In the depths of the abyss, the vampire’s lair, the appearance of Alquette makes all vampires dumbfounded, who can think of this Truun really able to bring out the ancestors summon? At the bottom of Nuo’s cave, it became silent. Alquette was a god-like existence for these low-order vampires. Thousands of bats hung on the cave wall, and even the atmosphere did not dare to come out.

Arquette glanced at the dying Treon next to the magic array. At this time, the wound on Tyren’s wrist was no longer bleeding. Although he was in a coma, the recovery ability of Blood Race is still faithfully repaired. His body.

“Children.” Alquent’s old voice echoed at the bottom of the cave. “Who told me what happened?”

Soon, the vampires pushed Kaimen out, because it was the first contact with Troon, and the mouth was enough. Of course, the most important thing is that Betty’s death is a bad news, in case the ancestors heard the news. What should I do when I am angry? No one is willing to bear the anger of the ancestors, which may mean losing life, so Kaimen unfortunately took on this task, you can see that his popularity is not very good.

These damn guys! Kamen secretly cursed other vampires in his heart, but the curse was cursed. Since it has already been introduced, it can only be on oneself, otherwise it is likely to die even worse.

Kaymen boldly flew down from the cave wall, turned into a sincere shape, and bowed respectfully in front of Alquette. “His mother was killed on the ground, so he returned to the abyss to wake you up.”

“Why don’t you stop him? Don’t you know that his bloodline is not pure?” Alquette said with some dissatisfaction. In fact, if Victor was yelling there, he would never come up, let The bad luck egg is bleeding too much and is dead. It is not a pure Blood Race anyway. Even his own descendants are not at all distressed.

“This…” Seeing that the ancestor’s tone was a little bad in front of him, Kaimen suddenly had a cold sweat on his forehead, and he hated the stunned Troon there, so he could do so many things. I am also tired of myself.

“His mother…has some status in the family, and…and we have no reason to stop him…” Kamen was stuttering under tension.

“What is his mother’s name?” Alquette stroking his chin, his eyes flicking through a slap in the face, and making up his mind if it is his own unremarkable descendant, it must be worth the price of this bad luck egg. However, is it to wake up this guy and kill it, or just let him disappear?

Just when Alquite was thinking about how to start, he heard Kaimen say, “His mother is Betty.”

“Betty?” Arquette’s hand paused. “Do you have the Betty who knows the innate talent?”

“Yes.” Kaimen whispered, and his heart was nervous. The ancestors actually knew Betty’s name. It seemed to be a bit related.

“How did she get along with humans?” Alquite asked strangely.

Kamen described the story of Betty and Betty’s men all the time when Zaganide came to the abyss and finally returned to the ground.

After listening carefully to Kaimen’s words, Arquette indulged for a moment and asked, “Don’t you say that taking Betty’s man is a lord? How can you not even revenge Betty?”

“This… I don’t know this, maybe humans can’t rely on it.”

“Hey, if all that you said is true, then this guy is a little useful.” Alquite figured in his mind, how long have you not been to the ground? Humans, elves, and the bustling World, these things are so exciting to recall. Perhaps, you should also go to the ground to see, Alquitt thought so, looked at the still unconscious Troon, dispelled the idea of ​​killing this impure seed.

Kaimen couldn’t figure out the thoughts of the ancestors. Naturally, he didn’t dare to talk more, but he could only lie there quietly.

At this time, a few bats plunged from the top of the cave, and when they were close to the ground, they turned into a benevolent form and stumbled in front of Alquette.

Alquite looked at the people and smiled. “Little Brat is coming very fast.”

The head of a middle age person showed a slightly awkward expression on his face. In the face of that many juniors, it was called ‘Little Brat’. It was a little embarrassing, but he couldn’t say anything because the man in front of him really called him so. Qualifications.

Middle age person The woman who is kneeling behind raises her head with a smile. “You wake up, we are a big thing, we have to come over to meet you.”

“What’s so good.” Alquette waved his hand. “Buy your go, I am not the good face of Victor.”

The headed middle-aged man is even more awkward. As a descendant of Victor, he must swear to maintain Victor’s dignity. However, he faces Alquette, one of the longest-lived Blood Race leaders. I dare not have a bit of complaints, otherwise even if Victor is here, it will not save his life.

Alquitt seemed to notice the middle age person in front of himself and walked over the head of the pats middle age person. “Elecx, I didn’t expect you to be Elder, tsk tsk, Victor finally has a It’s not easy to be like a descendant of a point.”

Electrolux bitterly, fundamentally speechless.

“Let’s go, if you have nothing to do, then accompany me to the Chamber.” It seems that Alquite is in a good mood, and it is not difficult for him to continue, so that Electrolux can’t help but relax, he is very clear, this one Leaders like to make fun of people.

“Right, Little Brat, you wake up this bad luck egg and come to the Chamber to find me.” Alquite said to Kamen.

Kaymen’s subconscious nodded, wait until Arquette and the vampires Elders have flew away before reacting, how to wake Troon? There is only one way, that is blood! Kamen suddenly felt that his head was big and asked him to donate blood for Tren. Kaimen was a hundred unwilling, but the words of the ancestors must also be implemented. What should I do? Kamen’s eyes fell on the bats hanging on the wall, and his eyes couldn’t help but illuminate. The damn guys, who launched themselves without loyalty, should now be the time for them to be retribution.

“You, you, and you!” Kaimen stood confidently satisfied, and ordered a few vampires at random. “Give me down, don’t listen to the ancestors, you have to wake up this bad luck egg!”


“That is what the ancestors told you to do! What is the relationship with us!”

The vampires who were named were protesting.

Kamen looked at the vampires with a smile. “If you say this, then I will go to the ancestors. This matter has nothing to do with you. I don’t know what kind of reaction he will have to the elderly?”

The vampires had no choice but to take the risk.

“Kamen, you will not just look at us to work?” one of the young men said quietly.

“What do you say? When you just introduced me, you should think of this kind of consequences.” Kaimen is still smiling, and his heart is so refreshing, dare to hang me? Then you have to pay the price!

The vampires looked at each other, but they did not have a way to take Kaimen. But the people were pulling the banner of the ancestors. Who would dare to say no? I had to go up and enter the blood of Troon.

For Blood Race, blood is the best spiral pills and marvelous medicines. After a little while, Troon woke up, eyes opened his eyes and looked at a few clansman around him wondering, using his own blood for With clansman healing, this kind of thing is not without, but should not happen to him. You must know that there is not even a clansman close to him in the vampire’s lair. Otherwise, how can he watch the ceremony that he wakes up alone? It.

“Our big Master wakes up.” Kamen squatted beside Tellen. “Why, don’t you want to thank me? But I let them give you the blood.”

Tron slowly sat up. “Although I don’t know why, but still thank you.”

“Let’s go, your kid is now an inflation figure, and the ancestors are waiting for you.”

“The ancestor?” Troon startedled, and even remembered the dazzling white light he saw before he was in a coma. Did he really succeed in awakening the ancestors?

“Yes, if you want to say how big your child is, you will wake up the ceremony and not only die, but also successfully awaken the ancestor. This time your credit can be great.” Kaimen looked envious of Troon. For example, if the ancestors are in a good mood, they will not be rewarded for those who wake him up. Of course, he does not know. If it is not Argentine’s whim to want to go to the ground, the bad luck egg of Telun is a dead man.

When Troon and Kamen rushed to the Chamber of Deputies, Arquette was sitting in the first place and talking to several vampires Elder. After Troon and Kamen respectfully performed the ceremony, they carefully stood aside. There is no place for them to sit here. It can even be said that the average low-level vampire has no qualification to enter here.

“Little Brat, is your mother Betty?” asked Alquite and Hey.

“Yes.” Tronn was careful.

Arquette sighed, “Remember that when I last fell asleep, Betty was a little girl. I really didn’t think that her son was so big.”

Troon stunned, and even if his heart was ecstatic, the ancestors actually knew their own mother, and it seems that revenge is expected.

When Ellen narrated the whole thing, Alquette’s expression was a bit weird. “You mean, both Betty and Caroline are in the hands of the young man?”

“Yes, it is said that the man has great prestige in the city of Lonely,” Tronn said.

“Twenty-year-old young people have this strength? I don’t believe it, what about you?” Arquette asked the Elders around him.

The Elders looked at each other and shook the head. They would rather believe that Betty and Caroline are dead in the enemy’s trap, and they don’t want to believe that there is a young man who can kill both of them face to face.

“But…” Troon still wanted to argue.

“Don’t worry about children, no matter who killed them, they must pay the price!” Alquite interrupted Troon’s words. “It seems that I got the ground to go.”

Tren was grateful to the ground and fell to the ground. “As long as you can avenge my mother, let me do anything!”

Arquette laughed. “Okay, child, I know that you are good. You can see from the ceremony that you dare to wake up alone. How much your determination is.”

The Elders next to the vampires stood up, and Electrolux said, “Leader, let us go with you too.”

“Just kidding!” Alquite gently stroked the meticulous white hair. “A hairy boy, need our Blood Race to rush out?”

“You speak correctly.” Electrolux lost his smile, but his eyes showed a hint of anxiety.

Arquette glanced at Electrolux, said with a smile, “What? Is it because I am afraid that I have slept for hundreds of years, and I can’t tell the situation on the ground?”

“Why dare, my strength, we are very clear, not to mention the ground, even the old fellows in the abyss, if you know that you are awake, then how far do you have to escape?” Electrolux is busy Big flattering.

Alquite laughed heartily up. “Don’t flatter me. I’m not old-fashioned. I want to do whatever I want on the ground. It’s still far from me.”

“But!” Alquite smiled and his body was straight. “I am revenge for my child this time. I want to see if I can stop me without opening my eyes!”

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