In the rapidly rotating Milky Way, the gradually clear silhouette was immediately twisted and twisted, but the flowing luster seemed to have a magical cohesive force, which was re-aggregated and then re-coiled again. , condensed again, and the silhouette turned a little bit to Han Jin.

“Sure enough, sorrow is unacceptable.” Han Jin stood still and looked coldly at the closer and closer silhouette: “You have a backlash heart.”


“With such a heavy memory, I know that you must be very tired. For you, it is not just a kind of liberation, but also a relief.” Han Jin’s eyes showed a bloody, fast-formed hand seals, immediately A vortex that was blown up rolled him all in with the opposite silhouette.

On the deck of the War God, Harley and Hogan looked bored. Of course, there was no emotional change from Harley’s face, and Hogan’s absent-mindedness always looked for something unnecessary. A little while standing on the side of the ship, looking away from the distance, as if his line of sight could penetrate the clouds, and then wiped the Magic Crystal cannon, which is not a ‘deputy captain’ should do.

I don’t know how long it took, Hogan couldn’t help it anymore: “Harley, isn’t it… do we really want to take advantage of the owner?”

“What should I do? Is it up to me to say it or not?” Harley said with no anger: “You are not afraid?”

“Can be Master sooner or later will know.”

“Is it sooner or later?” Harley stayed: “Would you like… Let’s kill the elves and throw them out?”

“Things have already happened, this is not the way.” Dominie answered, apparently she also knows what Harley and Hogan are talking about: “Don’t underestimate your Master, he is strong.”

“Do you have a relationship with strong? Dominique Young Lady, this is a humiliation!” Harley retorted, his figure floating on the deck, paying for the six gods, apparently, his heart is very contradictory I told Han Jin what happened to him. He was afraid that he would suffer from the shackles of the fish and hide it. Is this a betrayal?

After a long time of turning, Halley vented the evil fire of a stomach to Hogan: “I blame you, you have to catch the prisoner, now it is better?!”

“You…you guy!” Hogan was angry and anxious: “I mean, we want to collect intelligence as much as possible. I risked to catch prisoners. Is it wrong with me?!”

“Don’t you blame me for blaming me?” Harley called.

“What?” A voice suddenly passed.

Both Harley and Hogan were dumbstruck, and they absolutely did not expect Han Jin to come up at this time.

“What the hell?” Han Jin’s voice became more and more severe.

Harley and Hogan, you look at me, I look at you, oh, they don’t dare to speak, and they all hope that the other party can stand up.

Han Jin was furious and pointed at a bullet. Harley immediately made a tragic sound, and the whole body was painfully twisted into a ball. Hogan was also shocked and slammed down on the deck. Because Harley’s memory was preserved before, Harley provided help in some aspects, so after getting the pendant, Han Jin did not erase the Divine Sense hidden in the pendant, and the pendant actually tried to get rid of him. The control, to contact Jedice, which made him very angry. Now Harley has stepped into the footsteps and tried to hide anything from him. Han Jin has begun to doubt whether his grief and sympathy are really wrong.

But Harley and Hogan are even more afraid. Things haven’t said yet, Han Jin will punish him. If he says it, heaven knows what he will end up with.

“It’s still for me.” Dominie sighed, her eyes stayed on Han Jin, Han Jin didn’t go long, but her face was pale, her eyebrows were full of fatigue, he was sure I did something very powerful in the following, and I shouldn’t say it now, but she has no reason to drag it down.

“Well, I am listening.” Han Jin slowly said.

Dominique took a few steps forward and stood opposite Han Jin. She worried that Han Jin would lose her mind because of her fury and interpret an irreparable tragedy, so she would protect Harley and Hogan at a crucial moment.

“A few days ago, Harley suggested that you should have as much information as possible about the Spirit Race, so Hogan risked to grab a few captives below.” Dominique’s speech was very slow: “Southern Elf The Horde has joined forces with Wild Willow City…”

“Wait.” Han Jin’s cold eyes turned to Harley: “You know it early? Are you confused with me??”

“How dare he say it? Raphael, please listen to me.” Dominique paused, and finally made up his mind: “The elves are very united and morale is very high, because…before the war, they held A grand wedding, every elf believes that the rise of the fine Spirit Emperor is unimpeded.”

“Oh…” Han Jin responded with enthusiasm.

“Do you understand?” Dominique looked at Han Jin nervously, she was ready to shoot, and both Harley and Hogan were shrunk to Dominy.

“Understand, of course.” Han Jin laughed.

“You… really understand?” Dominique had a very weird feeling. At this moment, Han Jin’s performance was too far from what she expected. As early as this, Harley is very Hogan, why should he hide?

“Yeah…” Han Jin looked down a little. In fact, he didn’t understand. When he first drunk the dragon’s blood, his consciousness and body were forcibly torn apart. Now his tear is his heart. Half of his heart wants roar and wants to growl, while the other half is desperately trying to refuse and think. Forgotten, so much information that Dominic passed, it is difficult to form a perception in his mind.

“Raphael adults?” Dominie whispered.

“A remarkable wedding, let a few elves tribes unite closely, isn’t it?” Han Jin said with a slight smile: “I understand.”

Han Jin finally showed up, even if he was a fool, he could see how strong his smile was. He tried to control himself. However, no matter how he confronted, rejected, soothed, and concealed, he could not suppress the pain. It was a The heart is like a knife, and the pain is unbearable, so that he can’t breathe.

He thought that he was a tenacious fighter. In the heavens and the earth, he did not smash his will. He thought that he could calmly and calmly face everything, he could afford it, and he could let it go; But when he felt his throat was so uncomfortable, he tried to swallow a saliva, and a group of things spurted out of his chest. Han Jin instinctively closed his mouth and a thin bloodshot leaked from the corner of his mouth.

“Raphael adults?!” Dominie exclaimed.

“Master…” Harley and Hogan screamed with vibrato. They wanted to rush, but they didn’t dare.

Han Jin’s throat swallowed hard, then gently rubbed it with his fingertips on the corner of his lips, staring blankly at the blush on his fingertips, whispering: “It’s ridiculous…” The meta-energy can control the emotional changes, at least not because of emotional fluctuations, but he just consumed a lot of yuan to force the seal to be sealed. The news came too long to make him completely unprepared.

Han Jin felt powerless, and the Venus fluttered in front of him. His heart seemed to have been torn into pieces. It was like a lava. The pain broke out and the chest was like a pound of boulder. Don’t cry, even breathe. Extremely difficult.

The atmosphere is like a dead silence. Harley, Hogan and Domini also don’t know what to say. Although Han Jin’s performance is far less intense than they expected, there is a sorrow that is greater than the taste of death.

Han Jin went to the main seat a little, only 20 meters away, he actually walked for more than a minute, then fell into the chair, his eyes slowly closed.

After a long while, Harley barely braved the courage and whispered: “Master, we… grab some elves, ask where Sunier Young Lady is, then we go to Sunier Young Lady…”

“Does that make sense?” Hogan couldn’t help but retorted.

“Make meaningful.” Han Jin slowly followed.

“Ah?” Hogan stared wide-eyed.

“If she can’t get her heart, then I want her, if even her people can’t get it, then I want her life.” Han Jin’s hand gently swayed by his hand, Halley, Hogan And the others were all stupid, and Han Jin suddenly smiled: “I did this… Is it too extreme?”

“Yes…Yes.” Hogan’s expression was very tragic, like a martyr who was about to die: “How can Sunier Young Lady betray you? It must be those elves…”

Han Jin’s people suddenly became stiff, and the air became as heavy as lead. Compared with Dominique and Hogan, Harley was under the most pressure. He even had a feeling of collapse.

“You make sense, this thing will be said later.” Han Jin whispered: “Hogen, where are the green dragons?”

“Would you like to find those green dragons?” Hogan hurriedly said: “Adults, no! There are more than a dozen of them!”

“I am going to lose control and I have to do something.” Han Jin indifferently said: “Or, do you want me to vent my anger here?”

“I…I…” Hogan rushed to his forehead and jumped forward. Not to mention that Han Jin, who lost control, might be the first to kill him. He said, one person went against a dozen giant dragons. Courting death is no different.

“Tell him.” Dominique sighed.

“You… what are you talking about?!” Hogan looked at Dominique with anger.

“Tell him!” Dominique repeated, as a thunderbolt Titan, her observations are much better than Hogan, Han Jin is really about to lose control, and she also understands the fighting power of Han Jin, to be precise, Han Jin is an abyssal demon belonging to mankind. As long as he does not completely lose his mind, he has a considerable chance to leave the battlefield, even though his opponent is a dozen giant dragons.

Hogan’s helpless extend the hand arm, pointing to the northwest: “should still be there…”

Han Jin stood up with his hands, stood up from the chair, and walked slowly to the ship’s side. Don’t say Harley, Hogan and the others. Even Little Jin Lei was full of fear of Han Jin in this moment, shaking to avoid one side, but it was again Some are not reconciled. They look at Han Jin seriously, and they whisper in the mouth. They don’t know whether it wants to discourage Han Jin or what they want to express.

Han Jin stepped on the ship’s side, and Dominie suddenly said: “Raphael, I can understand your mood, but please don’t forget, there are many people who care about you, they also need you, just like you can’t afford to lose Sunier Young. Like Lady’s results, they can’t afford to lose your pain.”

“What is this? Comfort? Warning??” Han Jin turned and smiled and looked towards Dominique.

“No, it’s a request.” Dominique aok a deep breath: “Please keep calm, at least know what you are doing, at least not hurt those who care about you!”

Han Jin did not answer, his figure fell backwards and then disappeared into the cloud.

Hogan and Harley cred out out in surprise, they all rushed to the side of the ship, but could not see the silhouette of Han Jin.

“Everyone blame you!” Harley screamed.

“Quiet me? The master will know sooner or later!”

“It’s better than now!” Harley called. “If it’s Guevera and Moxinke, they’re here, they’re sure to persuade the owner.”

Hogan is stuffed, Han Jin has always respected Guevera, and the friendship with Moxinke and the others is very deep. In comparison, the two of them are only the slaves of Han Jin. Although Dominique’s identity is more honorable, but joined The time is too short, I can’t talk about any feelings, I am not qualified to persuade Han Jin. If Guevera is there, I will never make such a situation.

Han Jin did not use any method, and the body has been falling down rapidly. He even created an impulse, so he has been falling on the ground. Perhaps, it can alleviate the pain of the heart!

Can you save this tragedy by killing all the elves? Impossible, if Sunier is willing, he is suffering, because Sunier betrayed him. If Sunier does not want to, he is more painful, and even his lover can’t protect it. This kind of waste also wants to dominate the world?

Han Jin slowly closed his eyes and listened to the thunderous wind blowing through his ears. He knew that Dominique’s words were right. He wanted to calm himself down, but he couldn’t do it.

The closer to the ground, the more glaring Han Jin’s expression was. Suddenly, an angry roar exploded between the heavens and the earth, followed by an azure glow like a waterfall falling from the Milky Way.

A loud bang, azure glow is hitting a lush tree, from top to bottom, the whole tree is smashed into powder, the smog of smoke rushes straight into the high altitude of single dozen meters, azure glow has become a handle Giant sword, the sword front has a width of three meters, the lower half of the sword is deeply pierced into Earth Abyss, Han Jin, which is fluttering, stands on the hilt, and the ruthless eyes glance at the whole camp.

The horns of the horns rang, and countless elves rushed out from all directions, and Han Jin broke out again and again with a roar of resounding sounds from the heavens and the ground, flashing into the elves’ camp, the giant sword more than 20 meters long, not suitable for play. Rich and colorful swords, Han Jin’s swordsmanship is only one style, sweeping!

Under the shackles of Han Jin’s sword, the giant sword has been transformed into a death vortex centered on Han Jin, and suddenly rolled to the east, and then rolled to the west, all the elves, Pegasus and the tree demon who were involved. All were twisted and broken.

“That is…” Branchi looked into the distance on the hill and suddenly screamed: “That is Raphael! What happened? Why did he attack us?!” After that, Branzi smashed one Pegasus.

“Wait a minute!” A hand stretched out from the side and grabbed Branchi’s arm.

“Lidia, let me go, let me stop him!” Branzi struggled: “Quickly let go!”

“Why do you want to stop him?” Lydia indifferently said.

“We… we are friends!”

“Friend?” Lydia showed a helpless expression: “It’s useless, I can guarantee that if you appear in front of him, he will kill you with the slightest hesitation.”

“Why??” Branchi stayed.

“Because he hates the elves, hehe…should hate all the elves.”

“How… How could this be?!” Branchi said with difficulty: “We used to get along… very good!”

“Do you know Sunier?”

“Of course I know that I attended her wedding with Prudence.”

“Because he likes Sunier.”

“He…” Branzi stayed for a moment, suddenly showing an angry expression: “Mad! Devil!! Sunier has the power of his choice, why should he do this?! Is it because he is a super-powerhouse, can he do whatever he wants?” ?! You let me go!”

“The problem is that Sunier also likes him.”

Branzi was stunned and said that he had eaten for a long while: “So… why did Sunier marry…”

“That’s not Sunier, the real Sunier is still in the temple.” Lydia laughed.

Branchi’s mind couldn’t keep up with the change: “So…is it a misunderstanding?! Great! Let me go, let me go! I will tell him!”

“This is not a misunderstanding. The day Sunier came out of the temple, when she was going to marry Prudence, whether she was willing or not.” Lydia slowly said: “You explain it now and what use?”

“You… what do you want to do?!”

“Not me, Great Elder, he wants to marry Sunier to Prudence, which is also their exchange condition.”

“Are you all crazy? I told you long ago that Raphael is very powerful. If you can’t be friends, you can’t let him be our enemy?!”

“Can Great Elder and Prudence listen? They are all thinking that the time has come for the rise of the Spirit Emperor. They want to save the elves who are dying, the ideal is good, but their choice is wrong. Lydia slowly said: “So, we must choose another way, Branchi, are you willing to help me?”

Branzi stared at Lydia, then turned his eyes to the battlefield in the distance.

“Don’t look at it, this is the lesson they deserve, hehe… Their minds have been stunned by blood, and hope that today’s things will cool them down.” Lydia’s expression was very indifferent: “They are not willing to admit It’s no longer possible to be the master of the continent. How many elves are there on the continent, and how many humans are there in the continent? How many powerhouses are there in the elves, and how many powerhouses are there in humans? If we lose, it is equal to losing. All, and Raphael lost, there is Dismark, and the capital of the elements, and how many years later, the Nikola you said will become so powerful?! Can’t find your position, all efforts and sacrifices are Suddenly, we… are no longer qualified to fight, we can only choose to cooperate!”

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