Warhammer Throne

Vol 4 Chapter 1045: , 10 marshals award ceremony

Chapter 1044, the ten marshal award ceremony

Four years have passed since the Bafeng Mountain Expedition.

Four years may be enough to turn a group of human recruits into veterans with rich combat experience, and a young man with fluffy lips to become an elite who accepts the test of blood and fire, but this is only four years for the dwarves.

According to the information brought back by Lucien, Bellega actually did the following things in the past four years.

The first is to resume the excavation of a small part of the Bafengshan mine. Bellegar personally led the army and miners to explore many mines deep underground. Most of the mines were sealed off with explosives and runes, but there were a few. Mining of some mineral veins restarted, and this operation alone took the Bafeng Mountain dwarves two years.

The second thing is to rebuild the brewery, weapons workshops, military camps, temples and palaces. By the time Lucien returned, the Bafengshan dwarves had just completed the brewery and weapons workshop, if it hadn’t been for Lucien’s order. Recruiting human army and craftsmen to come to help, the barracks didn't even have a shadow.

The third thing is what Lucien said. There have been hundreds of security battles around Bafeng Mountain. Basically all the nearby Skaven and Greenskins have been cleaned up. The new sentry system It has also been established, and Bellegar predicts that there will be no more enemies in the next ten years.

The race of dwarves is indeed very miserable. The most terrible thing is that the dwarves do not have the blessed land like the high elf Osuan, nor the super-high fertility rate like the dark elves. The population is declining, and the number of newborns can not keep up with the population loss. Given the quantity, the decline of the dwarves has become inevitable.

But now humans have helped a lot better. Don't underestimate humans. The growth rate of human population is only comparable to that of green skin and rat people.

"Lucien, I ask you, what should you do if the badlands three guards encounter a large-scale greenskin attack?" Ryan began the school examination of Lucien.

"Resistance steadily, and gradually stick to several important strongholds." Lucien continued: "We must preserve enough strength to fight in the desert, but more importantly, we must pay attention to making the green skin feel'boring', that is, the connection is hard. Village, fight in a daze, so the green-skinned army will soon collapse without a fight."

"Very good." Ryan then asked, "What if the Greenskins and the Skaven Rats formed an alliance and attacked together?"

"Abandon the Iron Guard and the Armory Guard, retreat to the Eight Peak Guard, and immediately send people to ask the Dwarf Supreme King, the Haimenguan King and even the Empire for help." Lucien said seriously: "It is not a wise move to rush into the battle in this situation, but We can still make a difference."

"What if the undead attacked with the greenskins and the rat people?" Ryan was disapproving.

"Then contact Kalida, Queen of Lebarras! Even other tomb kings, the enemy's enemy is a friend." Lucien immediately gave the answer without thinking: "The undead, the greenskins and the rat men cannot be A stable alliance structure, the key to breaking the situation lies in how to use diplomatic methods to draw more allies for itself, and how to break the ties between each other. In this case, military arrangements are secondary. Up."

"Okay!" Ryan nodded slightly, and the Knight King thought that he was indeed a knight from François' side, with the demeanor of the old man in every move, although Lucien's military capabilities are far from that of the old man. Far, but he is still young after all, and he has inherited the ruthless methods of the old man in domestic and foreign affairs.

Ryan had the answer in his heart.

"It's been hard to come back from the expedition." Ryan smiled at Lucien: "As for the army of the Badlands Expedition, how many people are willing to return to Bretania? How many are willing to stay in the Badlands?"

"It's about fifty-five." Olica offered Lucien a cup of cappuccino, Lucien was instantly honored, this was a drink personally delivered by your majesty's personal maid, and the evil commander was a little embarrassed. Olica said thank you: "Thank you, Ms. Olica."

Olica smiled sweetly, no one knew what the dark elf was thinking.

"Yes, these people who are willing to return to Bretania will leave it to me to arrange." Su Liya took the initiative, and the queen couldn't help but smile: "As for the recruits, you don't have to worry about the number of recruits this time. It will be far more than what you need, but it may be a little troublesome to manage, but it's okay, Ryan and I will fully support you."

"Yes." Lucien just came back in the dust, and didn't know much about what happened recently in the country. The commander of the badlands heard that the recruits were not worried, and his face looked much better. The badlands are indeed a place with a bad environment. Those who have to suffer, the soldiers have never complained a lot, and only reluctantly insisted on the conditions of a good salary.

After Lucien went down, Ryan and Su Liya sat on the side of the reception room. Su Liya gently soaked black tea. She knew Ryan very well. She knew that Ryan was thinking about things and did not talk to him, but right. Orika said, "Where is Silvia? She seems to be busy recently? Did you arrange it?"

"She has one last lesson to take. I promise it will be soon, madam." Olica smiled sweetly: "She will be an excellent courtier, I promise."

Su Liya wanted to ask again, Ryan had already spoken: "Then, the list of ten marshals is decided."

"Have you figured it out? Honey." Su Liya's attention was removed.

"Well, I have all thoughts about it." Ryan nodded.

"Then let us prioritize."

…………I am the dividing line of the order…………

The ceremony for the canonization of the ten marshals is getting closer, and all major forces have sent envoys to congratulate and observe the ceremony.

In the past few years, Bretania’s momentum is extremely great, and it is even more righteous. Most of the forces of order have sent envoys, on the one hand to show respect and recognition, on the other hand, they are also taking the opportunity to observe the Knight King Ryan. Will there be any changes in internal and external policies?

And on this day, the imperial envoy Count Metternich also came to Curona, the capital of Brittany.

He was greeted by Talleyrand, the chief foreign minister of the Laine court, with a valuable walking stick in his hand.

"You messed up things, dear Talleyrand." Metternich saw Talleyrand appearing, and said angrily: "I helped you so much, but you didn't even give a little in return, sir, This is not what business does."

"I have helped you a lot, Count Metternich." Talleyrand leaned on a cane and came up with a warm hug: "I persuaded your Majesty not to annex Kislev. I persuaded your Majesty to lend money to the empire. I persuaded your Majesty to take a good rest and stop using swordsmanship. You must thank me."

"I think you don't know, right?" Metternich smiled upon hearing the words: "I persuaded His Majesty the Emperor not to impose import tariffs on your Bretania crops. This is all for the human world. Unity, I think you should thank me even more."

"But I remember that the two sides will no longer impose additional tariffs on food. Isn't it written in the "Tibu Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance Treaty"?" Talleyrand motioned to Metternich to follow him, and the high elf smiled: " I don’t remember this is your credit."

"Food is not agricultural and sideline products, including those cash crops."

"Then I think you must also thank me. I persuaded His Majesty Ryan to no longer hold you accountable for spying on our intelligence." Talleyrand said playfully, "Otherwise, if I accuse you, the Empire will definitely I won’t be kidding you."

"Then Mr. Talleyrand, you should thank me even more." Metternich made no concessions: "The expensive pastry shop has not been sealed up. Isn't it my credit?"

"So...we are even in this wave?"

"That's it."

"Hahahaha!" The two foreign ministers clasped their hands: "Please! The banquet is ready! Metternich, my friend."


At this time, the Royal Palace of Kurona is full of guests. All the high-ranking officials and dignitaries are present, including the major forces of the old world. Even the Dwarf Supreme King has sent people to congratulate. The only one who did not come was the Bafeng Mountain Dwarf, Belga Just a simple message even if you have participated: "We and the Ryan brothers don't need to rectify those imaginary ones!"

It is worth mentioning that Aralos did not come to recuperate. He was replaced by the famous Wood Elf curse-singer and prophet Liv. Her soaring braid always reminded Ryan of others.

Veronica, Teresa, and Aurora, who are immersed in the research at the sorceress assembly, are here. The three witches are all dressed up in costumes. It is true that Teresa once worried, once there is enough Resources and wealth, the life of a witch is basically filled with endless magic experiments and meditations, on the contrary, there is less time to spend with Ryan.

By the way, Aurora turned blue with anger after seeing Catherine dressed in the costume of the countess noble, which made everyone including Ryan even more stinky. Enter the severe cold aura.

"Unexpectedly, this personal disciple of mine could actually have the day to be a real countess." Veronica watched Catherine carrying Karad out on the stage, with mixed feelings, wearing the classic dark butterfly pure black of the Breton court The female speaker in a foreign dress with black suspender stockings and silver rhinestone high heels secretly took Ryan's arm: "So what?"

"What's the reason?" Ryan suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

"So where's the title of my lady?" Veronica said fiercely. "Catherine is a countess. At least I want a marquise?"

"Catherine will be the marquise soon, Veronica." At this moment, the lake fairy Lilith and the knight queen Suria appeared. The goddess and the female knight held hands and wore a set of exactly the same charming Lin Huanlu's pastel color neon Qiuwan suspended-shoulder silk dress and white unicorn velvet translucent pantyhose, draped in black and gold waistcoats, are like a pair of (actually) good sisters.

The appearance of the goddess and the female knight detonated the audience. Everyone got up and saluted, only Knight King Lane thought how to dress like a cow.

Well, two big golden hair and white silk cows! Ryan was delighted: It's all mine!

"Hey? Marquise!" Teresa's dress is similar to Veronica, except that the sorcerer wears her favorite gray ultra-thin fluorescent pantyhose, and she does not always like short skirts and skirts like Veronica. With a low-cut outfit, she was very surprised, so she had to look at Ryan: "Really? Ryan? Catherine is really going to be a marquise?"

"Well, it's true." Ryan nodded slowly.

"Then do I want the title of a duchess?" Veronica akimbo her hands, and the Garland Witch directly reached out to ask Ryan: "I followed you so early, and you didn't even give me a duchess? "

"Whose duchess are you going to be?" Su Liya said to Veronica with a faint smile, "Ms. Veronica, do you want me to arrange it for you?"

"That... forget it." Veronica automatically lowered her head facing Sulia, and the female speaker smiled wryly: "I'm very satisfied now."

"It's getting started!" Morgiana couldn't help but take the initiative. She also spent her energy on dressing up today. As a result, Ryan did not pay attention to her at all. This made the Lake God Witch very upset, but she was also powerless to object. The decision of the fairy in the lake, not to mention being too close to Ryan in public, can only strengthen her sense of existence in this way: "Everyone is already in place."

There are too many women to make people feel tired. This is the case when Olica and Silvia are both absent, Ryan thought in his heart, he nodded to indicate that he could start.

First of all, in full view, Ryan officially canonized Karad as the Marquis of Garment.

The difference between the Marquis and the Earl was not in the amount of land, but in whether he had the power to form his own army and initiate wars on his own. Kalad has proved his loyalty and reliability with a series of actions. It is reasonable to canonize the Marquis. In, he will be mainly responsible for the vigilance of the Beastman tribe in the Arden Forest and the second line of vigilance as a watchman of the Gray Mountains.

Then the lake fairy appeared in person and awarded Kalad the highest lake lady medal, which symbolizes the highest honor of chivalry.

Immediately afterwards, Ryan, Lake Fairy, Sulia and Morgia, as the symbol of the supreme power in Bretania, began to honor the ten marshals.

The luxurious big box opened, and the ten golden dwarf master-class Seiko rune marshal's scepters inside aroused the cheers of the audience. Even the always calm old man François couldn't help but stood up from his seat.

This marshal's scepter is more expensive than an entire winery!

Ryan began to say the name.

"Qing Pershmond!"


Berhemond stepped onto the stage arrogantly, and a brand-new marshal dress, marshal medal and marshal scepter were held by the lake fairy and passed to him.

As the first marshal, Berhemond is basically not controversial. First of all, he is a direct descendant of the first knight king Arthur. He has the most noble blood and strongest strength. He is also blameless in military strategy and personal bravery. He has a relationship with Ryan. It's not bad. It's reasonable for him to be the first marshal.

"François Ching!"


Lao Zhangren walked up the steps with joy and elegance, took the entire silver plate from the hand of the fairy in the lake, and made a gentleman thank you very politely.

As the second marshal, François is not controversial. The old man's strength is the pinnacle of the sanctuary. He wins steadily in battle and has a lot of changes. He has made inexhaustible feats in several battles. He has deep qualifications and is Sulia's father. Ryan has always been a staunch supporter. Of course, Ryan has never treated him badly. François has enjoyed the most dividends and the most benefits during Ryan's entire rise. Of course, when Ryan proposed the governor system, Lao Zhangren It is also the first to support, because the benefits he has gained far exceed the loss of part of the ruling power.

After the two marshals went down, the choice of the third marshal was full of controversy.

Who will it be? Everyone fixed their eyes on the Knight King who was about to call his name.

"Qing Bo Derek!"

It's him! It was him!

It's not Raun, Bertrand, or Calade, who has recently been favored, but Boderek, Duke of Poldero, who has dual beliefs and is the champion of Poseidon Mannan? !

The political implications conveyed by this made many people present frowned.

However, the awarding process will not stop. Duke Boderek, amidst the applause and joy of his son Federmond’s eyes, stood up on the stage~www.ltnovel.com~ took the marshal medal from the lake fairy, The big silver plate of the marshal’s dress and the marshal’s scepter could not help but tears. He handed the big silver plate to his son. Just as he was about to say something, Ryan took the initiative to hold his hand: "Qing Federmond , You... shouldn't be able to drive a Gyrocopter, right?"

"Of course not, why did your Majesty suddenly ask this?" Duke Bodrick looked strange: "Besides, I have visited and operated on the Enterprise. The dwarf rotorcraft is so small, I can't get in."

"That's good, that's good." Ryan said seriously: "That thing is unstable and easy to get into trouble. Let the dwarf fly the plane."

"Yes, I beg your Majesty's instructions." With doubts, Boderek responded in a low voice.

"Want to be a marshal in such a low voice?" Ryan pretended to make things difficult.

"Yes! I will obey, Your Majesty, give orders!!!"

"Okay! Next one!"

Update, please vote!

(End of this chapter)

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