“Do you still think that Dismark can protect you?” Han Jin said with a cold laugh.

In fact, Han Jin was also a bit suspicious. Looking at Cromwell’s expression, Mrs. Fanny should be a very close person to Dismark, but in his impression, there was no contact with such a lady. It should be another. There is a hidden feeling.

Cromwell suddenly giggled, laughing out of breath, and asked for a long while: “Do you think… can you protect yourself?”

“So far, I am still you did good.” Han Jin indifferently said.

“Yeah, until now…” Cromwell’s voice suddenly went down, and the whole person slowly shrank into a ball, and finally distorted on the ground.

Lei Zhe rushed up and reached out to explore Cromwell’s breath, and posted it on Cronwell’s chest for a moment: “He…he is dead!”

Gibran couldn’t help but frown, went forward and checked for a long time, and finally had to accept the fact that Cromwell was really dead, but the death of this guy was a bit confusing.

Han Jin’s eyes flickered and suddenly said, “Let’s go out first.”

Yalina glimpsed, she faintly guessed something, just wanted to speak, and suddenly reacted to be surrounded by people, can only swallow the words they want to say.

Gibran shrugged, in fact, he really wants to know what Han Jin is going to do, but Han Jin does not say, of course, there are reasons for himself, and he is not good enough to ask.

For a moment, the people in the room retired, Han Jin whispered a whisper, a talisman formed in the air, and then turned into countless stars to the square, attached to the wall, ceiling and ground, but unfortunately it is daytime The sun is too strong. If it is changed to night, the countless starlight must be very beautiful.

“Dismark has been fighting at Zaganide. Although he played very hard, he also learned a lot, isn’t it?” Han Jin said with a faint smile.

There is no one in the house. Only Han Jin is talking to himself. This scene is a bit strange.

“Become this status, it feels good? No one can see you, you can go through all obstacles, even drill to Earth Abyss, but… why didn’t you just escape?”

Han Jin’s bell barely fell, the star point on the left wall suddenly burst open, in the faint rays of light, it seems that there is a shadow flashing, then the ceiling, the floor, and the walls and hall doors are broken. At the mouth, a path of stars exploded one after another. After a long time, the house was restored to calm.

“Give up? Now I am sure that I am talking to you?” Han Jin smiled a little: “I am curious, the person who is holding magic in your body, what is it like you are now?”

“Soul? I have seen Nether Soul, but the soul of yours, I saw it for the first time… What is the biggest difference between the soul and the Nether Soul? Hehe, indeed, you don’t know at all, but what… In my hometown, we call you something like ‘ghost’, and I happen to be a ghost master. If you are still a Swordsman, I have to deal with you to make some effort, but you have become a ghost in front of me… Cromwell, your luck is really bad.”

“No, no, I didn’t panic. The first time I said was only the first time now, not the first time in the past. In the past, I used to deal with such things almost every day.”

“In the past… this question is too complicated, and you are unclear. And, don’t you think you have too many problems?” Han Jin laughed: “Now, I will introduce you to a friend who is very similar to you.” Let’s go.”

The voice has not fallen, Han Jin has already had a red crystal ball in his hand. In the crystal ball, a small and delicate skeleton suddenly hits the ball wall. A pair of black holes flashing red light stare in one direction, the arm The bones are waving wildly, as if they are going out from the inside.

The short silence disappeared, and there was a faintly discernable squeak in the house, and countless stars exploded.

“Useless, forgot what I said? I am a ghost master. If you can’t even subdue such a thing, what kind of master is it?” Han Jin smashed the crystal ball: “Is not eternal life?” This is not a lie to you. It is certainly impossible to live forever. But there should be no problem for thousands of years. However, you can’t attract the attention of people like me, and you can’t appear in front of us. You are too careless. “”

“hehe… now begging for mercy, don’t you think it’s too late?” Han Jin smiled, then threw the crystal ball out, low shouted: “Receive!”

Another faintly discernable roar, the crystal ball turned a little half a turn in the air, back to Han Jin’s hand, and the crystal ball had a misty little air mass, the small and exquisite skeleton like a poisonous snake straight to the air mass Pounced over.

“en? !” Han Jin frowned slightly.

The small and exquisite skeleton is still there, and it can be clearly seen from the outside. The skeleton keeps shaking, and the two red glows in the eyelids are getting brighter and brighter.

“You can’t touch this thing, I keep it useful.” Han Jin thought about it, taking two talisman out of the space ring. As the talisman dissipated, ten Nether Soul appeared out of thin air.

Han Jin once again took out Devouring Soul Bead and took all ten Nether Souls in. This time, the small skeleton was no longer polite, tearing a nearest Nether Soul into pieces with extremely fierce action. Big mouth swallowed.

Han Jin took Devouring Soul Bead back into the space ring. His mood became very good. Since he saw the magic book written by the madman, he always felt that there should be a match between Taoism and magic, but that What is the point, he is not clear. Maybe, find that point and find the discovery element of the eighth element, perhaps, he will open the door of a mysterious World!

Using the five ghosts to carry out the summon, it turned out to be a specific shape of the Nether Soul, and the Magician under Dismark can create a real ‘ghost’, which is too funny, but also a comprehension insult! So Han Jin not at all is rushing to get rid of Cromwell. He needs to know the secret of Magician. If he has enough strength, he will also grab the Magician and control it in his own hands. He believes that the other person can Give him an inspiration.

Han Jin turned and walked out. He was a little careless. He stepped on the leg of a corpse, walked out two steps, thought about something, turned and walked back again, and the toes once again smashed on the leg of the corpse. Moved a bit, then, there was a low embarrassment.

“You are not dead yet?” Han Jin bent down.

Donse lay there motionless, although no one had attacked him from beginning to end, but his blood was not less than the dead.

“Get up, don’t pretend.” Han Jin said with a smile, he is very happy now, because it digests the good news that Cromwell brought to him, which does not mean that he will spare Donse.

Donsey is still motionless, but some things are not controlled by the will, for example, cold sweat from the forehead, trembling at the fingertips, and so on.

“Listen to Cessacioun, are you not very prestige at that time? What happened now?” The smile on Han Jin’s face turned cold: “You kind of person, don’t say kill one, even if you kill 10,000, I won’t be soft.” !”

After that, a small flame fluttered from Han Jin’s palm and fell on Tang’s chest.

Donsey was reluctant to endure for a few seconds, suddenly screaming and screaming, and the whole person jumped like an electric shock.

The people outside heard the screams and rushed into the hall. They saw Tang’s desperately beating there, and they used their hands to beat the flames. But the flames were very weird, as if they had a sticky name. Going to shoot, the flame sticks to his hand, rubbing it with his arm, and the flame sticks to his arm. Soon, his upper body has been shrouded in a burning flame.

Ah… Tang’s screams are getting more and more fierce. Like a flies that are only headless, they are rushing around. Unfortunately, he is rushing to Han Jin, Han Jin flies up and kicks Down. On the ground, if you switch to someone else, you don’t really dare to attack Donce, because the blazing flame is really terrifying.

Donsey was desperately rolling on the ground. Suddenly, two arms that had been severely carbonized were out of his body, one hit the ceiling and one was flying to Lei Zhe.

Lei Zhe hurried down to a short stature, and the arm flew over him, hitting the wall, numerous sparks slamming around, his arms breaking into pieces, but each piece continued to burn. Lei Zhe was shocked by a cold sweat, while secretly cursing Tang Sai, who was dying and dying, while avoiding the distance.

The faint screams came to an abrupt end, but the flames were not at all, they were burning, and the time was not long. The body of Tangsei had turned into a cluster of ashes, leaving only two legs, even flying. The arms that went out were also turned into flying ash and scattered in the air.

“Raphael, you can see if she can’t save…” Cessacioun reached for a moment at the tip of the old man’s nose and looked up towards Han Jin.

Han Jin shook his head and didn’t have to look at it. The old man’s skull was opened and even revealed the brain inside. This kind of injury was not saved by him.

“Oh…” Cessacioun sighed, his eyes turned to the girl.

This time without Cessacioun talking, Han Jin walked over and stooped to grab the girl’s wrist and listened for a moment. The way he treats people is very weird. At least the people here can’t understand it, but Sunier and the others have long been accustomed to it.

For a moment, Han Jin picked up the girl’s head again and gently pulled open the eyelids that looked like a closed eye. She looked at it seriously: “Nothing, just frightened, and… find a quiet place for her, raise A scorpion will be restored.”

“Really recover?” Cessacioun asked.

Han Jin paused: “This… it depends on herself.”

“Raphael, take her to us,” Cessacioun said in a negotiating tone.

Han Jin looked up at Sunier and the others’ faces. In addition to the Lei Zhe indifferent expression, Sunier and Moxinke clearly favored Cessacioun’s suggestion. He nodded: “Alright.”

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