The elements in nature are always in the equilibrium status of the found mystery, releasing the magical escapement, which is the artificial destructive balance, so it will produce a burst of irregular elemental fluctuations. When the elements are rebalanced under the intervention of nature, Elemental fluctuations naturally disappear.

The elemental fluctuations caused by Magician are always staged. Even if it is a curse, it can’t get rid of nature’s intervention. But at this moment, the elements of the distant wave are like a song that can’t be sung. After a long time, there is no sign of a weakening.

When the magical volatility came, the mercenaries on the hills had entered the battle status, and only the Magician remained silent. When the magic was not released, it would only alert the other party.

Amidst the forest in the opposite, Winston jumped out for the first time, and kept struggling to the hills, then Saxon, and then Paul and Ferdin jumped out of the woods.

A dozen thunderbirds suddenly swooped down from the dark clouds, almost at the same time, each thunderbird released a barrel of lightning, more than a dozen lightnings gathered in the woods, and then screams from the forest Then everything becomes silent.

Winston, Saxon and the others didn’t dare to look back. Even if they knew that another companion was killed, they didn’t dare to look back. The rescue was useless and they could only take their own lives.

Originally they were ready, they have been to Thunder Valley before, have enough experience dealing with thunderbird, the hordes of thunderbird strength is terrifying, but Warcraft is Warcraft after all, there are many ways to deal with them.

However, the accident appeared, Winston absolutely did not think that Thunderbird in the Thunder Valley, under the command of a dozen ogres, was waiting for them halfway. The plan they prepared can only deceive the lack of wisdom of thunderbird, but they can’t lie to the ogre shaman!

Cervantes of the Twilight Mercenary Corps smiled and then nodded to the shooters. More than twenty shooters were half-squatted there and opened the longbow.

At the moment when the shooters showed their way, Winston and the others immediately discovered the unscrupulous mercenaries on the hill. Paul rolled to the side with the fastest speed and released the Invisibility Technique, Saxon. With a roar, he released his bodyguards to the extreme, and stopped in front of Ferdin, and Winston’s figure suddenly started, and shot straight to the top of the hill.

More than 20 arrows are shot out. If it is to deal with the general mercenary team, this row of profit arrows is enough, but the Reaper is a mercenary squad with very rich combat experience. The members are also very strong. Although they suffered a sudden block, each of them responded correctly.

Paul was out of the attack range. Feidi was in the back wing of Saxon, attacking the dead end. Only Saxon smashed a few arrows, but those arrows penetrated the body and smothered, and then hit the leather armor. The force was exhausted and could not cause Saxon. hurt.

However, the speed at which Saxon fled was blocked, and more thunderbirds swooped down from the dark clouds, and dozens of lightnings gathered in Ferdin, forming a huge electro-optical ball, and then blasted.

Ferdi’s magic shield for himself may be able to resist the lightning released by a few thunderbirds, but the number of thunderbirds is too much, let alone him, even a fierce tutor with an eleventh peak is hard to find in dozens of Thunderbird’s collective point shots remain safe and sound.

The electric light rushed to the bottom, and Ferdin had completely disappeared. Even the screams were not sent out, and Saxon was thrown out of more than 20 meter away, falling heavily on the ground.

“Cervantes!!” Winston screamed, his face became distorted, and his otherwise calm eyes became extremely vicious at the moment, and he had recognized the mercenary group opposite.

Cervantes hehe smiled and jumped out of the ditch. He calmly looked at Winston, who was getting closer and closer. A group of white smudges shrouded him inside. If he was alone, he was not afraid of Winston. Even Winston has become extremely crazy.

The five major types of fighting skills have their own strengths. In comparison, Winston’s Longyan fighting skills are balanced and seemingly moderate. The Star River fighting skills pose a serious threat to Magician. Starlight can be enchanted by the martial arts. The shield, which directly inflicts direct damage to Magician, the other professional warriors cannot damage Magician until Magician’s magic shield does not collapse. And his Cervantes practiced the lightning fighting skills. In dealing with melee occupations, he was much more sharp than the ice-fighting technique. Once the small chance of paralysis was launched, it was the opportunity to decide Life and Death, although against Winston. For this kind of high-level professional, the paralysis is just a stiff moment, but the masters fight for a moment is enough.

Saxon turned and jumped from the ground, roar rushed to the mountain. In fact, he already understood that today is the nephew of the Reaper Mercenary Corps being completely de-named. However, there are different ways of death for death. He chose to be vigorous. Fight to the last breath.

Cervantes pulled out the long sword, pointing to the side, a dozen Magician hearts, and released the magic detection, instantly covering the space of 100 meters, the galloping Paul showed his body shape, but he did not stop for a moment. Continue to rush to the mountains.

Dozens of thunderbirds began to dive again. The magic wave was more intense than a burst. The smile on Cervantes’ face suddenly disappeared, and then looked up at the sky: “Not good…”

One after another, the direct lightning from the sky is ruthless, and the entire hill is covered in it. The human body, weapons, and countless sandstones are scattered around by strikes. The mercenaries of the Twilight Mercenary Group think they have occupied It’s cheap, with the cooperation of thunderbird, you can easily smash the reaper’s mercenary squad. I didn’t expect to catch Oriole behind. Themselves also became the target of others.

Perhaps it happened that it might be deliberate, the magical fluctuations were hidden in the fluctuations caused by the thunderbirds. The mercenaries of the Twilight Mercenary Corps did not have any vigilance at all. A dozen Magician who did not release the body-protecting magic were the first to bear the brunt. Killing the spot, the shooters who opened the longbow and aimed at Paul also became the broken limbs of the disabled. The soldiers of the mercenary group were not much better. Cervantes was safe and sound. Fighting skills have a strong resistance to electric magic, but his men are full of casualties.

Nine Grays drop! This is the signature magic, and both the enemy and the enemy understand who is in the vicinity at the same time.

Cervantes turned his head and looked for the hidden place of the enemy, but before he could find the enemy, a sharp wind sneaked into his neck.

Cervantes reacted very quickly, and gave it aside. The backhand sent a sword back. Gibran showed up in the air, and his body shape swung away, avoiding the sword of Cervantes. The first move was to fight two people. Ping, no one can hurt anyone.

The Cervantes complexion greatly changed, slamming out into the oblique thorns, Gibran is here, Julia must be, the taste of the tree demon arrow can be uncomfortable, only by swimming fast, can avoid trouble.

However, Cervantes’s movement was still a little slower. Julia and Gibran shot at the same time. When he escaped the sneak attack of Gibran and then returned a sword, Julia’s arrow had arrived, and the green glow flashed. Numerous vines poured out from the ground, and the shape of Cervantes was clearly activated, and it was turned back by the vines forcibly.

Winston screamed, his body shot at the cannonball in the air, drawing a curved shape, falling to Cervantes, and raising his long sword over his head. He had used all his strength and vindictiveness. Winston’s sword technique was originally based on stabbing. Now it is uncharacteristic. I can imagine how angry his heart is. This sword has nothing to do with skill, just to vent.

Cervantes struggled while roar, but the arrow of the tree demon is the nemesis of the powerhouse. Unless you have the power of the super-powerhouse, you can break all the vines at once. Otherwise, it is difficult to escape alive, he earns Broken one, and new vines grow out, only the tighter and tighter.

Winston’s sword swayed, and the blasted fire instantly burned the waving vines into coke. The body of Cervantes was burnt, and Winston’s long sword was deeply plunged into his forehead. Almost broke his head in two, and Cervantes slammed there, then softly fell.

The swooping thunderbirds released a path of dazzling electric light. Under the command of the ogre shaman, their attacks were very neat. Paul had not rushed out of the scope of magic detection, and the figure had been shrouded in electro-optical groups. When the electric light disappeared, it was empty and nothing left.

This is an absolute kill, but also an absolute spike!

“Go!” Gibran shouted, he couldn’t even attack the mercenary who survived the Twilight mercenary group and turned to rush toward the mountainside.

Winston also knew that it was not the time to kill people and vent their anger. Stepping behind Gibble, as for Saxon, who was behind him, he really had more than enough strength. Facing dozens of thunderbird attacks, the rescue was meaningless. I can only put myself in.

At the foot of the mountain, more than a dozen black shadows came out of the forest. It was the ogre shaman, and they all rode a tall blast wolf.

The ogre is a very ugly creature. Their skin is rough, ugly blue, their heads are big, their eyes are not small, and the mouth is completely bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl. The fangs are prominent, and people are worried.

Ogres have a strong fighting power, like vampires, who are born with tenacious bodies, but in contrast, the ogres are much more vulnerable, but they tend to be the leaders of the ogre. Because they can release magic, they also have the innate talent ability to communicate with the soul of Warcraft.

Seeing that the enemy has escaped the hill, the ogre shamans are rushing to drive the blast wolf. At this moment, the mutation is steep, a silhouette suddenly jumps out of the ground, waving a shining azure light, smashing into an ogre Shaman’s neck.

That shaman was completely unprepared, a huge head had flung off the neck and the old high, the silhouette kept on, and continued to move forward, azure glow flashed, another ogre shaman trumped in the pool of blood in.

The rest of the ogres were rushing to all around, and the thunderbird group that was catching up with Saxon also gave up the goal and collectively turned their way to protect those ogres.

Saxon thought he was dead. Seeing that the thunderbird group gave up on himself, he couldn’t help but show his crying expression. No one wants to face death. To die does not mean that he wants to die. He uses all his strength, struggles and jumps up the hill. Then disappeared at the other end.

Han Jin promoted azure glow, I wanted to kill another enemy, but I saw a huge stone with a radius of two meters. The boulder was not close, and the wind that hit it hurt his cheek, Han Jin’s body. The shape quickly rushed backwards and disappeared disappear without a trace.

Next moment, a giant big man with a height of about five meters smashed out of the forest and took only two or three steps. He came to the place where Han Jin disappeared, waved a sledgehammer with an improer, and strove down. There was a loud bang, and the earth shook violently. The blast wolves were shaken and the rest of the ogres were also painfully covering their ears.

The giant man then squatted a few times and took the ground forcibly out of a big pit. Then he squatted and rubbed his hand for a moment, raising his head and said: “No…”

“No matter him! We continue to chase!” An ogre shaman screamed.

His opinion was approved by all the ogre shamans, but the thunderbird in the sky just turned, and Han Jin jumped out from behind a blast wolf, raised his hand and a sword, and the body of an ogre shaman was Caved. Then Han Jin showed his body shape and rushed to another ogre shaman. The shaman had already been alert, and the cane in his hand was suddenly lifted. His blue-gray skin suddenly turned into iron black, and the azure glow crossed. Only a shallow trace was drawn.

Han Jin glanced, and the backhand shot a fire charm. Three Smells True Fire landed on the back of the shaman and instantly turned into a raging flame.

The smirk of the Sasha’s face disappeared instantly, and then a scream of screaming.

However, with the addition of a fire charm, the continuity of Han Jin’s movements was broken and slowed down. The heavenly thunderbirds released a path of electro-optical light that had covered Han Jin’s figure.

With a bang, countless sand and stones splashed around, and Han Jin appeared again in another place, once again disappearing into the earth.

The giant man rushed over and squatted down and watched it, but he couldn’t find anything.

The ogre shaman looked at each other in dismay, the giant big man gave up his efforts, and also threw away the giant hammer. He ran out of the distance and took the stone he had just thrown back, holding the stone and looking around, he The figure is about five meters, and the stone has a radius of two meters. According to the ratio, he should be very hard, but the big man seems to have endless strength and it is very easy.

“What to do?” asked a shaman, sulking.

“No matter who he is!” another shaman cried: “We continue to chase!”

This time, although the ogre shamans kept on catching up, but each one did not move, their skin all turned into iron black, and the thunderbird group always hovered over their heads. Obviously, it was for Han Jin. Listening.

After waiting for a long time, there was no movement. The ogre shaman couldn’t help it. They exchanged their eyes and drove the wolf forward. Who knows that they just started to move, Han Jin jumped from the last side. Come out, see the skin of the Ogre Shaman all change color, he did not hesitate for a moment, raised his hand and waved a fire.

The giant man screamed and slammed the boulder out, but Han Jin had already sunk into the ground. The boulder was empty and flew all the way. He didn’t know how many trees had fallen.

The shaman who was hit by Three Smells True Fire screamed and rolled down from the blast wolf. His back was smashed on the blast wolf, and the blast wolf was also smashed. One was desperately rolling on the ground, one was crazy. Turn around.

“Buck, what are you doing? Fire!” An ogre shaman shouted.

The giant man rushed to the Saman in two steps, raised his slap and slammed it down, and another ogresman shouted: “No! The fire is weird, don’t touch it with your hands!”

The giant big man squatted and ran to one side, his hands picked up a tree that had just been tripped, and slammed down. The ogre shamans screamed and screamed to avoid one side. Who knows Han Jin took the opportunity. Drilled out of the ground, raised a hand of fire, and turned an ogre shaman into a fireman.

The reaction of the giant man was not bad. He took the big tree into two pieces on one foot and turned and smashed the thick trunk. But Han Jin had just been broken and smashed, and he became very cautious. One, immediately hid back to the ground, the trunk that roared and did not even touch his shadow.

The giant big man was really angry. He beat his chest with his fists and said: “Ah…”

The previous Ogre Shaman and the blast wolf fell into a pool of blood, Three Smells True Fire still did not go out, their bodies have become bloody, this has nothing to do with Han Jin, all the credit of the giant man.

Seeing each and everyone companions were killed, the ogre shamans all showed fear, the giant man has not yet conceded, and ran out of the long way to pick up his own boulders, where he kept turning around.

“Can’t take care of him anymore! Even if we only have the last one, we must kill those people!” An ogre shaman screamed.

“Good!” Another ogres, Shaman, should be.

Just at the moment when the blast wolf was about to move, Han Jin jumped out of the ground and waved threw away with a fire charm. The giant man also cast his own boulders, but this time, he not at all attacked Han Jin. Instead, attack the flames.

Han Jin’s firing of fire symbols is quite fast, but the giant big man has a strong innate talent in this respect, and the huge stone is very large, taking up a lot of cheap, banging, fire hitting on the boulder, raging Burning up, the attacked ogre shaman was only scared out of a cold sweat, but it was safe and sound.

The thunderbird group has released a path of electro-optical light. While the Han Jin silhouette disappeared into the ground, it volleyed on the ground, and the roaring lightning shot the ground out of a large pit nearly two meters deep.

The giant man saw his plan succeeded. He yelled at the place where Han Jin disappeared: “I…strong!!!” shouted, and he ran over and picked up his own boulders. Strong is not another strong thing, his intelligence is very problematic, just the ogre shaman also reminded him that the flame has a problem, can not touch, even in the blink of an eye to forget.

The surviving ogre shamans were around the pit and their attention was focused on the bottom of the pit.

“Dead?” an ogre shaman whispered.

“It should be… dead.”

The giant man was not afraid of the flames. Hehe hugged the burning boulders and turned and walked back. He only took a few steps. The boulders had already dropped their hands on the ground. He looked at his burning hands, not Know what you are thinking about.

The sound of the boulder falling to the ground alarmed the ogres, and they turned back and couldn’t help but stunned. The giant big man’s hands held two burning flames, and there was a flame burning on his chest.

“Buck! Don’t you tell me not to touch?!” An ogre shaman screamed.

“How are you, Buck?” another ogre shaman cried, the reason why this is because other people have encountered the kind of flame, there is always a scream, but Buck is standing there. As if nothing happened.

Buck raised his head, and the flesh on his face kept twitching: “Pain…”

The ogre shamans are stunned, but they are crying out loud! They know that Buck is a very rough guy, but rough to this extent, it is incomprehensible.

Buck opened his thighs and walked to the ogre shaman in a few steps, stretching his big hand down: “Destroy…destroy…”

The ogre shamans shouted to the left and right, the fire’s surname was very weird, they could do nothing, and their role was to improve the combat power of the entire race, and control a large number of Warcraft, the magic mastered is also the effect class, really Committed to the battle, they shamans can not beat a human warlock.

“Firefighting!!” Seeing that their companions are not living and living, they are retreating to other places. In the midst of the pain, Buck finally shouted out the complete sentence.

The ogre shamans did not respond, but they retreated further.

“Firefighting…” Buck was furious and stepped over to catch an ogre shaman. He pushed out his big hand and pressed it down. His power was too great. This palm actually pressed the head of the ogre shaman. Into the chest, a headless, flaming body at the neck and a swaying body swayed a few times and fell down.

“Come on! He is crazy!!” The ogres were full of surprises, and they turned their heads and drove the blast to the forest.

Buck was tall and only took one step. He caught up with an ogre shaman and reached for the shaman’s neck and picked him up: “Destroy…ah…”

Another ogre saw it and screamed in a hurry. The thunderbirds hovering in the air began to dive down. A path of lightning gathered in Buck and made a world-shaking loud noise.

When the electric light was exhausted, Buck did not completely disappear like other people who were attacked by thunderbird, but his body was much thinner. From head to toe, white bones were exposed everywhere, blood poured out like spring water, and then shaken. A bit, straight up and down, is pressing a ogres, who are watching, to the bottom.

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