Wip headed, and the six abyss formed a triangular cone, desperately killing outside the plains. In the past few months, they have also seen the style of Zaganide, which is a matter of doing it or not doing it. The clean guy, at the moment Zaganide has extended a poisonous hand to them, will never let them leave, Zaganide has to deal with the few battle Angel, this is their only chance.

The large plant forest can’t fight the giant scorpion of the abyss, and the stalk of the stalk can only be put down by the grass, and the plant of the baring fangs and brandishing claws will be put down. The brethren entered the depths of the plant forest.

It seems…somewhat too easy, the single thought head rises in the mind of Wip.

It seems that in order to prove the judgment of Weipu, the humming of the magic sounded one after another. Hundreds of abyss mage hidden behind the plant road revealed their faces, and one after another magical aura fell from the sky, rose from the ground, and even suddenly The appearance of a few brothers, the so-called easy blink of an eye has become the past tense.

The fragile side of the abyss demon is undoubtedly clear, their fighting power is frightening, just because they have a special innate talent, moving instantly! However, the dense plant forest has filled the nearby space, and even behind them, new plants have been grown, and the innate talent has been blocked. The abyss demon can only rely on his own giant python, relying on his own body and magic. Confrontation, and in this respect, they are far less than other super-order creatures.

What’s more, Weipu’s brother has been seriously injured. The attack just seemed so sharp, just the madness of the dog jumping off the wall.

Zaganide expression is nervous and anxious, and her eyes are nailed to the high-ranking Angels. She has no choice but to ‘take care of’ Wipbrothers, and Alquet is also the same. His lips are slightly open and close, as if he is carrying What, the abyss demon as a super-strong racial race, now suffered from being ignored, this is somewhat sad.

At this moment, all the people are struggling, eager, hardworking, and even burning for their survival, envy, mission, and goals… The high-level Angels in the Six Glows Star Array have done The final decision, a path of pure white flame, emerged from their bodies, flowing to their feet, along the Six Glows Star Array, to the center.

Zaganide has been with a few high-level battles for Angel for a whole year, but he has never been able to figure out what secrets are hidden in the Six Glows Star Array. He only knows that the mission of six high-ranking Angels is to protect this. Six Glows Star Array, and Six Glows Star Array is also guarding what.

No one will set up a huge Six Glows Star Array in this Abyss World for no reason. At a very young age, Zaganide has realized that everything in the world has its own unique mission, goals, processes, and even results.

And several high-ranking Angels are eager to make a bright call when they are on the verge of extinction. This proves that the existence of Six Glows Star Array is very long! The Gate of Heaven has been closed, and the Devil’s Pool can no longer feel the power of Death God Hamas, trying to call for Angel to come for support, just like the summon Death God Hamas’s avatar, it is impossible, but that few Angel, who is a high-level war, doesn’t know about it.

Now, when it comes to As the water recedes, the rocks appear, Zaganide’s double fists have been clenched unconsciously.

A stock of white flames has finally penetrated the barriers in the center of the Six Glows Star Array, and an eye-catching World is in the world!

In the land of the severe dozen meters, there are all kinds of strange flowers, the colors of the flowers are bright and soft, and the air seems to have a burst of fragrant fragrance. In the colorful, they are Is a person The female surname Angel is standing there.

The white flame rushed to the female surname Angel, wherever the fascinating flowers and plants were turned into nothingness, and the silhouette of the female surname Angel became thinner and thinner, and finally in a blooming glow, It became something like a necklace and floated quietly.

Brilliant pendant! Zaganide made the judgment in the first place and almost burst into tears. Although it has been guessed that the Six Glows Star Array is of great significance, he never imagined that there was a Divine Artifact that had been lost for thousands of years!

Alquette made a sharp whistling sound. Behind him, hundreds of painful vampires suddenly became quiet. One after another, the head blasted like a watermelon, cracked, shattered, and finally turned into thick. Thick blood mist.

Alquette pointed his hand, and the blood mist turned into a frenzy, rushing toward the Six Glows Star Array, and the hundreds of headless bodies fell down and turned into Kaikai bones.

If several high-ranking Angels still maintain the power of their heyday, it is difficult for Alquite to sacrifice the magic released by hundreds of clansman. Angel’s mission is to cleanse evil, and the rich light elements are enough to protect them from infringement.

However, Angels have become weak and tried to destroy the brilliant pendant with the last force, and the blood beads hidden in the fog are extremely heavy and extremely sticky. As long as they stick to the body, they can’t get rid of it, let Angel The pain is that the blood beads are constantly infiltrating into the inside of their bodies. In the twinkling of an eye, the rays of light they emit are already mixed with blood.

Zaganide took a step and walked slowly to the Six Glows Star Array, still around 100 meters. He had already forgotten the extend the hand and grabbed the brilliant pendant. Of course, he couldn’t catch it, and Angel still saved. A little bit of wisdom, not completely controlled by Arquette, he is temporarily unable to get close, and the action of forgetting emotion is just an expression of emotion.

At this moment, a long and powerful hand suddenly protruded from the ground and gently grabbed the brilliant pendant.

“No…no!!!” Zaganide eye sockets want to crack, screaming, falling from the joy of Peak-Stage to the bottom of the valley, he felt a heartbreaking pain, almost unable to breathe.

Han Jin stood there quietly, looking at the pendant in his hand. For so long, he had too many opportunities to shoot, such as when Weipubrother was hit by Angel, Alcatel released his magic, and Zaganide forgot. When expressing his emotions, but he did not move, he was always patient.

“The feeling of picking peaches… is really enjoyable.” Han Jin showed a silent smile: “Zaganide, do you agree with me?” His tone is a bit scornful, but his manners, his patience, etc. It can be proved that he already has the capital against a generation of formidable person Zaganide and has the upper hand.

“Raphael?” Zaganide gnashing teeth said in a word, he also got a lot of information about Han Jin. On the whole World, there are only one Han Jin who can get shelter from the earth and swim around!

Alquette’s face has become iron blue, and he screams, and several blood-stained Angels slowly lifted the lightsaber and surrounded Han Jin.

“My happiness is always built on your pain, Zaganide, you are so unfortunate.” Han Jin’s eyes flashed, he never smug, the reason continues to stimulate Zaganide, just to test the true strength of Zaganide, for the upcoming explosion Prepare for the decisive battle. Although Guevera has been smashing the power of Zaganide, it has spanned nearly two decades. His Han Jin can have the power and power of the present for more than two years. Zaganide can’t make any progress.

“Ha…” Zaganide smirked, his eyes had become blood red, the whole face was gradually deformed, and finally became a monster of a human wolf, then in the screaming, the covering the mountains and the plains, Countless botanical forests danced wildly, rushing from all directions to Han Jin, and even growing new plants from the foot of Han Jin, entangled Han Jin’s legs. As for the Wip brothers, he can’t take care of it anymore. He has only a single thought head in his mind, killing Han Jin and reclaiming the brilliant pendant that should belong to him!

“Evil monster is fading, and I am stunned…net!” Han Jin sang an incantation that no one else could understand. His wrist turned, and a dazzling light rose from his palm, turning into a pure light wave. Dangling.

The plants that Zaganide is controlling, like the snow and ice, meet the boiling water, the pieces are ablated, and the light waves are getting brighter and brighter, the range is wider and wider, and the deep plains are as white as the ones that Angels radiate. The blood color was also digested and cleaned.

Zaganide turned into a shadow, even a few points faster than the arrow, straight to the Han Jin, the inflated, almost shield-sized claws, slammed into Han Jin’s heart.

The Six Glows Star Array was destroyed, and the Angels were no longer constrained. At this moment, they recovered their minds, and several lightsabers opened in the same direction, blocking Zaganide’s lightning-fast offensive.

With a loud bang, Zaganide’s silhouette was bounced out and flew straight out of the quiet dozen meters, and he stepped back on the ground for a dozen steps before he barely stabilized his figure.

“Thank you, the powerful Magician, you saved our fall with pure power, thank you…” An Angel’s fading light wing expressed gratitude to Han Jin, in the battle that could not be replenished over the years. They have already become fragile, and they have tried to destroy the brilliant pendant with their last strength, and they have been polluted by Blood Race. Finally, they blocked the attack of Zaganide for Han Jin, and they can no longer sustain their lives. The words have not been finished yet. The shape of the five high-ranking Angels has been turned into a free spot, but this time, they did not dissipate in the air, and countless spots of light came to Han Jin, or, Bring together the brilliant pendants.

Han Jin’s release of the net light curse helped the Weipu couplebrother’s busy, the plant forest pieces withered, they restored the ability to move instantly, only in the blink of an eye, a handle scorpion took away dozens of abyss The life of the mage, immediately their silhouette has disappeared deep in the plains.

Han Jin glanced around, and the army consisting of countless evil eyes, Medusa, Minotaur, and Abyss was coming in his direction. Han Jin shook his head and looked at Zaganide with his gaze. The shape is shrunk downwards.

Just as Han Jin disappeared, Zaganide was already approaching. The thick claws were heavily on the ground, and the smoke and dust were everywhere. A path of deep cracks was centered on the attack point and opened to all around.

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