Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 251 Guess who shows up secretly again

"Something isn't quite right."

When he said this, in the Hall of Omens on the Destiny Steel - or in other words, in the Hall of Omens on the Iron Blood, the Hermit Librarians of the Iron Heart were lying on the ground - lying on the cold floor of the hall, with only those connected to them. The spiritual energy absorption circle is still running flickeringly, and the biological cables connected in advance are continuously injecting some kind of life vitality shining with a light yellow color from Magna Dorn on the main wall of the hall. The bodies of the think tanks are used to maintain the existence of the latter, lest their bodies instantly disintegrate into dust and dissipate into reality because they cannot withstand the excessive spiritual pressure.

If Captain Sklar of Iron Heart hadn't witnessed how these people built this place bit by bit using very "normal" materials, he would have thought that this scene was the result of what happened to the brothers in the Chapter. Some kind of targeted subspace conspiracy trap or demonic attack.

The fearless helmet-shaped sensor turned worriedly to the direction of the main planner. In view of what he had seen and heard in the past few days on the Iron-Destiny Steel, the originally bold and cautious Second Company Commander made preparations for himself. After being mentally prepared, he was about to carefully ask the other party——

"What's wrong?"

Lamizane was originally separated in the special isolation circle side hall of the hall by Perturabo on the grounds that "for laymen, just close your eyes and output your computing power and psychic energy, so as not to cause trouble", at this moment He was also called over by Magna's anxious communication.

The Iron Warriors and Imperial Fists who were summoned to guard the ceremony outside the Hall of Omens - well - everyone is still using the "Silver Skull" livery for some unique and unspoken reasons - are holding on. At their posts, their armors are ready and their weapons are loaded. The genetically enhanced nerves and senses of the Space Marines are adjusted to the best state by the injected drugs and hormones in the power armor, and they are always ready to stop them according to the orders of the Primarch. Anything suspicious - whether it's keeping something out or keeping something out.

"Something's not right!"

Perturabo said again solemnly (God knows how Lamizane could tell the look from the black and white furry face of a dog), and at the same time, he looked towards Master Kaduru who was working hard to guide the ceremony at the ceremony node. Shouted, "How are you doing there?!"

The originally elegant and easy-going old man still looks very elegant and easy-going now. If you ignore the veins popping up on his temples, the energy smoke escaping from the clenched back molars and the soles of his feet due to the violent infusion of spiritual energy is like dry ice overflowing from the container. If it is constantly being eliminated by the protective ritual circle on the floor of the hall.

Oh, and also, his golden eagle staff, which he always carries with him, is now used as a kind of "key" and is inserted in the center of the summoning ritual formation. Now the blazing flames on the eagle staff have risen to It's three feet tall, and it looks like it's trying to burn through something.

"I don't know what's going to happen next," Master Kadu'er's hood fell off his head, and his long, white reed-like hair was blown back and messy by the spiritual energy in the air. Flying to the ground, the old man gritted his teeth and tried hard to hold on to his staff. A thin layer of sweat began to appear on his forehead. He struggled to maintain the operation of the entire huge and complex magic circle, "But I know with great certainty what will happen next. Something!"

"What's up?!"

"Perturabo (Gothic expletive) if you don't come down and do something, this damn place is going to explode due to the constant overload of psychic surges!!!!"

"The (crackling ozone accompanied by the sound of psychic lightning) phased aetheric supermatrix in the Hall of Omens can never be overloaded! It was designed and perfected by me personally, and is powered by (the psychic surge suddenly grows larger, and a huge psychic A true masterpiece of art in construction! It has even easily withstood the summoning ritual of the Phantom of the 'King of Kings' before!"

"Okay! Then have you considered the redundant amount of psychic energy I can use?!"

"You are...! You are someone who can even move and anchor a Titan into the subspace for many years! Fishing out a gene from the turbulence of time and space who has a fixed anchor point here and a beacon on his body The Primarch won't be that difficult for you! How much more redundancy is needed?! Just one person!"

"Oh my god, Terra! How come you are so like him at this point?! Such unfounded arrogance! Such unfounded confidence! Have you ever thought about me (Brother Gao) Special swear words) Is it possible that we lack the body to store so much psychic energy?!"

"I have to coordinate all energy flows and time and space flows here! Do you know how precise calculation and control this requires?! I can't leave! I can't leave!"

"Then why do you still have time to talk to me?! Cough!" The old man swallowed back what he coughed up into his throat, and then twisted his staff half a circle, and the sleeves of his robe were also affected by psychic waves. The strong wind blew, showing his lean and strong arms.

"So I can't speak anymore!" Perturabo shouted, "I (Gutera expletive) can't use the brain-computer interface now! I have to concentrate!"

here we go again. When Captain Sklar heard this, he immediately stopped in his tracks very consciously, turned around with an expressionless face (although he didn't know why he could see the expressionless face from the helmet-type sensor of the Dreadnought), and tried to be as quiet as possible. Stay away from this place silently.

Concerned about his comrades and deaf to anything else, the 2nd Company Commander decided to see if he could help his fellow Librarians get more comfortable on the floor - because it looked like they might be there for a while.

The old man's solitary and elegant output continued for a while, but it did not last long - on the one hand, even non-think tank personnel like Sklar could see that the situation was indeed starting to get a little out of control, and on the other hand, there was a The biggest variable was whether it was because he wanted to help or because he felt that he could not idle around and might be able to make a difference. He walked into the formation when his dog and a certain former imperial civil servant were accusing each other——

Magna Dorn blinked in the wall and looked at Lamizane Carosini walking over.

"Oh my God, Magna." Lamizane looked worriedly at young Dorn, whose steel wings on his back and hands were fused into countless cables, pipes and mechanical tentacles on the wall, "You don't look good. .”

"No problem." The voice of the person he was looking at answered with a different electronic and steel texture than usual, as if the metal CPU, radiator, computing unit and memory were humming low-frequency and harmonious. Mechanical Ode, "Although my workload has reached 100%, the temperature of the main processing unit is still within an acceptable range."

The face belonging to young Dorn has completely lost the texture of human skin color. The electronic units and solder joints with psychic processing effects are shining with blue aura on his steel-colored face. It looks like he is about to It will generally crack along the lines.

The eyeballs in his eyes have turned into balls of light that are constantly passing through the binary code, watching everything in the hall, while resisting the ever-increasing psychic impact.

"I'm okay, I'm okay, I can hold on. ... I am the Fist of the Empire, I am the Guard of Terra, and I am the cornerstone of everything in the Empire."

He whispered to him in a voice that only the two of them could hear, and at the same time, a cold lightning flashed across Lamizane's back, making his hair tremble.

"Rogal Dorn will never fail before Perturabo."

Everyone present felt a new force pouring in and protecting their bodies.

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