Han Jin stared quietly at the corpse in front of him. In fact, it was not a corpse, because he had breathing, but the scar on his forehead had not completely healed, and the twisted scar looked terrible.

I don’t know how long it took, the man opened the eyes with extremely slow movement eyes, and then discovered the existence of Han Jin. He looked at Han Jin too far and didn’t know where he touched. The whole face was painfully squeezed into one. group.

“It hurts?” Han Jin asked softly.

If it is a normal person, seeing Archbishop’s priest’s robe, it has long been warm and cold. Han Jin’s question is a bit rude and somewhat weird, but that person is more weird. He closes his eyes and faintly replied: “Heartache. ”

“The person who killed you is your friend?” Han Jin brows his head and his doubts are inferred from the other’s answer.

“Friend? Hehe… That’s right.” The man laughed.

Han Jin was silent for a moment: “Is there anything I need to help?” In fact, if he releases a return to the Yuan Dynasty, he can effectively help each other, but he can’t do that. There are too many people like Zhongshan Wolf, not to mention that he has no kindness to people. In front of this, Archbishop is completely self-helping. At most, he does not have to fall into the stone. That’s all, in case of venting the bottom, people have ideas, and the consequences are unimaginable. In the face of Guevera’s degree of tyranny, he dared not have a little sloppy.

“If you can, help me sit up and help me find a cane.” The voice of the man was slightly hoarse: “It is very comfortable, but it is too embarrassing to lie on the ground.”

The surrounding woods were ruined by the curse. Han Jin walked out of the distance to find a relatively strong branch, and returned to the big pit, holding the man to sit up a little. He found that the person’s body was soft. Like the root noodles, he whispered, “You are weak now?”

“My magic is too much.” The man laughed: “The redemption of Light Angel can only save my life, can’t make up for the magic and physical strength I consume. Now I am a waste, a small child can with no difficulty. Kill me.”

“You shouldn’t say this to me.” Han Jin whispered.

“No need, if the light god really wants me to die, then die.” The man said as he twitched with the branches, Han Jin wanted to reach out and help, but he shook his head and stopped Han. Jin’s action.

Han Jin had to retreat to the side. For that person, the action of just standing up from the ground was far beyond the ability to withstand. His chest was undulating, and his body was shaking like a malaria patient. The branches in the hands are also shaking around in front and rear.

“hehe… I don’t look like a little child who just learned to walk…” The man laughed, but the words didn’t finish, the branches went forward, and the figure followed.

Han Jin couldn’t help but shake his head and walked over to re-engage the man. This time, the other party did not refuse his help, let Han Jin grab his arm.

Light Angel’s redemption can only treat the previous injury. His cheeks were smashed, and more than a dozen bloods were drawn. The blood beads ooze a little, and finally rolled down his jaw, but the man did not feel like it. In the same way, Han Jin laughed from there, and Han Jin couldn’t understand it, always watching the other side.

“What do you think I do?” The man also sensed Han Jin’s line of sight.

“You have been attacked by your own friends…”

“I know.”

“He also inserted a few arrows on you, as if he was framed.”

“I know, I also know that he has inserted an arrow in himself. What happened?”

“Nothing.” Han Jin shrugged: “Just… you don’t look angry at all, so I’m a little weird.” Think about it, Han Jin thinks that if he is attacked by his own friends, now the first one What I did was to cultivate and restore my physical strength and immediately go to the murderer to take revenge! The reaction of the other party is definitely not like a normal person. At least it is replaced by him. It is not laughable anyway.

The man was silent for a long while, only slowly said: “I…have been living in his shadow.”

“Is your friend? The murderer?” Han Jin intervened.

“Yeah.” The man ordered nodded: “Now, I finally left his shadow. You don’t understand. I am more happy than ever. This land, the forest, and the gentle night, still I have a stranger to you, and I have a very comfortable feeling. I used to be mentally and physically exhausted every day. I have the mood to feel this world…”

“You don’t hate… your friend?” Han Jin couldn’t help it, and he had to go straight.

“Why hate him? Many people have said that I am the same person as him, just… I don’t have the ambition of him.” The man laughed: “And he has reasons to kill me, I really want to go beyond he.”

“Beyond? Shouldn’t this be the reason for murder?”

That person looked towards Han Jin: “What would happen if your friend’s strength would exceed you?”

Han Jin recalled Moxinke and Sunier, recalling Cessacioun, Lei Zhe and the others. For a moment, his mouth smiled: “I will be very happy.” Han Jin speaks correctly To be honest, he is a comprehension and the goal is to become Inextinguishable Golden. Body, he never regarded any friend as a goal of transcendence or defeat. If Moxinke and the others are strong enough, he would rather be a person behind the scenes. Before that, he became the leader because Moxinke and the others were not enough. Supporting the situation, he had to stand up. By default, Guevera and Lang Ning’s actions have nothing to do with the power of greed. Also because Lei Zhe can’t, Han Jin agrees with Guevera and Lang Ning’s judgment. The style of Lei Zhe will only ruin the foundation of the rapids Legion, and sooner or later will be annexed by others.

The man stared at Han Jin as if he was judging the authenticity of Han Jin. For a moment, he sighed: “Maybe you will really be happy for your friends, but he can’t, the great Nikolai Emperor will never allow. Anyone, any life beyond him, if he has that strength, he will even challenge the gods.”

“Your friend is Nikola? He is… a king??” Han Jin asked in surprise. The king is not arbitrarily called. At least seven or eight provinces are eligible to be crowned as kings. In the area of ​​the city of Lonely, all the territories of the lords are added together, including the Grand Duke of Solomon and the city of Fosa. It is also just nine provinces.

“Yes.” The man whispered: “My name is Jedice, the bishop of the Iron Sect area, the highest arbiter of the referee, what is your name? Friendly stranger.”

“My name is Raphael.”

The man groaned: “It’s that simple?”

“How complicated is it?”

“At least you have to tell me which city you are from?”

“Dark Raven City.”

“It seems like there are some impressions.” Jeddes thought for a moment and shook his head: “I can’t remember, but… the name is really hard to hear.”

“Yeah.” Han Jin agreed with nodded: “When I go back, I should talk to them and change my name so that I don’t always misunderstand. I thought I was a Zaganide person.”

“You are… new generation lord?”

“Not yet.” Han Jin paused: “How do you know?”

“The name of the city is not changed, except for the lord.” Jeddy said slowly: “Why didn’t you tell me you were a lord?”

“Identity can change at any time, there is nothing to say, but my name will never change.”

“This stuff? You don’t seem to care about your identity at all.” Jeddes said with a smile.

Han Jin shrugged, said nothing.

“I thought that you were just a powerful mercenary. I didn’t expect it to be Sir Lord.”

“I said, it is not yet.” Han Jin said: “My strength? You…”

“So many footprints, look at the excitement, not you alone, are they your companions?” Jeddes said with a smile: “You let them leave, obviously worried about the accident, and your companion agrees You stay alone and prove that they trust your power.”

Han Jin’s face is slightly reddish, and those things are placed on it, it is not difficult to analyze, but the people in front of the reaction are too weird, no crying, no anger, no sorrow, from the outside, it is impossible to see He used to be a dead person, so he used his energy to guess the story behind him and forgot the superficial things.

Han Jin leaned over and picked up an arrow from the ground and handed it to Jedice: “The method that your friend has framed is somewhat naive. Look, the name is written on it, who can he deceive?”

“He also inserted an arrow in himself.” Jedice did not pick up, only took a look: “There are three kinds of people on World, one is a fool, and they know that their king is suffering from the plot, they will immediately be angry. It’s childish and not naive, and it’s not very influential to them. There is also an ordinary smart person who has the mind, analyzes, and does not want to believe anything easily. It must be doubtful to see this naive thing. The last one is Very smart people, they look farther than the ordinary person, and the thoughts are more meticulous than the ordinary person. They will never believe that Nikola, who is very deep-minded, will use this naive method to deceive everyone. You know what I mean. ?”

Han Jin said a little embarrassed: “So I am an ordinary smart person?”

Jedice laughed: “I can guarantee that after Nikolay is wounded back, he will definitely insist that Lola is an innocent person. Both he and Lola are framed by others.”

“Why don’t you rush back to expose his plot?”

“It’s too late.” Jedice finally showed the painful color in his eyes: “He took me in the forest for four months before I started. In the past four months, he has already prepared all kinds of things! If Four months ago, I was able to detect his conspiracy, maybe I could stop him. Now… everything is too late. I was not his opponent, he was four months longer than me…hehe, say me again. It’s just a waste now, how do I get out of the forest?”

“You… can hire us, let us send you back.”

“Will you send me back? I can satisfy all your conditions, will you?” Jeddes said with a faint smile.

“No!” Han Jin certainly won’t send it. This drowning threat is too big: “But… you didn’t have to tell me so much, you can deceive us, let us send you back!” Han Jin is also a crime Evil, actually considered for each other.

“I never lie.” Jeddis indifferently said: “It won’t be, not now, not in the future.”

Han Jin is stunned. The phrase ‘I never lie’ is a lie. He does not believe that there are people who don’t panic on the World. But Jedice’s eyes are so determined and persistent. He doesn’t understand what it is. Such support can make Jedice say such absurd words.

“Nikoula is framed by that Lola… His plan should involve a lot of people? Maybe there are your friends and even your family. If you lie to us, at least have the opportunity to save the lives of friends and family! This, you don’t lie?!”

Jedice’s face was twisted and twisted, her chest was undulating, her eyes were sad, angry, hesitant, and even a pleading, half a sigh, all things were calm, Jedice lightly coughed: “The reason… …when will not be lacking, just like those who are fallen, they can always find all kinds of reasons that have to be degraded, and even blame the god of light, but the fall is always degenerate, and for any reason, it cannot be concealed. And the lie… is the same. In fact, I have many opportunities to lie, and I have encountered many temptations to force me to lie, but I am still a believer and have not become a politician.”

“You…” Han Jin felt that the people in front of him could not understand.

“It’s no use to go back, even if I’m in Iron Wings now, it will only make my friends die faster. Nikola will do a good job, including failure, no matter what he does.” Jedice softly “My mission is to restrict Nikolai’s ambitions. I can understand that my existence is forcing Nikolay to not do it. Since he is determined to do it, no one can stop him.”

“You are not that absolutely does not have a chance!” Han Jin said bitterly: “Maybe that Nikola is very powerful. You go back. Once you are discovered, you will immediately bring disaster to your friends, but …you can let others go back for you. For example, if you give something that proves your identity to a more trustworthy person, ask him to go back for you, at least not let Nikolay frame others at random?”

Jedice stared at Han Jin, his mouth showing a with a slight smile, slowly said: “Can you help me?”

“No…” Han Jin blinked and he couldn’t say anything.

“This is the only way, although the success may be very small.” Jedice whispered: “Maybe from the moment you expose Nikola, you will soon be attacked by Bright Knight and Cardinals. No one believes you at all, but… can only do this.”

“Wait, I didn’t promise you!” Han Jin said urgently: “I just gave an example!”

“I know, you can refuse.” Jeddis: “Everyone, even a god, is not qualified to let others make sacrifices for themselves. I don’t blame you.”

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