After a total of seven or eight martyrdoms, there was no way in the front, and the middle age person named Cultini continued to move forward, stopping in front of a tall wall, extending the hand. Half a foot thick moss, gently tap it.

With a heavy twisting sound, the wall slowly rose upwards, and several female surname elves greeted them from the inside, and their eyes fell on Han Jin, Jedith and Gail, but they didn’t say anything. Said, just let go to one side.

“Adult, please come with me.” After that, Kurtini took the lead and went in.

Han Jin and Jedice and Gail, both looked at each other and followed in. In the handsome account of the rapids Legion, Kurtini kept saying that he would hand over the gifts that Zaganide had prepared to them, including Han Jin, and were curious about the mysterious gift. As for whether this would be Alcatel’s The lower trap, whose possible surname is infinitely close to zero. Kurtini is the old man of Zaganide. He personally admits that he had fallen out with Zaganide a long time ago. It was just the deaf that they deliberately set up. This is true regardless of whether it is true or not. It is also impossible to win the loyalty of Curtini in a short time.

Moreover, Kurtini is also a human being, plus the few night elves that have just appeared, and Guevera told them about Kurtini’s past, Han Jin has no reason to doubt anything.

“The expressions of those elves are a bit bad. It seems that the death of Zaganide has caused a lot of blows to you,” Jedice said softly.

“No and so on.” Kurtini’s footsteps were stopped, replied in front of the faint: ” Anyway… they have to pay a painful price for this.”

“They? You mean Alquite?” Jedisi asked.

“No, I mean all people!”

“We have been away for so long, where is the gift you said?” Gail’s tone of fire was full of medicinal smell.

“What are you worried about? You can see it when you get out of here.”

About four or five 100 meters, the front is suddenly bright, a thick red light assaults the senses, and then look forward, Han Jin and other three have revealed a shocking expression, in the middle of the plain, there is a huge mountain They are conical, they are almost two X, 30 li from the mountain, but they need to look up and look up, it is estimated that the height of the mountain has reached several kilometers.

Compared with the huge mountain peaks, everything around it seems so small, the uneven rock pile, like one after another sand, and the strange-shaped trees growing between the rocks, and the moss are no different, and they, It is the ant walking between the gravel.

The most amazing thing is that the upper part of the mountain is bright red, like a whole piece of red burning iron, and on the tip of the mountain, the twisted smoke rushes out with a kind of sturdy posture, forming a foot with a kilometer. The giant pillar of the circle is straight into the ground.

“What is that? Volcano?!” said the director of Gail, muttering.

“This adult, you don’t want to go forward, the air here is full of poison, and the temperature is very high, it will be dangerous.” Kurtini said while adding a magic shield to him, then slowly rises Go into the sky and fly to the distant peak.

General Gael knew that Kurtini was not alarmist, and he was somewhat reluctant to return to the cracks, where he dared to breathe.

Jedice also blessed the magic shield for himself and flew in the air. Han Jin turned back and exchanged glances with the Gaelic general manager. The sword light was launched, and the first-come-first-served, surpassing Kurtini and Jeddis. , quickly push into the huge peak.

“Adult, dangerous… dangerous…” The call from Curtini was faintly behind him.

The azure glow suddenly stopped there, and its practicality did not remind Cultini, Han Jin has sensed the pressure of the sword glow upload.

For a moment, Jedice and Cultini also arrived, and the saying goes that the mountain is running down. Looking at it from a distance and watching it in the distance, this volcano gives a very different feeling. In the huge volcanic crater, It was a whitish lava that was rolling in white, and suddenly a mist was ejected, and the Mars that was shot was rolled up to the height of 100 meters. The area of ​​the volcanic crater is too large. At almost every moment, hundreds of mists are sprayed out. The pillar of the hiding and sky and covering the earth is formed like this, and it also makes a deafening roar.

On the north side of the volcanic crater, there is a small gap. It seems that someone bite a bit on a bagel. Every time the lava near the gap rolls, a small lava will flow out along the gap and gather at the foot of the volcanic crater. , piled up into a small deep water, of course, the small here is relative to the volcano, and finally formed a lava river, slowly flowing to the south.

“Not far from there, the lava river will split into two and then go underground.” Kurtini pointed to the south.

“Two lava rivers? Are they all passing near the underground city?” Jedice said in a word, he often followed Nikola, although the battle experience could not be related to Guevera, but the gap Not very disparate, seeing this huge volcano, and then reminiscent of Zaganide’s gift, he immediately reacted to what Curtini was going to do.

“Yes, adults.” Curtini smiled.

Jedice couldn’t make a sound for a long time, and he sighed for a long while: “It looks like our army is here…somewhat extra. If you take the lava out of the volcano, all the abyss fighters will die except the vampire. It!”

“Vampire? This is not necessarily.” Kurtini’s gaze drooped, falling on the ring of the little finger of the left hand, silent for a moment, took the ring off and slammed it into the volcanic crater.

Although Kurtini is a Dual Cultivator, his strength is limited. According to the trajectory of the ring, he can’t fall into the volcanic crater. However, the shocking scene happened. The straight line distance between the ring and the volcanic crater is still seven. 800 meters opened, and suddenly a blue smoke rose, and then the ring disappeared disappear without a trace.

“I think the two adults also noticed the color of the lava, hehe… the temperature here is so scary, don’t say Blood Race, even if the steel is close to the volcanic crater, it will turn into fly ash.” Kurtini’s finger to the volcano At the foot: “You see, there is very little lava flowing out of the gap, and the heat contained in the lava is also easy to disappear in the air. Even so, the lava has always been white, until it flows into the ground, it turns red. If We make the gap bigger and make the lava flow faster and more intense. I can guarantee that when the lava reaches the dungeon, it can still remain white, and are the vampires more tenacious than steel? ?”

“When did Zaganide discover the volcano?” Han Jin asked softly.

“It’s been almost a year.” Kurtini was replied.

“And then you have stayed here?”

“Yes.” Kurtini nodded said: “Adult, you should know that this volcano poses a serious threat to the dungeon. If you let the enemy find it… even the whole continent, all the big magisters are coming, It may not save the fate of the dungeon.”

“If Zaganide is not dead, is this gift ready for me?” Han Jin showed a faint smile.

For this problem, Kurtini did not know how to answer, only to bow his head.

“How do you ensure that all the lava will flow out? What if it is blocked in the underground river?” Jedisi asked.

“Adult, since you arrived at the Abyss World, you should have seen a lot of lava rivers? Why is there a high cliff on each side of the lava river?” Kurtini said with a smile: “Because lava can corrode The rock formations are long and the lava rivers are naturally getting lower and lower. In fact, the underground rivers are much more spacious than we think, there is no possibility of blockage, and the Zaganide adults leave a lot of dark seeds on the walls of the underground river. As long as the seeds begin to germinate, it will take a long time for the walls to collapse.”


“Adults, the impact of tens of thousands of pounds of lava is unimaginable. It is impossible to block the river channel by the collapsed wall, but it will increase the impact of the lava.”

“Zaganide has laid dark seeds in the underground river. It seems that he is ready for this day?” Jedice frowned. “Why?”

This time, Curtini was silent for quite a long time before he replied: “Adult, maybe you won’t believe that when Al Quarts first came to the dungeon, he proposed to lead the Blood Race to attack the Cliff City, Zaganide. The adult not only refused his proposal, but also tried to block Alquitt.”

“Does the power of the darkness not conform to Zaganide’s wish?” Jeddis said: “And you not at all answer my question, why?”

“I don’t know.” Kurtini shook the head: “I always feel… Zaganide adults have a deep guard against the abyss race.”

“hehe…he is not too confused.” Han Jin indifferently said: “Cultiny, Zaganide, did you remember the order given to you?”

“Of course, that is… that is the last command of the grown-up.” Kurtini said with a bitter smile, and his eyes also showed a sad color. He has been restraining himself from missing Zaganide, so as not to suffer from suspicion. For so long, he was somewhat unable to control himself.

“You repeat it.”

“Zaganide’s emotions seem to be somewhat unstable. I have said a lot of meaningless words. However, the order I have always brought with me, adults, you have to look now?” Curtini said: “Then we will go back. The temperature here is too high, and I suddenly turned it into a fly ash.”

“No.” Han Jin pointed to a finger, and the azure glow under his feet was suddenly overwhelming, shrouded Kurtini inside, the flickering of the rays of light, dyed the magic shield released by Cultini. Azure.

Kurtini rushed to pick up the secret letter and handed it to Han Jin. Han Jin took the letter and watched it carefully. For a moment, he handed the letter to Kultini: “You keep it as a memorial, it is best not to give it again. The second person looks.”

“Understood, adults.” Kurtini’s heart was a long sigh of relief. On the one hand, Han Jin did not destroy the secret letter, which made him feel moved. On the one hand, he did not need to express his position. Zaganide explained it in the letter. He is also a high-level professional, has his own dignity, and some words can not be said to be honest.

“What did you say in the letter? I can’t read it?” Jeddy curiously asked.

“There is nothing. Zaganide wants to express something that is a bit confusing.” Han Jin paused: “But… I think he has found Alquette’s change, and the following order, if he really did, Alquite again Become the new lord of the dungeon, then Kurtini will surrender to us and tell us the secrets of the volcano.”

Jedice was silent for a moment: “When did Zaganide lay the dark seeds?”

“Adult, almost three months.”

“Raphael, you have been to the dungeon at that time?” Jedisi asked.

Han Jin ordered nodded, and Curtini answered: “Yes, the Six Glows Star Array has been…” He said that Han Jin’s eyes suddenly shot cold glow, and he immediately understood that he had lost his voice and hurriedly closed. Go to the mouth.

“Six Glows Star Array? What Six Glows Star Array?” Jeddy reveals a surprising expression.

Kurtini is the buoy reserved by Zaganide. Of course, he knows what Han Jin had done, but he also reacted. Han Jin must have deliberately smashed the things at the time. He said that he had made a big mistake in his heart. Repentance is too late, how can you answer Jedice’s question?

Jedisi pondered for a moment and his eyes slowly turned to Han Jin.

Han Jin feels helpless, with Jedice’s intelligence, using other reasons to cover up the explanation, almost no effect, more importantly, he can take Jedisi, but can not deliberately deceive Jedice, this It is a very different matter. If you choose the latter, it is very likely to plant a gap between two people.

“Let’s talk to you later.” Han Jin whispered.

“Good.” Jedice is simply, of course, he also understands that Six Glows Star Array must be associated with Han Jin.

“Now, we should go back and inform Guevera to prepare for the retreat. The lava is not against me.” Han Jin said.

On the way back, Han Jin asked Kurtini a lot of questions, such as the number of abyss his men, the way to blast the gap, etc., can only say that the barriers of race are hard to break, in Zaganide’s miscellaneous army ‘In the middle, humans can always get along with the elves, because they are all from the ground, and the physical appearance is almost the same. Who wants to be friends with the monsters with full tentacles? Zaganide’s manpower to Kurtini is not a human being or an elf. There is no abyss warrior. This means that what Zaganide really believes is the ground race. After all, he is not qualified to blame the betrayal of him. Even he himself is secretly guarded. Why does Alquite really trust him and support him? !

After a long time, it took almost half a day, the soldiers of the rapids Legion had recovered their energy, and Guevera, Langing and the others gathered in the handsome account to discuss how to launch the attack, and Han Jin went into the handsome The first sentence after the account, let all the generals stunned: “Ready to retreat.”

Lang Ning took a long while and hurriedly asked: “Adult, retreat… Why do we have to retreat?!”

“Jedice, let me explain.” Han Jin sat in the main seat and looked at the map in front of him. He couldn’t help but shake his head. Some places in the map were still drawn by him. However, it is no use now. If the lava contained in the giant volcano really flows out, the surrounding terrain will undergo earth-shaking changes, and the underground city will be turned into ruins.

Jedice spoke out what he saw and talked about at the time. Guevera’s complexity changed again. He could understand that when Zaganide first discovered the volcano, he was only worried about being exploited by the enemy; later Zaganide’s idea changed. He did not have the confidence to fight against Han Jin. The giant volcano became his killing. At the critical moment, Zaganide will definitely take the army away and give up the dungeon to preserve his strength, and they may have just tasted the fruits of victory. It was submerged by the lava of the hiding and sky and covering the earth; as for the command of Curtini to surrender to them, it was only the strain method that was reserved after Arquette was found to be abnormal.

Strictly speaking, the volcano is Zaganide prepared for them!

“That guy… is as vicious and cruel as before!” Guevera sighed. Actually, it wasn’t just him. Han Jin felt ashamed. Fortunately, he decided to sneak into the underground to contain Zaganide’s army. Fortunately, he seized the opportunity. The devastating Zaganide caused a series of effects, and finally Zaganide was killed on the spot. Otherwise, they are very likely to fall into the trap. Facing the lava that flows like a frenzy, he can escape. Jedice and Yalina also have a chance to escape, but Guevera, Gail and the others have no physiology, and Zaganide’s poison is enough to ruin his hard work. The power!

Kurtini stunned, apparently dissatisfied with Guevera’s evaluation, but he finally closed his mouth. He has surrendered according to the death of Zaganide. If he still remembers the previous leader, it is easy to cause criticism. Of course, he can’t just leave Zaganide behind him. Let’s not say if he can pass his own level. The key to ignoring people is the word ‘degree’, which can only be seen by oneself.

“If we can end the war quickly, we…may be able to get back to Beitman before Wild Willow City and Holy Crown City launch an attack.” Langing suddenly said.

“Beitman is no longer ours.” Han Jin laughed. He didn’t want to say it. He was afraid of shaking everyone’s fighting spirit, but the underground city no longer has any threats. Now his enemies are the elves of Dismark and Wild Willow City!

“What??” The crowd was stunned again.

“That is, we are homeless now.” Han Jin’s tone was very indifferent: “But… we can go back to Dark Raven City.”

“So fast?!” Lang Ning called.

“Because the strength of Wild Willow City is very strong, far beyond your prior estimates.” War God is his magic weapon, when he did not hesitate to force the release of the War God, and saw Wild Willow in a flash. City’s offensive.

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