An azure glow spurred from the sky, and the dazzling light tail stretched very long. From below, it was like a rainbow flying freely in the air. From the end of the sky, the sky was straight into two. Half, and go to the end of the other end.

Han Jin decided to help Jedice, Gibran and the others did not say anything, but in the back, Gibran and Lei Zhe went to Han Jin and raised objections. What Han Jin could not think of was the emotion of Lei Zhe. Especially excited.

Lei Zhe is not a fool. Guevera and Lang Ning made a series of actions that they couldn’t beat him. This time, he and Han Jin thoroughly talked about it. Some people say that a leader must be a person with both ability and political integrity, but in this world, morality and talent are not important. The important thing is strength. Lei Zhe is now just an eighth-order thief. He admits that he is not qualified to be the lord, Han Jin. It is the best choice for everyone. To be reluctant, it will not only hurt everyone’s feelings, but also become a laughing stock.

In fact, the most influential to him is Guevera. Without the cultivation of Guevera, his father, Conrad Knight, could not walk out of the mountain village. At most, he would become a small role like a shoemaker, carpenter, and farmer. He once believed that father was Right, but Guevera abandoned him because his persistence and conviction to abandon him, so Lei Zhe felt very sad at first. Of course, the abandonment here has a specific meaning. Guevera abandoned his claim, his Resolutely, if someone wants to hurt him Lei Zhe, Guevera will definitely save him.

Everything is determined by the surname. If Lei Zhe is a person who likes to dig into the horns, he will definitely hate Guevera, even Han Jin, Lang Ning and the others, but Lei Zhe seems pure in some respects, he keeps in mind Guevera’s cultivation grace also remembers that in his most painful and desperate time, it was Han Jin, Sunier and the others who stood beside him, fought side by side with him, rescued Lang Ning, and finally took control of the power of the rapids Legion. .

He never doubted Guevera’s intentions and trusted friendship with Han Jin and the others. However, there are always people who have done something wrong, otherwise where does the dispute come from? Lei Zhe chose silence, waiting for the facts to prove his right or wrong, even if he learned that Lang Ning had launched a series of actions in the army, he was also a brief remark.

Winter is not suitable for launching war. Even if the Beitman’s coalition forces are completely annihilated, the army can’t immediately launch a counterattack. Lang Ning sets the scorpion of the decisive battle at the beginning of the spring, so Lei Zhe does not want Han Jin to leave, Lang Ning wins everything. Well, if he is defeated? Zaganide, Dismark glare like a tiger watching his prey, Beitman ambitions appear, Cold Shadow City suddenly rises, Wild Willow City has an unclear attitude, and there is a cheap Woodrow. If Lang Lang defeats, you must gather the power of everyone to spend Difficult, Han Jin can’t go, Han Jin has too many people’s eyes, this time, Cliff City can help Langning to buy military capital, and Han Jin’s existence is absolutely inseparable. Guevera is just an old lion, he The strength is even stronger, and the impact is limited. But Han Jin is different. Han Jin is too young. Young means hope. Han Jin has enough time to sketch the blueprint for the future. How can the city ignore this? ! Han Jin has strength and good contacts. Even the daughter of Solomon’s Grand Duke is a partner of Han Jin. Not to mention Guevera, Han Jin has a site and an army. It has great influence in the mercenary community of powerhouse. And it is very likely to win a significant victory. If such a young man is not worthy of funding, the people in the city of Lonely City can really blink!

However, Han Jin has already made a decision and will not change if he is idle.

In fact, for Han Jin, the partners are a boost and a drag! Just like playing Caroline and Betty, if Edwina didn’t shoot, even if he couldn’t beat it, Han Jin had a great chance to escape. Just because Edwina’s battle died, Han Jin had to fight with the enemy. Desperately, that is beyond the scope of ordinary combat, Han Jin is fighting for self-respect and partner.

If he is alone in danger, then he is more free, there are flying swords, there are cellars, and he also blessed himself with a fake corpse. He wants to fight and want to go, no one can sleep. he.

Moreover, because of the suffocation of the world, he has already regarded Nikolay as his own enemy! Never thought about it before, this world will actually be enlightened! Of course, this is the way of the devil! Although Jedice has repeatedly stressed that Nikolay has unfathomable strength, he is very clear that Jedice still underestimates Nikola, can cause the world to be angry, not the devil is the big demon, the only difference is Nikolay will not release Taoism, but who knows that Nicholas has no similar method? !

Not only an enemy, but also a natural enemy! There is no room for compromise between sects and demons. There is often a war of death between you and the devil. The demons hope to transform the spiritual power between heaven and earth into suffocating, and sects hope to transform the suffocation between heaven and earth into spiritual power, which is related to living space. Anyone who will not give in! Although Han Jin never thinks that he is a sects authentic, he can still have the same feelings of hatred, and he has a feeling of faintness. Do the legendary Demi-God, all become Daoist? ! What is their way? What is the difference between the way you pursue?

In any case, he can’t let Nikolay’s free growth, compared to Zaganide and Dismark.

Looking at the sky, it is still the forest that can’t be seen. Han Jin frowned slightly. Jedice said that he didn’t know the specific location, but he went straight to the southwest and should be able to walk out of the forest in about three months. Driving the speed of the sword light is of course much faster than walking. Initially, it takes about five or six days to get close to the sphere of influence of the Iron Wing City, but today it is the fifth day, and his sight is still dense. Forest, is there a deviation in your own direction?

This is impossible! If you are stuck in the array, you are lost to nothing, you can get lost in nature, it is a big joke. The comprehension is extremely sensitive to the world, the moon, and the stars. Although this is a strange World, Han Jin has been here for two years. He is familiar with the flow of Haoyue and the stars. The direction should be correct. It is Jedice. Judged that something went wrong.

Just thinking about it, a flying squad stunned Han Jin, the arrow flew very fast, but Han Jin accurately judged that the arrow would not hurt himself, just grab it. Azure glow shot before.

Han Jin stopped the sword light and released the god-playing technique. He turned his head and looked in the direction of the arrow. In fact, the function of God-playing is not very big, but he needs a quick response. And comprehensive improvement in hearing, vision and more.

Four hundred meters above the diagonal, several silhouettes jumped on the branches, and then Han Jin heard the vague exclamation: “Heaven… that is really a person! It is a person!”

Han Jin drives the sword light, and slowly flies over to those people. The other party just uses the arrow to test the azure glow. It seems that the attacking surname is not very strong, just in the past. He couldn’t afford it, Jedice said that Nikolay had already returned to the Iron Wrist City with a space scroll, and that the day was over, Nikola’s preparations were more perfect, and Nikolay convinced the Bright Knights, his messenger. It makes no sense.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer. However, they are also vigilant. Han Jin sees it very clearly. There are more than a dozen people on the other side. They are headed by a girl who is seventeen or eight years old. The rest are robert man. One is more than a majestic, only standing on the side of the girl is an old man, white-haired, but his face is very young, the standard ruddy complexion white hair, can not see the specific age.

“The distinguished guest from afar is really sorry.” The old man said with a voice: “We didn’t see anyone just now. We only thought it was a magical prop that was out of control, and you were shocked. Please forgive me.”

“Nothing.” Seeing each other’s attitude is very friendly, Han Jin relaxed a little: “Hello, this… I am lost, inquire, how to get to St. Petersburg?”

“Would you like to go to St. Petersburg?” The old man thought for a moment: “Going northwest, there are almost seven hundred miles.”

“Thank you.” Han Jin ordered nodded and then slowly rose.

“Wait… you have to fly from the air to St. Petersburg?” the old man raised his voice and cried.


“Then you have to go through the airspace of the country of Male Light, and you will be attacked by them.”

“I am just passing by, why are they attacking me?” Han Jin stunned.

“You come from afar, don’t understand, the country of Xiongguang is a fully militarized country. Whether it is going from the air or from the river or from the ground, you must get their permission. Otherwise, they will treat you as a The aggressor.”

“I am also an aggressor alone? Absurd!” Han Jin laughed, he didn’t care, at most, he could fly higher, want to attack him Han Jin? I can catch up with him first.

The old man saw Han Jin not listening to the advice, and opened his mouth again. At that time, the girl rushed: “Don’t care for him! Don’t listen to good words, let him go to die!”

The old man looked at the girl, said with a bitter smile: “Premier guests, you can leap to the mountains and water to this place, I know that you must be a strong professional, but the king of the country of the male light Niko Pulling the loyalty of several Dragon Knights, you want to force the past, it is too risky.”

“Dragon Knight?” Han Jin made a sudden attack. Jeddy mentioned Dragon Knight, but Jedice instilled too many things to pay attention to him, and could not fully grasp the digest. At this moment, he remembered Yalina. The evaluation, his speed of driving sword light is second only to giant dragon and Fire Phoenix, which means that Dragon Knight can pose a threat to him.

“Premier guests, we just have to go to St. Petersburg, let’s go with a partner.” The old man sent an invitation: “If you think that our speed is too slow, after we have stepped out of the sphere of influence of the country of magnanimity, we It’s not too late to break up.”

Han Jin hesitated, the girl curiously asked: “Who are you looking for in St. Petersburg? Yadunis? Od? Amy?”

“Young Lady, don’t ask the privacy of the guests.” The old man said with a bitter smile.

“I want to help him.” The girl said proudly: “I am a very good friend with them. No matter who you are looking for, I can say a word.”

Han Jin immediately changed his mind, because one of the few people that Jedice repeatedly emphasized, there is a St. Petersburg, who slowly lowered the sword light.

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