Branzi’s face changed indefinitely, and the longbows in the hands of the elves were slowly put down. It can be seen that the elves of this elf village are still very kind, just with swords drawn and bows bent to deal with Han Jin. It is because they regard Han Jin as a nuance of the village of Elf. Now, seeing Han Jin, there is no hurting heart, and their hostility has gradually weakened.

Branzi first went back to God and gave a look to the elf at the door of the grass house. The elf hurried out. For a moment, the elf who had just sent the water went into the hut with a wooden barrel and looked around. Go to Han Jin and fill the cup with water.

Han Jin picked up the water cup and drank it, comfortable! Do not mention the major event such as the form, the situation of the war, and the two glasses of water alone, he is not white! Although the energy extracted from it is not much, but when one day faces the test of Taiyi Xianguan, the Qi of Supreme Yin won today will bring him a lot of help!

“What magic did you just release…” Louise asked, not only she was curious, but Pan Wen and Branzi both cocked their ears, and the magic and the instantaneous movement were similar. Wonderful, a Magician that can release the instantaneous movement, is close to the Body of Undying, and nothing can knock him down except for years!

“The hug of the Mother Earth.” Han Jin wrote a letter.

“Hey! What a mess! How have I never heard of it?!” Louise didn’t believe it.

“You haven’t heard of more things.” Han Jin said with a slight smile, and he found out that the elf didn’t leave at all, and then saw that there was still a small bucket of water in the barrel, Han Jin’s The heart began to itch again, greed… is a kind of original sin. As a comprehension, Han Jin can’t control his own desire, but he really has no face and asks for it. He looks at the elf. He looked at the empty glass again and he expected the other person to understand his suggestion.

The elf could understand it. Maybe she had never seen such an insatiable person. She was fiercely stunned by Han Jin and turned her eyes to Branzi.

Branzi ordered nodded, and the elf pouted, didn’t pick up the wooden bucket, and added a cup to Han Jin. This time she learned to slip her head. Without waiting for Han Jin to drink water, she ran away. Go, for fear that Han Jin will endlessly drink.

In the end, she was too young to underestimate Han Jin’s shame. She never did anything for these elves. She was blessed for no reason. Drinking three cups is already the limit of Han Jin. Of course, if the elf gives back Han Jin fell, then he must continue to drink, but will never ask for it in any way.

“Premier, where are you from?”

“Ask me, I know.” Louise patted her little chest: “He came from the Northeast!”

Blanche glanced at Louise: “You look for Odd…something?”


“What? Can you talk to me?”

“Your request… Is it too much?” Han Jin laughed.

“Aiya, and she said the same.” Louise said carefree: “She is O’Day’s wife, is it necessary to keep it secret?”

Han Jin stunned. Intuitively, he knew that Louise didn’t lie. If he really wanted to lie to him, he could find some suitable excuses.

“A bright Knight and an elf…” Han Jin smiled.

“How? Do you think that I am not worthy of Odd or is Ode not worthy of me?” Blanche indifferently said.

“No, no…” Han Jin paused: “Bright Knight believes in the gods of light, and the elves believe in natural Goddess, which seems to be a bit…”

“I admit that the difference in faith does bring us a lot of trouble, so I am in Elf Village, and he has been in his Legion.” Branchi sighed: “But… when feelings burn like a flame When it is difficult to control oneself, we once thought that we can overcome all obstacles, maybe you have not experienced this kind of mood, so I don’t understand.”

Branzi’s words gave a feeling of contrived, but her expression was calm, as if she was telling something that had nothing to do with her.

Han Jin was silent for a moment, and Yan Yan smiled: “I understand.”

“Well, now you should believe us?” Louise couldn’t help it: “What the hell are you looking for?”

Han Jin glanced around: “The people here seem to hate Nikolay.”

“Of course, do you hate him too?” Louise said with a smile, comrade! She has now treated Han Jin as a comrade… “I have never seen him.” Han Jin is addicted. Nikolay does not know the existence of his Han Jin. Naturally, he could not specifically design a trap for him. He decided to believe in the surrounding. Person: “Actually, I don’t know Odd. This time I came here because I accepted a person’s commission.”

“who is it?”

“Jedith Archbishop.”

“Jedice Archbishop??” Branzi and the others could not stand up from the grass group, and watching the lively Pan Wen on the side was also stunned.

“Do you know him?” Han Jin asked.

“Crap!” Louise said: “In the fools of the Holy See, he is only one after another worthy of respect!” After that, Louise realized that she had made a mistake and sneaked out Branchi. At a glance, added: “Oh… there is one, our Ord Knight!”

“You are from the Northeast? How did Jedis Archbishop go to the Northeast?” Branzi stunned.

“I am from the Northeast, but I and Jedith Archbishop met in the mountains of Tarasha.”

“Why didn’t he come?”

“Because he has been attacked by others, there is no way to come.”

“Attack?” Branzi stared wide-eyed: “Who dares to attack him??”


Branchi, Louise and Pan Wen were stunned and their faces became pale. Louise’s figure was shaking slightly, and suddenly he jumped up: “Nicola decided to start, right?! Fool Jedith is also a fool!! How many times did my elder sister tell him, if Nikolay really wants to tear his face, the first person to kill must be him! Why is he not guarding it? Fool!”

Branzi and Pan Wen are still dumbstruck, speechless. The meaning of this news is too great for them. A beast that is out of the cage will inevitably set off a storm!

Louise’s screams are even higher: “And you! Why don’t you tell us early?!”

“Who is this kind of thing, who do you say to whom? Why do I believe in you?” Han Jin asked.

Louise was a bit slogan, but she was somewhat reluctant, her eyes flashing around, as if she wanted to find something to vent her anger.

“When did you meet Jeddy?” asked Branzi.

“Almost… it’s almost ten days.”

“Ten days? It’s too late…” Blanche showed a desperate expression.

“Let’s go to the Holy See!” Pan Wen cried. His voice was originally vicissitudes. At this moment, he became almost the same as Louise, sharp and trembling: “Only the Pope can stop Nikola’s madness!”

“It’s useless.” Han Jin shook his head. “Jedice told me that the only hope is to find Odd before Nikola’s launch, to expose Nikola’s plot, to bring the Bright Knights and Cardinals Out of St. Petersburg.”

“Who told you to find the Pope is useless?” Pan Wen called.

“Jedice said.” Han Jin hesitated and felt that there was nothing to keep secret: “The crown of God was lost more than a hundred years ago, and the pope has no ability to open the door to heaven.”

“This is impossible… impossible!”

“You mean, the guys in the Holy See have no ability to bind Nikolay?” Louise’s expression suddenly became sinister: “From beginning to end, they have been brave enough to scare Nikolay, wait until they are scared. When they live, they are going to die?”

“Although your words are very extreme…” Han Jin paused, nodded said: “But that’s the truth.”

Louise fiercely glared at Han Jin, and did not know whether Han Jin provoked her, or regarded Han Jin as a member of the Holy See.

Han Jin glanced at all around, Jedice once said that Nikola’s most terrifying place is not his heart, but his unfathomable strength, the deep heart can not cause the effect of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood One person can not concentrate on everyone’s wisdom, not to mention that Jedice, who never lie, can force Nikolay to maintain the status quo. In the past few years, he has not dared to step beyond the threshold. In a single statement, Jedice is no worse than Nikola, but In the face of Nikola’s sword, he was stretched. Jedishan said that even if he knew that Nikolay would kill him, he couldn’t beat it, he couldn’t escape, only one death.

In theory, it is only the Pope who can stop Nikolay from opening the door to heaven with the crown of God. The difference in the level of belief can be summoned by dozens or even hundreds of Angels. This is to let Dragon City and Long Domain also has to be cautious, and the powerful professionals under Nikolai, including Nikolay himself, are too weak.

Han Jin wanted to tell Jedice the original words, let them not despise Nikolay, but now find that everything is unnecessary, who dares to despise Nikolay? On the contrary, the people here are exposed to the color of fear, which is enough to prove the image and status of Nikolay in their minds.

Jedice also said that another place for Nikolay to terrifying is that he has a huge, complete state machine. Nikolay is really good to his followers. Similarly, those high-ranking professionals are sincerely loyal to him. The generals are sincerely obeying him. The people of the country of the male light also truly support him. In the vast country of the nine provinces, Nikolay can be like an arm, his will is the direction of the country of male light! There is no hesitation, no doubt, no objection, and some are madness and obedience.

That is an alternative belief, and Nikolay is the god of the country of male light! Just as Bright Knight believes in the Light God, the country of Male Light also has believers in the Holy See, but Jedice believes that let the believers choose between Bright God and Nikolay, most people will choose the latter because God En is too ethereal, and Nikola’s work is real.

Branchi suddenly stood up: “Jedice is not saying… Do we still have a chance? Come with me!”

(First of all, thank you for sleeping and Xingyue. The two brothers help me manage the book review. In fact, I should thank you in person, but when I was on the line, it was all in the middle of the night. My friends were almost black and white and could not find anyone. The mood has been very annoyed, pharyngitis tortured me for almost half a year, always good and bad, bad and bad, pain! There is another reason, when I was young, I was deeply poisoned by “Dream of Red Mansions”, thinking that women are all made of water, it hurts. I have to protect myself. Even if I encounter a slutty occasion, I can respect her. I think that girl will not want to fall on her own. She is hurt by a man and she has gone downhill. She used to break up with her girlfriend and never The bad words hurt people, and it’s always a fate to meet each other. It’s so good to be scattered, but for this one, I’m completely speechless. How do I say… I’m completely familiar with a strange man. For her, this process can’t be done. The temptation of resistance, the surname of the heavens, is purely from the heavenly surname. What is even more annoying is that through her, I have met many of her classmates and friends, and have become friends with them, but when I was with her, friends Gather A bunch of talking and laughing, no one has ever told me anything, after breaking up, it is each and everyone confiding the truth, saying how she used to do something, and congratulated me, broke up, Damn! People say? Are you looking at my jokes?! Maybe when I was watching poisonous grass, I was too young to be typed. Maybe it was too embarrassing to the concept of ‘home’. I have been ups and downs in society for many years and always appreciate the girl. Trust, modesty, and I don’t think that when two people walk together, they don’t think about it. They pay more than people, only to prove that I like people more. Now, my head is really kicked! Play, I will play too. And I found that playing these days is very good for inspiration. It is much stronger than staying at home all day. This book starts with some words, but it is used when it is sick. Later, it will not come out. After playing for a few days, I even found more than 10,000 words. It’s amazing. Maybe my previous life attitude was a fundamental surname error…)

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