Everything is in a mess. The Bright Knights stationed in St. Petersburg is nominally cutting the War Zone. It is actually protecting the city of the moon. Many people know that Lola is far less powerful than Nikola. The bright Knight’s slap in the face caused a fatal injury to Lola. Although she noticed that Nikola’s army had been mobilized somewhat, she underestimated Nikola’s decision, or she did not do it. Just do him vigorously, without leaving any trump card, this is Nikola’s consistent style.

With the bright Knight group as the forerunner, all the way to the city, the army of the country of Xiongguang was fanned out, pointing to several big cities, attacking several enemies in one breath, and Nikolay’s appetite was indeed a little bigger, but from another On the one hand, it can be seen that in the past years, he has endured for too long and endured too deeply.

The cities that were attacked were desperately resisting the aggression of the country of Xiongguang, because they knew that they were defeated or descended, and all that awaited them were death! In the territory of Xiongguang, every city that is occupied by war, Nikolay will wash away the blood of the local upper class.

I stretched out the olive branch. You refused. When my army came over, you surrendered. It would be too late. This is also Nikola’s style. Usually, he will only give people a chance.

The lord can have all kinds of defects, but there can be no power. Many high-ranking professionals or talented people are willing to attach a strong lord, just because in the troubled times, everyone needs a guarantee. However, the lord is also a person. He gives the subordinates a sense of security. Who can protect him?

Under Nicholas, there will be a cloud, four Dragon Knights. This is just a friendly expression made by Long Yu. There are many other top or super-level professionals around him. These people are released. Absolutely. Those who are qualified to become masters, but they chose to rely on Nikolay. On the one hand, because the forces of the continent are close to saturation, it is not easy to break the huge vested interests from scratch. On the other hand, Because they also need a guarantee, Nikola’s unfathomable strength is a fingerless light that cannot be rejected in this troubled world!

This is a war that cannot be learned. No one can get the strength of Nikola, even if it is the Holy See, it will be inferior.

Louise and Pan Wen are still on the road. They have already returned to the city of the moon, but they have just seen Lola, and they have been driven out by Lola. Lola asked them to ask the Holy See for help. But Nikolay took the two-wing breakthrough and the central tactics. The ally of the Mingyue City’s allies died and fled, and the road to the Holy See was cut off. After Nikolai’s launch, it was just a dozen. Days, the battle has reached an irreparable level.

Pan Wen knows that there is only an excuse for asking for help from the Holy See. Lola wants to let his younger sister leave Danger Land. Jedice is still not dead. The meaning of this news is very significant. Lola started to be eyes shined, but it quickly went down and passed the news to the Bright Knight group. No one would believe, she would only think that she was talking to Lola in the conversation nonsense, Pan Wen secretly, the distant guest should have the token of Jedisi in his hand, Lola sighed, and this interest is embarrassing. There are rumors everywhere, that is, she Lola set up to kill Jedisi, seriously injured Nikolay, then Nikolay see power is far from good, release the space scroll to escape, Jedice’s body will stay there, what Can’t find the tokens? At this time, the token is waste!

If before the war broke out, the guests from far away came to the city of the moon, they went to see the generals of the Guangming Knight regiment. They should have the opportunity to crack the conspiracy of Nikolay. It is too late, in the bright Knight group, The voice of Jedice’s revenge has become the mainstream. The preconceived judgment is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The whole army is angry and uplifting. It is impossible to connect and communicate, let alone change anything.

After leaving the city of Mingyue, Branchi broke up with them. Although Lola and Louise are her good friends, she is more concerned about the safety of clansman.

Blanche can see how bad the current situation is, the city of the moon is paralyzed. In politics, Nikolay has no rivals. Even if the Holy See has strength, it is impossible to jump out and play against Nikolay. Spokesperson, in addition to Lola, there are no people worthy of support in the southwestern region.

By the time Nikola occupied the entire southwestern part of the country, the Elven Village had to be relocated. Others said that Nikolay must not be allowed to get the Moon Well!

All the way, Han Jin is also an eye-opener, this is his first time to see a large-scale war. At first, he had been flying around in the sky, so that he could see the whole picture of the Nikolai army, but then he was annoyed. Nikolai’s army was very complete, and he was often intercepted by Magician and the shooter. Once, even the attack by the konjac was fortunate. Fortunately, the army was marching, and there was no shielding of the array. Han Jin saw the konjac from the far-off and carefully watched it, and barely avoided the arrow.

After all, the speed of the cellar is not as good as driving the sword light. It took three days to squat on the night. Han Jin finally sensed that Louise was less than 20 li. The magical mystery of Taoism is difficult to describe in words. When he came, he planted a primer on Yalina. So far away, he could still sense the position of Yalina, and it was even more important to find Louise.

Han Jin faintly understands that the purpose of this trip should be a failure, but the work must start and end. After finding Louise, ask clearly and decide what to do next.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer. Han Jin just jumped out of the ground and suddenly heard a faint scream of shouting. He knew that the situation was wrong. He hurriedly set aside the sword light and flew forward.

On a large official road, hundreds of people were smashed together, and Louise and the others were trapped in the middle. The fighting style of the ‘wild cat’, Han Jin had already seen it, even though it was surrounded by people. Louise’s fierceness is still not degraded. In fact, in this kind of melee, the dagger is a very weak weapon, but Louise can easily get close to the opponent, the dagger in the hand will be thrown every time, and an enemy will be poured in front of him.

Beside Louise, there are four fighters. Their strength is much stronger than those of the guards they have seen before, and they practice four different fighting skills. Sometimes the fire is shining, sometimes the silver snakes are surging, sometimes they are frozen. The air is filled, like the crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood.

Compared with the people of Louise, the enemies of the siege are somewhat lacking in strength. It is reasonable to say that with Louise’s fighting power, they can easily rush out of the encirclement. The problem lies with Pan Wen, and Han Jin’s vision is better than that of Han. He used to be much more sensitive. Although he was far away, he clearly saw that Pan Wen had an arrow on his back. He was even more embarrassed when he walked. If there were two soldiers around him, he would help him. He has already fallen down.

Outside the encirclement, a dozen Knights parked on the high ground, watching the battle scene inside, while calling loudly, commanding the soldiers to besiege, suddenly saw a dazzling azure light coming from the sky, they turned around The face is amazed by the expression.

Of course, Louise knows who it is, the spirit has increased sharply, and the starting hand has become very ruthless. Those Knights don’t know whether they are enemies or friends. They dare not rush to attack, nor dare to come and say hello. exactly.

However, Louise’s reinforcements arrived, and the enemies there also had reinforcements. Two Magicians flew from afar and saw Han Jin, one immediately blessed the magic shield and the other blessed the shield of the atmosphere. . In this southwestern region, no one knows the details of Han Jin. See Han Jin floating in the air with a strange magical prop. They subconsciously think that Han Jin is a Magician, and the magic shield and the shield of the atmosphere are both focused on magic. defense.

In addition to the two Magician, there was a team of Knights who were about 100 people in the distance. Han Jin looked at the Knights and looked at the two Magician. Louise and the others could withstand it for the time being. The siege of the soldiers, but let the two Magician fight, the consequences are unpredictable.

“Hello, please…” Magician on the left spoke.

“They are your enemies?” Han Jin smiled and pointed his finger at Louise.


“They are also my enemies.” Han Jin whispered, and he remembered the little child, and the other person left him with a deep impression.

Although child is a real professional, but his age is limited, his strength is more limited. Compared with his partner’s relatively weak Moxinke, there is also a certain distance. It is reasonable to say that Moxinke can’t hurt his Han Jin, but the strength. It’s not as good as Moxinke’s little child. Every time I think of that sword, Han Jin has a feeling of lingering.

Then the child, the heart is so sinister very ruthless, know that Han Jin will not hurt him, ask the surname to give up resistance, then pretend to be unconscious, seize the opportunity to attack.

This cockroach really didn’t come out, got a dragon crystal, and took the power of an adult giant dragon blood, and from that little child, Han Jin also learned something.

The best way to educate people is to have some living and bloody examples. Just after eating too much, and forgetting about it, Han Jin is really lacking in mind.

“You are…” The Magician showed a hesitant expression.

“Can’t you see where I came from?” Han Jin smiled. “Is it your hands, or give it to me?”

Han Jin flew from the south, where Nikola and Lola were on the ground, and Han Jin regarded Louise as an enemy. His identity has already come to the fore. The two Magician minds are set to each other and look at each other. One of Magician hurriedly said: “Adult, let us give it, this…”

“This is the gift that our City Lord is ready to give to your Majesty!” Another Magician screamed.

“As long as they die here today.” Han Jin spread his hand and put on a pose.

“many thanks adults.” The two Magicians accompanied by said with a smile, judging a person’s strength, not only a hands-on approach, the other party has an unheard of, unseen magic props, want to come strong, it should be The great ministers of Nikolay are now polite and respectful, which will be good for them in the future.

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