A thin black line kept moving in the white light, like a snake, Han Jin sat on the bed with his eyes staring at the thin line.

If it is against the powerhouse, the black crystal wire will become the most effective helper. With the power of the Guevera Peak-Stage period, it is still banned by the black crystal, and others do not need to mention it.

But in the past few days, he has been absorbing the energy of the magnetic element Magic Crystal, only occasionally swallowing a magical element Magic Crystal, and the magic weapon takes a long time to use Three Smells True Fire to burn, so today, his bundle of fairy ropes still Far from complete.

The color of the black crystal gradually changed, first became red, then slowly became golden, Han Jin took a deep breath, and then played a few clusters of True Fire, then the fingers quickly swiped in the air.

a path of talisman appears in the air, and the swimming black crystal wire seems to have some kind of attraction. When Han Jin is in a position, it automatically sucks the talisman, that a path of white light is followed by strikes in black crystal. On the silk, sparking the stars of countless golden, the scene is very dazzling.

Han Jin showed a slight sweat on his forehead. Almost all of the fire elements he had just used had been exhausted. He didn’t want to use the energy. It was easy to use the fire element to condense Three Smells True Fire. The available elements can release Three Smells True Fire. Greatly, although Yuanneng is no longer a purely energy source, it can be recovered by interest rate adjustment, but it takes quite a while. Since the last incident, Han Jin has been living in a nervous and vigilant state. He is always ready to deal with all accidents. Even if it consumes a little bit of energy, it will make him feel unsafe.

This has a taste of grass and trees, but no one really understands Han Jin, and no one helps him adjust the status. Everything can only be realized by himself.

At this moment, the door was knocked, Han Jin waved, and Golden’s thin line slammed into Han Jin, then wrapped around Han Jin’s right wrist, looking far away, like a golden one. bracelet. He couldn’t put the black crystal into the space ring. Three Smells True Fire was too overbearing. After entering the space ring, he cut off the control of the gods. The last time he almost burned the tree, he could only wait for a while. After the Three Smells True Fire lacks energy support and naturally extinguishes, the black crystal wire can be taken in.

“Come in.” Han Jin said.

At the door, Guevera walked in slowly. He looked at Han Jin and said, “I heard that you have caught a vampire for the mercenary guild today?”

“Well, what?” Han Jin felt a little surprised. Guevera wouldn’t come to him because of this little thing. He didn’t want to go out these days. All the foreign affairs were handled by Guevera alone, negotiating with the Chamber of Commerce alliance, and In contact with the people sent by Lang Ning, etc. In other words, Guevera is very busy now.

“It seems that I guess it is right.” Guevera slowly sat in the chair and indulged for a moment: “The vampires will not let you go. Although Zaganide always controls the command of the vampire, this race has a strong family name. They are cohesive and can be closely united, even if Zaganide thinks it is not time for revenge, but… there must be another voice inside the vampire, they will come!”

“Come on.” Han Jin indifferently said: “They don’t come… I will go find them.”

Guevera stares at Han Jin, half awkward, shook the head: “You are not good.”

“I? What happened to me?” Han Jin said awkwardly.

“You are too gloomy now.” Guevera whispered: “Young people must have the vitality of young people. Don’t be dead. In fact, there is nothing to lose. I am afraid that I will fall and climb does not raise.”

“I feel that I am fine now.”

“You are a very intelligent child, I believe you can understand what I mean.” Guevera laughed: “Forget it, don’t say this, lest anyone think I am too arrogant.”

“I know.” Han Jin silent for a moment: “Thank you.”

“Thank you? I understand, are you reminding me that I should thank you?” Guevera smiled. “But… I really want to thank you, old, I have no other wishes, the only goal.” It is to get rid of Zaganide, Caroline and Betty, and ask for a fairness for yourself. Now you have killed two for me, so I am greatly sighed in relief, so happy… It’s so happy!”

“This is what I should do. Anyway, I will not kill them, they will kill me.”

“In any case, you did it.” Guevera whispered: “What is the experience? Tell me.” Guevera’s intention was to let Han Jin know for himself, but Han Jin’s performance was somewhat worrying, and now Guevera also bears Can’t live.

“Experience? Just fortunate that’s all. From the beginning, Betty was framed by Caroline. I didn’t use all my strength. You said that she is Magician in Blood Race, but I only saw that she released a magic. There is an enchantment. Can a Magician not only learn two kinds of magic?” For that battle, Han Jin didn’t know how many times he thought about it. He found a lot of key points and realized a lot: “If she is not hiding her heart I have already died.”

“Actually, in the camp of Zaganide, Betty can be ranked second in terms of strength and ambition. Compared with her, Caroline is just a idiot without mind, but she is always pressed by Caroline. So I was very unconvinced and wanted to kill Caroline.” Guevera laughed: “She is wrong, Caroline can press on her head because Zaganide thinks Caroline is more suitable, even if she can kill Caroline, Zaganide will also support other vampires, and will never let Betty fully control the army.”

“Why? They… aren’t they married?” asked Han Jin astonished.

“I just said that vampires have a strong family name and strong cohesiveness. They can be closely united. Zaganide is not a vampire. He can safely hand over such an army to a savvy or even cunning. Is the vampire controlled?”

Han Jin is silent.

“For example, there is a Dao Sect in front of it, and it takes a heavy price to control the Dao Sect. As long as Zaganide orders, Caroline will immediately rush to go, and Betty may be tempted by the blood of Blood Race. All kinds of excuses delay the attack speed of the troops.” Guevera said: “If you are the lord, who would you choose?”

“Carolyn.” Han Jin has no temperament, and if he is replaced by any lord, he can only choose Caroline.

“You said, they are husband and wife?” Guevera said with a smile: “Zaganide can command the vampire army in the name of her husband. Betty can also order other abyss races in the name of his wife, of course, if Zaganide is dead. hehe …Zaganide can trust Caroline completely, but Betty…is a very ambitious guy. I think Zaganide knows this better than me. Does he dare to trust Betty?”

“Between husband and wife… Is it necessary to make it so complicated?” Han Jin showed a scornful smile. He had contacted a lot of things, but he couldn’t say a lot. For love, he still has a flaw. Since he loves it, he must Trust each other, always be on the sidelines, not as good as not. In addition to the deepest secrets, he will not have any reservations about Sunier, nor will he doubt anything, and will not be vigilant, so he is very scornful of the contradiction between Zaganide and the two vampires.

“You…” Guevera shook the head: “You are not sitting in that position, sooner or later, you will understand.”

“Do you understand? Are you worried about your wife?” Han Jin whispered, “I won’t.”

Guevera didn’t say anything, just laughing at Han Jin.

“Never,” Han Jin added.

Still too young… Guevera sighed in his heart. Unlike Han Jin, Guevera knew too much about this world. Others know that he knows that others don’t know, he knows. Sunier has the mark of God. According to the rules of the elves, she must be combined with another elf with the mark of God, because the elves are looking forward to the birth of a peerless powerhouse, guiding the entire race out of the predicament and rebuilding its glory! When one day, after Will Willow City knew the news, the troubles would follow. Sunier could choose the people he really liked regardless of this rule, and the Elders who were in the rules would never tolerate Sunier’s betrayal. The reaction is worrying.

In the maintenance of justice, the elves will become tenacious, Guevera has a deep understanding, they or they are rushing to follow, not afraid of sacrifice, even if it is the point of the end of the game, do not give up, at the beginning, he is such a The elf army dragged! Of course, the so-called justice is just the justice that the elves think.

If there is a conflict, there will inevitably be bloodshed. If you look at your friends or your companions, you will fall under the butcher’s knife. Han Jin and Sunier will really not change. Can you like each other like now? A little bit of separation will not happen? ?

Guevera has inadvertently heard Julia and Sunier whispering, and Julia is worried about Sunier’s future. She is because she has been out for a long time and she is very indifferent to the racial boundaries, not to mention that she also likes a human being. So I can understand Sunier, but most of them are incomprehensible. Sunier’s attitude is very optimistic. She firmly believes that Han Jin can solve all the problems. She also took Han Jin’s leap-forward progress this year. The elf, she is happy for every progress of Han Jin. I feel the pressure that I may face in the future.

Yes, if Han Jin has the power to overwhelm the surname, it can really make the entire Wild Willow City bow, let the Elder Elders collectively lose their voices, the default facts, but this is just a compromise that can’t be struggled and has to choose. Compromising and resolving conflicts are completely different. Two things, the former is full of depressing taste, while the latter is all happy. It can also be said that even if the Elders of Wild Willow City compromised, they might have something to do in the future.

Young people are always well-defined, love is love, and no other impurities, but for his well-known old man, Guevera, this word is not worth it! In fact, he now prefers another girl. However, he never tried to influence Han Jin. Although he could not understand the details of Han Jin, he tasted the name of Han Jin. If he did, Han Jin will always Will not forgive him, may even turn against his enemies, even though he is good for Han Jin.

“Actually, what I am worried about is not the vampires in the hands of Zaganide.” Guevera took control of his thoughts and then shifted the subject. These things were not said to Han Jin, and Han Jin could not understand. All he can do is to get back as soon as possible and help Langing beat Beitman’s coalition. If Han Jin really becomes the lord of Dark Raven City and Beitman, then the Wild Willow City Elders will have to think about it, is it really necessary? Provoking the wrath of a lord? ! The rules are important, but some things are more important than the rules. They face a lord who has occupied two provinces. They dare not be cautious.

“What are you worried about?” asked Han Jin.

“I was afraid of the old fellows of Blood Race in the abyss.” Guevera slowly said: “Complete, Caroline and Betty are their descendants, and they are better descendants. Now they are all dead in your hands. It is inevitable that there is a guy who wants to get out of the activity. Only Gael is alone… I really don’t trust.”

Han Jin reveals a dignified expression. He doesn’t know how good the Gaelic master is, but he can make Guevera respectful. He certainly can’t go anywhere. Now, listening to Guevera, Gael alone may not be able to cope, and two people will join hands. This threat made him feel very nervous.

“This kind of thing doesn’t need you to worry about it, I will arrange it properly.” Guevera noticed the change of Han Jin’s expression: “The road to the abyss is not good. It takes at least half a year to go, it is enough for us to prepare.” It is.”

Han Jin is silent.

“Do you know what the most terrifying place for vampires?” Guevera asked.

“is innate talent instinct.”

“You are right.” Guevera nodded said: “Carolyn’s innate talent is incompetent. Of course, if her strength is improved, her instinct will make countless powerhouses daunting, but unfortunately, she is too bad. Betty’s instinct is very troublesome. I used to suffer in her hands. If she didn’t have her, how could Zaganide be able to trap me?!”

“The old fellows in the Blood Race you just mentioned… Do you know their innate talent instinct?”

“I don’t know.” Guevera laughed: “So I said, be prepared.”

Han Jin’s heart could not help but sink, and it seems that Guevera is not sure.

“The life of the vampire is as long as the elf. When I was young, I kept yelling at them.” Guevera said with a slight smile: “Now I have figured it out, life is a hundred years old, isn’t it enough? Love, hate, Struggling, also decadent, successful, and failed, these have already made people exhausted to the extreme, death is actually a relief, really curious, those guys who have lived for thousands of years, what fun?! Some things don’t live longer, the more powerful, the old vampires sleep in the dark all day long, some sleep for decades, hundreds of years, this is also to enjoy life? I never believe that they are sleeping Can be sublimated!”

Han Jin opened his mouth, he wanted to say something, but did not say it. According to Guevera’s experience, he thought that death is a kind of relief. Han Jin can understand, but he knows better. No matter what happened, no life can refuse eternal. Temptation, and what he Han Jin is pursuing is eternal!

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