When Han Jin’s feet stepped on the city wall, the flying red lotus petals finally began to wither, and the pieces turned into scattered light spots, completely disappearing in the air, on both sides of Han Jin, on the city wall within a kilometer. It is empty, but the flying dust is particularly large, rolling and clustered.

The first thing that hurts the fire red lotus is the soul. If you can’t resist the attack of the fire red lotus, the end can only be destroy both body and soul. Master has repeatedly warned him, and the fire red lotus has hurt the sky and use it with caution! If you are still in that World, Han Jin may think about it again, but here… Tianhe? ! Let go of the abyss demon and let him use his special instinct to retaliate. What if the Sunier, Moxinke and the others die in the hands of the abyss? !

“Kill…” Seeing that the rain of anger has faded, the soldiers of Marksingburg renewed their courage and rushed along the street to the city wall.

Han Jin walked on the battlements and watched the crowd below quietly. His heart suddenly showed a faint emotion, grief, that was the grief of the powerhouse to the weak. Of course, if you are rushing to the abyssal race, it’s already bloody long streets!

Han Jin sighed, he was somewhat interested, and he didn’t want to start, but he didn’t do it, and he started.

A sly Fire Dragon fell from the sky and was falling on the long street. The dozens of soldiers rushing in front of it also made a tragic sound. Although the heavy weight of the draping was very good, it could not cut off the burning of high temperature. A person who turns into a fire, struggles and struggles.

A pair of wings made entirely of flames kept moving, and the Fire Dragon ran forward along the long street. When it passed, there was a raging fire everywhere. The soldiers gathered together were almost five or six hundred people, but It was all destroyed by a Fire Dragon, and there was no room for resistance.

Kane and Yalina stand around Han Jin, and both faces are very excited. The magic released by Han Jin may not be the most powerful, but it is absolutely the most beautiful, even comparable to the legendary miracle, making people unforgettable! Not only the two of them, everyone on the War God will remember this scene today.

In the distance, the flag of the rapids Legion slowly swayed, and a black line pressed from the sky.

Although they didn’t catch up with the real battle, they didn’t come late. To be honest, they couldn’t have any influence on the high-end showdown, so every lord on the continent is a mighty powerhouse, and what really determines the situation is The contest between powerhouses.

There was a clear scream in the air, Little Jin Ray with the thunderbird group had broken into the Fort Marshall, and hundreds of stone monsters followed the thunderbird group, their presence is to protect the thunderbirds, in case of thunderbird Under attack, they will block their bodies with their bodies.

“Take it to you here.” Han Jin left a word, his body flashed and appeared on the long street.

Han Jin’s mind can’t scan the distant situation, but he and Spirit Beast have a good connection. Little Jin Lei is his eyes. Just now, Little Jin Lei found a person, one must use death for Han Jin, The rapid flow of Legion, a person who rises to the new forces.

In the tall house, Markingen’s City Lord Wien stood in front of the iron bed and called in a tone one’s head out of fear: “Adult, not good… not good…”

The silver-haired girl looked at Wien coldly, not at all talking, her wrists and ankles had oozing blood, it was the result of desperate struggle, but Guevera was still in this heyday. Silk has been banned for many years, and she wants to break free immediately, which is impossible.

“Adult, you must help us!” Wien screamed.

At this moment, Han Jin’s figure rose out of the ground like a ghost, sitting slowly in the chair, looking at Wien’s back with a expression of residual calm and composed while handling pressing affairs.

The girl saw Han Jin, a slight glimpse, and then said to Wien in a cold tone: “Why should I help you? Like Solov, you are the running dog of Zaganide!”

“Adult, you don’t know?” Wien’s eyes widened in surprise: “Solov is here tyrannize, it has already caused us anger! But… but I just took someone to kill Solov today, Zaganide’s The army is coming over, adults, you must help us! Now we can only rely on you!”

Han Jin smiled and turned his eyes to the table. Although he just released the talisman, his consumption of the body was very large. He wanted to eat something because of instinct, but the table was a mess, and let He fell down on his appetite.

“You? Can you kill Solov?” The girl couldn’t help but show a scornful smile. Although she was a little childish, she was a little childish, but Wien’s lies were more naive: “In this case, who killed Solov Who are you going to find, he can definitely block the army of Zaganide, why come to me.”

“Adult, I…” Wien shed tears of sorrow: “One of my most important top mentors has already sacrificed in the battle against Solov, adults!”

“The top magister? Wien, it seems that we need to reconsider, you must be the lord of Beitman?” The girl is a sharp-eyed, ironic person to leave no room. Wien is in a hurry, it is getting more and more outrageous to tell a lie. If he is really a person, it is a person. If he really has the power and method to control the top magister, he will kill him. Going out, why bother hiding in Maxinburg?

“No, I hate war!” Wien sighed.

Han Jin almost laughed and shook his head and picked up the jug on the table.

“That was what Solov had drunk, very dirty.” Perhaps Han Jin’s appearance is very handsome, perhaps his temperament is free and easy, there is a kind of floating smell, the girl has a slight stranger to Han Jin. A good feeling, the words reminded: “If you want to drink, there is clean in the back cabinet.”

“Oh?” Han Jin glanced back and said with a smile: “Thank you.”

Wien City Lord and his two guards discovered that there was more than one person in the house. They turned back and recognized Han Jin. Through the perspective of Magician’s perspective, he knew who killed Solov and could not help but Cried: “Kill him! Kill me!!”

The two guards pulled out the long sword and rushed to Han Jin. The door suddenly exploded. The Guevera like God God appeared. The dragon gun in the hand was stabbed and smashed. The two guards Guevera’s arrogant temperament was smashed and turned into countless blood rains all around, and the Wien City Lord and the silver-haired girl were all splashed with blood.

Behind Guevera, Jeddy also followed, and Han Jin had already used the gods to drop the War God to the ground. The mission of the shiphouses was to join the battle group and share most of the pressure of the rapids Legion to minimize Little casualties, however, Guevera and the others really did not want to fight, and saw the magic of the ultimate, formidable power and terrifying to the extreme, they just want to take a look at Han Jin, look at it, as to say What, theyselves don’t know.

“How come you?” Han Jin was slightly wrong.

“I remember you didn’t like drinking much before.” Guevera’s eyes fell on the jug in the hands of Han Jin.

“A little tired.” Han Jin said with a smile and then sat in the chair.

“You…” Guevera paused, slowly said: “Raphael, you are doing very well! Really good!”

Han Jin’s eyes have become out of focus. He knows very well that Guevera’s “good” doesn’t just mean that he killed Solov, but also includes his progress, his hopes, and so on. But Han Jin is not a sentimental person. I don’t know how to respond to Guevera’s compliments. I can only smilely smiled.

Gail’s manager came in from the broken door, Jeddes said with a smile: “Found?”

Gail’s old face is slightly red, nodded, not shaking his head, and finally glanced at Jedisi. It is also a sorrow of the profession of thieves. He casts a dagger to attack Solov. As a result, Solov released the moment and moved away. As a result, his dagger flew far away. When the War God landed, he first One thing is to find your own dagger, that is his life root, can not be lost! Otherwise, he should come over with Guevera, Jeddes and the others.

Wien City Lord shrinks at the foot of the bed, trembled and looked at the people in the house, the expression of the silver-haired girl was also very nervous, Han Jin was calm and free, not at all gave her a sense of threat, and Guevera was aggressive and aggressive. When the time comes, the dazzling ray of light has proved his identity. The attitude between Jedice, Gail and Guevera is easygoing. It is obviously a friend relationship. I want to come to the strength and there is no difference. A super-powerhouse, anyone will feel nervous.

“Don’t come over!” Wien City Lord suddenly pulled out the long sword and placed it on the neck of the silver-haired girl. Hysterical cried: “You will kill her when you come over!!”

No one cares for him. It is too ridiculous to be hostage in front of a Dragon Knight, a top thief, and an Archbishop. What’s more, the ‘effect’ of the hostage is too bad. If you change to Sunier, it will attract their attention. .

The girl’s pupil suddenly turned into a silver, two electric lights spurted out of the pupil, and it was shot on the chin of the City Lord’s chin. In an instant, the head of the Wien City Lord was torn apart by lightning.

“Thunderbolt Titan?!” Guevera glanced at the dignified expression, his eyes swept over the girl, and finally fell on the black crystals at the wrists.

Han Jin put it in the jug and walked slowly, gently stroking the black crystal, said with a smile: “Do you have a feeling of seeing an old friend?”

“Old friend? Yes… it is an old friend.” The fierce light in Guevera’s eyes flashed away.

Jedice and Gail’s directors looked at each other and didn’t talk. They lived for so long and experienced so much. None of them were warm-hearted and compassionate people. When they saw someone suffering, they rushed to help, and asked for help. This is what young people will do. What’s more, the one who is tied is a thunderbolt Titan. They all say that the enemy of the enemy is their own friend. This is absolutely absolute.

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