Warhammer Throne

Vol 2 Chapter 937: , Yuhuo East Line

The Empire ’s West collar actually refers to the abandoned collar, that is, the province of waste (waste soil), which refers to a large area in the northeast of Marienburg, and across the sea from Marienburg through the estuary , Located in the west of Midden, west of Nord.

A large area of ​​land here is under the jurisdiction of Mariinburg, but it is actually in a zone of no matter what. No matter whether it is the Nordic Territory, the Midden Territory or the Mariinburg area, it is rarely governed by West Collar, this makes this area extremely barren, basically there are no cities and towns, castles, villages, it is a veritable "waste soil".

West ’s history is long and short, here ’s a short story. It used to be an imperial territory, the famous province of Drachwald, the main residents were the Thuringians, and the leader was the barbarian Aochun. Having said that, I will not repeat it here.

Elector Hölner of the province of Drachwald was killed by the Skaven assassins during the Qing Dynasty in 1110, when the Orc army was cleared. The army was then slaughtered by the Orc army, and the most serious problem was that At that time, Elector Hölner of the province of Drachwald did not have any heirs or relatives, and all the people with inheritance rights were killed in battle. At that time, the Empire was in the Black Death and Skavin Wars, and there was no way to come to support Drachwald, even the emperor Emperor Boris-Fortuneteller, also died in the Black Death. Decades later, the electorate of Midden led by Mandred-Rodentbreaker finally defeated Sri Lanka in the battle of the Whistling Hills Cavern's army became the emperor of the wolf, but he was assassinated by the ratmen assassins before he could revive the empire.

Then came the era of the Three Emperors.

Drachwalde province has not received strong support from the empire from the beginning to the end. In the end, under the continuous attack of two or three hundred years, except for a small number of people who escaped here, all remaining towns and populations It turned into dust during the attack, plunder, and destruction of the beastmen. Since then, this province has ceased to exist. Elector Rune Saint Sword, the beast killer, is now placed in the treasure house of the imperial capital.

The province is completely transformed into a weird and terrible Black Forest. There are many terrifying mutant creatures living here, the most famous of which is the lurking Beastman tribe. No one knows how many Beastmen, but according to years of research in the Empire, at least there are Two or three hundred thousand beastmen and one hundred thousand green hide hide in the deepest part of Drachwald forest.

Afterwards, Midden tried to recover Drachwald but failed, and also took the fate of the white wolf prince Hou Faerke and tens of thousands of troops. So far no Imperial army tried to recover here.

After the great jihad, the savior Ludwig made up his mind to restore the Drachwald forest. He also had the most powerful imperial army after the great jihad. After a fierce battle, part of the drachwald was recovered by the empire It was merged by Nord and Miden, and a large part of the remaining area on the west of the sea lost any value under the ravages of the beastmen for thousands of years, and was eventually turned into the West collar, that is, wasteland.

So after the Cavaliers pass by Marienburg and then through the town of Salfin in the northeast of Marienburg, the next 200 kilometers are almost completely deserted, if not Boris-Tod Blinger Elector If Hou You set up some outposts and fortress postes and watchtowers on this road, Lane thought that this was simply crossing the grass.

Looking up at a desolation, you can see nothing but snow, grass, wasteland, and the distant skyline. The ruins of historic towns that you see on the road occasionally warn everyone-if you have been ignoring the beastmen Attacks and looting, even a great civilization will eventually fall.

The army is slowly advancing, and the King of Cavaliers holds several letters that have been opened, and says to the presence of Mogianna, Raun, Hagen, Birchmund, Veronica and others: "There are several news , Let ’s look at each separately and discuss what we should do next. "

Everyone took a few pieces of information and began to read it.

Ellengrad still stands and the mountains of mourning and another 100,000 chaotic troops go south. As mentioned earlier, Lane and others have been greatly encouraged by the persistent adherence of Ellengrad, but at present they can only The Northern Front and the Poseidon Fleet, who are pinning Calad, can save the city.

Another piece of news is that the Nazha Legion, led by the Nazina Champion Festus, marched towards Beckafin, the capital of Ostermark, at a slow but firm pace. The capital of the province of Ostermark is located in There is no room for loss here on the northern border of Ostmark, and Elector Hurtwig has gathered more than 60,000 troops to stand by.

Finally, there is news that the main force of chaos is approaching the border of the empire.

Due to the impact of the refugee wave, the design and establishment of the empire ’s border defense was difficult. Although the refugees in Kislov provided some of the necessary manpower, the larger food consumption and the chaos brought by the refugees and many mixed refugees The destruction of chaotic believers in the tide made the establishment of the imperial border defense difficult.

For this reason, some troops of the Oster Colleague, Nord Kingdom, and Ostermark began to enter Kislov territory to receive a part of the town to defend and establish a defense line. The Tczew defensive battle, the Battle of Cognac Pol, the Battle of Ostrotti, the Battle of Clark Zhunov, the Battle of Voitazis, and the Chizovi Odd defensive battle.

Unsurprisingly, the imperial army was completely defeated, and most of the impulsively assembled imperial army consisted of recruited soldiers and provincial conscripts. These troops are not professional soldiers, and it must take a certain period of time for them to have combat effectiveness. Training, but now the empire does not have time to train, and can only force the ducks to put on the rack, or even take it directly to death to delay the time.

"The empire expects that the main force of chaos will reach the empire border in mid-January ... if all goes well." The Duke of Birchmond put the news down, and the Duke of Red Dragon judged the situation: "Can we keep up?"

"It is now the end of December. We are at least 600 kilometers away from Midenheim, and Midenheim is at least 500 kilometers away from Oster." Lauen also said: " Maybe we have no time to reach the border of the empire. "

Even if the logistics along the way are all prepared, the speed of the Cavaliers' Japanese march is about 30-40 kilometers, which is already the limit to ensure the military's physical strength, combat effectiveness and temporary response capacity, and you must know that the knight master and the old guard The troops usually do not wear armor, and heavy armor troops only wear all armor when they enter the battlefield.

why? Think about it with your brain.

Considering that it is impossible for the Drachwald Forest to march at full speed and not fight, plus other factors, it was already a miracle that Lane could reach Oster in early February.

"It certainly can't catch up, but we can at least reach the battlefield before the Chaos Army approaches the Tarabek River." Lane agreed, and the Knight King took out the map and placed it directly on Veronica's back. This was a little unexpected, but she still signaled that there was no problem, and Lane did not seem to be joking: "The rapid flow of the Tarabek River is bound to stop the pace of the Chaos Army, so in the worst case we will also be in Tarabeheim Arrived before the siege, and the ideal situation is ... "

"It's just that the empire can stay on the border long enough." The lake **** witch Mogiana didn't like to see Ryan and Veronica's little tacit understanding. She didn't like it at all. She directly grabbed the map, and Ryan would see Veronica came to her side: "We will join Boris Todd Blinger and his army of white wolves within Midden's collar."

"How about the emperor and his army? We have kings. Shouldn't the empire have an emperor?" Duke Hagen said displeasedly.

"Until Chaos hits the Tarabek River, the emperor won't easily leave Braunschweig." Ryan frowned, and the cavalier king pulled Veronica: "Let's cross the West collar first."

"I am familiar with the Orc, Your Majesty." Birchmond looked at the endless wilderness with his hands on his hips: "The Orc will not attack us here, but it is difficult to say in the Drachwald Forest."

"So we must spend the West collar as soon as possible."

............ I passed the dividing line of West collar as soon as possible ...

While Ryan ’s cavalier army was still marching in West, the Empire calendar 2515, early January.

The border between Kislov and the imperial territory, the imperial border area.

The main force of chaos like the black sea is moving towards the imperial Oster collar. In the overwhelming snow and corpses, as many as 120,000 chaotic main forces have formed several arrows. The land that originally belonged to the empire was covered, like black muddy crude oil, and thousands of tribes and chaotic flags were pointed in the air.

This main force of chaos has come all the way, and nearly half a million people have died tragically under their weapons and sorcery. What has passed has been turned into a no man's land under the orders of Motkin Dozens of giant chaotic emblems and skulls of Beijing, the avengers from the north destroyed everything, and their cruel actions even the strongest Mrs. Kessler and the Empire cry.

Motkin does n’t want any captives, and he does n’t even like short-term imprisonment. The chaotic army passes through without grass, black smoke, and fire all over the city, leaving only cities that are charred and destroyed, large chaotic sacrifice scenes and Chaos emblem.

Above the sky dome, the two chaotic dragons spread their wings, flying across the border, leaving countless filth and chaotic corruption,

At the very center of the team, in the defense of the Chaos Four Gods' Selection Warrior Crimson Harvester, the Chaos Eternal Selection, the black iron Mott gold ice blue eyes are watching everything in the distance, new information Was sent to the hands of Motkin, the eternal **** is judging the situation.

For the moment, the first phase of the Barbarossa project has proceeded very smoothly. Through the battle of Zedevka, Chaos solved the threat of Kislov relatively easily, and went south quickly without being fenced by this old world. Blocked the road.

However, the plan of the second phase has already begun to have problems. The first is that Ellengrad can't be attacked for a long time. The Noska Mountains Army has not completed the mission according to the scheduled plan, so that Ellengrad has always been empire and bred. The Tarnia are even in danger of being reinforced by the high elves. Furthermore, the news of the defeat of Uffrek was also sent to the hands of Motkin at this time. Although the plan to contain the Bretons is still in progress, the effect has already been achieved. Great discount.

Moreover, along the way, Motkin's decision has also been questioned by many chaos magicians and chaos champions.

Normally, the chaos of the Chaos Army is to burn and loot all the way. Everywhere you go, you must fully vent your desires and collect loot, and sacrifice the evil **** before you continue to move forward, but Motkin seems particularly worried. The army advances underground, and sometimes even the most important ritual of sacrifice to the Four Gods of Chaos is not done well, which makes many chaotic powers dissatisfied.

In addition to this, Motkin ’s decision not to personally attack the city of Keslov has caused a lot of controversy. In the eyes of most people, Kislov has been dying. At this time, the chaotic army is plowing. After sweeping the caves, the ice kingdom of this millennium should be completely destroyed and annihilated. However, no matter how the chaotic gods and chaotic champions pleaded, Motkin always refused. He clearly told everyone that there is only one goal, which is located The castle of the electorate family von Zhukov in the northern part of Osterland and Wolfenburg, the capital of Oster in the southeast of the Central Mountains.

He has already confirmed the figure of the enemy, and the coalition composed of Oleg von Zhukov, the son of the electorate, and Keslov ’s new marshal, Piot Sergeyev, sent by the tsar Katarina The southern part of Kislov near the Oster collar tried to stop the chaotic tide of destruction. The ending was of course a fiasco. Now it has to retreat into the imperial border and organize a new line of defense.

"The Lord of Eternal God, I understand your desire for revenge, but if you fight like this, it is difficult for us to rely on a strong attack to break the line of defense of the empire." The **** of evil, Hal-Eye of Eternity admonished again: "We should try Let the final moment begin. "

"Let the final moment begin?" Mottkin rides on the chaotic steel bull who gave himself to fear, and the cold eyes of the King of the North slightly flicked, so that the **** of evil is terrified: "I said , My only goal is revenge. "

The evil **** chooses Hal-the Eye of Eternity becomes more and more helpless.

During this period of time, chaotic demon and evil **** selected champion Cha-Zaneck several times begged Motkin not to attach his goal to the Oster collar, he should infiltrate and occupy with the chaotic believers by spreading corruption, releasing the plague Activate the chaotic gathering places deep in the forest, the beast-man tribe to weaken the empire, and guide the arrival of the final moment, and even some chaotic demons knelt in front of Motkin and pleaded, Za-Zanike also proposed The strategy of "encircling the city with forests and villages, and comprehensively guiding the chaos of the imperial empire to set up chaos sects and infiltrating the imperial court and corrupting the imperial nobles" strategies, but these strategies were all rejected by Motkin.

"Who is blocking my way ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Who is my enemy." After handing several chaotic champions, Motkin said so coldly that the eternal **** order ordered the evil **** to choose the champion chase -Zanecker led his raven army to attack Ostermark, and he still went south firmly, and then issued an order to let Prince Siegwald and the Sin Legion playing in Zedevka forgot time Go south as soon as possible after the replenishment.

The chaotic army continued south until it approached the border of Oster, where Oleg-von-Zhukov, the eldest son of the elder son of Oster, elected an empire and Kiesloff Hundreds of thousands of troops and three temporary lines of defense await the arrival of the chaotic army in anxiety and tenaciousness.

And at this moment, Motkin also received the news that Brittany's knightly army had appeared in the Empire West.

Chaos Eternal Selection immediately realized that the legendary Knight King Ryan would become the greatest threat to his revenge.

"Immediately order Drachwald Beastman Supreme Beastmaster Glaktar! No matter what the price is paid, Ryan Makado and his army of knights must be firmly held in the Drachwald Forest!"

The order of the eternal **** to select the black iron Mottkin was soon passed to the Drachwald Forest through the Hal-Eternal Eye Magic Omen.

On this day, in the ancient and evil giant Black Forest, the sound of more than a thousand beastmen horns sounded. After the beastmen legendary beast king Gertvor, the largest army of beastmen began to gather in Wanmoyan Thousands of beast-man tribes, gangs, and warfare groups have been inspired by the God of Darkness and are coming.

"Gather ... fight!"

"Kill ... knight ... kill ... everyone!"

"Eat ... all ... fresh meat !!!"

Updated, beg for votes!

(End of this chapter)

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