Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 254 It’s a rare sight

"Angron Petra!!!!!!!!"

The source of the roaring sound made every conscious person in the Hall of Omens unable to help but focus their attention on this angry speaker.

Immediately, the sound of loading and chambering of many different bolt, deflagration, or bolt weapons sounded within a tenth of a second.

"Alien!!! Shameful alien!!!! You filthy alien who desecrated the sacred fighting body of the Imperial warrior!" roared the ancient sage who first raised his Skerius-type Storm Assault Cannon. The person is Master Rilano, the steward of the Paladin Royal Court.

The scarred Contemptor's fearless accuracy was unimpaired by his shattered, blackened appearance, with each round landing on target - inspiring more of the shimmering structure of the shield.

"Wait a minute! Master Rilanor! Listen to my explanation! And this is not an alien!" Angron Petra was surrounded by his descendants who rushed into the venue crying with joy, and just poked a head and an arm out of the crowd. Lai anxiously explained loudly, "This is the Iron-Blooded! This is my fourth brother! Not an alien!"

"It's ridiculous! Brother?! Are you saying that this could be the Primarch of the Iron Warriors, Lord Perturabo?! His Highness Angron Petra! I originally thought you were a noble and rational person worthy of my trust. Man! I never remember Lord Perturabo turning into a dog or that we, the noble Lord of Men, had such a furry dog ​​son who could speak human words!"

Lamizane's expression suddenly changed as he was about to come over and say something. Of course, so did some other people.

"You..." The black-and-white plush tyrant stared at the ancient sage Rilano with a very calm but gloomy expression and tone, "...say...what...what...?"

"I don't know who you are, but please stop telling me!"

"Don't say anything! Isn't this exactly a dog?! A dog sitting blasphemously in the cockpit of a noble Dauntless! It even utters human words! This abominable evil thing!"

"You...said...that...word...is..." The entire hull of the Iron-Blooded began to vibrate, and the eyes of the Iron Angel with the face of the seventh gene primarch on the wall Emitting a brighter blue light, all the lines and solder joints were lit up, showing that he was suffering from extremely overloaded computing.

Oh (expletive by Gutera).

"Master Kadu'er! And Magna, no matter who it is, I'm going to ask you to help maintain order first!!"

It was too late to make any further analysis or further processing of the completely chaotic scene in front of me. There was one thing that mattered the most.

The Lord of Steel, Perturabo, threw his body on the body of the black-and-white dog Fearless in full view of the public, and began to stroke its fur to appease and coax it, etc. A series of extremely skillful but immediately shocking reactions to most people present. Human-like behavior like a thunderbolt.

"Baby! I think they just don't know it's you! Let's just explain it!"

"I'm not a dog! I'm Perturabo!"

"Yes, yes... you are Perturabo... Hey, hey, hey, don't be angry, don't be angry..."

"I want to make him into a thousand living cannonballs and stuff them into the macro cannon and fire them out!!!"

"Yeah, let's talk about this later. Ah, Pepe, honey, how about we go to another room to calm down first?"

"I'm going to use his head as a ball in the Blood Bowl!"

"Huh? Is there one here too... No, that is to say, well, baby Peppa, look, we have so many things to do now, and there are so many people here..."

Poor Mr. Lamizane Carosini tried his best to calm down the red-eyed black and white dog tyrant, completely unaware of whose face and body he was using to make something that was so terrifying that the universe was hot. The end of silence.

Until the person involved glanced at his clear and stupid face with his mouth pouting and making a slurping sound.

Another glance.

Another look.

Then a certain Chaos Tyrant suddenly woke up and looked around the entire Hall of Omens with a stiff face.

Then, on the high-precision auspicious device in front of him, the powerful self-owned database of Ironblood and LOGOS very thoughtfully pasted the name of the Astartes next to each of the hundreds of unfamiliar faces staring at them in amazement. Name, regiment to which you belong, military rank and personal resume tag——



After the explosive and shocking accident in the Hall of Omens and the two subsequent equally explosive and shocking emergencies——

Although the aftermath has not yet settled, just how to properly make the vigilant thousand-year-old predecessors trust themselves and obey the arrangements and how to properly place them has made the currently pitiful few officers on the Iron-Blooded ship (considering Liandasa Deradu was still lying in the infirmary (short of medical treatment and medicine) and was so busy that he hit the back of his head with his feet, but.

His Highness Perturabo, the Lord of the Iron Warriors, the Fourth Primarch, the Demon Lord, and the one who loves to rule everyone most, announced that he needed some time to do some "quiet meditation."

He didn't want to see anyone during this period.

Including your own body.

Especially your own body!

Oh, by the way, Angron Petra and his excited descendants were dragged into the Chapter Master's office by Lamizane and Kadu'er before they could reunite.

"What's going on with you?! How come you have so many people around you?!"

Chapter Master Lamizane clapped the stack of reports in his hand sadly.

"I've finished reading Magna's accident report! You've finished reading it too, right?! You almost killed everyone! Angron Petra! It's really a blockbuster without making a sound!"

Although Master Kadu'er didn't speak, his eyes clearly showed the meaning of "You are indeed someone's son. These ungrateful brats would still shorten my life in another place."

"Uh... Just like I said, when I found myself on Istvan III, what I saw and heard, under those circumstances, it was impossible for me to give up on them. I believe... I My brother, I think it will work?"

"You might as well pull in your mortal brothers and sisters! They are much easier to pull in than these veterans!" Master Kadu'er's resentful words rang out, "My old bones can't stand your torment like this!"

"Well, now," Angron Petra's golden eyes looked at a certain chapter leader with a strange look, "people have also been brought, and they are all here, and they are all loyal."

"Wait a minute." Ramizan Carosini's eyes became brighter and brighter as he picked up another stack of lists under the report and looked through them. "What are the names of these people...?"

"What happened to these people's names? With my reputation, they are absolutely loyal..."

"No! You don't understand!" A strange smile spread wider and wider on the face of the Fourth Primarch possessed by an ancient Terran person, making the Twelfth Primarch suddenly feel chills on his back.

"Hahahahahahahahahaha! Sol Tarvitz! Solomon! Gavir Loken! Torgadon! Ah! Good! Hee hee! It's all mine!!!!"

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