Han Jin just jumped out of the carriage, and Steelberg flew over. His eyes were a little red, his lips trembled, and he was obviously excited. Apart from the identity of the two servants, Steelberg paid far more than Han Jin paid. Since he started recording, the surrounding environment, including his parents, was instilling a thought into him. It was born for Han Jin, and died for Han Jin, so Steelberg never had any ideals. The biggest wish was to be appreciated by Han Jin.

In a blink of an eye, it has been separated for a few months. After Han Jin left Steelberg, everything is normal. How to live, how can I live, but Steelberg can’t do it. He hasn’t left Han Jin, even if two people fall into the most miserable situation. It was also suffering and dependent, and for a few weeks, he could barely control himself. It took a long time to be restless, and Guevera could leave Dark Raven City on the one hand because Lang Ning was in trouble. It is also because I can’t stand Steelberg’s endless embarrassment.

“Young Master…” Steelberg called out two words, but I didn’t know what to say.

Han Jin was very happy, pats Steelberg’s shoulders and then turned to Guevera: “Is your body okay?”

“Thanks to you, my spirit is getting better and better.” Guevera said with a smile.

“Young Master, I take care of him every day with the magic you taught me, how can he be bad?” Steelberg called.

“You don’t have to show your strength.” Guevera shook the head: “If Zaganide had you these two years, I guess I have already surrendered.”

“I…” Steelberg’s face turned red. Guevera didn’t use a similar word to ridicule him. If there were only two people, he would finish his smile, because he knew his identity, but was sarcastically in front of Han Jin. Make him very uncomfortable.

Just then, there was a shouted sound outside: “Give me away! I see which guy dares to go to the home of the old man to mess up! Grandma’s… I don’t call you…”

The words have not been finished, the crowd has been let go, Moxinke is seeing Guevera at a glance, stunned, turned and left, and then felt that it was too inappropriate to go so far, after all, months have not seen, people are still elders, had to Slowly turned around, showing a smile.

“Well, kid, a few months down, temper is long?” Guevera faintly smiled and said.

“Where do I know that you are an old man.” Moxinke accompanied with said with a smile.

“Raphael, this is…” Yalina couldn’t help it.

Han Jin looked at Guevera and saw the indifferent expression of Guevera’s face. He knew that Guevera gave his decision to himself. After thinking about it, these days have been bearing the name of the ‘slayer of dragons,’ but my heart is not at all. None, Guevera’s arrival has made him a lot more practical, Han Jin said with a smile: “This is Guevera.”

“Dragon Knight Guevera?!” Gail’s manager was moved.

“You are…” Guevera asked softly.

“My name is Gael and I have been working for Solomon.” Gail, the chief of the team bent slightly.

“Dark left hand?!” Guevera burst into the light.

“hehe…you were joking with me when you were young, and nicknamed me indiscriminately, I didn’t expect it to pass to your ears.” Gael’s director said with a smile.

“Hello.” Yalina walked to the gate of Gail and gave Christa a courtesy.

“This is… Solomon’s daughter?” Guevera saw Yalina’s position slightly over the Gaelic master, and she already had a number.


Guevera looked at Yalina up and down, because she had been premeditated to join the battle. Yalina had already taken out her magic wand, and the color of the face had not faded, giving people a sense of arrogance, plus a human world. The stunning appearance is particularly eye-catching, and even Guevera can’t help but look at it.

“Solomon has a good daughter.” Guevera sighed, not knowing what he thought of, and his eyes flashed a deep sadness.

The surrounding mercenaries look at each other in dismay. For them, the name Guevera is not unfamiliar. Twenty years ago, Guevera was a smashing, invincible general who beat the Crown of Holy Crown City, Dismark. Retracted to the old nest, dare not show up, made a few years of turtles, and even if you don’t know Guevera, you should always know the meaning of the words ‘Dragon Knight’.

Also, the Gaelic director who confronted Guevera is certainly not simple, because Guevera used honorific words for him.

Accurately speaking, the city of Lonely Cliff is a paradise for ordinary senior professionals. If the strength reaches the top level or higher, in general, it will not stay in the city of Lonely, and the benefits gained in the game of the world are far more than done. Mission, and the feeling of mastering countless people’s Life and Death, is not a few Top Grade Magic Crystal can be based on equal terms.

The emergence of a Han Jin has become the focus of the whole city. Now, several major powerhouses are brought together. This is a grand event that has never been seen in the city!

“Raphael, you see this…” Juventus came over with a wry smile.

“I will introduce you to you.” Han Jin turned and said: “This is the president of the mercenary guild, Juventus.”

“It is the vice president.” Juventus hurried.

Han Jin smiled and then pulled Winston: “This is my good friend, Winston, this is Saxon, this is Paul, this is Judy, they are all members of the Reaper Mercenary Squad.”

Everyone greeted Guevera. Guevera is not a person who likes to put on the shelf, and Han Jin is eager to introduce him. Even if he doesn’t give face to others, he always takes care of Han Jin’s face, so his attitude is very harmonious.

“Let’s find a place to talk about, it’s not convenient.” Han Jin looked around: “Winston, still come back to you.”

“Good.” Winston immediately said: “This way, I and Saxon will go back and prepare.” He also gave Han Jin a look.

Han Jin didn’t know what Winston was doing, but Winston had already said that he would prepare for it. Of course, the time he had to prepare for him was just behind Hilna’s home, and the entire group went in.

The mercenaries of the mercenary guild rushed into the room, but it was too late to clean up, only to sacrifice their sleeves, sweeping the dust on the table and chairs.

Hilna’s home is not big. There are only five chairs in the living room for guests. Han Jin, Guevera, Yalina, Gael and Evans each have no place to sit in Sunier. They have to stand on the side of Han Jin. The other side is naturally Steelberg. His expression is a bit weird. From time to time, he looks at Sunier. He should be here because he is the servant of Han Jin. What is Sunier?

Guevera also found anomalies. His eyes were always faintly discernable and turned around in Han Jin and Sunier. Sunier’s face was slightly red, speaking of which her relationship with Guevera was the weirdest. It was originally a covenant. And now? Now she doesn’t know how to describe it.

The first thing that everyone talked about was the cause of the conflict. After Guevera and Steelberg came in, the mercenaries of the mercenary guild immediately rushed in. Their tone was very unfriendly, and Guevera certainly would not endure the contempt of others. Hands-on lessons learned that the mercenaries were stopped. When the mercenaries fled, they told Guevera to wait, then Evans and Winston were angry, and then Han Jin came.

This is not a problem, Juventus has repeatedly apologized, Guevera will not pursue anyone, the atmosphere is getting more and more harmonious.

As the saying goes, ginger is old and spicy. Young people like Yalina, if they are very disgusted, will have more or less traces on their faces, but Guevera and Gael can’t make low-level mistakes. Moreover, because of the karma here, they are likely to become friends. Of course, we must try to make the atmosphere harmonious, at least not to provoke each other.

After talking for a long while, Saxon finally ran over, please Han Jin, they used to dine.

Although I knew what Winston had done, Han Jin didn’t expect that Winston’s preparations were so big. Far from seeing the reaper’s mercenary squad’s station, the snow at the street has been cleaned up. At the mouth of Earth Sect, about seventeen or eight girls are arranged in a row, waiting quietly. .

Going to the front, Han Jin recognized them, those are the slaves brought by the Cold Shadow City Magician!

After the Magician surrender in the Cold Shadow City, how to deal with these slaves, the mercenary line will have two kinds of voices, one is to sell, the other is to restore their freedom. There are some truths about the two sounds. Han Jin’s current debts have not been replenished. Of course, the mercenary guild can’t care about that. They guess that Han Jin needs a lot of Magic Crystal, so they decided to put all the slaves. When I changed to Magic Crystal, they bought it and handed Magic Crystal to Han Jin. They thought that Han Jin would be very happy. The latter’s eyes will be longer, and anyway, they have offended the cold shadow city, let these slaves return to freedom, will become their help, the hatred of destroying the country, and the shame that they bear, can not easily be forgotten.

However, the mercenary guild has only the right to make a proposal in this matter, and there is no decision, because Hogan is surrendering to Han Jin. Han Jin can save Cessacioun halfway, hand over things to Winston to deal with, then go back to the retreat, never said what to do. The mercenary guild has no choice but to pack more than 20 large hotels and place the slaves inside. Thousands of slaves are not a small amount to eat and drink, but they are also sent to guard, but this is also their life. High-minded place. I don’t say, I only do it. When you understand it, you have already owed me too much. Even if you can’t be a comrade, you can’t ruthlessly face it. Of course, the mercenary guilds dare to pay the cost because they have carefully observed Han Jin’s actions and attitudes toward friends, thus inferring Han Jin’s preferences and surnames. They believe that their efforts will not No return.

As a full-fledged ‘agent’, Winston can of course send a slave at will. Otherwise, he just wants to set up a field and can’t find the many people available.

“Here is where you live?” Guevera was a bit stunned. He was watching the beautiful girls, and the fire red blanket from the hall to the street.

“I don’t know.” Han Jin said with a bitter smile: “I can’t recognize it anyway.”

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