavorable, aren’t the elves also killing a red dragon?!”

“Super-order creatures? Are you saying that Dismark has super-order creatures??”

“Raphael, we all missed the strength of Dismark, no one thought, he could summon out Angel!!” Kane said in a word: “I heard Guevera Knight say that in the battle 20 years ago. Dismark set up the altar and prayed for the glory of the god of light. Finally, Sumon finally succeeded. Angel, now, Dismark was only at the time of the trick, that’s all, the key is on his Knight shield!”

“You are more careful.”

“hehe…the giant dragon of the Spirit Race came too fast, and Dismark didn’t have time to prepare. In order to protect his army, he could only tear off the previous camouflage!” Kane said: “At the time, it was emitted from his Knight shield. The Holy Light enveloped the entire battlefield, and then there was a huge door to heaven in the air. Raphael, do you know what Dismark summon is? It’s Light Angel! It’s far more powerful than Angel’s light Angel!!”

Han Jin’s expression is very dignified, but he didn’t interject, just listening to Kane’s description.

“With Angel protection, Magic Legion can release magic without any scruples. Otherwise, Dismark will not be able to withdraw to the city so easily.” Kane sighed: “Dismark that guy… the heart is deep enough, Raphael, you Did you notice Gerald’s Knight Shield? The style is almost exactly the same as Dismark’s Knight Shield, and there are many Knights wearing the same Knight Shield. Dismark is doing this to hide your baby! Hehe… Unfortunately, Everyone knows now!”

“Do you know what?” Han Jin asked.

“The only thing that can summon out Angel is the holy armor! So the Knight shield worn by Dismark is definitely the Ancient Divine Artifact, the shield of the Lion King!” Kane said with a smile: “If Jedice heard the news… maybe he will be happy.” What it looks like.”

“What does this have to do with Jedith?”

“The crown of the Holy See is the crown of the gods. Like the lion’s shield, it is a sacred armed package.” Kane said: “There are swords of the Prophet, brilliant pendants, boots of the saints and bright armor. With these six Ancient Divine Artifacts, the Holy Armed Force will once again appear on the continent! Raphael, maybe you don’t know the formidable power of the Holy Armed Forces, so to speak, an ordinary fighter, if you have the holy arm, his fighting power even More terrifying than the top-level powerhouse! And the holy arm can summon six lights Angel to help, who else can be his opponent? That Nikolay, even if he is really a Half-God Level powerhouse, it is impossible to fight at the same time Six-bit light Angel!”

“Holy Armed…” Han Jin muttered to himself.

“Now, it’s the turn of Dismark that has a headache, haha, who let him show up!”


“Dismark found a few helpers, the Church of Light, St. Knight, and hundreds of people, but they never intervened in the battles of the past few days.” Kane said with a smile: “That is the shield of the lion.” Ah, will they not look at it?! The cohesiveness of the bright believers is very strong, if they want to do something together…hehe!”

“St. Knight?” Han Jin never imagined that there were so many things happening in Holy Crown City, shocking news one by one.

“Yeah.” Kane said.

Just then, there was a sudden sound in the inner chamber, Han Jin sneaked, then nodded to Kane, and turned to go outside, who knows Kane grabbed his arm and lowered the voice with a pleading The tone said: “Raphael, see you at Julia, okay?”

Han Jin smiled. He didn’t want to see Julia because he didn’t know what to say and what attitude he should hold. He hated the elves, but he couldn’t hate a partner who was in trouble, not to mention Edwina. Dead in front of him, let Julia lose her pro-younger sister forever, so he always has a pity for Julia, and really hates does not raise.

“Well?” Kane pleaded.

Han Jin couldn’t help but point nodded and slowly turned around.

The door of the inner room opened, and Julia walked out with her head down. Gibran followed her side. For more than a month, Julia’s appearance changed dramatically, and the long hair that had drifted had lost its luster. So, it was so draped on the shoulders, and the cheeks were deeply trapped. The moving eyes were even bigger, but the eyes were dull and indifferent.

The sudden attack of Fine Spirit Race made Han Jin suffer, Julia was equally painful, and her nephew was far harder than Han Jin, whether it was revenge or what to do, at least Han Jin had a decision and had a goal. Leah has always lived in confusion, and she can only pray in the deep basement and pray for miracles.

Yes, she was born in Wild Willow City, but her heart has been given to Gibran. As the saying goes, this heart is in my hometown. Only Gibran can make her feel at ease. Where is Gibran going, where is her second hometown, Life and How can Death and the common feelings give up and give up? What’s more, Han Jin has never shown any hostility towards Wild Willow City. It was Wild Willow City who suddenly pulled out the butcher knife! After a long time in the outside world, Julia has her own right and wrong, not to be influenced by anything.

Also, she is suffering!

After two steps, Julia suddenly felt something, looked up and saw Han Jin, her body suddenly stunned: “Raphael…”

“What? Don’t you know me?” Han Jin said with a slight smile.

Julia deep took a deep breath: “They…Wild Willow City really occupied Beitman?” Julia was still holding a trace of luck, which is the miracle she prayed.

Han Jin sighed and slowly nodded.

Julia’s body leaned back and leaned back. Fortunately, Gibran’s hand was fast and she supported her. Julia’s lips were shaking and she wanted to say something, but she couldn’t say it.

The atmosphere is very quiet, Han Jin doesn’t know what he should say, and Gibran and Kane’s face is very stunned, and they can come together with Han Jin, not only because of Han Jin, but they also want to make meritorious deeds, but Jing Spirit The opposite of Race pushed them to the cliff.

“So to say…” Julia looked at Han Jin with ecstasy: “Are we enemies in the future?”

Gibran and Kane’s eyes immediately fell on Han Jin, waiting nervously for Han Jin’s answer. Han Jin is the head of the entire group. His attitude determines everyone’s attitude towards Julia, if Han Jin really takes it As Lia as an enemy, Julia will always be excluded from the collective, which means that Gibran and Julia will have no future, unless they can hide where to hide.

“Julia, what a joke?!” Han Jin’s expression is serious: “We are partners!”

“Don’t comfort me.” Julia was sad with a smile: “I am in your eyes, seeing helplessness.”

“I am just helpless to the stupidity and shortsightedness of Wild Willow City Elders.” Han Jin whispered: “Do not worry, Julia, this trouble is solved by me, give me some time, I will let Wild Willow City The elders understand that only working with us is the best choice.”


“Trust me.” Han Jin’s tone is very firm.

In fact, his explanations and promises are pale and powerless. It is reasonable to say that Julia, who is rich in experience, should not believe this kind of ghost, but these days, Julia has been immersed in contradictions and pains, mentally and physically exhausted. She really needs a guarantee, even if it is a lie that is broken and full of loopholes, she is willing to believe that not only Han Jin is deceiving her, but she is also deceiving herself.

“Really?” Julia asked in a trembling voice.

Han Jin showed a faint smile. In the past, no matter what kind of hardship he faced, he always smiled, and his partners always got confidence from his smile. It turns out that Han Jin is indeed Never lost!

Julia’s hands lifted up a little, then grabbed her face and made a vague sob.

Gibran patted Julia’s back and shifted the subject: “Raphael, what about the dungeon?”

“It’s all over.” Han Jin whispered.

“End?” Gibran revealed a surprised expression.

“Yeah, Zaganide is dead, Alquite is dead, and Wip seven brothers are also dead.” Han Jin said with a slight smile: “All the abyss fighters in the dungeon, none of them ran out.”

“How…how is it possible…” Although this is a great piece of good news, Gibran can’t believe it, Zaganide doesn’t mention it for the time being, Alquite is the 12th-order peak powerhouse, and Weipubrother is the abyss demon. Even if you can’t beat it, you should always be able to escape?

“Raphael is out, what else is impossible?” Kane said with a smile.

Julia looked up and revealed the expression of the surprise. According to Guevera’s original plan, it was very difficult to eliminate Zaganide before the spring of next year. Now the real winter has not yet arrived, and the abyss that poses a huge threat to everyone. The powerhouses were all killed, too much of her imagination. Maybe… Raphael’s strength is stronger than before, otherwise I can’t find the right reason. The last doubt in Julia’s mind is missing, she believes that Han Jin really has the ability to solve the trouble of Wild Willow City. .

“So… our next target should be Holy Crown City?” said Kane.

“Why do you say that?” Han Jin said with a smile.

“Because there is Sunier over Wild Willow City, you don’t always do anything that makes her sad?” Kane said in a positive tone.

Sunier? Han Jin’s heart suddenly slammed, and then nodded if nothing happened: “Of course, solve Dismark first.”

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