As the smoke fell, the silhouettes of Caroline and Betty gradually became clear. This time, Betty looked much more awkward than Caroline, and the bloody vines were slashed and she didn’t know her. How many sword shadow attacks, the original elegant dress has become a fragment, the inside of the coat is also the same, almost naked [***], the long hair is replaced by the uneven short hair, it is like A chicken coop.

Caroline’s prominent spurs were cut off, bruised and bruised, with turbulent elements, and scratches left by the sword shadow, but all the wounds healed quickly and her body was still straight. It is obvious that she also has a strong fighting power.

“Betty, what are you waiting for?!” Caroline cried in a trembling voice: “Wait for Guevera to kill us?!”

“Carolyn!!” Betty suddenly screamed.

Caroline groaned, his toes slammed on the ground, his body shaped like a sharp arrow and shot at Betty, his sharp fingertips stretched forward, pointing pointed finger towards Betty’s chest.

On the hill, Edwina’s fingers were released, and an arrow screamed out. In a burst of thunderous sound, the arrow became a huge wind blade, passing through a few 100 Meter distance, shot to Betty.

Even if Betty is a tough fighter, it is difficult to resist attacks from both sides, but she does not seem to panic, but instead looks at Han Jin with a cold look.

Seeing Caroline is less than three meters away from Betty, Betty suddenly extended the hand to Han Jin’s direction, a dangerous feeling rose from Han Jin’s heart, he used the fastest speed to curse.

Next moment, Han Jin appeared in Betty’s position, but his body had sunk down, avoiding Caroline’s attack by a few milliseconds.

With a bang, Caroline and the huge wind blade slammed together, and Edwina’s full-fledged arrow, formidable power, was much more terrifying than the previous ‘Dragon’, and it was scrolling like a frenzy. In the turbulent flow of elements, Caroline flew out like a leaf, and the right hand epithelial meat was twisted around to reveal the white bones.

“Carolyn!” Betty screamed again.

Carolyn’s mistakes, the pupils suddenly became blood red, no matter how bad the relationship between them became, but they fought side by side too many times, especially in the abyss, when they were real sisters. So she is very clear about what Betty is going to do.

I thought it would be easy to kill the core of the young people, Raphael, because there is Guevera, they are going to kill the most important people and then leave the city, and then find a chance to kill another person, who Knowing that the other side is really difficult, although the fighting lasts for a long time, but everyone in the field is fighting for life, fierce, sinister to the extreme, a little big, will be on the spot.

Bloodthirsty innate talent Instinct can greatly improve her strength, speed, and resilience. The price is a period of weakness, but Caroline has no choice!

Han Jin jumped out a dozen meters away and shouted with the loudest voice: “Be careful!!”

Caroline’s figure left a bunch of afterimages in the air, punching Betty’s chest, next moment, Edwina appeared in Betty’s position, and Betty ran to the hills, screaming harshly laughter.

Edwina was also the first to contact the Blood Race innate talent instinct. Absolutely, she didn’t expect the distance of the other’s casting to be so far away. Her silhouette appeared, and she still kept the bow, and Caroline’s fingertips had approached her. The front chest.

Edwina was in amazement, struggling to flash, Caroline’s fingertips crossed over her shoulder, leaving four deep visible bone wounds, then Edwina picked up the longbow, looked Towards Caroline sweeps away.

The bowstring exudes the blues of the rays of light. When Edwina’s eyes were on the longbow, she paused a little. She liked the bow very much, and attacked the opponent with a longbow.

If it is normal, the hesitation in the moment can not affect anything, but when the powerhouse fights, it is enough to decide everything, not to mention Edwina does not have the ability to melee.

Caroline looked at the left hand and grabbed the bow in the in a flash. The right hand was close together, and it was worn like a lightning bolt. The bloody splash, Carolyn’s right hand is like a sharp long sword. Edwina’s front chest penetrated and emerged from Edwina’s back.

Han Jin screamed, right hand mammoth, azure glow with a tail of more than ten feet, straight to Caroline, and the long whip in Han Jin’s hand rolled to Caroline’s ankle, he has found that the card Lorraine’s serious injury has almost recovered. Dealing with such an enemy with strong self-recovery ability, it is better to break his finger! It is a pity that he realized that he was late.

Caroline quickly stepped back. There was only Han Jin alone. She didn’t have to continue to work hard. When Betty came back, the two of them could decide everything.

The long whip in Han Jin’s hands danced wildly, the whip tipped across the sky, and the whistling whistling sound, and successively pushed Caroline back a dozen steps. Han Jin bent down and picked up Edwina and turned to Lin Zhongfei shot and went, and quickly transported the law, and hit Ade Wenna in succession.

Caroline sneered, and she was about to catch up. Suddenly, there was a violent pain from her right foot. She couldn’t help but scream.

Hayden was not a complete blood slave. At the time of his death, he suddenly recovered inexplicably, and happened to be Caroline retiring to him. He rolled over and sat up, clinging to Caroline’s right leg. Long sword has pierced Caroline’s right foot and nailed Caroline forcibly to the ground.

Hearing Carolyn’s screams, Han Jin kept his front rushing position and looked back and looked at the horrible Hayden. Han Jin just released the killings is an indiscriminate attack. Hayden lying on the ground is naturally within the scope of attack. His legs have been cut off, and his body is kept intact. This is also his powerful attack. The root cause of Caroline.

The sight of the two men collided together, and Han Jin’s heart couldn’t help but twitch, what kind of look is that! There is remorse, anxiousness, sorrow, and a deep pain in the bone marrow. Although Hayden can’t speak, he expresses everything with his eyes.

Caroline flew up and kicked Hayden’s head. Hayden’s neck was cut in half by Han Jin, and he couldn’t bear the power of Caroline. The entire neck was forcibly torn, and the head was accompanied by blood light. He shot all the way.

The writhing of the body made Caroline more painful. However, as the queen of the commander Blood Race, her will is unquestionable. Caroline reached out and grasped the hilt, and even pulled out the sword a little. It was necessary to catch up with Han Jin, but he was almost stumbled to the ground. Even though he was dead and could not die any more, Hayden’s arms were still holding Caroline’s right leg.

Caroline was so angry that she danced the long sword in a crazy way and cut off Hayden’s arms.

Han Jin knows that he is stupid. If no one else interferes with him, he can save Edwina, but it is difficult to do now. The most sensible choice is to get rid of Edwina and escape with the mantle, but… …Is it really necessary to abandon Edwina, who still wants to save? !

In fact, Han Jin is a selfish person. He can help others, but he will never give up on himself. He just picked up Edwina and turned and fled. This is just a subconscious movement. Now I ran a few steps and my heart began to regret. On the other hand, Han Jin is another person who hates loneliness. He cherishes every companion.

Abandon her? Stick to it and try again? ? In case you can really escape! Han Jin is hesitant, and every choice has enough reason to convince himself.

A silver bat swept through the sky, and while Betty’s silhouette appeared, a blood ball flew down from the sky and hit Han Jin.

Han Jin’s footsteps suddenly stopped, and he also noticed that Caroline’s approaching, his body swaying, he would rush to the oblique thorn.

Edwina opened eyes and saw Han Jin being attacked by people. He understood that he was Han Jin’s burden, twisted with the final strength, and then pushed his hands on Han Jin’s chest side: “Go away. ……”

Han Jin only noticed the two enemies before and after, and Edwina’s movements were too sudden. As a result, he rushed out according to his own thoughts, and Edwina’s figure was falling to the ground.

Then Caroline rushed to Adevina, and under the influence of the instinct of bloodthirsty innate talent, Caroline’s power became even stronger, and Edwina flew like a ball in the air.

Han Jin’s heart sank, and at this moment, Betty’s sneer passed: “Want to run?!”

Han Jin couldn’t care much, and immediately released the mantle, but at this moment, he saw a huge network of countless blood lines on the ground. His half body had disappeared into the ground. But it was bounced out of the net fiercely.

Caroline twisted her waist and kicked Han Jin’s front chest. Han Jin flew out like a cannonball and flew more than 20 meter away, and then rolled on the ground for more than a dozen laps. Stabilize your body.

Han Jin released the killings in the jungle to the flat of 100 meters, and the blood network has a larger range, has been deeply explored into the forest.

Han Jin climbed up a little and looked at all around. The corner of his mouth showed a faint smile: “Okay, okay, since you are so enthusiastic, I will stay.”

Seeing the overall situation has been fixed, Caroline and Betty are not eager to attack, only to block Han Jin in tandem, Betty said with a sneer: “Little Brat, you can still laugh now!!”

“I don’t laugh at your ass!” Han Jin’s previous sentence was very polite. The next sentence was revealed. He slowly moved his body and fell into the final struggle of final struggle. He could really calm down. Down, in the words of the Master, you can be defeated by the enemy, but you can’t be defeated by yourself. Before the breath of life is completely dissipated, he will never be afraid of fighting!

Caroline’s figure suddenly started, straight to Han Jin, right hand five fingers together, inserted into Han Jin’s vest.

Han Jin turned over and ignored Caroline’s attack. He raised his hand and smashed the azure glow into the air. The long whip did not move like a dead snake.

As Caroline approached, Han Jin burst into punch and slammed into Caroline’s face.

Caroline’s fingers were fiercely inserted into Han Jin’s chest, and Han Jin’s fists were also on Caroline’s face.

From the injury, Han Jin was fatally wounded. Although Caroline’s face was smashed by Han Jin, it was a skin injury.

Han Jin’s body turned into countless splashes of sand, although it disappeared with disappear without a trace, then he appeared from the other side, as lightning approached Caroline.

Caroline was screaming at her face, and the azure glow had been shot from the air, and it instantly penetrated Caroline’s body, and the long whip in Han Jin’s hand had been rolled on Caroline’s ankle, and he was forced to Cut Caroline’s foot bones, who knows Caroline’s flesh and skeleton abnormal tenacious, relying on the power of the long whip on the talisman, can not meet his wishes.

Han Jin immediately changed his mind, twitched and slammed Caroline in the air, his body shape followed by chasing up, double fists slamming, punching and punching, all squatting in Caroline On the chest.

When the castration was about to end, he took a long breath, a flip, and transported all the power. The backhand punched on Carolyn’s back, and Caroline’s body was blasted into an acute angle. Then he fell down like a huge boulder, and with a bang, Caroline smashed the ground down about one inch deep, and the small half of the body was embedded in the ground.

Betty’s face changed indefinitely, and it was staggering that she didn’t even shoot, let Han Jin take Caroline as the target.

Next moment, Han Jin has fallen on Caroline, raised his hand and took the azure glow, and slammed it down. The azure glow has penetrated deeply into Caroline’s back, because Caroline’s resilience is too terrifying. He must look for the key, and the back brain is the first goal of his choice.

Han Jin was afraid that Caroline would not die, immediately pulled out the azure glow, and smashed on Carolyn’s back. In the blink of an eye, Caroline had more than a dozen blood holes.

Just as Han Jin was stabbing, his heart suddenly rose and he hurried to the ground.

Caroline’s fingertips swept over Han Jin’s leg, leaving a few deep blood marks, and then Caroline struggled to get up and screamed with anger, but her voice sounded a bit weird: “Betty ,what are you doing?!!”

“Carolyn elder sister, I want to control my enchantment, and, this is your business.” Betty sneered: “Not my son was killed!”

“You…” Caroline had no intention of bickering with Betty, and immediately turned her gaze to Han Jin. At this moment, Caroline’s face was completely deformed, at least her nose had disappeared, and only a soft soft hang on it. The meat, the upper lip was opened, revealing white teeth, a pair of sharp canine teeth, a blood hole in the forehead, and Han Jin’s sword had penetrated her head. However, her physical condition is still relatively good, only a hole, of course, her back can not be seen, it has become a riddled rag.

“You are ugly.” Han Jin said with a slight smile. Although his expression is very indifferent, his heart has already entered the ice cave. Is this still not dead? ! So what can I do to kill this monster completely? Moreover, does he still have the strength to do it?

“I won’t kill you easily!” Caroline said in a word, losing her upper lip is no longer a leaking problem. Although she wants Han Jin to feel fear, her voice is attractive. Laugh.

“I really want to kill you easily. I said… ugly, can you cooperate with me?” Han Jin smiled, but his ability to with the body has been exhausted, even if Caroline re Give him the opportunity, he can not launch a threatening attack.

Caroline screamed, and the claws were buckled to Han Jin’s chest. Han Jin greeted him without fear. The azure glow in his hand picked Carolyn’s throat. He did not dare to continue to release the flying sword. With God supporting the game, maybe he can delay longer to find opportunities.

Caroline’s fighting style is extremely fierce, Han Jin’s counter-attack style is also extremely fierce, Caroline not only has to avenge his son, but also to avenge himself, and Han Jin has been in a desperate situation, has long put Life and Death out of the way, The recruits are desperate, and the two people are like needles on the wheat, and no one will retreat.

However, Caroline has a strong continuous combat capability, and Han Jin’s meta energy is extremely depleted. After a round of attack, he has already fallen behind, although he has repeatedly lost the game by letting Caroline’s taboo Three Smells True Fire. But it is just a bite to stick to it.

Finally, Caroline caught an opportunity to swing the right rib of Han Jin in the boxing. Han Jin could even clearly feel that his rib was broken. Because of the severe pain, his movements were stiff, and Caroline Of course, I won’t let go of the opportunity. I will make three or four punches in a row, hit the boxing fist, and finally grab Han Jin’s shoulder. My fingertips have penetrated into the muscles of Han Jin and then force Han Jin into the air.

Next moment, Caroline chased like a fireworks flagship, flew over Han Jin, and then a heavy boxing on Han Jin’s chest, Han Jin’s figure fell involuntarily.

Obviously, Caroline is a vampire who must be reported. Han Jin just used this action to humiliate her once. The difference between the two is that the direction of the face is different. Caroline is kneeling on the ground, and Han Jin It is facing up.

The blood spurted out one by one, the Yuan could be exhausted, and the attack was too fierce. Han Jin’s god-fighting technique had already shown signs of breaking the power. It relied on perseverance to persist. This round of attack, he is really Can’t stand it.

Caroline’s figure flew down, a boxing on Han Jin’s left arm, ka-cha, Han Jin’s left arm immediately became distorted, with his tenacious, could not help but scream.

Caroline’s toes stepped on Han Jin’s right wrist, coldly said: “What else do you want to say?” She was reluctant to let Han Jin die fast, and she had to scream for too long and long, and she must vent her heart. .

“Yes…” Han Jin said with a laugh, with his laughter, more blood rushed out of his mouth,

“What?” Caroline leaned down and looked at Han Jin contemptuously.

At this moment, a group of blood light was extremely abrupt, and Betty’s right hand had penetrated Caroline’s body. It can be seen that she used all her strength so that half of her arms were Caroline’s chest was revealed, and her hand was still holding a heart that was still beating.

Caroline’s figure was suddenly there, and then a little down, Betty’s raised right hand, the beating heart flew up and was falling in Betty’s left hand, with Betty pulling out his arm. Caroline lost her last support and fell to the ground.

“Carolyn elder sister, what are you thinking about?” Betty said with a smile, and proudly played the beating heart.

Caroline’s body became very stiff, her teeth were tightly closed, but she couldn’t even say a word.

“Thinking?” Betty squatted and took the heart and shook it at Caroline’s nose: “Please, please, I will spare you, hahaha…” Betty suddenly laughed and smiled. The taste of relief.

Han Jin struggled to get up with the last strength, swaying back a few steps, trying to stay away from Betty, but Betty didn’t look at Han Jin, all her attention was on Caroline.

“No…no…” Caroline barely squeezed out a few words.

“Don’t you?” Betty showed a surprised expression: “elder sister, you really want to open it, okay, then I will help you once.”

“No…” Caroline was full of fear, but she was really speechless. In fact, she said that she could not change the ending.

Betty’s fingertips forced, the beating heart burst open, turned into a blooming blood flower, sprayed on Betty’s face, body, Caroline made a long tragedy, the voice is not big, but Not too small, and her body quickly twitched. When Betty was throwing rubbish like a litter of rubbish on the ground, Caroline’s screams stopped at the same time, and the divine light in her eyes faded away.

“I should thank you.” Betty smiled at Han Jin, then she tried to find something to wipe her hands, just to see the broken dress on her body, her smile disappeared immediately, obviously, she remembered The shame that I have just suffered: “But you still have to die!”

“How did you escape my attack?” Han Jin seems to have been beaten, not realizing his danger, but trying to discuss academic issues with Betty: “Reading Mind? Or can you predict the future? ?”

Betty looked at Han Jin coldly and didn’t speak. This is her biggest secret. Although Han Jin is dead, she has no need to answer.

“Don’t even say it.” Han Jin said with a smile : “But this is also your most deadly weakness.”

“Oh?” Betty couldn’t help laughing. She heard that Han Jin was provocative, but… Why? With that crumbling body? With the arm that has been twisted?

“I speaks correctly.” Han Jin nodded very seriously.

What he said is true! Although I don’t know how Betty can detect the dangers that can be caused, this ability is a double-edged sword. At least, Han Jin can clearly determine which attack is more lethal.

Three Smells True Fire ? fight? sword? Net light curse? Han Jin focused all his attention on one of the spells, and was really ready to release. After a few seconds of dragging, if Betty didn’t react, he focused on the next spell.

Betty smiled at Han Jin. If she had killed Han Jin in peacetime, she had just solved an old enemy, just like a person who had lived in the rain for decades and suddenly saw the bright sunshine. The mood is so refreshing, so she doesn’t mind wasting more time.

Han Jin has been secretly observing Betty’s changes. He only allowed Betty to make a point change when he was ready to release Three Smells True Fire. Other spells didn’t work at all, but he couldn’t put all his hopes on Three Smells True Fire. The things in the space ring should also be experimented!

Finally, when Han Jin’s attention was focused on a magic weapon that had not yet been refined, Betty’s face suddenly changed, and her hand shot a blood ball, and then her body slid back.

Han Jin’s spirit is strong, and Betty knows more about what is going to happen than him. What makes Betty feel scared is definitely the best! He had just come from Guevera yesterday to get black crystal wire. The intention was to make a bundle of fairy rope. Of course, this is just a title, which refers to the magic weapon of binding. It’s a pity that time is limited. Now I can’t talk about refining. The failure rate of the spell is very big. It’s released ten times. It’s good to have a effect once, but Betty’s expression and action give him firm confidence. This time must be success!

“Go!” Han Jin furiously shouted, regardless of the bloody blood coming from the face, raised his hand and smashed the black crystal, and next moment, he was hit by the blood ball and volleyed.

The black crystal wire is very small and flies quickly in the air. The ordinary person is invisible at all, but Betty can see clearly. She screams and flies back, while the black crystal wire is like a bone. After the chase.

Han Jin struggled to sit up and release the net curse. He didn’t want to attack anyone, but let his silhouette hide in the rays of light of the net curse. He worried that Betty would release the magic just now. As for whether or not he can change positions with the dead, it is not what Han Jin cares about. He cannot care about his current situation.

Betty couldn’t see the black crystal wire, and hurriedly went out to the oblique thorn, trying to bypass the entanglement of the black crystal wire, and first kill Han Jin, so the magic naturally lost its effect. But Betty suddenly turned in the fast movement, it is inevitable to be affected by the habitual name, but the black crystal wire can not talk about the habit of surname, Betty has just rushed out two steps, the black crystal wire has approached, in the dazzling color, black crystal The wire tied Betty into a scorpion, and snorted, and Betty couldn’t help but fall forward, and the body slipped out of the ground.

Han Jin over there was also unable to support it. He lay on the ground in the sky, gasping for a big mouth, and his mouth was bleeding from the mouth. Today is his hardest and most dangerous day. He is hurt everywhere, and his bones don’t know how many roots have been broken. Especially now that God’s play has been broken, the kind of severe pain is hard to describe. He didn’t make a noise. It is already a tough guy.

Betty screamed and struggled, but she couldn’t make it. When they used black crystal to make Guevera a waste that was insulting, now it is her turn. This is a kind of retribution. What’s more, with the power of the Guevera Peak-Stage period, it is still impossible to break the bondage of the black crystal, Betty is absolutely impossible.

In the distance, Jassline covered the horses and horses and the traces left by Han Jin and the others, and came here…

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