Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 264 Unexpected answers always come one after another

"Judging from the medical report, Endred's physical condition is currently completely unable to leave the stasis position."

Sitting around the long table in the rearranged small conference room next to the Chapter Master's office, Angron Petra took a sip of the hot tea that Aharin had poured for him and sighed worriedly.

The Istvan veterans who stood around and acted as the honor guard for this meeting that was essentially a super-high-level meeting to their knowledge stood quietly at their posts like some kind of sculptures, with empty eyes. They pretended not to see a huge "Silver Skull" Iron Cavalry Terminator brother standing in front of them, counterintuitively and nonchalantly making slow and fast graceful movements that only the most dexterous Palace Chamberlain could make.

Several of the warriors from the Emperor's Children had especially dazed expressions on their faces.

Solomon Demeter wanted to ask several times but hesitated, and was finally stopped by Sol Tavitz's eyes.

After hearing Angron's words, Lamizane's face immediately showed a look of sympathy, and Perturabo coughed loudly from his electronic speaker.

"What analysis and suggestions does your pharmacist have on his situation?" The black and white plush iron master asked first, cutting off the conversation before the other person could speak. "Our pharmacists...well, it's a good thing they're here, and it's a good thing they're not here. Let's listen to what your pharmacists have to say."

"I also sent you a copy of the report, but to put it simply, the results of the consultation they discussed concluded that the changes that occurred in Endred were not simply caused by subspace pollution and erosion. In fact, he was not injured at all 'at that time'. The wounds and rapid aging essentially involve a complex effect of multiple timelines resonating and overlapping in string space. - This is almost impossible to happen, but it does happen."

"Although you made it very simple, I still feel a little unclear. I'm sorry."

"There is nothing unintelligible, my stupid half, what our brothers mean is that Endred Hal is going through something that he would have gone through, but should never have happened."

Sir Kaduru, the old god on the side, enthusiastically added, "That is to say, there is something wrong with the 'past' of Endred Hal of Iron Heart."

"Okay, I understand, thank you, Master Kadu'er, but isn't this wrong?"

"Oh?" The old man narrowed his eyes and put a palm on the rim of his teacup. The attendant immediately put away his teapot knowingly. "What's wrong?"

Perturabo flipped through the medical reports quickly.

And the scene of the black-and-white dog talking nonsense while fearless and solemnly attending the meeting of the unrecognizable Primarch and the pseudonymous former Imperial Regency is really too exciting, even for the most determined Istvan veterans who have passed the screening. I have to remind myself repeatedly in my heart how noble this emperor actually is... uh... in short, think of a way! my brain! Deceive my eyes!

In fact, the reason why these soldiers were able to accept this terrifying fact so quickly was also because of the horror of the fact:

First of all, anyone who could not lose his mind on the spot during the astonishing scene in which the Lord of Olympia coaxed a shepherd dog was already a man of extraordinary perseverance among the extraordinary;

Secondly, they can indeed feel a certain familiar aura from this angry plush highness. The beauty and touchingness of the great creation that belongs exclusively to the Primarch have not been lost due to the change in his appearance, and even You can say - cough.

And the most important point is that the reason why they initially thought that His Highness's form was a blasphemous alien was mainly due to the strong visual impact of the dog head paired with the Contemptor Dreadnought. But if a warrior could calm down a little, he would find that the innate aversion to all aliens in the universe programmed into their genes was not actually triggered by this picture.

And Lord Malcador "kindly" reminded them of a more important point: this instinctive hatred of aliens was given to them by the great Human Emperor himself.

That is to say——

The Lord Regent of the Empire (to them the current one) told them that the Emperor could be considered to have tacitly approved of the Fourth Primarch's current form!

Now the soldiers felt much better.

Then the former regent struck while the iron was hot and proposed to select eight elite warriors from among these warriors who had fully proven their loyalty and reliability, but who had also been considered dead and lost, to serve as the honor guard of the Primarchs and as senior special operations personnel. Send members of your squad to use it.

Of course, this move was greatly dissatisfied by the members of the two warbands that originally existed here. In the end, the Primarchs came forward and each appeased their heirs. At the same time, the emperor's heirs also unceremoniously moved forward to the empire. Each of the eight places for the regent was filled with one of his own people - although the manpower of the "Silver Skull" was a bit stretched, Aharin's original main working place was the office, and there was no need to specially dispatch another soldier - so he did his part. He directly occupied a seat. No matter whether he would continue to hold the position, he would occupy it first.

"If there is something wrong, if Endred Hall's life really went wrong at some point in the 'past' as you said, then forgive me for saying something that is not very pleasant, if something goes wrong Hundreds or even thousands of years have passed..."

The old man who named himself Kadu'er immediately understood what he meant.

"You're talking about why he didn't die immediately and decay to some degree, right?"

"Yes, so can we think that this point in time is closer to the time we are in now?"

"You can teach me." The old man knocked on the table, "But the premise of your inference is that everyone's lifeline in time is linear and more parallel."


"After the Great Rift opened, and... well... in short, according to my observations of various aspects of the galaxy, the distortion of time and space has caused the time in many areas to flow at a different speed from that in other places. It is conceivable that the life lines caused by this are intertwined. There will only be more and not less phenomena.”


"So it's impossible to determine at what point in time it was," the brown almond-shaped eyes of the original body of the Black and White Plush Flower flashed with wisdom, "It would be much easier if Uthelma Atla was here... Now……"

He looked at the imperial regent in front of him, and the old man responded with a gentle but polite smile.

"Hmph! Well, actually to solve this problem, we still have to think about how the thing was triggered." The Lord of Iron announced, "We have to return to the place where the incident occurred to look for clues again, or try to investigate the triggering of the trap in detail mechanism."

"This is too risky. In view of Angron's previous experience, we should not continue to invest so much in a soldier in an expedition with unknown consequences. Instead, we should consider other matters, such as it is time to form some suitable organizations. Institution.”

Lamizane glanced at the calm old man, and he heard that the breathing of several Astartes became a little heavier.

Perturabo stared coldly at Malcador, or Brahm al-Khadour.

"We are created to take risks that others cannot take and to accomplish feats that others cannot accomplish, Lord Regent."

"Besides," a sarcastic smile appeared on the dog's furry face, "I believe that during your trip, you should have formed some useful small organizations. For example, I lost a little crow, you Why don’t you take it out and use it now?”

Kadu'er also looked a little surprised, "I didn't invite your little crow. I thought he left after receiving your order."

For the first time, an unexpected expression appeared on the face of the plush black and white flower demon king who had always been confident of victory.

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