Warhammer Throne

Vol 3 Chapter 1005: , The Northern Expedition begins!

Chapter 1004, The Northern Expedition Begins!

"So, I expect that Catalina will definitely go northward. In addition to her own wishes, the current situation is also extremely favorable."

Talleyrand and Lane continued to discuss everything, and unconsciously, they had come to a camp, where people were everywhere. Among them, the ruins of a three-story apartment had been used by soldiers in a short time. Wood and bricks were temporarily piled up to ensure shelter from the wind and rain, and a large sign was erected right at the door of the apartment.

"Wute's Miracle Food Group! The prices are fair, the ingredients are fresh and delicious, you are welcome to come and taste!"

This is a temporary encampment restaurant opened by a halfling group. It is also known as a "meal group" by soldiers. It has always been a favorite place for officers and knights when there is no war. It is well known that halflings are particularly good at cooking. As long as there are reasonable ingredients, halflings are always able to cook the finest delicacies.

Francois agreed that the halflings entered the army camp and they quickly received the welcome of almost all the officers and knights. So the meal group, also known as the battlefield club, began to appear. People opened it at their own expense. Small stove or social.

When I opened the door, there were more than thirty old guards and more than forty knights in the house. Everyone saw Ryan's appearance almost all stood up, and Ryan smiled and said: "Like you, come to eat, Sit down and eat your own food."

"Ha ha ha ha~" Everyone laughed and then sat down, but everyone's eyes were still on Ryan's body, and some people even shouted: "Your Majesty, I recommend the spring vegetable stewed lamb, very delicious!"

"Then one serving, oh no, two servings." Ryan and Talleyrand found a quiet corner to sit down, and the cavalier said towards the halfling waiter who was running around barefoot in excitement: "One more serving Staple food and your special sweet wine, you can do it."

Then, the two continued to talk about the situation.

Ryan personally explained to Talleyrand personally the advantages and disadvantages of Katalin's Northern Expedition. The high elves really don't know much about war, but he has concluded that Katalin will definitely choose Northern Expedition.

"Katarin's northern expedition has two advantages. First, whether it is for the royal family, the Duma, or the refugees in Kislov, it is very urgent to recover the homeland, so most people's ideas are that they must go northward. , And the second is a comparison of strength. There are 50,000 White Guards under Katarina, and currently, after we defeated Hal-Eternal Eye, the chaotic army entrenched near the city of Kislov is only 10,000 or 20,000. , And all are scattered soldiers, this is a wonderful opportunity, if you change me, you must seize the fighter."

"Katari also has obvious disadvantages. First, it is well known that the lower limit of the army relies on training and discipline, the upper limit is equipment and veterans, and the White Guard... is terrible, and secondly, her commanding ability is also very low After the Battle of Zedevka, the excellent generals of Kislov were completely lost, and the tactical planning and frontal command capabilities are bound to continue to decline."

Talleyrand nodded after listening to Ryan's analysis: "Very well, Your Majesty, you can almost rest assured of the final battle. Katalin will lose this battle, but he will not lose too much, because he has escaped from a battle. For one time, there is no pressure to escape again. The only variable is the old guard, um, I mean, how much combat power her old guard has.

"Are you so sure?" Lane smiled.

"I don't understand military, Your Majesty, but I know politics and people's hearts." Talleyrand shook his head: "Look, remember, don't go to the rescue, no one will take care of you, and the responsibility for defeat will be blamed. We’ve got enough of it in Olengrad for you, it’s time to close, and, if we guess right, Emperor Karl Franz’s messenger will arrive in no time, he is nominally Come to congratulate and labor, but in fact to spy on the reality of our army, and to test whether we intend to annex Olengrad."

"Can you predict the future?" Ryan's eyes moved. He had received the Secret Service of MI7. Emperor Karl Franz's special envoy Metternich had arrived in Tarabheim! But Talleyrand didn't even know!

"Limited to restricting the object between your majesty and the leader of the other party, I can guess something." Talleyrand shook his head: "I also guessed that the day when the tsar would come to beg you, when the time comes, I have a I want to tell you."

"Not now?" Ryan blinked.

"In the near future, and once said, the solution will be invalid, and it will be very troublesome." Talleyrand said with a wry smile. "I hope you can understand that some things are time-sensitive and confidential."

"Your Majesty, you can't go northward!" In Catalin's private residence, the logistics minister Bagramiyan knelt in front of the tsar. He almost burst into tears and said sincerely to the tsar: "The timing is wrong. "

"What's the wrong time?" Katarine just announced the decision to pass the Northern Expedition at the Duma Conference, and received the support of the vast majority of Duma. Three days later, the White Guards will be pulled north to prepare to recapture Kislov. City, chasing the chaotic army there, and now hearing the appeal of Bagramyan, the tsar is very impatient. She thought about it and said in a considerate tone: "I understand what you mean, Hough, the White Guards are really under-trained. They are basically recruits, but the opportunity is rare. According to the scouts, the enemy only has more than 10,000 people. We will fight one out of five. It is impossible for us to fight each other. Training while playing, the battlefield is the best class. "

"Moreover, the empire's supply to us will be cut off! Wait a minute, and the White Guards will only disband! This is impossible, I have decided, and three days later, the army will be promoted immediately!"

Bagramyan’s request was rejected, which was not Katalin’s ambition, but almost all Duma hoped to move north quickly.

Three days later, the Kislev White Guards began to concentrate their troops northward.

Katalin and Duma are not sure whether Knight King continues to intend to continue to "recover" Keslov City and Ellengrad in the north, plus the gradual decline in the logistical supply of the empire, they are determined to hurry up and **** victory fruit.

After discussing the marching route, everyone chose the fastest route, starting from Bekafen along the river to the east to the important town of Foltenhavn in the east, and then going north from Foltenhavn to Kislov city.

The military operation was very smooth at the beginning. As Ryan analyzed, Chaos now only has a group of scattered soldiers. When the White Guards appeared on the battlefield, the scattered chaotic army of dozens of hundreds of people was quickly expelled and defeated. Within a day, Catalina can receive twelve good news.

This made the tsar full of confidence in the next battle. She learned the lessons of the last defeat of Zedevka, when she encountered a singular champion Cha-Zan Yai at a place on the upper Tarabek River. While Kerr and his raven guarded the legion, Catarine was careful not to forcibly surround and pursue.

This allowed Zanecke to seize the opportunity to escape from life.

The White Guards wanted to continue their pursuit, but at this time the climate was abrupt, and the Ostermark in April had entered the spring. The Upper Tarabek River began to thaw, just after Zaneck and his people escaped the frozen river. The climate suddenly warmed up, the ice and snow thawed and thawed, and the river turned into a jet stream with a lot of floating ice.

The White Guards were unable to cross the fast and wide Upper Tarabek River, and the two sides started a confrontation along the river.

Fifty thousand White Guards built a large number of rafts and ships under the command of Grand Marshal Denny King of Kislov, preparing to build a pontoon.

On the other side of the river, the chase magic champion Cha-Zanike managed to gather as many chaos troops as he could with less than 10,000 people. The chase magic champion knew he was facing an absolute disadvantage in numbers, and because of The defeat of the battle of Beckham, the number of elite is seriously insufficient, most of them are scattered soldiers, the fighting power is low, and the morale is low.

However, there was nothing more exciting to Zaneck than this.

Because he will prove through an epic victory that he praises Ike and is still the master of the battlefield and the trusted champion of the Devil Bird God!

At this moment, the joining of an army changed the situation.

A medium-cavalry cavalry of less than 2,000 men, led by a Kurgan Khan, chased the wolf lord Riemann-Rus from the Far East, both sides in the shadow of the Upper Tarabek River Encountered near the forest, after negotiations, Kurgan Khan joined the army of Zaneck, and the two sides announced an alliance.

His name was Megatron throughout the Far East, and he once broke into the hinterland of the Sinian Empire several times, and received the attention and love of the four gods of Chaos. In the deepest time, he was killed under the capital of Weijing City, the capital of the Sinian Empire. Daying and the 26th Guards finally drove them back north of the Great Wall.

He is called Subutai-Cangwolf

In the old world, in the middle and late April, Kislov and the imperial border, the Shadow Forest.

Rascal's selection champion Cha-Zan Ike was terrified of the previous encounter.

Two days ago, when he and his army were surrounded by the White Guards, there were only more than a hundred warriors selected by the Raven Guards around Zaneck. He was almost surrounded by 50,000 people! If he is not careful, he really has to explain to the empire!

This made Zanecke startled with a cold sweat, and was afraid of it.

Since the defeat of Bekafen, the number of troops around Zaneck has been much less than before. The gangster army led by him has already lost its strength and greatly reduced its strength, especially after the news of the defeat of Motkin’s chaotic main force. The Qi Army also faced serious problems of desertion and downsizing. The chiefs and champions had serious disagreements. Some fled, some wanted to escape, some wanted to continue to plunder one vote before leaving, and some even thought Continue south.

Zan Aike has spent a lot of energy in order to gather this group of remnants, and it is very troublesome that the Legion Corps led by the champion of the scale of the scale, Festus, the champion of the scale of the scale, has received the clear oracle requirements of scale. After retreating, the two sides continued to infight in the process of retreating, and they fought two battles in succession, which eventually led to more than one hundred people left by Zan Aike, almost besieged by the White Guards.

If it weren’t for Kurgan Khan’s fast-on-golf join, Zanecker would definitely have to flee, but even now with the joining of Speedy Khan, Zanecker is still not optimistic about the current battle situation. After trying to integrate all the defeated soldiers, he only had 9,000 men under his command, and the speedless cavalry was only over 10,000.

Absolute weakness in strength, low morale and strong pressure, the **** of magical election knows that he must have a bold plan, otherwise he will not be able to withstand the attack of the White Guard.

Now, on the north bank of the Upper Tarabek River, in the middle of the woodland on the right side of the Shadow Forest, the chase-selected champions Cha-Zaneck and Kurgan Khan are not fast-going together to discuss how to conduct this war, They must fight an extremely beautiful retreat, and they must quickly defeat the White Guards and retreat before the western army of Ryan responds and encircles and suppresses them.

"The enemy may break through the line of defense, and the cowardly Yankee represses us with numbers." A Chaos Warlock stood in front of the map and explained the situation towards Zaneck and Suwaitai: "On the south, they are in Upper Tarabek. Several camps and logistics supply stations have been established on the south bank of the river, and pontoons and rafts are being built to cross the river."

"Rachhof, a stronghold on the North Shore, is still in our hands, but it is already in ruins. Rakhov is in the shadow forest to the west and the Witwer Mountains to the east. We are in danger, we There are only 500 people in Rakhov, and the morale is low, and the defenders cannot hold there, but if we give up Rakhov retreat, then once the White Guards all cross the river, we will fall into an absolute disadvantage in quantity, I am afraid that It's difficult to win." Zanecker said towards Khan Khan: "The question now is how can we ensure that we can concentrate our troops and quickly defeat the other's vanguard."

"You have too few people, Zan Ike." Khan has a slender black beard. He wears a felt hat and a white wolf leather cloak. Inside is a black chaotic big armor: "Are there any reinforcements? Other places?"

"There is another army that might be able to help us." Zanecker put his hand on the north: "If Siegwald can support us from the rear, everything will be fine."

As soon as this remark came out, the chaotic champions and warlocks of Za-Zank looked at each other, and they opened their mouths.

"Noble God chooses adults."

"Prince Siegwald he..."

"Prince Sigvald and his Sinister Legion were defeated by Brittany’s knights and wing cavalry west of the Groved Forest. He and his army had fled to the Alpine Pass and another Sinister Champion Stica together."

"What?" Zanecker shouted angrily: "He actually ignored the agreement between us! I let him stop. This is a command! This is a command!"

"Now it’s not much use to say these again~www.ltnovel.com~ Subutai Khan always stays calm. He continued to observe the map. After thinking for a while, Subutai said seriously: "So, if we If you want to win, you have to take a little risk. "

"You mean?" Zanecker looked at the map, too: "Half a fight?"

"Having a half-strike is not enough." Suwaitai pointed his finger: "Rachhofer, we must experience a defeat here and win in defeat."

"Success in defeat? You mean, attract the main force of the White Guards?"

"Prestigious champion of Eagle God, did you ever hear of a famous tactic of tempting the enemy in the Far East? We have to lose first, and only if we lose, will the Ross talent be tempted."

"Wait... do you mean?"

"Fishing Ye Fu!"

Updated, please vote!

(End of this chapter)

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