Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 235: Standing before mortals and fate

With the snap of the magnetic force and the sealing buckle, Angron Petra buckled on his helmet, his blue eyepieces lit up, and the constantly changing data around him began to be listed in his vision. in range – luckily it wasn’t lost on that weird, long and short hike.

He moved his hands again and checked the power of the weapon. The primarch's scarlet woolen and gold-woven cloak remained on the sea before they descended to the bottom of the sea, but the blizzard had no effect on him.

The brilliant power armor that had just been debugged by his brother personally provided him with enough temperature and power. Its beautifully cast surface was now covered with thin layers of frost and snowflakes, turning it into a vague gray-white color, with just the right amount of frost. , will not affect his activities, but in this weather and environment, as long as he does not act violently, it will be a good temporary disguise.

The King of Nuceria learned many, many things from his adoptive father and teacher, including the ambition of a lion, the pride of an eagle, the cunning of a wolf, the wisdom of survival, the courage of a warrior, and the kindness of the stoic earth. Love, but certainly not including some unnecessary vanity.

The current situation of walking alone in the uninhabited mountains reminded him of a certain wilderness hike he had taken with his teacher. He did learn a lot during that trip and hunt, but now was not a good time to remember.

He looked up at the sky. It was still snowing, and leaden clouds were stacked thickly above his head. The angle of the stars behind the clouds could not be seen with the naked eye or optical observation, but the enhanced visual band of the helmet could.

He identified the position of the stars, then chose a direction and walked away. The snow and wind in the sky quickly buried the footprints he left.


"I swear! If I can't get him back, I will hold the entire galaxy's alien blood responsible for his disappearance." The image of Lotara Salin hissed, and her anger turned into blood. The electric light crackled in all the circuits, the Desert Ark issued a deep wail, and the female captain's chest shone with the scarlet mark of the blood oath, "And the Iron Heart will transform into a hound looking for him, tearing apart anyone who dares to Whatever's standing in our way! No matter what it is! No matter where it's going!"

Captain Sklar's gloomy voice also echoed under the dome of the bridge, with a certain boiling enthusiasm, because the commotion began to spread, and many iron-hearted warriors had been recalled to the flagship - the emotions of the mortals where they were also also Affected, the incidence of violence and murder suddenly skyrocketed, and notably the dead were bled and beheaded.

"We wish to obtain Teth Dassadra. My lord."

"He is still in the infirmary." Lamizane replied. He frowned rarely in the three-dimensional stasis projection. People could see the corners of the green robe and Fearless's huge figure beside him.

"What do you want him to do? He can't answer any questions now. The psychic shock is too strong. He needs time to recover - in fact, if he hadn't used his last bit of consciousness to bring the remaining people and the deep submersible back to the surface, , it will be a long time before we find out what happened."

"I don't deny this. Your noble lord." Holy Fearless replied, his words were filled with lingering blood, as if he was not soaked in artificial amniotic fluid, but in thick amniotic fluid. Same as in blood.

"But Endred Hal was there, unconscious too, and even worse. Hal was one of the strongest warriors I'd ever seen. He'd never been so mortally wounded in his life— It was as if someone had repeatedly penetrated him with a sword, and his body was still aging rapidly. Our pharmacists had tried their best. Only Tes Dassadra was the least injured among the entire team."

"Physical injuries." The body of the Lord of the Fourth Legion on the opposite side corrected, "The brain and soul of our war blacksmith are very seriously injured. And need I point out, Skator of the Iron Heart, Endred Hal His power armor is full of Eldar soul stones, and underneath it is most likely an ancient Eldar webway gate. It is logically explainable that he would be attacked invisible there in his power armor. "

He turned his head and looked around again, as if he was communicating with someone next to him, and as if he could observe the current bridge of the Desert Ark. However, the most keen iron-hearted warrior could vaguely feel that under this noble Under the illusive gaze of the people, something seemed to be roaring with dissatisfaction and being "stuffed" to its full capacity, temporarily dormant back into the deepest part of the abyss in the hearts of the soldiers.

Then he seemed to hear something, sighed, and softened his tone, "Send Endred Hal and the others over, Sklar. Your pharmacist and others can also come together."

"The Iron Blood's infirmary can accept him, as well as other wounded warriors. As far as I know, they all have different degrees of physical aging and injury problems, right. First of all, at least I have enough stasis stances here. .”


Angron Petra walked alone in the snowstorm for a long time.

This towering, snow-filled mountain is not suitable for most creatures to survive, but the power armor can tell him much more than the naked eye.

Lichen on rock and stone surfaces covered in fresh snow, buds in alpine meadows, deep hibernation burrows dug by rodents and small predators, dormant shrubs and pothole traps under the snow - and blood stains covered in snow with battle relics.

He was sure that there were too many ambush-style battles and a few encounters nearby, but the weapons on both sides seemed completely unequal. There was a quite powerful killer who added many achievements to the weaker side, but he still It's not enough to balance the fighting power between the two sides. He's not strong enough, far from it.

He followed these traces and searched in circles, groping over little by little. He saw the traces of people fighting for pure killing. Life here became only released for some kind of freedom without a future. The ghost of revenge faintly Floating in the sky above every corpse and blood stain.

There were some things he didn't like even more, such as the remnants of the shiny silver mechanically modified tentacles that appeared on some corpses. Angron had never seen them before today, but these seemingly harmless inorganic creations actually gave the Twelfth Primarch a burning urge to cut something off from the depths of his mind. .

Angron pursed his lips.

The bitter taste of doom, of known hopeless fate.

He was now standing in front of a cave, and there was the smell of ashes from the fire due to loss of fuel, the smell of sweat from not bathing for a long time, the musty smell of dirty fabrics that had not seen the light of day, and the metallic smell of old and new blood.

The auspicious scan of his helmet told him that there were only fifty-six mortal men and women inside. Most of them had crude primitive weapons in their hands. There were one or two small anti-gravity engines that looked very weird and were still working, but it was nothing. Too much fighting power.

To the Emperor's twelfth noble scion, the Primarch of Ironheart, any skill, courage, passion, or vision these men might possess was but a thought of his.


The conquering king of Nuceria, the Chosen Lord of Bot, the owner of the Desert Ark and the leader of the Iron Heart Chapter, Angron Petra wears a full set of original power armor.

In front of this unsuspecting cave.

Very rarely, he stopped.

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