Warhammer Throne

Vol 3 Chapter 965: , Will be 2 wives to hide

The meeting with the emperor made Suria both physically and mentally exhausted. After lunch, the queen immediately arranged for someone to take a bath, and recovered energy after a little sleep in the afternoon.

Bear child Devon Hill was taken to equestrian class, and after Suria got up, she asked the maid chief Sylvia and Olika to arrange afternoon tea.

Afternoon tea is something that came from the high elves. At the earliest, when the high elves were still colonizing in the old world, afternoon tea began to appear among the elves and noble ladies. There will be changes in the climate, and the elves and nobles will like to drink tea in the afternoon warm sunshine and have snacks and drinks.

This habit used to disappear in successive wars, but after the high elves drove the dark elves out of Osuan and defeated the main force of Malkis in the butcher king Tasilis, after achieving peace, the afternoon tea was restored again and the poet The period of Wang Aisi reached its peak, and all the people had an afternoon tea time.

After the opening of the trading route by Finnuba, the atmosphere of natural afternoon tea gradually passed into the human world.

Surya is a loyal afternoon tea lover. The female knight must enjoy afternoon tea whenever she has the opportunity, and as Surya’s fame and influence in the knight kingdom and the old world continue to break new heights, nobles The habit of husbands holding afternoon tea has become the new fashion of the whole old world. From the north to Kislov and the south to Arabi, the noble husbands will sit and drink tea and enjoy life around three o'clock in the afternoon.

Along the corridor of the palace, Surya walked in front, and Olika followed. The winter sunlight reflected from the floor-to-ceiling windows of the corridor to the queen and the dark elf maid. There was no lack of jealousy in the voice of the dark elf: Adults really like you, you are lucky, ma'am, you have Devon Hill, he is so cute."

"Your expression is so rare, Olika." Surya didn't look back but was very determined. The queen's voice was a little happy: "If you want to have a child for Ryan, I don't object. "

"Oh." Olika sneered, and the dark elf's tone was contemptuous: "Ma'am, if I can have children with my master so easily, do you believe that I have already lived with the master of a polo team?"

The expression on Surya’s face changed slightly, and the Queen stopped. Until now, only one single seedling with Ryan has left Surya deeply in her heart: "Really? Orika, do you have any secret recipes?" ?So sure?"

"Ma'am, do you know Marus Black Blade? The Witch King's champion?" Olica stopped at the same time, she said casually, she couldn't stop her pride: "Marus Black Blade has three brothers, four Sister, two younger brothers and three younger sisters, eight of them lived to adulthood, don't question Duruzi's fertility, in Nagaros, which one does not have more than seven or eight children? A dozen or so are not uncommon, really Think we are like our weak cousins? Fira is unbearable!"

Dark essence is really capable! Surya listened to something in her heart, but the queen immediately found the point of counterattack: "It seems that dear Orika, the elven drug does not work on humans."

"Oh? Really?" Olika shook her head with a smile, her long black hair flicked behind her. She glanced at Surya in disappointment: "Ma'am, do you think if I were a human, you would still Is there a chance to have Devon Hill?"

"What do you mean?" Surya's face changed.

Olika reached out with a bottle in which pink mist and gas swirled, and the dark elf smiled sweetly: "The venom of Hydera Hydra, just a little bit, just pour it in from below. People will never be mothers, ma'am, do you want to try it? It hurts a little!"

"You..." Surya's complexion suddenly became ugly, and the queen stepped back a little in horror, as if something Olika had in her hand was very scary.

"Relax." Olika smiled sweeter, and the dark elf put away the bottle: "The old man has admitted that you are a daughter-in-law. I will not be naturally wrong. He knows everything. I just left him one. Good impression, I won’t do such stupid things. I love my master, and I won’t make him sad or sad."

"Old man?" Suria couldn't help laughing: "Why call him old man?"

"He's not old enough?" Olika asked, "Ma'am, do you think about the red-haired one-eyed Ogrin?"

"Long live long live fifty thousand years old? He has fifty thousand years old?"

"But come to Aso, he is just a child, maybe this child is already better than him, but the arrogance will not change."

At the end, the two women smiled at each other, and finally, the atmosphere became relaxed.

"Does Nagaros also have afternoon tea?" Surya asked with interest.

"Why does Madam like afternoon tea?"

"Black tea will warm you when it is cold, black tea will make you cool when it is hot, black tea will inspire you when it is lost, and black tea will make you calm when you are excited." Surya gave her own answer.

"Forget it, let me tell my wife why the high elves have tea time." Olika finally spoke.

The dark elf told the queen of the knights why their group of fertile cousins ​​loved afternoon tea so much.

The reason is simple, because the tea time is included in the working hours of the high elves.

As mentioned earlier, when the poet Wang Assis was in power, the social vitality declined, the upper nobles were addicted to enjoyment, the society was seriously involuntary, and structural unemployment led to the economic crisis.

How did Assis respond? Under the suggestion of the Prime Minister of Phoenix (actually the undercover ace undercover), Isis officially announced a six-hour work system with a maximum working limit of 35 hours per week. Phoenix King felt that he could add more jobs in this way, you see As the working hours decrease, the number of employees is forced to increase, and more jobs can be created.

At the same time, Isis also declared that "the tea time is sacred and inviolable". Since then, the tea time at 3 pm has also been included in the working hours, generally from 2:30 to 3:30, and every legal working time continues Compressed to five hours.

The opportunity to be lazy will naturally lead to afternoon tea for all the people. This unhealthy wind has been blowing for a long time. It was not until the late Manmoo King Moville announced that afternoon tea time could not be counted as working hours.

"The Witch King's strategy is really dark enough." Surya sighed, Olica laughed and said nothing, Gao Jing had developed the habit of afternoon tea, and cousins ​​were continuing to fall.

But Surya is not the kind of woman who is addicted to enjoyment. The Queen Cavaliers’ preference for afternoon tea is only a means. She really realized her strategy of "afternoon tea ruling" and "lady politics" through the afternoon tea meeting method. The nobles and court ministers of Brittania are often summoned at the afternoon tea rally to discuss national policy and administrative matters with the queen of knights. Surya and his husband Lane always like to listen to the opinions of all classes. At the tea party, even the cheapest mud-legged serfs and merchants could get the opportunity to participate and speak. At the same time, by communicating with noble husbands, Surya could master the movements and ideas of nobles throughout the kingdom.

Now, under the warm sun in winter, three floors of shelves were laid out on the table in the afternoon tea banquet hall.

A variety of delicious sandwiches are placed on the bottom shelf, using cucumber, charcoal grilled salmon, cream cheese, and omelette.

The second shelf is Scones. This special Breton cuisine is spread with cream and strawberry jam. It is a bit sweet and needs to be used with tea.

The top shelf is the three highest-level desserts, high elf mousse, cherries fruit tower and macarons.

Olika served the famous Darjeeling black tea.

This black tea is collected from the Far East Indy and has the best quality. It is known as "champagne in black tea". The tea soup is orange and red, with a fragrant and elegant smell. The top grade has a grape fragrance and is delicate and soft. Like black tea.

After everything was seated, Surya signaled that the court attendants outside opened the door.

The general political commissar of the Northern Army Corps, Beria, wearing a brand-new military uniform and newly-oiled military boots, strode in from the outside: "Her Majesty the Queen."

"Come on, get up." Suria is going to meet with Beria who rushed back this afternoon for tea. This guy specially changed a clipper and rushed back to Curona in order to report the situation in detail and provide opinion.

"It's hard to be here along the way." Surya motioned to the maids to deliver an identical afternoon tea: "Are you hungry?"

Belia looked at Queen Suria, who was sitting about five meters away and enjoying afternoon tea in the sunshine and with the maid. She couldn't help but feel excited. Isn't that what he wanted? Go ahead and enter the power center of the kingdom?

The Ugol people have always been gloomy and unsmiling, but getting this level of meeting still makes Beria ecstatic.

What does this mean? This shows that he has really begun to be recognized and entered the circle of the Knight King's court!

Excited emotions will inevitably make mistakes. In addition, the Ugol people are not very proficient in the court afternoon tea etiquette. When stirring the black tea with a silver spoon, it made a crisp sound when it touched the bottom of the cup, and the order of adding sugar and adding milk Wrong, the maid and the attendants next to me laughed at this scene, while Beria was flushed, and the Ugorians were ruthless. When the matter was dealt with, he must specially invite a etiquette teacher to teach himself How to drink afternoon tea!

Fortunately, Surya didn't care about this, and the queen of knights began to ask about the defending battle of Ellengrad one by one, and Beria naturally knew everything.

I learned from Beria that about 10,000 regular troops and about 20,000 conscripts in Ellengrad’s army and about 30,000 more Mrs. Kisler (basically women) are willing to come to Brittania to discuss life. That is about 70,000 people, and most of the remaining 100,000 people still want to go to live in the empire. This is not forced by Beria, because the elite has been selected, and the rest are mostly old and weak.

"How is Carrard now?" This was estimated before, and Surya had nothing more. He cared about Carrard's situation.

"Your Excellency Karad is very good, but there is no problem. It takes about four months to six months to fully recover." Beria said seriously: "The epic victory over Olengrad and the killing of Noska Wang’s great achievements will become a magnificent epic forever. His Excellency Karad is the composer, and I am just one of them."

"No, Marshal Rokosovsky is the composer, and Karad is the performer." Suria smiled to correct Bella's mistake, and the knightly queen gently picked up the black tea and asked gracefully: " But I heard that when Luo Shuai made this thrilling symphony, Beria, did you firmly oppose it?"

The Wuguer suddenly sweated all over his body, and he quickly left the seat and knelt down regardless of the image: "Everything is my responsibility, it is my stupidity, and I don’t understand military. If it is not that Lord Carrard insists, we almost missed a major military aircraft, please His Majesty. Punishment!"

"I will punish you for punishing you." Suria shook her head and motioned to Beria: "Actually, your thoughts were not without reason. This military plan was too risky and could not tolerate any. Mistakes and strict demands on the soldiers. I remember that at least 30% of the soldiers involved in Operation Bagration had frostbite to varying degrees, right? Karad was injured like this... the difficulty of this championship matchup is conceivable, We in Brittania almost lost this Holy Knight of the Holy Grail."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for understanding!" Beria first breathed a sigh of relief. He thought carefully, and then tried out the authenticity: "Operation Bagration's victory is over. After retreating to Ellengrad, more than 80% of the soldiers stood I can’t get up. Most of the knights and soldiers wrapped their blankets and roasted the fire. After two or three rests, they were relieved. I can’t imagine what would happen if something went wrong. The horses died a lot, and Ellengrad was too cold. Yes, it is Her Majesty the Queen, and the sun, moon and stars are in your hands, Mrs. Surya, and you can’t hide anything from you."

Sure enough, even if it is a military bureaucracy, Bella is still essentially a bureaucracy. Suria nodded lightly, and she knew everything.

The military bureaucracy such as Beria is essentially different from the military honors such as Karad.

What is Karad's goal, is to win the war, to make merits, for glory and faith, for the promotion of status and material rewards.

What about Beria? Of course, this guy is also eager to make achievements and get rewards, but Beria’s most important goal is to complete the tasks arranged by Ryan and Surya. What he hopes most is not victory, but "no mistakes", he instinctively refuses This is where the adventure came from, but when such a risky plan was proposed, Beria’s instinct was against it. The first reason was that he was unwilling to risk his political life, and the second reason was that he clearly expressed opposition After that, if there is a problem with his actions, he naturally has no responsibility.

Therefore, regardless of whether he approves in the heart, he will definitely oppose the action of Bagration, and he will rejoice naturally if he wins, and he will not lose his credit, and he will not lose heart if he loses.

The cunning guy is as cunning as Talleyrand. As Surya thinks, she is very capable and scheming. In addition to her outstanding personal abilities, these two guys also have the level of answering questions with the monarch, flattering, and contemplating. top.

Suria’s silence made Beria a little uneasy. The Ugols returned to their place, only to feel that the sandwich in their mouth was not fragrant, and the Darjeeling in the cup was tasteless, Beria carefully recalled Surya hurriedly asked why she came back, and then passed all the conversations from her mind, thinking for a long time, and kept silent.

"Bella, there is one thing for you to come back this time." Suria saw Bella say nothing, knowing that he was waiting for her to speak, and the queen cavalier put down her teacup, softly, and tone Unpredictable: "Guess what? What is it?"

"But...Your Majesty Catalina has come to ask for someone?" Beria immediately realized that he had to show his importance, and he proactively said: "Your Majesty is embarrassed?"

"Yeah~www.ltnovel.com~Lane sent a letter, and Katalin asked the army of Rokosovsky to immediately go to the Imperial King." Surya nodded slightly, and she took out the letter from Ryan, and the maid gave it to him. Beria: "Look at it."

Belia did not make any more excuses this time. He immediately took the letter and read it carefully twice, and immediately gave his own opinion: "Your Majesty, I don’t think you can let Constance and Dante in any way. His army will go to the Imperial King, and their ending will be very miserable. Constance's execution order has not been cancelled until now, which shows His Majesty Catalina's attitude."

"I also know, but in any case, she sent the national book as a tsar." Surya nodded: "This matter is not easy to handle, and now the entire old world is fighting the chaos frenzy with all our strength. Why should we stop it? Mrs. Keesler went back to save their own country?"

"Your Majesty, let me deal with this matter. I'll talk to His Majesty Catalina. How about it?" Beria thought for a while, and planned to take the initiative.

"What are you going to talk about?"

"I'm planning to……"


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