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A full 1893 grid of power!

This is the highest reserve in the Soul Power pool, most of which are Demon Soul that has absorbed the Sun Viper.

The monster swallowed a large amount of divine nature and transformed it into flesh and blood, and a small amount of divine nature forced its soul to metamorphose five times, but it was unable to be promoted to the holy soul due to innate restrictions. Demon Soul is more than ten times larger than the general Legendary high-level , All cheaply transformed into electricity, about 1,500 grids.

The other part is close to 400 grids, and it comes from Shenhuo!

Ren realized when he got the sacred fire that the mutant phone could directly swallow the divine nature and convert it into electricity.

At that time, he was worried about the danger of divine nature, so he didn’t dare to absorb it randomly and forcibly stopped.

However, in just ten seconds, the power in the Soul Power pool has skyrocketed by hundreds of grids, while the divinity in the Surefire has only dropped a little!

The high energy density of the divine is truly shocking.

If you can absorb all the divine nature in the sacred fire, Ren predicts that you can fill the Soul Power pool with a capacity of two thousand cells at least three times.

But he didn’t do it, it was a waste.

This is divine!

The most precious energy in the world!

All Heavenly Gods are fighting to kill you, spread doctrines, develop believers, and have done that many things in Mortal World for countless years. Why? Isn’t it just to collect strength of Faith and transform it into divine nature, add fuelwood to the divine fire, and get more divine force!

The god of the scorching sun before death worked so hard to arrange a resurrection plan. It took more than ten thousand years to accumulate such a little divinity. This shows the difficulty of collecting divinity.

The direct absorption of divine nature and transformation into Soul Power is not enough to describe with reckless waste of natural resources.

As for the divinity that has been absorbed, there is no way.

Ren can now confirm that his mobile phone swallows God, and will erase all Spiritual God information he carries, so he can use it safely.

“So much power, how should I allocate it?” He muttered in his heart, some troubles, but happiness troubles.

In the pyramid, Raistlin also looked at the phone interface in a daze.

He glanced at the sacred fire on the floating altar.

All the time, the square pillars in the palace are collecting strength of Faith, sending them into the divine fire in the air, and assimilating them into more divinities through the original divinity of the god of the scorching sun.

When he came into contact with Shenhuo just now, he had a certain concept of the number of followers of the God of Sun.

About between 50,000 and 80,000!

Among which is included Ox Head Man of the Sunstrider tribe, less than a thousand people, they have the highest piety; then there is a group of trolls in the main material realm, these trolls are not as pious as the Sunstrider Ox Head Man, But they are numerous, occupying more than 90% of all believers, and they are the main source of strength of faith.

Raistlin is not a true god of the scorching sun, only a part of the power of the gods, so it is impossible to see the situation of the troll believers intuitively.

He could only vaguely perceive that they were several troll tribes, distributed in a primitive forest.

There are also some sporadic believers whose beliefs are already weak and sometimes absent. They are located in the corners of the main material realm and certain planes, and the exact location is temporarily unknown.

Raistlin shook his head secretly. With these tens of thousands of believers, the god of the blazing sun is almost impossible to resurrect.

In the depths of the sacred fire, the quiet source of divinity contains all the information of the god of the scorching sun. His memory, wisdom, belief and power, and the accumulated divinity is not enough to wake him up. Moreover, his priesthood has been taken away, especially the most important “scorching sun” priesthood, which now belongs to Sun God Geweng.

Sun God is the Trinity of Ge Weng, and possesses three priests of “Dawn”, “Scorching Sun” and “Twilight”, as well as many related priests such as “Light” and “Flame”.

Divine force is vast, with countless believers!

Supreme Sun Cult will be the state religion of the Ramon Empire, and more than a dozen small countries around it will serve.

Even if the God of the Scorching Sun is resurrected, it is impossible to regain the priesthood of the “Scorching Sun”. Once exposed, there is only a dead end.

His only way out is to give up the “scorching sun” and re-choose his priesthood.

The concept of priesthood is introduced in detail in the book “Road to the Conferred God”.

The priesthood is the domain of the deity. It has a dominant position in this domain, as well as related powers and divine techniques. It can be an industry, a profession, a race, a thing, or an abstract definition.

Light the sacred fire, and after successfully ordaining the gods, the gods can choose the priesthood, which is the domain of their own control.

The strength of the deity is necessarily related to the clergy not at all, and is related to the number of believers and the strength of Faith.

The gods formulate their own missionary concepts, doctrines, and codes according to their own priesthood.

The wider the field of priesthood, the greater the audience of believers, and the higher the degree of faith, the stronger the divine force of the gods.

To give a few simple examples, the “magic” priesthood must be more influential than the “warrior” priesthood; the “orc” priesthood must also have more followers than the “halfling” priesthood; the “love” priesthood, It must be easier to preach than the “crazy” priesthood.

Therefore, the deity is passionate about things in the priesthood and holds absolute authority and inviolability.

A priesthood can have two or more deities, competing with each other for believers. They are irreconcilable enemies, and one of them must fall.

The priesthood can be annexed, plundered, transferred, or split.

The field of priesthood has similar nature and attribute qualities. A certain priesthood can be a subcategory of another more powerful priesthood, which also creates hostility, allies, and subordination of the deity. The premise of annexing the priesthood is to have more divine fire .

And Shenhuo and the priesthood are not bound.

If Raistlin uses this divine fire to seal the gods, it is not that he must choose “scorching sun,” he can choose other priesthoods.

Of course, the most powerful priests, such as “magic”, “power”, “sun”, “ocean”, “war”, “earth”, “life”, etc., belong to Allenus most Powerful gods. The sub-Level 1 clergy, such as “Glory”, “Courage”, “Craft”, “Order”, etc., have long been masters, either being annexed by the most powerful gods, or the Spiritual God dominating one side.

Latecomers generally can only choose the remote and unpopular areas of the priesthood, and they are usually selected.

As a result, it is getting harder and harder for mortals to become gods.

The last successful “deceiver” Roche, whose first priesthood was “conspiracy”, has won “lie”, “murder” and “dispute” from other gods for thousands of years , All of them are not very good clergy, and tend to be negative.

Therefore, his teachings are naturally not visible, and they are regarded as Evil God by people.

Ren’s body has no idea of ​​conferring gods for the time being.

But Raistlin can.

He decided to let the main body and Avatar take a different path. Raistlin tried to enshrine the main body to explore the way, and the main body steadily fought and explored different directions.

“That’s it!”

Since you want to enshrine the gods, the 1st Step is to raise your mage level as soon as possible. After eight soul changes, the soul essence touches the rules of the world.

Raistlin opened the phone interface and started using electricity.

The body and Avatar’s mutant phones are common, and the Soul Power pool is also shared. First put in more than 40 grids of electricity, Raistlin’s mage level reached ten Fifth Level.

After a few minutes of soul ascending, continue to put in one hundred grids of electricity.

In a blink of an eye, I reached the bottleneck of the ten Fifth Level mage.

Upgrading to Level 1 will reach the advanced level of Legendary. If you change to another wizard, you may be stuck in this level for more than ten years. If the innate talent and preparation are not enough, you may even be stuck for hundreds of years.

But for Raistlin, this is not a problem at all.

As early as six months ago, he had mastered two or three seven-ring spells, including his most commonly used “mirror technique”. After putting in more than 300 grids of electricity, the mirror image technique has been upgraded to the eighth ring and mastered the first eighth ring spell.

Suddenly, this triggered the sixth soul transformation.

After a while, the soul change ended.

Raistlin was promoted to the 16th-level mage and entered the high-level Legendary, but he did not stop there, and continued to invest in Soul Power to improve his level.

Level sixteen!

Level seventeen!

Level 18!

Ten Level 9!

Within half an hour, Raistlin experienced five consecutive soul ascensions, rising to Fifth Level in one breath, reaching the Peak of ten Level 9 mages!

The long road that other wizards, wizards and sorcerers may take hundreds of years to complete, he only took less than half an hour to complete. Since ancient times, many planes of Ellen’s world have been unable to find a Transcender that can be upgraded faster than him. This is a miracle that even the gods cannot do!

Ten Level 9 mages, only one step away from the holy steps.

Raistlin exhaled a long breath gently, and the “lake of stars” in the soul expanded more than ten times. Each drop of lake water represented a huge mana, surging like a tide. When the lake recovers calm, the stars in the sky are reflected, and each star corresponds to the element rune.

Compared to ten Level 9 wizards, mastering more than fifty spells is not much.

Moreover, there is only level, and the power of spell has not kept up. Just an eight-ring mirror image technique is not enough, and the increase in strength cannot keep up with the leap of level.

“It’s time to improve spell next.”

Raistlin took a look at the Soul Power pool and there were more than 1,200 cells in the battery.

He thought for a while, first selected the “door key”, invested more than 200 squares to raise it to the seventh ring, obtained the “all-seeing eye” like the main body, and then also selected the seventh arc Arcane “Tim Kenan’s Demon Sword technique” can summon two swords of the sky.

Upgrading the door key to the eighth ring, the amount of power required has skyrocketed, exceeding 800 grids!

Raistlin reluctantly shook his head and gave up.

Next, some common spells that consume less power, “Fireball Technique”, “Prismatic Light Shield”, “Scorching Ray”, “Any Door”, “Light Spear”, “Time Shock”, “High Delirium” “Skill”, “Dead Cloud Technique”, etc., have been improved by one to two links respectively.

Impossible raises all spells to the eighth ring. First, the upper limit is not reached, and second, it is unnecessary.

Even so, the power in the Soul Power pool was a thousand miles away, and most of it was quickly consumed, leaving only over five hundred grids left. These powers are reserved for the main body to use, ready to be used to strengthen the ultimate fighters and generate more Legendary fighters.

Raistlin finally stopped.

He looked at the phone interface, ten Level 9 mages, which is far from the level 25 required for the Conferred God.

Just being promoted to the Archmage is a huge difficulty.

Upgraded holy soul wizard or archmage, that is, reaching level 20, requires the seventh soul transformation. Different spellcasters, different schools, the way of breakthrough holy steps is also different.

If you are a wizard of the Imperial Soul School, such as the All-Spirit Wizard or the Transfiguration Wizard, you must incorporate a Holy Demon Soul.

The method of battle mage is the same as that of the Yuhun school.

The magical seal school of wizards, whether it is an elementalist, Arcanist or psionicist, they are all imitating the wizard’s specialization, so the breakthrough method also follows the wizard, and needs to master the nine-ring spell, not one, but three !

The wizard must integrate the three nine-ring secret technique elements.

The mage builds three nine-ring spell models in the soul, and can also upgrade the three eight-ring spells to nine-ring spells.

Whether it is fusion of elements, or building a spell model, it is very difficult.

The success rate of this higher-order integration is very low.

The difficulty of promotion to the holy rank is several times more difficult than the previous five times of rank promotion combined. In the long history of Ellenus, countless Genius generations have been stuck in this level. There is no breakthrough until the end of lifespan.

Raistlin’s gaze scanned the icons on the phone interface.

The eight-ring spell he currently masters has only one mirroring spell, however, the progress bar under the mirroring spell icon has disappeared.

This means that the mirror image technique has only eight rings at the highest level, and cannot be used to make a breakthrough.

Then there are several seven-ring spells, Fireball Technique, door keys, prismatic shields, arbitrary doors, and spears of light. Any door has only seven rings at most, and the door keys consume too much power, so I tried Fireball. Technique and Prismatic Shield, it turns out that to upgrade them to the eighth ring, it needs more than 500 grids of electricity!

The door key and light spear consume more.

“This is only from the seventh ring to the eighth ring. If it is raised to the ninth ring, the power required is estimated to be more than doubled.” Raistlin sighed.

Sure enough, it is difficult to promote to the Archmage.

But it’s just hard, not hopeless.

Raistlin thought of the countless monsters in the vast desert outside, as well as mantids, desert trolls, and sandworms, their souls waiting to be harvested by themselves.

The entire plane of the setting sun is its own hunting ground!

Raistlin calculated for a while, sat down on the altar, and began to meditate. A few hours later, his eyes opened, and a cold light flashed in his indifferent and dark eyes. The meditation efficiency of the ten Level 9 mage is several times faster than that of the middle-level Legendary.

Even if there is no mutated mobile phone to absorb the soul, just by meditating on your own, you can raise a few spells to the eighth ring within ten years, and then try breakthrough.

“Ten years, a bit too slow.”

Raistlin whispered.

He casually ate some dry food to fill his stomach, full of energy, and then took out the Plane Transmission Array from the Nebula Ring, placed it at the foot of the altar, and stood up to adjust.

More magic materials were taken out and stacked next to Transmission Array.

This mausoleum will become its most secret base for a long time in the future. The Plane Transmission Array must be perfected to facilitate the frail Raistlin to enter and exit at any time. Moreover, it is necessary to connect the Transmission Array with the rune array of the pyramid to get around the forbidden air barrier.

Raistlin gets busy and is ready to stay in the pyramid for a few months.

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