A woman in a short skirt skirted her graceful body and walked slowly toward Han Jin, smiling and placing the wine tray in front of Han Jin.

There were more than a dozen glasses of different colors on the wine plate. Han Jin glanced at him and picked up a glass of wine. But the woman did not hurry, and a pair of watery eyes were still staring at Han Jin. Stopped, the pair of white towering with her breath trembled slightly, and also exuded a seductive white radiance, touching.

Han Jin Wei Wei, then understand, throw a gold coin in the wine tray, then the woman took the wine tray, swayed and walked elsewhere, took a few steps, and looked back and curiously looked at Han. Jin, as if surprised by Han Jin’s lack of any cheap action.

Han Jin, as the old man sat down, quietly looked at the glass on the table, and he was deeply impressed by the race to which the woman belonged.

Abyss demoness!

When they captured Nuremberg, they seized a lot of abyss demoness. According to Guevera, the abyss demoness only likes two things in life, beating and coping, the former is extremely painful, and the latter is bliss. No matter what they have done, the elf-like beauty will not change because of behavior and hobby. The squad Legion has a very strict military discipline, and can go up to the generals, down to the ordinary soldiers, and almost all of them are abyss demons. The fascination was so fascinating that it almost made a big disaster.

Guevera said that the abyss demoness is a natural memory. Han Jin also felt a bit ridiculous and unbelievable. Later, he realized that Guevera’s evaluation was very fair, unlike what he thought, mixed with personal feelings. And the abyss demoness has a certain combat power, but the surnames are very weak, there is no bad eye, they just love happiness, but also love the pain, after the curse is lifted, the abyss demons have always been very disciplined, but once the night falls, They have become another way, only to say that Great Thousand Worlds, no wonder… With the constant consumption of wine storage, the atmosphere in the bar is getting more and more enthusiastic, carefully calculated, the guests here can even be divided into ten A few races, but their purpose is the same.

A male surnamed Medusa grabbed the abyss demoness and flirted in the eyes of the crowd. The guy had six hands, a few hands squeezing on it, and a few hands squatting underneath, only for a while, then The abyss demoness was made to breathe, and it was unclear whether the guy’s bed effort was as good as the flirting ability.

A Minotaur has talked with the abyss demoness about the price, the abyss demoness laughs hehe’s drill under the table, for a moment, the expression of the Minotaur gradually changes, the big eyes are getting rounder, almost the eyes are big, the big ones The lips didn’t know what was squatting, the powerful arms were dead on the table, and the entire table was shaking slightly.

There are naked desires and naked expressions everywhere, no one makes a fuss about nothing.

Han Jin is still sitting there quietly. No matter how the external environment changes, it is difficult to cause too much impact on him. The so-called ‘winds come to the bamboo, the wind does not leave the sound of the bamboo; the geese pass the cold pool, the geese go to the lake Take a picture, this is the basic skill of the Tao. The body of the self-cultivator can drift with the waves and drift around the sea, but their hearts are as firm as a rock, never shaken, shaken, and lose.

The two abyss demoness have not taken business, see Han Jin, there is no female waiter, and they come together to Han Jin.

Just as the two of them were about to hold Han Jin, a very boring explosion came from Earth Abyss, followed by a violent shock wave. The whole bar was shaken, and there were countless sand and dust. The tables and chairs in the bar are also falling. However, most of the people who come to the bar to find fun are professional, including the abyss demoness itself, but also have a certain fighting power, the emotions are still calm, but some of the follow-up things can’t be done anymore.

Han Jin’s line of sight suddenly turned to the window. From his position, it was clear that a very thick and bright snow white light column was worn from the ground, and it was unstoppable and straight into the sky, but the giant magic shield over the castle turned forcibly The light column stopped, and the light column turned into countless light spots, which sprinkled down like a downpour.

The streets immediately became a mess, and the ‘people’ desperately rushed to the houses on both sides, pushing each other and stepping on each other. Even this bar was a dozen more ‘people’ in the blink of an eye. A little slower, covered by light rain, will immediately make a tragic sound, even when the street fell.

“This kind of light… is really uncomfortable…” A vampire dressed in a gentleman muttered to himself.

“Mom!” The Minotaur patted the table heavily, and then an abyss demoness drilled out of the table and looked at the Minotaur with dissatisfied eyes. Obviously, because of the influence of the light, the Minotaur was somewhere. It has already been soft and lost its fighting power.

“Zaganide is not guaranteed, is it already successful?” Another Minotaur said: “Why… is the light more powerful than once?”

“You are crazy? This kind of thing is not something we should talk about.” A Minotaur whispered his companion, then raised his glass: “Drinking and drinking… everyone drinking…”

Han Jin’s eyes lit up. He had captured the location of the source, stood up, sorted out the robes, avoided the two abyss demoness, and walked slowly upstairs. The secret of the light, of course, must be checked. Clear, but love the baby… can’t let go.

The second floor is almost all private rooms. I can’t find the location of Eva. Han Jin’s sight falls on an abyss demoness. The fingers are light, and several black beetles roll in front of the abyss demoness. On the ground, the abyss demoness is walking on the wine plate, suddenly kicked something, and can not help but plant it forward, the wine tray in the hand is also flying far away, the oh la la burst, the wine glasses are almost hit Broken.

The abyss demoness sat up and looked at the back in a strange way, but there was nothing there. Several small beetles had been turned into zero and hidden under the carpet.

The doors of several private rooms were pushed open, and the guests inside heard the sound and came out to see what happened. Han Jin extended the hand to the abyss demoness and whispered, “Is it okay?”

The abyss demoness glanced at Han Jin with grateful eyes. Without resistance, he put his hand in Han Jin’s palm, let Han Jin lift himself up, then walked back to the place where he had just fallen, and smashed it on the carpet with his tender toes. Moving, my mouth is still muttering: “Weird…”

Several probes saw the guest seeing no major event, and closed the door. A small beetle sneaked into a private room along the door. Eva was sitting on the main seat in the private room. It looked like these. Among the ‘people’, her status is very high, the small beetle has been crawling forward, and the guests on the wine table talk about it, no one cares about such a small reptile.

For a moment, the little beetle climbed up along the little boots of Eva, and then drilled into the boot. Eva noticed the itch feeling on the instep, and took a handful shot. The small beetle had turned into a light dust and stained it. On the back of Eva.

The mystery of the Tao law, change thousands, even to the situation that can not be described by language, Eva will not find that she has already made a move, even if she is sitting in the tub, she can only see her body. My own feet are inexplicably dirty.

When the abyss demoness wants to thank Han Jin, Han Jin has closed the cloak and walked down the long ladder. He can still distinguish it. Zaganide is his confidant. However, it is the disease of the mustard. After he discovers the secret of the light, it is not too late to clean up the baby.

In fact, the Abyss World is much wider than the ground, because the World here can overlap, there is a vast plain in the end of the underground below more than 10 li, because there is no lava river nearby, lack of light source The whole plain is very deep.

Suddenly, in the heart of the plains, a soft white light illuminates, followed by a white light, six white lights, illuminating a Six Glows Star Array with an approximate number of 100 meters, at each star corner. On the star’s life point, they all stood with a tall silhouette, couldn’t see their shape and appearance, but could see the twin wings fluttering, flying, and seemingly covering the sky. The six pairs of light wings entangled each other. They support each other and encourage each other to form a defensive array that can be attacked and defended.

It can be seen at this moment that an unknown black plant grows everywhere in the plain, and countless leaves are slowly entangled in the Six Glows Star Array.

“In the name of justice…” The giant standing at the corner of the East raised the lightsaber in his hand, and the sacred and solemn, pure and firm singer echoed over the plains.

“In the name of justice…” The other giants also raised the lightsaber, and a pair of double-wings huddled together, then slammed into the air.

Bang… A deafening blow came, and the six pairs of light wings have turned into a group of near-substantial white light. It can be clearly seen that a semi-circular light curtain gradually expands and then condenses into a giant beam of light. , the next moment, a faint shock wave sweeps along the plains all around, the seemingly powerful black plant, instantly turned into fly ash.

Then, the rays of light of the Six Glows Star Array faded a little, including the six giants, and the entire plain was covered with a deep silence.

“The warriors from heaven, I admire your perseverance.” A loud voice came from afar: “But… how long can you support? For a year, you have wasted my entire year! I am very angry, but what I said is still counted, give up, become my fallen Angel, I promise, will give you the glory of Supreme!”

No one answered, just responding to him, just a rustle, a cluster of clusters of black plants drilled out of the ground, like a slow moving tide, rushing toward the Six Glows Star Array.

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