The middle-aged Knight paused: “Admiral, you can’t understand me…”

“I don’t know?” Yadunihehehe smiled, quite a bit old-fashioned, but he said something that people can’t laugh: “We have a few traps together, fleeing together with the tail, together By the sacrifice of my companions, I have saved myself. What else do I have to know? Odd, you are already a middle age person, and I am old. This should be nothing to us. If we can afford this, No, you are really alive. In my opinion, it is not easy for Amy Jie, such a young commander, tsk tsk … is still beautiful, powerful, deeply influenced by Pope and Jessie. Trust, don’t know how many young women are lost…”

“Correcting is a girl.” Amy Jie said: “I am not the same as your interest, please do not impose your favorite on my head.”

Yaduni did not hear it. He continued: “This idol, hero, and like a dog have escaped with us. Odd, Amy Jie is under much greater pressure than you and me, you… Let’s relax.”

“Do you have to use that kind of metaphor?” Amy Jie looked helpless: “But… because I am young, I don’t want to die, it’s normal. You are so old… and run away with us. It’s really not easy. Even if I am you, I would rather die in the city of Moonlight, at least to preserve my reputation.”

“little bastard!” Adonis narrowed his eyes: “Do you dare to curse me and say that I can’t live for a few years?!”

“Two, pipe down.” Odd said with a bitter smile: “This way, what else do we have like a bright Knight?”

“Odd Odd, it seems that I want you to learn to relax, and to teach an orc civilization to appreciate the beauty… It’s just as difficult, forget it, I give up.” Yadunis shook the head: “Amy, you really don’t Trust that Prudence?”

“Do not believe.”


“No reason.”

“Is there a reason for it?” Adonis was very embarrassed to look at his sparse beard.

“Because… he is taller than me, stronger than me, and looks better than me.”

“This way, really can’t be forgiven!” Yadunis forced nodded.

Odd’s double fists couldn’t help but clenched. His emotions have been very bad. Although there are reasons for the fiasco of the Moonlight City, and the two guys in front of him are also inseparable. He is bent on finding Jedice and trying to revive. The voice of the Holy See, but Adonis and Amy Jie have talked nonsense all day, making him annoyed.

“Amy, you don’t really suspect Prudence because of this?” Odd said solemnly, he also knows that it is stupid to ask, because Amy Jie is definitely not the real reason, but There is no other way, he must ask clearly.

“Prudence is too perfect, perfect temperament, perfect demeanor, perfect talk, and perfect story, which is doubtful in itself.” Amy Jie saw Ode’s impatience and whispered: “Even gods are flawed, let alone an elf?! heaven knows how much energy Prudence has put to pretend to be perfect, and why does he deliberately disguise himself?”

“You are finished!” Adonis said in the tone of taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune: “Dare to swear?! I will send you to the highest referee tomorrow!”

“Yes, but who are you going to judge me?”

“Two!!” Odd can no longer control his emotions, loudly said, his voice is a bit too loud, and the nearby Magician and the soldiers turned their heads to see them.

There was a disappointment in the eyes of Adunis. He was no longer frivolous, but in addition to the disguise, a hard-to-shoulder fatigue quickly floated on his eyebrows and penetrated into his body. Some of the backs of the wok are more curved: “Actually… the story of Prudence is not perfect.”

“Oh?” Amy Jie said: “You mean…”

“Remember our little Louise and Pan Wen, and Branchi, how do they describe Raphael?”

“I remember.” Amy Jie said: “Pan Wen said that Raphael is an unfathomable person. Louise and Branzi also said that Raphael is very powerful.”

“It’s very powerful.” The old eyes of Adonis have been smashed into a seam: “Dragon Knight Buddha and the golden giant Ferragon go to catch up with Louise and Pan Wen. After killing the green dragon, Buddha I was able to encounter Raphael, Raphael not at all and the Buddha. I quickly withdrew, but when he left, he started a strange magic array. Dragon Knight and the golden giant Ferragon were trapped three times. How many hours do you know, what is the magic array?”


“There is no rune, only a small mirror with eight sides, and a small mirror that was broken by the Buddha.”

“Impossible! There is no rune, what is it called aarray?” Odd cry out in surprise.

“The truth is like this.” Yadunis whispered: “I asked the Buddha how it felt. The Buddha can tell me that in his vision, the sky disappeared, the earth disappeared, and a path of distortion was everywhere. Light, except for the light, he couldn’t see anything, he could only fly forward, but he couldn’t fly. For a while, he even felt desperate.”

“Is that magic array so terrifying?”

“A little is not dreadful.” Yadunis shook the head: “The key to the magic array is the nine small mirrors, free to release the vindictive attack, as long as it can destroy any small mirror, the illusory World formed by the magic array will immediately Disappeared, Buddha can think so. But… the question is, have you heard of this magic array before?”


“After rushing to release a magic array, you can trap Dragon Knight and a golden giant dragon. Such Magician can’t be described as ‘powerful’.” Adonis said slowly: “And, Jedith The adults only asked Raphael to remind us why they didn’t entrust others?”

“Because… adults have learned about the strength of Raphael through a certain opportunity?” Amy JJ.

“How can an adult pin his hopes on a waste? Isn’t it? Of course, choose the most appropriate one.” Yadunis said: “And I think that Raphael has retained more than half of the fighting force from beginning to end.”

“Why? Didn’t he accept the appointment of an adult?”

“The commission he accepted was to remind us, not to help us, so he didn’t have to conflict with Nikolai’s running dogs.” Yadunis said: “And he is a lord, has his own territory and people, can spend Time and energy to help the adults run, it is very good, do not impose their expectations on others.”

“Well… what does this have to do with Prudence?” Odd asked.

“Raphael’s strength is terrifying, and he gets the favor of adults, hehe…” Yadunis laughed: “You also saw the Dismark. Why can he beat Raphael and push Raphael and adults to the Abyss World to hide?”

“No, even if Prudence wants to lie to us… Why? What do he want? And, will Branchi never deceive us?”

“Don’t forget, Branchi is an elf.” Amy Jie answered.

“Don’t forget, without the help of Blanche’s elves, can we escape?!”

“Without us, those elves have long been killed!”

“You don’t want to argue, this is a fool’s account.” Yadunis said: “I also believe that Branzi will not lie to us, but … who can guarantee that Prudence will tell her the truth?”

Odd frowned and thought hard.

“Why don’t you say that early?” Amy Jay said with a bitter smile: “This is why you must bring the sacrifice group out?”

“Well, I always feel that…the inside is much safer than the outside.” When it comes to this, the voice of Adonis is much smaller: “Shengjing is in our hands, and the hope of the Holy See is in our hands, sloppy!” We have already mistaken Nikola and can’t make mistakes anyway!!”

Speaking of ‘Shengjing’, Amy Jie and Ode’s expression has changed completely. The eyes are full of fanaticism and firmness, and the body is quite straight. A strong temperament is radiated out from the center of their body.

“Well, you should stop posing, so as not to scare them.” Yadunis’s eyes fell into the distance: “Look, our perfect Prudence has to come out again.”

The tree demon group has not yet entered the attack range of the Magic Crystal gun. The tide-like silver Pegasus Legion is still waiting behind the command. A unicorn and a Knight around the green cloak are alone in the battlefield.

The shape of the unicorn is much taller than that of the war horse. The whole body is snow white, the pure fluff flutters in the wind, and the four hooves move, clearly there is a group of faintly discernible arcs flashing around the body, it looks like a god.

Holy Crown City’s magic Legion is not a display, and Holy Crown City is a very rich city. Dismark built a relatively perfect magic Academy a long time ago, and cultivated a large number of talents, every wartime, in the Academy. The teacher and the student union all joined the program, which further improved the combat power of the magic Legion.

Already several Magicians have released magic to Prudence, and the speed of the unicorn has suddenly increased and began to gallop along the city wall.

Because the distance is too far, in addition to lightning, big Fireball, wind blade, meteorite and other magic is difficult to accurately hit Prudence, effect magic can be immediate, but unfortunately, Prudence is coming to Liwei, body For the twelve-order powerhouse, he wouldn’t put low-level magic in his eyes.

The curtain was finally opened, and it has become a stage. It is the stage of Prudence and the stage of magic.

The land under the unicorns of the unicorns sometimes turns into a deep water, and sometimes becomes a pool of swamps. Sometimes a swirling quicksand appears, sometimes turning into a huge spider web, but these can’t stop the unicorn’s footsteps. Occasionally, which Magician released the earth wall, it became the desire of Prudence’s performance. The unicorn made a long squeaking sound. With a slight vertical, you could jump to the height of seven or eight meters and fly over the earth wall. .

Prudence looks more calm, the long, soft cloak is pulled straight and sometimes flies to the left and right. The handsome cheeks are always full of bright smiles, and the slender body is like Like a cheetah, it gives a feeling of strength and elegance.

The finishing touch is on his forehead. There is a thumb-sized red circular mark in the middle of his forehead. It is very bright and very conspicuous. It is so pretty with the pair of sea blue and dreamy big eyes!

That’s right, it’s pretty! If Han Jin is here, if he blocks the lower body of Prudence, he will definitely think he has seen a Top Grade Indian dancer!

It is said that the elf is a race full of Chinese surnames. I did not expect that the descendants of God among them will be so different. The imprint of Prudence gives him a delicate taste, and the six-pointed star on Sunier’s forehead, But she made a few minutes of suffocating air.

Dismark frowned slightly, he saw Prudence’s intentions, but there was no way, the human striker’s overall strength is far less than the elves, the advantage is magic, if the Magician can’t stop Prudence Archers have no way.

Prudence continued to fly, and when he rushed in front of Dismark, he suddenly opened the longbow, and a green arrow appeared at the bowstring, and the mark on his forehead glowed, followed by The faint green glow spurted out and disappeared disappear without a trace.

Prudence has lived for hundreds of years. This set of movements doesn’t know how many times it repeats. The soldiers on the city wall can see that Prudence seems to move. It just seems.

Dismark looked coldly at Prudence’s show off one’s military strength. He didn’t put the opponent’s attack in his eyes, and the terrifying powerhouse couldn’t ignore the Holy Crown City’s magic defense.

Suddenly, a green glow blooms in front of him, and Prudence’s arrow will break through the space barrier, appearing in front of him without warning!

Dismark can even feel the chill of the arrow cluster. Unfortunately, in order to express his contempt, he deliberately hovered his hands around his chest. Whether he wants to dodge or want to shoot down the arrow of Prudence, it is too late.

At this moment, Dismark’s left arm lifted, and the arrow was sealed with a Knight shield. A loud bang, a dazzling green glow blasted on Dismark’s Knight shield, both sides of the warrior and Magician all Overturned to the ground, like a rolling gourd, and Dismark is also involuntarily, and has stepped back and forth a dozen steps. Every time he step back, he will leave a deep footprint on the city wall. The deeper the footprint is, the deeper the footprint is. By the time he stabilized his body, the city wall had not reached the center of his calf.

A pure ribbon-like rays of light flowed from Dismark’s Knight Shield and then became lighter and darker. Surprisingly, the armor around the Knight Shield has been distorted by this arrow, but The Knight Shield remains the same and shines as new.

Odd and Amyjie burst out the cold glow in the eyes, and held down the long sword at the waist. The unicorn under the city jumped again, and the fingertips of Prudence had already penetrated into another quiver. The arrows in the pouch are a bit strange. The arrow and the arrow cluster are exactly the same as the one just now. The whole body is pure white as jade, but the rear part of the arrow is also embedded with a light feather.

According to Prudence’s attack speed, he might have released the arrow continuously, but at the moment he is paused, as if waiting for something.

“Cough…cough cough…” Yadunis was stimulated and coughed hard.

Odd and Amy Jie glanced at each other and let go of the hilt a little.

Prudence’s eyes became sharp. He released his fingers, pulled out the green arrow from the original quiver, and raised his hand. A Magician head on the city wall suddenly burst into a blood mist, headless body. Repeated a few steps, softly fell to the ground.

Prudence continued to gallop forward, the arrows in his hand were also placed on the bowstring, six arrows, and ended the life of six Magician, can be regarded as an arrow, and in his eyes, Holy Crown City’s magic defense enchantment doesn’t make any sense.

Nearly 10,000 warriors and Magician on the city wall have shrunk to the mouth to avoid being killed by Prudence, while the other elves have made a scream of cheering and resounding through the sky.

Dismark strode back to the battlement and looked coldly at Prudence in the distance. His expression was still calm, but his hands were shaking slightly, and the ups and downs of his chest were a bit abnormal. At this moment, Dismark is very angry. As a generation of lords, it is almost a shame to be killed by the enemy. This is an unforgettable shame!

And Prudence dialed the unicorn and quickly got away from the city wall. He didn’t know if he was too lazy to vent on a nobody, or because he had already achieved the effect he wanted.

Looking at the silhouette of Prudence, Lydia showed a faint smile. Most of the elves were beautiful. Only Lidia was an exception. However, her face was destroyed.

“Disappointed?” Lydia said with a smile, whether it was laughing or angry, her face always gave a feeling of embarrassment.

“One point.” Prudence pats the head of the unicorn, let the unicorn stop, then he looked over at the distant Crown Crown City: “I didn’t expect that the few St. Knights could resist the holy armies. The temptation.”

“They also have the concerns of themselves, or… is doubt.” Lydia was indifferently said.

“Doubt?” Prudence frowned. “You mean…Blanchi…”

“It has nothing to do with her. She doesn’t know about us at all. She still gave the moon well to you.” Lydia shook her head and sighed: “It’s weird, how can she live to the present?!”

“Don’t say that, it’s too sad.” Prudence said with a slight smile: “We are all elves, aren’t we?”

“You? You are not like!” Lydia shook her head.

“What do you mean?” Prudence was still smiling, but the mark on his forehead exudes a slight rays of light.

“You understand.”

“So… you deliberately obstructed me and put Sunier into the temple?!”

“You misunderstood, I have never seen Sunier, and I don’t want to defy the orders of Great Elder.”

“But Great Elder lets you stare at Sunier, you refused!”

“I am expressing a kind of respect, just as I respect you now, you are all descendants of God.”

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