Han Jin and the others satiated, Guevera called Han Jin to talk alone, and everyone knew that it was definitely a secret matter, and that the fun did not bother.

Guevera talked about the recent situation in Dark Raven City in detail, and there have been huge changes in the months that Han Jin left. Beitman’s four City Lords launched a joint attack. The plot of the general security officer of the city of Beit City, Woodrow, was too early to be prepared. He was not prepared enough to stay on the city defense of Beit City for a month and was finally broken. But Woodrow’s army was not at all, and he withdrew to the Dark Raven City and occupied Nuremberg a month and a half ago.

For these things, Lang Ning put forward a very sharp view. If the four City Lords really want to leave Woodrow, Woodrow can never escape, and still escape with some remnants! To be precise, seeing Lang Ning lead the rapids Legion easily captured the Dark Raven City, the four City Lord are very jealous, which means that they do not want to be too Ping City master, but want to go out, empty Dark Raven City Nature has become their goal.

Driving Woodrow to Dark Raven City was to take advantage of Woodrow’s hand to consume the power of the rapids Legion and to fight for their aggression. Unfortunately, Lang Ning’s military sense of smell was extremely sensitive. When he heard the ride and reported that Woodrow’s army had fled into the territory of Dark Raven City, he immediately found out that something was wrong and sprinkled a large number of cavalry. The entire border line was fully investigated, and one of the cavalry found some strange traces. Then Guevera personally shot and found the hidden position of the Beitman coalition.

Based on the current grim situation, Lang Ning decided to plan a big battle. Woodrow is just a small reptile. Although his personal strength is stronger, his army is mostly recruited temporarily. There is no fighting power at all. Now Lang Ning and Woodrow Keeping a confrontational situation is just to paralyze Beitman’s coalition.

In fact, Lang Ning has no bottom in mind. Compared with the Beitman coalition, his rapids Legion is in absolute disadvantage in terms of strength, equipment, and supplies. The only combat power is a bright spot. Lang Ning is very clear that he must not fight a long-term battle. Dark Raven City was squandered by Zaganide’s scourge, and his rapids, Legion, were less and less, and would not be replenished. Beitman, who had been recuperating for a long time, had a strong ability to follow up.

What’s more, Lang Ning has a very bold plan. The Beitman coalition forces deliberately brought Woodrow in to consume his strength. Then he has to point the needle to Maimang, do his best to fight the army, and then immediately counterattack Beitman! What kind of record is achieved directly determines whether his plan can be achieved. If the coalition forces are hit hard, his counterattack will be like a hot knife through butter, and no one can stop. If the coalition forces are run away, the four City Lords rely on the city to resist. With the current capabilities of Dark Raven City, it is impossible to support a comprehensive and enduring war.

Lang Ning is not optimistic about Dark Raven City. At least for a short time, Zaganide relies entirely on the caveman to support the army. But this race is very strange. They can become the lowest slave in the abyss, but they don’t want to be riding on their heads. Lang Ning has put forward a generous policy, or threatened with death. They have only one answer and never cooperate.

Two weeks after Lei Zhe left, Lang Ning, who managed to negotiate with the caveman, finally lost patience and ordered a massacre. The massacre involved the entire province, where the rapids of the Legion iron hoof, the caveman blood flowing into a river! More than 400 villages and towns with caveman people in the province have all become ruins. Lei Zhe’s father Conrad Knight has painstakingly built the reputation of the rapids Legion, and the outside has already called the rapids Legion “blood.” Stream Legion ‘has gone.

There are many generals in the army who oppose it, but Lang Ning’s attitude is extremely firm. He said that no army can survive in the environment of internal and external troubles. Since foreigners cannot solve it temporarily, they must concentrate on solving internal problems first.

Later, Lang Ning sent another person to recruit the displaced people. The conditions were very rich, and the land of their permanent surnames was given free of charge. All taxes were exempted within a certain period of time, as long as they were willing to work hard.

Zaganide and Dismark have been fighting for years. The number of refugees is getting bigger and bigger like snowballing. It is natural to flock to meet the conditions of Langing. However, it is impossible for Langing to rely on the refugees to support the army. On the contrary, he still wants Take out a lot of things to support the refugees first. Now it is winter. Do you see the people and everyone crying and starving? To put it bluntly, Lang Ning is sitting on the mountain and relying on the accumulated military resources of Zaganide.

Now Lang Ning, like a person who climbs the edge of a cliff with both hands, he wants to go up, but his body is too heavy, no need to move even a little bit, he needs someone to push him behind his back!

When I think about it, Lang Ning can only put hope on Han Jin. After all, the previous experience proves that they have a common language and can understand each other.

In order to fully attack the Beitman coalition, Lang Ning needs a large amount of military money. Looking at the numbers listed on the list, Han Jin has a feeling of scalp tingling.

When Sunier went to buy Magic Crystal, Sunier said that at least needd hundreds of gold coins, Han Jin was shocked. Now look… is that a fart? !

The first item on the list is one hundred and twenty Magic Crystal guns. Lang Ning explained it very clearly. Whether it is ambush, or squatting in the sky, terrain, or confrontation, the battle must be done by people. The best strategy is to seize the strategic advantage. Only one hundred or more Magic Crystal guns can smash the Beitman coalition’s defense line in an instant, laying the foundation for the all-out coalition, and greatly reducing the casualty rate of the rapids Legion.

Han Jin remembers very clearly that when Beitman seized the four Magic Crystal guns, some people shouted riches. This is a whole hundred and twenty Magic Crystal guns! It is also best in the near future… Even if an old hen wants to lay a hundred and twenty eggs, it still takes a few months!

Looking down, Lang Ning actually imagined the situation after the Magic Crystal gun was in place… The number of Magician is seriously insufficient, so he hopes that Han Jin can recruit more than 400 magicians of Magician in the city of Dallas, and four hundred are only the bottom line. If you don’t go online, the meaning of Lang Ning’s words is very clear. The more Magician, the better.

Further down, it is the problem of Magic Crystal. The four Magic Crystal guns need to be equipped with a large number of Magic Crystals. The Magic Crystal required by 120 is an astronomical number, and those Magics that Lang Ning seized in Dark Raven City Crystal is not enough.

In contrast, the requirements of the armor, weapons, etc. in the back are not worth mentioning.

Fortunately, Han Jin’s spirit is very tenacious, and fortunately, Lang Ning also wrote it later. After a few days, his soldiers will take away all the gold coins from Dark Raven City and head to the city of Lonely, but Lang Ning also said frankly. The gold coins he prepared should not be enough. I hope that Han Jin can help him think about it, but it is not enough to look at Lang Ning’s sincere and even pleading tone.

Han Jin put the list on the table with a stiff motion, not saying a word.

“It’s all about you,” Guevera sighed.

“Stop, I didn’t say I can do it!” Han Jin is really anxious. How many millions of these things need to be added together? Still tens of millions? ? The money he has now is added together, but it is a few hundred gold coins. The dragon crystal and the dragon scale in the space ring are worth some money, but it is still not enough to sell them all.

“These scorpions, Lang Ning is so anxious that his hair is white.” Guevera is sighed again.

“I don’t want to help, but I can’t help.” Han Jin said: “Don’t say it is me, even the Crown of the Holy Crown City, famous for being rich, let him take out so many things at once, he can take Did you get it?!” After that, Han Jin turned and left. This matter has not been discussed, he really can’t get it! What’s more, when the many Magic Crystals were seized, the generals of the rapids Legion used Magic Crystal as the possession of Legion. They did not share their meanings and regarded him Han Jin as an outsider. This has always made him very uncomfortable.

“In Lang Ning’s heart, I have already regarded you as the lord who can be loyal. Now that you have difficulties, don’t look for you… Who are you looking for?” Guevera indifferently said.

Han Jin was there, when he was in contact, he was faintly aware of it. I don’t know why, between him and Lei Zhe, Guevera appreciated him very much and even revealed the potential to support him. Lang Ning is almost the same. There is nothing to come to him often, but rarely to see Lei Zhe. However, no one has ever talked about this matter. He and Lei Zhe are friends, and there is a taste of power-taking that is too hurtful.

“Lang Ning is a real talent, but in other respects, he is a bit clumsy. The most valuable thing is that he knows what he can do and can’t do. If I change to you, if I am younger, then I will be young. In the year, I will never give up such a trustworthy general.” Guevera stared at Han Jin: “Do you really want to give up?”

“This is not a matter of giving up and not giving up…” Han Jin said with a bitter smile.

“Lang Ning’s plan is very bold. If you can really get the Beitman coalition, the whole Beitman is yours. What do you think of this thing?! Even if it is borrowed, we have to prepare for Langing’s needs!” Guevera Slowly said.

“Let? You are really light.” Han Jin smiled bitterly: “Where can I borrow? Who can lend me?”

“I speaks correctly us.” Guevera laughed: “Why do you think I am here?”

“what do you mean……”

“I am a friend with Chamber of Commerce’s Chamber of Commerce, Harman.” Guevera whispered: “I will find him tomorrow to think of a solution, but… I haven’t seen it for 20 years. I am now a no one. According to the old Codger, people can’t recognize me. This friend is hard to say.”

“Can the Chamber of Commerce in the city of Lone City come up with these things?”

“Of course.” Guevera said in a playful tone: “Who lives in this troubled world, who has no self-protected method? Do you think that if an army runs over, you can occupy the cliff city? More than 100 Magic Crystal cannon…hehe, Chamber of Commerce in the city of Lonely City. The secret hoarding of military capital is far more than this number. How many years have passed since the establishment of the city of Lonely?!”

“Since… since you have a solution, what does Langing write to me to do? Deliberately scare me?” Han Jin said with a bitter smile.

“What do I mean with Lang Ning, you should know that if you open it, it will be boring.” Guevera whispered: “The generals of the rapids Legion all agree with Langing’s plan, they want to call back Beitman, but, Without a large amount of military capital, it is not easy for them to defeat the coalition forces. It is impossible to talk about the whole issue. Only you can solve this problem.”

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