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“Invited by the Dean?”

Ren felt a little doubt in his heart.

It has been more than a week since the Wizards of Wezeland arrived at Blueworth Academy. As one of the three giants of the empire, Dean Sabra naturally did not dare to neglect. He sent someone to invite the meeting the night he arrived. The team was Speaker Ronnie, and he did not participate.

Furthermore, Teacher had ventilated with Dean Sabra in advance. There is no need to meet with him in private, so as not to make Wizard Nether suspicious.

He glanced at the Teacher from Blue Watts calmly.

The Eye of Soul confirmed that the other party was one of the wizards who were responsible for serving the people of Wezeland these days, and was not disguised by others, nor did he lie.

“Your Excellency,” the teacher replied: “The dean is already waiting in the office.”

“Okay, please lead the way.”

This is the Blueworth Academy. There are arrays or force fields everywhere. As a guest, you can鈥檛 send it at will. It鈥檚 the most basic courtesy.

Ren followed the Academy’s Teacher to leave the residence.

Walking on the beautiful stone road under the shade of the trees, he tentatively asked: “Donis, there are other guests in Dean Sabra’s office?”

With a flattered expression on Donis’s face, Ren actually knew his name.

He quickly replied: “Yes, sir.”

“Can you tell me who it is?” Ren asked.

Donis hesitated for a moment, thinking that Ren would see him soon anyway, there was nothing to hide, so he whispered: “Half an hour ago, Bigby master came to visit the dean.”

“Thank you.” Ren slightly nodded and did not ask any more.

Master Bigby, this name is no stranger to him, it can be described as like thunder piercing the ear.

Actually, the Empire hardly finds a wizard who has never heard of Bigby鈥檚 master, and he is well-known outside the Empire.

This famous wizard was originally a wandering wizard. In an adventure, he met master Tim Kenan. Later he joined Floating Void City, but he did not become a student of Tim Kenan. The two were both teacher and The relationship of friend is very high in Floating Void City, and it can be called under one person.

Master Bigby is extremely powerful. It was Level 9 Arcanist two hundred years ago, and it is also one of the Legendary peaks that the Empire has the most hope to hit the Holy Spirit Wizard.

However, what makes Bigby鈥檚 master famous is that he invented a series of spells.

Flannis鈥?wizards followed the expertise of Master Tim Kenan. After being promoted to Legendary, they liked to invent spell, and they valued their achievements extremely.

The Floating Void City of the Big Three of the Empire has a high-level decision-making group.

Wizeland is the “six-member council”, Nether is the “Elder regiment”, and Flanis is an organization called the “Eight Leaves”.

The members of Baye are fixed at eight.

Flannis鈥?wizards want to enter the eight leaves, not by the wizard鈥檚 level, nor on the level of strength, but on the achievements of the invention of spell. The current Baye members, everyone has a spell named after him, five Legendary high-level, three Legendary middle-level.

Master Bigby is one of them, and the most famous wizard.

The series of spells he invented are all Arcane, which is related to the “hand”, such as the “Bigby body protection palm” of the five rings. The force field is formed by Soul Power. The shape is a huge palm that can block Protect yourself in front of you, and you can also push to attack the enemy.

There are also the “Bigby High-Five” in the sixth ring, and the “Bigby Grab” in the seventh ring. All the way up, the formidable power is getting stronger and stronger.

The Palm Spell of the Bigby series is very easy to use. It combines continuous attack, protection, control and interference. The formidable power is powerful and the effect is outstanding. After in-depth study and mastering, it can make a fragile wizard possess extremely powerful The melee ability, without delaying long-range spellcasting, is very popular among wizards, making the Bigby master famous.

Raistlin mastered the palm spell of this series.

However, Ren guessed that the Bigby master was not going to compete with himself on spells, but was related to the upcoming duel.

Floating Void City was established by master Tim Kenan. This holy soul wizard has his own set of spellcasting concepts, called Balance School.

The casting philosophy of the balance school is to master the right amount of spell and increase the right amount of power, neither learn too much spell, nor too little, choose some spells to increase the corresponding number of rings, and maintain the balance between spell and power Balance, adapt to changes, and use the most suitable spell at the most appropriate time.

In short, everything must be balanced.

This is not only the casting philosophy, but also the life philosophy of Master Tim Kenan.

Everything in the world, whether it is the main material realm and many planes, Heaven Realm and the abyss, civilization and country, and even good gods and Evil God, must maintain a great balance.

This is not a simple philosophical theory. It is very detailed and complicated. It is the ultimate ideal drawn by master Tim Kenan in hundreds of years of magic research. He regards maintaining the great balance of everything in the world as his own duty of.

The most intuitive embodiment is to maintain the balance between Netherite and Morduism.

Master Tim Kenan vacillates between the two factions, ensuring that one faction will not be overpowered and will eventually completely control the entire empire.

For the past hundreds of years, Nether Floating Void City has prevailed in the empire as a whole.

Therefore, Flannes and Wezeland are closer, and most of the time, the two sides will unite against Nether Floating Void City.

However, as Wezeland’s strength has risen and improved, in recent years, Flannes has begun to fall away again, often stumbling on Wezeland, such as resolutely not cooperating in solving the problem of huge debts.

A few years ago, the Undead Scourge caused heavy casualties, and Flanis began to approach again.

Netherlands or Wezeland, will never regard Flaannis as a true ally.

Ren has always been blind to this kind of shit-chucking stick that repeatedly jumps horizontally.

However, Master Tim Kenan’s strength is really too strong. He was promoted to the Holy Soul Wizard nearly 300 years earlier than Teacher.

According to Teacher, Master Tim Kenan has already exceeded level 30, maybe several levels higher than him!

Master Bigby, who is under one person in Flannes, is naturally a fan of the balance theory. Unexpectedly, he visited Dean Sabra to intervene in the duel between himself and Kuitu. .

Netherland and Wezeland want to strive for high and low. Flannes, who are also the three giants of the empire, must not be a spectator and must show their existence.

But this time, where will Flannes stand?

Ren thought about it and followed Donis to walk in the Academy. He suddenly noticed that there were more and more people around him. They were all students in the Academy. There were Transcenders and young students who were still ordinary persons.

They stopped and cast their gazes, their faces full of surprise and curiosity.

“Look at it.”

“That’s Speaker Ren!”

“Goddess is here, really Glamorgan Earl!” The students cried out in exclamation, stopping to watch as if they found rare treasure, and when Ren walked over and chased him up, a large group of people gathered soon behind him. Then it attracted more people to watch.

“Gosh, I have never seen such a handsome man…”

Ren couldn’t help feeling a little proud when he heard the whispers of some female students. He moved towards the group of girls and showed a smile, and they almost fainted with excitement.

Finally, there is a sixteen-seventeen-year-old red-haired boy who dared to come forward and said nervously: “Lei, Speaker Ren, you are my most admired hero, and my dream is to be able to be with you in the future. A great wizard, can you sign me?”

He handed over a magic notebook and pen, his face full of expectation.


Ren gladly took the magic note and flipped through it. There were a lot of content written on it. Although they were all relatively simple, it also showed the other party’s hard work.

“What’s your name?” he asked with a smile.

“Ron.” The boy flushed with excitement, and repeated loudly: “My name is Ron, which is similar to the spelling of an adult’s name.”

Ren nodded, write “May Ron never stop on the path of magic” on the title page of the note, and then sign his name “Ren *Augustus”.


He returned the magic note and pen to each other, and Soul Eye observed by the way. He was surprised to find that this young innate talent named Ron was quite good. He would definitely be able to successfully perform the soul change ceremony, and there is a high probability. Become a wizard.

“Thank you!” Ron cautiously collected the notes, “Thank you, Your Excellency.”


white light flashed, accompanied by the sound of pressing the shutter.

A student took out the camera he carried and took this scene, then yelled: “Speaker Ren, can I take a photo with you?”

Other students also scrambled to surround themselves, “Speaker Ren, can you also sign me?”

“I want to take a photo with Speaker Ren.”

“Speaker Ren, I am the wizard genius, who is rare in a century, please accept it as my student!”

“Ah…Ren, I love you!”

A girl screamed, drew people’s attention, the scene became extremely chaotic, and the spacious road was crowded with disabled to move a single step.

Donis, who had never seen this formation, was taken aback, but he reacted very quickly, and instantly opened a protective field to block the students, and scolded loudly: “Speaker Ren has something to do. You can鈥檛 delay time. , Everyone leaves.”

But the students are too enthusiastic, and they are not reconciled to leave like this.

“Your Excellency, let’s send it over.”

After getting Ren’s consent, Dunis opened an arbitrary door and asked Ren to go in first.

The two appeared in a corridor in the tallest wizard tower in the middle of Blueworth. The floor was covered with thick and soft blankets, bright crystal lamps above their heads, and delicate paintings hung on the walls on both sides. This is the portrait of previous deans.

Donis knocked on the door at the end of the corridor.

A gentle and magnetic male voice came out: “Please come in.”

Then the door opens automatically.

Donis bent over and made a please gesture, Ren walked in, and at first glance he saw a man leaning against his desk.

He looks less than 30 years old, of medium build, about 1.8 metres, neither fat nor thin, wearing custom-fitting simple casual clothes, hands in pockets, very relaxed posture, handsome face with a touch of light Smile.

The fly in the ointment is that his two foreheads are a bit high, and there seems to be signs of hair loss.

However, this did not affect his extraordinary charm. There are short beards on both sides of his cheeks and chin, trimmed neat and tidy, and he is obviously well taken care of.

The blue-gray eyes contain calmness and wisdom, as if they will never get angry, making people unconsciously want to get close to him.

Ren’s heart is slightly startled, this handsome gentleman is Dean Sabra.

The eye of the soul saw a layer of haziness, like looking at a flower in the mist, only vaguely seeing a vast soul in the form of a soul gathering tower.

He has been promoted to Holy Soul Wizard!

Ren bowed and said: “I have seen Dean Sabra.”

Sabra stood up straight to show respect, said with a slight smile: “Ren, I haven’t heard your name less in the past few years. I know that you are very strong, but didn’t expect you. I am so handsome, even I am a little envious, haha……”

Ren can’t help being a little surprised.

“Just kidding.” Sabra walked over to Patted Ren’s shoulder, without the predecessor and the holy spirit wizard at all. He pointed to the other person in the room and said: “I will introduce you to this one from The Bigbye master of Frannis.”

Ren has seen each other a long time ago.

This is a thin middle-aged wizard. His appearance is about fifty years old. He has brown hair and brown eyes. His eyes are a bit sloppy, his skin is pale, and he is sick and haggard. Like a gust of wind can take him. Blow down.

However, the eyes of the soul see through the truth.

This kind of weakness is just a false appearance. The opponent’s soul is extremely powerful. The tenth Level 9 Arcanist peak has already integrated a nine-ring spell. If you merge two more, you can be promoted to the holy soul.

“Master Bigby, I have been admired for a long time.” Ren greeted neither humble nor humble.

“Speaker Ren.”

Bigby nodded responded, still sitting on the sofa without getting up, looking a little cold. In fact, he has been observing since Ren walked in, with a curious look in his eyes.

“Okay, Ren, sit down.” Sabra waved his hand, and the teapot on the table flew up to pour a cup of hot tea, hung lightly in front of Ren, and said, “I am not asking you to come here today. , But Bigby鈥檚 meaning. Do I need to leave?”

He looked towards Bigby and asked.

“No need.” Bigby said without any greetings, straight to the point: “Speaker Ren, I have heard of your duel with Kuitu.”

Ren listened quietly, without any response.

“After discussing with Baye, we believe that the impact of this duel has exceeded the original scope, triggering a larger-scale struggle, and it is very likely to break the balance of the empire. This is a result that Flaranes does not want to see. “Bigby said in the tone of as it should be by rights.

Ren really wants to vomit. The conflict between Wezeland and Netherland is what’s up with you Flanis?

But in this world, it always makes sense to have a big fist. Behind Franis is Master Tim Kenan. They don’t need a reason to intervene in something.

This is why Flaranis is not trusted.

Their balance view is completely self-centered, arbitrary and arbitrary, free to prove, and the hat of disrupting balance is buckled down, and it does not give people a chance to justify.

If it weren’t for the master Tim Kenan, this group of shit sticks would have been eliminated.

However, Flaannis’ insight is very keen.

Although they intervened in the duel out of the balance of the idea and didn’t really guess their intentions, outsiders may see it more clearly, and it’s also considered a beating.

“Frannis mean?” Ren asked deliberately.

“Both sides take a step back.” Bigby said indifferently: “The duel does not need to be canceled, but it cannot be played, and it cannot be divided into birth and death. It is mainly based on the spell. In order to prevent you and Kuitu from playing True Fire, it is difficult to stop. , When the time comes, I will also go off the court as a referee and take action to protect your safety at any time.”

Ren complexion slightly changed.

Balance is not about neutrality, nor is it sitting atop a mountain to watch the tigers fight.

Obviously, Bigby said that he was a referee, but he was actually here to pull the sideline. When the time comes, he would help whoever fell into the wrong place.

Damn, a bunch of dogs and rats are arrogant!

Ren cursed secretly, “Quito agreed?”

“Yes.” A smile appeared on Bigby’s face. “Before you, I had talked with Kuitu, and he totally agreed that I would be the referee.”

“Speaker Ren, what do you think?”

Bigby is asking on the surface, but he doesn’t care if Ren agrees. Anyway, when the time comes, he will definitely enter.

Ren stared at Bigby for a few seconds, then suddenly smiled.

He doesn’t care about shrugged: “It’s just a fight of will. Since the Bigby master values 鈥嬧€媔t so much and wants to participate, let’s come.”

Without waiting for the other party’s response, Ren got up and greeted Sabrah nodded, opened an arbitrary door and teleported away.

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