The new vampire queen Lindsay is training her vampire army with great enthusiasm. Since Betty and Caroline died, she has obtained the command of this army. Of course, she knows that all this is necessary. Thanks to the man, it is not important for the man to command this army. What matters is whether the leader of this army is loyal.

Just as Lindsay was a little absent-minded about how to further consolidate his current status, his heart suddenly moved and involuntarily turned his attention to the West.

At the same time, all the vampires seem to have sensed what they have, and they are also looking at the West. However, there is nothing in the eye, and there are only the endless plains and the blue sky.

The vampires who were present, including Lindsay, clearly felt the instigation from the bottom of their hearts, as if the most primitive desire was suddenly awakened, and all the vampires began to restless.

Gradually, the feeling is getting stronger and stronger, and Lindsay鈥檚 heartbeat is getting faster and faster. At the end of the day, Lindsay can even hear himself鈥檚 with the body鈥檚 voice, as if it fits some kind of In general, the heartbeat of all vampires is adjusted to the same rhythm by an invisible force!

‘dong! ”dong! ‘The heart of the vampires beating like a little, like a strange drum, filled in the ears of the vampires, except for the heartbeat, there is nothing.

‘dong! ”dong! ‘Thousands of vampires’ heartbeats are combined into one voice, echoing in the vast world, each vampire’s face reveals an anxious expression, but the strange thing is that no one dares to move, Just quietly standing there waiting for something.

Finally, there was a dark cloud on the horizon, and it was followed by a huge and unparalleled pressure that filled the whole world. Lindsay鈥檚 mind was suddenly blank, and his knees bent and smashed.

The strange scenes appeared, and all the vampires squatted on the ground in a pious posture, as if they were waiting for the reception of a certain god.

Lindsay鈥檚 heart is full of fear, because she knows what is coming, ancestor! The existence of God in the Blood Race, if the Pope is the spiritual leader of humanity and the spokesperson of God, then the ancestor of Blood Race is God to the vampire!

No vampire can resist the will of the ancestors, even if it is only in the heart, the spiritual shackles that have been deep into the bone marrow since the ancient times, the vampires are lingering in this life.

Lindsay wants to go back and tell the man what happened here, but she can’t move, as if the spirit of the lock is not only her spirit, but also the body.

The dark clouds are getting closer and closer, and Lindsay has been able to see the huge silver bat flying in the front. Slowly, Lindsay put his head on the ground and has deeply imprinted the ancestor’s acknowledgment allegiance. In her blood, at this moment, the man has become less important.

Arquette flew in the forefront of the team, his eyes flashed with a demon red glow. The huge mental power allowed him to feel the piety and acknowledgment allegiance of those descendants. Alquite smiled silently if he changed any one. With the vampires of his contemporaries, this effect is not achieved. Only he, Alquette, the most powerhouse in the Blood Race, can do it because his innate talent is unique and unmatched in the Blood Race: the mind chain.

Zaganide didn’t know when it was above the city wall, looking gloomy at the dark clouds that were approaching.

“Lincell!” Zaganide suddenly snorted, and the dull voice was like a rolling thunder blasting at Lindsay’s ear. Lynn Seldon felt a loose body and kept slamming her shackles and disappeared.

“Isn’t it greeted?!”

Lindsay silently looked at Zaganide, and the more out of the crowd, stood in front.

In the eyes of Alquette, the red glow was suddenly abrupt, and even a layer of faintly discernable blood light was lit up, and the speed of the flight was suddenly accelerated.

At the same time, Lindsay only felt that her heart was hit by a sledgehammer fiercely, and the involuntary legs were soft and smashed.

“old fellow ……” Zaganide is low snorted. “The fire is not too small, so you will win a game for the time being.”

Alquite suddenly accelerated, and the whole body was turned into a stream of silver. When flying over Lindsay, it had become a human figure. However, without the support of the wings, Alquet鈥檚 body did not fall to the ground. It was as if stepping on an invisible ladder, then step by step and walked out of nowhere.

The vampires did not show any surprise to this commonality. They just succumbed to the ground more devoutly, as if this was the only way to better show respect for the ancestors.

Zaganide’s pupil tightened and whispered with a voice that only he could hear: “Is mental power turned into substance? Hehe, but it’s a pity that the powerhouse from the abyss, don’t you really know? Excessive show off Often come from inferiority…”

However, on the face of Arquette, she could not find a little expression of inferiority, and caressed the next silver hair. Alquite and the aunt said: “Get up, my children.”

In a short sentence, the vampires felt as if there was a warm current flowing straight from the top of the head to the soles of the feet, which made them more comfortable, which made them more convinced, all kneeling on the ground and bowed their heads respectfully.

Lindsay walked in front of Alquette and took a deep bow, and brief remark made her stand aside.

Arquette looked up at Zaganide on the city wall, said with a slight smile: “Young, you don’t want to stand there and talk to me?”

Zaganide laughed and jumped out of the city wall and fell to the front of Arquette. The right hand bent down slightly. “Zaganide is honored for your arrival.”

Alquette’s eyes passed a trace of sorrow, and it returned to normal, because he noticed that Zaganide had not made a sound when he landed on the ground.

“I have to come.” Alquite sighed, a look of mourning.

“That, I will give you an explanation.” Zaganide whispered, “Please sit inside, it is not convenient to talk here.”

At this time, the vampire forces that followed Alquitt have already arrived, and they have become human figures on the ground, neatly arranged into a giant square.

Alquee features nodded, and Zaganide walks side by side into the castle, but does not look at the vampires.

Zaganide asked in a strange voice, “The clansman who came with you, would you like me to find a place to settle down?”

Alquite waved his hand and said casually: “No, let them wait outside.”

Alquett鈥檚 voice was not loud, but the vampires who were still some distance away from him were clearly heard. They immediately fell to the ground and shouted loudly: 鈥淵es! The ancestors!鈥?/p>

A person’s voice may not be loud enough, but thousands of voices sound at the same time, as if a snarling thunder blasted over the castle, which was particularly shocking.

Zaganide shook his head in a unknowable manner, with a sardonic smile on his lips, but Alquite on his side noticed at the all.

Entering the inner court, Zaganide deliberately gave Alquette the first place. Alquitt also sat down in unison. Although Zaganide is the master of the castle, Al Quart’s position is there, the master of a city and a The leader of the huge ethnic group, by contrast, is still respected by Alquette.

“I am also very upset about Betty and Caroline.” Zaganide said bluntly, since the ancestors of Blood Race appeared at this time, the purpose of the other party is self-evident.

“But you may not know, their action, not at all got my consent, because there is not my sphere of influence, more importantly, there are several opponents around me who are glare like a tiger watching his prey, I It鈥檚 impossible to leave here, not that I don鈥檛 want to avenge them, but I鈥檓 really sloppy at the moment.鈥?Zaganide is very sincere, but what he said is true.

Arquette listened quietly, brief remark.

Zaganide sighed: “You should be able to imagine how big this deal has been to me. I not only lost two wives, but my son also died in the hands of the young man. If possible, I really want to ignore it. Go all the way to the city of Lonely, tear the damn guy into pieces!”

“So to say… your situation here is not optimistic?” Alquitte finally spoke.

“Time! I need time!” said Zaganide chop nails and sever Iron. “They have, I have, and I have, but they don’t! Just give me enough time, you think they will be mine.” Opponent?”

Alquite sighed for a long time and suddenly smiled. “Time… For our Blood Race, perhaps the most important thing is time.”

“But…” Alquette’s finger slammed the handrail, and said slowly, “The killer who killed Betty and Caroline, I will not allow him to live in the world.”

Zaganide spread his hands in a dilemma. “Look, I can’t really walk here. Otherwise, I have already gone there. Can you give me some time?”

Arquette sighed and shook his head. “It seems that I have this old bone, and it is time to loosen it.”

“You mean…” Zaganide explored the body and showed a hint of joy in his gaze.

“If you turn that lonely city into our own city, is it geographically more favorable for your current situation?” Alquette swept a severe light in his eyes.

“Your city?” Zaganide’s face dignified.

“Yes.” Alquette gracefully took the glass at hand and took a sip, as if he didn’t realize how much impact his own words had on the lord before him.

Zaganide sat there in a gloomy look, and he was shocked. He thought that the ancestors of this Blood Race came here just for revenge. I didn’t expect them to take this opportunity to stand on the ground. This is no longer a small fight between the lord and the lord, but a thorough aggression. The ground and the abyss are simply two different worlds. The result of the collision between the two, except for the complete destruction of one of them, There is no ending.

Although his Zaganide has a lot of abyssal races, he is controlled by his human temperament, and he does not have any advantage over the number of other lords. So other lords have no other overreaction in addition to defying Zaganide’s use of the abyssal race to achieve his goals.

However, this time it is different. If the Cliff City is really occupied by the Blood Race ancestors, there is no doubt that the Aboriginal people in the Lonely City will be washed away, and in the future it is likely that a large number of abyss races will be in the Cliff City. Emerged, and then expanded toward all around centered on the cliff city.

If that day really comes, then Zaganide will become the sinner of the entire continent, and all the high-ranking powerhouses will point the finger at him as the initiator.

But that’s all about the future. The immediate benefits are obvious. Blood Race has taken over the city of Cliffs. Under the combination of the two, Holy Crown City and Wild Willow City will be broken and they will get back to their original Dark Raven. City is also a breeze.

Zaganide finally couldn’t keep calm, and there was a struggling expression on the face.

It鈥檚 ridiculous and sad. As a fallen dark druid, Zaganide is able to gain a foothold in the world with the power of the abyss and gradually realize his ambition, but his glory cannot be built on the foundation of human demise. Above, after all, Zaganide is a human being, although he knows that he is not accepted by human society, but denying humans is tantamount to denying him Zaganide!

Alquite smiled and looked at the human lord in front of him. In fact, several times Alquitt wanted to use mental power to influence Zaganide’s thinking, but Alquite knew very well that he lived in the blood of Blade Mountain for some years. For the warrior, his enormous mental strength may not be able to play its due role, because the minds of these people are often firm, even if there is a god in front of them, I believe that a considerable number of people will choose to go forward. Instead of stumbling on the ground, acknowledge allegiance.

Alquitt never did it. It was better to let him choose when he was perceived to be in conflict. Alquite believed that the bait he had thrown was tempting enough, at least the ambition in front of him. The human lord will not give up such a big piece of cake.

At this moment, the door of the living room was pushed open. Four monsters with a height of about three meters and the face of the monster walked in and lined up behind Zaganide.

Alquette’s pupil collapsed into a point, like a needle tip. He looked at the four monsters coldly. The faces of the four monsters were extremely ugly. Don’t say that children would stop screaming, even adults would be scared and stunned. Alquite’s gaze fell on the huge bone sickle held by the monsters. He found that the four monsters had no left hand. He suddenly remembered a rumor, and tried to test the surname: “The exiled Weipu seven brother?! 鈥?/p>

“Unexpectedly, Prince Arquette will also know us a few brothers.” One of the monsters opened their mouth with a big smile.

Arquette closed his mouth, but his complexion grave and stern reached the extreme. He once thought that his advantage was subverted in an instant. He absolutely did not expect that Zaganide even recruited the seven brothers!

Don’t look at Al Quart’s call the wind and summon the rain, but he hasn’t been arrogant enough to think that the Blood Race can be peerless in the whole world. When it comes to the abyss, the Blood Race will never Be the first, even if you ignore all magical attacks, the Black Dragons who have always stirred up countless bloody rains, will also give up a few points in front of the race of the seven brothers.

Abyss demon! The deadly enemy of the Angels of Heaven, the most faithful servant of Death God Hamas!

Among all the powerful races, the abyss demon’s combat power may not be the strongest, but they are definitely the most troublesome, because all the abyss demons have the same innate talent instinct, move instantly! And there is still no limit to the moment of movement, as long as they are willing.

From the abyss to the ground, although there are no unopened guys to bother them, Alquette has been flying with clansman for more than a month. If the abyss demon wants to run to the ground, it only takes a few days!

If the strength is strong enough, you will find that killing a demon is much more difficult than killing a giant dragon, because demons can get out of the battlefield at any speed and anytime. If the strength is not strong enough, they will find that escape is a kind of Luxury fantasy, there is no such creature that can escape the devil’s pursuit!

On the battlefield, the devil is a daunting existence. They can gather the power of clansman to form a killing power on a line or a point. This wolf tactic has no idea how much light Angel will fall. Now!

It鈥檚 just that the identity of the seven brothers of Weipu is a little special. The abyss demon family also has its own rules. The seven brothers of Weipu have been cut off by the abyss demon family because they have violated some taboos, and they are expelled. However, Alquite is very clear. He can’t fight against the seven demons, even the seven disabled demons!

The result of the confrontation was that his clansman was all slaughtered, and then the seven demons began to chase him, and he was exhausted and he could not escape the fate of death.

“I am very strange.” Alquette said in a cold voice: “There are VIP seven brothers as your assistant, do you really need time?!”

“I have encountered some problems.” Zaganide paused, sighed: “A few days, you will understand.”

“Wip seven brother, hehe, now seems to be missing three.” Alquette’s eyes kept sweeping on several demons.

“What are they…” Zaganide said with a slight smile: “They stay where they need them.”

“Oh.” Alquette closed his eyes slightly. His heart was very depressed. He could even say that he was wronged. He had not experienced this feeling for a long time, but he had no other way but to endure.

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