Zaganide has been staring at Joyce, no matter what his inner feelings are. He is a lord who has been through battles and turbulence. It is naive, but Zaganide has lost self-control. Or, he doesn’t care about his status, his identity, his own past, and his future, he just wants to figure out one thing.

It wasn’t until Joyce walked over to Zaganide, and one hand gently supported Zaganide, and Zaganide woke up, slowly said: “Why?” Zaganide’s tone of voice was always heavy, but now it looks gentle.

“No why…” Joyce’s eyes were a bit flustered, because this was her first close encounter with the hero and benefactor of Supreme, and she was more confused than Zaganide. Why? Is the question ‘1+1=2’ still need to be explained?

Zaganide’s eyes gradually recovered to opportunity to live, and gradually became sharp. He was still staring at Joyce, and he was very dissatisfied with the answer.

Joyce became even more flustered: “Because… you are my lord, because I live happily by your side.” Then, Joyce also forced nodded: “That’s it…” said Joyce Raise the magic wand and point to the three abyss demons in front of the mountains. The abyss demon that caused the thousands of abyss soldiers to collectively lose their voices, no threat to Joyce; and Zaganide, which became a waste in the eyes of the abyss, made Joyce feel awe, panic, jealousy, emotions of life, Sometimes it is ridiculous and unreasonable, but it is also very moving.

“Happiness…” Zaganide laughed. At this moment, he was like a squatting, suddenly clear comprehension a lot, and all the past glory, including now, all condensed together, like a crystal clear spar Let him see at a glance!

At the beginning, I went astray, no matter how hard I made and how much sweat I put, I could only make myself drifting farther and farther away! Because of the injustices and bullying in his youth, he hopes that he can use violence for reverence and awe, at least equality, but the more cruel he is, the more others reject him and hate him until he can no longer look back! Once upon a time, he hesitated and succumbed, but he couldn’t give up. Once he turned back, everything he had now was likely to be paid for. He would rather be like a real devil, spreading death and fear everywhere, and not wanting to make a breath. Dogs, at least the former can attract the attention of all.

Even if he has already realized it, he will not repent of his past behavior. He just feels that his fate is too terrifying and cruel. He plays with all the life on World without knowing it. He does not want to fight against fate again. He Admit defeat! However, he must do something before he refuses to play again!

“A very touching scene…” The abyss demon hehe on the left side of Weipu laughed, and then stepped forward, the giant scorpion in his hand stabbed like a lightning bolt, stabbing to Joyce’s abdomen, he didn’t want to put Joe on the spot. Iss killed, he wanted to pick Joyce, let Joyce cry and mourn at the tip of the knife, this is the price offensive!

Joyce’s courage and strength are absolutely inverse. Although the little hand is holding the magic wand, the eyes don’t see the enemy’s movements at all.

At this moment, the two dark red lights lit up in Zaganide’s eyes, and immediately turned into a fighting intent. The red glow at the two claws spread quickly to the whole body. Only in an instant, Zaganide has become a scared red. Blood wolf. In his life, he has always struggled for himself, but at this moment, he completely forgot himself. This is the first time he has faced the battle for others!

Although it is a strange female surname, it is worthy of his efforts to guard, even if it is broken, he is willing! At this moment, his roar, his roar, his struggle is only for one person, his blood will only flow for one person, and all this is just to repay the invisible, intangible, but distinct points. Brighten the warmth of the soul.

Zaganide stretched out his left paw and slammed Joyce in his arms, didn’t look back, and ran straight back. The abyss of the abyss smashed his left shoulder and slid over Joyce’s cheek. Zaganide retraced his right paw and slammed into the chest of the abyss demon.

Zaganide’s speed is almost unbeatable, even faster than when Han Jin is playing, which is the result of his letting go, his mind full of insight, crystal clear, and igniting all vitality!

The abyss demon wanted to release the momentary movement immediately, but the python was locked by Zaganide’s body, which made him stunned. The abyss demon has a long tail behind the young child. When the boy is young, the tail will fall off automatically. Then they will return to the Devil’s Pool. With the magical deep water and their own will, after years of tempering, the tail bones will be refined. The giant sickle used to harvest life, just as the demon family will never give up their loyalty to Death God, they will not give up their weapons.

During this in a flash time, Zaganide’s claws have arrived. The abyss demon slammed his weapon and shunned to the side. Finally, he not only pulled out the sickle, but also left a thick hole in the bowl of Zaganide’s shoulder. And Zaganide’s claws were on his shoulders.

With a bang, the abyss of the abyss screamed and screamed, and the figure flew out more than 30 meter away. Before he landed on the ground, Zaganide’s figure had turned into a scary red lightning, straight to Alquíe. Special shots.

Zaganide only wants to protect the fragile and strange female surname in her arms. He doesn’t want revenge. In the rear of Alquette, he sees the signal that only he can understand!

Wip and another abyss demon angered, his body flashed, and Zuganide was clamped to the left and right, and the two giant stalks slanted to the body of Zaganide. Although they accurately estimated the movement speed of Zaganide, they paid too much attention to Zaganide’s injury, and it was not clear what kind of will Zaganide is fighting now, thinking that the guy is only final struggle. When the two files were lifted, Zaganide was under the sickle, but when the sickle fell, Zaganide’s figure was a little faster and faster than their attack range.

Alquite opened his mouth and suddenly snarled, and a shock wave that the naked eye could not detect was hitting Zaganide.

Zaganide’s speed is getting faster and faster, unrelentingly opening the cruelly kiss of the wolf and making a world-shaking roar.

The burning of Zaganide is completely unaffected by the mental impact. The open bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, the scared red hair that stands up like a steel needle, expresses his madness and indicates that he guards. Determination.

If Alquent’s mental shock is a hypnotism, then Zaganide is a crazy wolf. Can hypnotism have an effect on a crazy life? impossible!

Arquette groaned, see Zaganide, the fierceness to the extreme, sharp to the extreme, as if you can swallow the mountains and rivers, destroy all the momentum, and immediately reveal the ‘powerhouse’ that has been seen by Han Jin, the body shape flashes, let One side. His mental impact had no effect, and an abyssal demon was only hit by Zaganide in an instant, and he was really scared.

Zaganide ignored Arquette and continued to fly forward. Seeing that Zaganide was surrounded by no one, Arquette felt that his face could not be hanged. He again snarled and waved out the box, completely composed of pure spiritual power. Strength formed a turbulent undercurrent that hit the back of Zaganide.

As the distant ancestor of Blood Race, the 12th-order peak powerhouse, only dare to attack the enemy’s back, this is a bit ridiculous and sad, but no one dares to laugh at Alquite in person.

Zaganide groaned, he did not launch a counterattack, and continued to fly forward through the strength of the fist strength. However, Joyce in his arms, his hands and even the whole body were gradually softening, and the magic wand fell weakly. On the ground, unfortunately, Zaganide has no awareness.

Pureness itself is often fragile and weak. Like Joyce, Alcatel’s fatigue strength only hurts Zaganide, but it has caused irreparable damage to Joyce.

Wyp not at all to give up chasing, another abyss demon figure flashed, appeared again at Zaganide, the sickle in his hand quickly slammed into Zaganide’s neck, and Wip appeared in the front meters in front of Zaganide, the giant python swept out.

At this moment, a black sigh of silence came in, hitting Zaganide’s chest, and immediately turned into a black mist, covering the body around a dozen meters or even the body of Zaganide.

Wip heart startled, slammed the knife and pulled back. His brother also made the same action as him. He was scared by Han Jin, not only Alquitt, but also the surviving brother and the same. Willing to fight against your opponent in the event of losing your instantaneous mobility, whether it is any opponent.

An elf in a black suit poked his head out of the rock. Behind her, the silhouettes of dozens of elf shooters stepped out of the darkness, and a row of rigorous shots were shot out.

Zaganide issued an angry roar, then shot it out of the dark fog, swept the right paw, and the lasing arrow suddenly turned into a row of dark plants, writhing, roaring, and forming a black The barrier, next moment, the shape of Zaganide has disappeared behind the barrier.

Zaganide’s toes point to the ground and shoot straight into a ramp, leaving an angry roar: “You are going!!”

At the last moment, Zaganide is no longer a generation of formidable person. He used to sacrifice anyone for his own life. Now he hopes that these still loyal elves can escape. He even wants to stay alone and stop the enemy. However, nothing is important to the person in his arms, even if he is himself, because he is holding Goddess who belongs to him alone!

Wip and his brother have to stop outside the barrier, the fragile side of the abyss demon is undoubtedly, if there is a Black Dragon here, maybe a dragon can destroy the barrier, and the abyss demon has an attack power that is particularly pale, of course If Black Dragon wants to fight with their brother, they can only escape and escape, and even escape.

“Bastard!!” Alquette spurred, he was so angry that he had to make a move, let Zaganide escape, not only left a big trouble, but also a serious blow to his dignity, and he was difficult to control. Those who live in the abyss, if they know that Zaganide will come back sooner or later, who is willing to pay loyalty to his Al Quart?

Alquette’s right fist slowly gathered, and a stagnation and heavy breath centered on Alquette’s body, rolled up four times, and a faint silver light illuminates on Alquitt’s fist. Alquite finally waved his fist, and the majestic fist strength went forward like an unstoppable frenzy.

A loud bang, the black barrier was actually bombarded by this fist forcibly a hole of more than 20 meters. Next moment, Alquette has crossed the barrier. Hailuer is commanding the elves to evacuate, sensing the movement behind them, and they can’t help but turn their heads and see Arquette, who is not angry. Although Alquette’s ‘majesty’ is open to question, Han Jin looks down on Alquette, and Zaganide just ignores the presence of Alquent, but for the elves such as Hailuer, Alquette is the mountain. Powerhouse, the incomparable spirit of the exuding, has formed an irresistible pressure.

Alquite opened his mouth and suddenly made a roaring sound. A sound wave that the naked eye could not detect spread like a ripple. To deal with this relatively fragile life, Alquette’s spiritual impact can produce immediate results. Dozens of elves have successively With a painful scream, even Hailuer grabbed his head, swayed a few steps, and sat down on the ground.

Wip and his brother also crossed the barrier from the big hole. Wip glanced at the elves in a cold, swaying the sickle, and swayed the elf that swayed to him in half, and he Brother rushed to a ramp, carefully observed the remaining blood on the ground, then released the momentary movement, disappeared in the depths of the ramp.

Wip just wanted to catch up with his brother, Alquite suddenly cried: “Weipu, wait a minute!”

“What’s wrong? Alcatel?” Wip looked up.

“You…you…” Alcatel’s expression is weird and complicated.

“What happened?” Wip frowned, now is not a time to hesitate!

“Have you forgotten… Raphael?” Alquite finally said the complete words.

The words ‘Raphael’ have the same incering as terrifying formidable power, making the whole body stiff and stiff.

“Why don’t you say it earlier?!” Wip suddenly screamed, eye sockets want to crack squatting Alquette, then rushed to the paved intersection, madly screaming: “Bar, come back! Come back! Be careful Raphael! Come back soon…”

The snoring of Weipu was far-reaching in the martyrdom. However, there was no response. The abyss of the abyss moved too fast. In the time of Arquette’s hesitation, Barr had already embarked on a road of no return.

Alquite’s old face is red, he wants to defend what he wants, but he can’t say it. He is the identity of the Blood Race ancestor. He has no doubt about the 12th-order peak powerhouse. How can he show his bones to an enemy? fear? So he was hesitant to protect his self-esteem and remind his allies. In the end, although he made the right choice, it was too late.

The dark paved intersection is quietly there, like a rare beast that chooses people, and the cold sweat has appeared on the head of the watch. The hands are holding the giant python, he dares not to go in, the last time The experience in the martyrdom is as deep as his nightmare, and he really dare not go in. Moreover, Arquette sent the Blood Race to find the body of his brothers, the Raphael lord actually cut the brains of his brothers and took Magic Crystal! Looking at the horrible body, Weipu is both distraught and timid. It is not only a powerful fear, but also a kind of sorrow and helplessness at the bottom of the biological chain. A powerful demon family, For the terrifying Raphael lord, it is just a prey!

“Wei, we…” Alquite coughed.

Like but can’t hear Al Quart’s words, Weipu still faces the dark lacquered paved intersection.

“Right… Wip, your brother Zarke is hurt, be careful… that Raphael!” Alquite suddenly cried.

“Yeah, Zarke!” Wip woke up like a dream, and the expression was like a drowning man who finally found a straw: “Fast…”

Zaganide is still flying forward, saying that he has now become a person of affection and righteousness, but he is still so cruel, even to himself, just now, he feels that his intestines are in the way, I even waved the sharp claw and cut my intestine forcibly. He said that he is still ruthless, but everything he does is to protect a stranger. He has united all his vitality and all his will to do one thing and fly!

There was a narrow stone bridge in front of it. There was a strong red light under the bridge. It was obvious that there was a lava river below. Zaganide knew that he could not support it. He leaned on the stone wall and gasped. Bowed his head and said: “You…”

When seeing the faded beauty, Zaganide turned into a statue in an instant. He escaped with all his strength and was completely indifferent. In fact, Alcut’s punch completely cut off Joyce’s opportunity to live. Even breaking and shredding multiple skates, Joyce’s body is like a noodle, soft terrifying, and pitiful.

For a moment, a non-human scream came out on the narrow stone bridge: “No… no…”

The voice was hoarse, crazy, full of suffocating despair, and passed to the rumors before and after the stone bridge, and passed away.

On the bridgehead, Zaganide sat on the ground a little bit, and the cruel-stricken wolf kissed a little on Joyce’s chest that was gradually turning cold, and his mouth was still making a voice that seemed to be pleading and sounding like a complaint: ” no no……”

He just realized that he was struggling, but he was only a dream. Then he ignited all his vitality and made a final battle for his own Goddess. Who knows that this last battle is also a ridiculous bubble, maybe He is really qualified to curse the fate, because fate is too unfair to him!

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