Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 204 About the Agricultural World

To survive, to eat, to reproduce new individuals, these basic, ethereal and indescribable needs and desires are engraved deep in the genetic code of every real organism by the actual base sequence and cis-acting elements. What if an organism does not have these... ...To digress, let’s talk a little bit about the food problem in our world and the entire sector.

The large rift that is now opening has caused almost absolute chaos in the material galaxy, both in time and space. The side that can see the star torch is also overwhelmed by the chaos of the star torch being temporarily extinguished, while those who are struggling to survive on the dark side of the empire. People can only try their best to use all the resources they can find to get through the difficulties at hand.

As we have said before, staying alive, eating and reproducing, obviously staying alive and eating are closely related, and the importance is ranked before reproduction.

The key to satisfying these two desires for humans is fresh water and food. These two resources undoubtedly determine the life and death of hundreds of millions of mortals in the empire. Even if a hive world or a wild world has a certain degree of self-sustainability, Food production cycle capacity, but relative to the size of the population, its food reserves are simply not able to meet everyone's long-term needs without relying on large amounts of imports.

As a result, one of the harshest and most horrific punishments that can be inflicted on a hive world is the Order of Quarantine, which prohibits any Imperial ships from traveling to the world on which punishment has been imposed until a sufficient time has elapsed and those worlds are The original population disappears, and the planet becomes suitable for landing new colony ships again.

As for the practical application of this measure, the Argos Hive World in the Jericho Sector, which like its sister planets is dying extremely painfully and horribly, is an excellent example and awe-inspiring example. The fate will undoubtedly serve as a terrifying reminder to everyone of what kind of punishment those who betray the empire and those who try to start a separatist rebellion will receive in the end.

Just like the medieval lords of Ancient Terra and Europa, after hanging the bandits and traitors in their territory, they would leave the corpses on the gallows and stand them up on both sides of the road for birds to peck at, and to be exposed to the wind and sun for a long time. The swaying corpses on the poles demonstrate their authority and rule, until the corpses rot enough to fall down - although this is already a human being lifted up by the things he created, flying into the deep space and the starry sea. Ten thousand years later.

Perturabo had discussed this issue with his guardian before in one afternoon's leisure time. They finally agreed that it was the Empire itself that divided planets into too specialized island worlds. The practice makes this method feasible.

And before it is possible to fully grasp the subspace itself, or to be able to replace the subspace for safe, efficient, reliable interstellar communication or travel, it is undoubtedly a countermeasure to simply and crudely transform each planet into an isolated island with specialized functions. For the rulers, or colonists, it was a very brainless and clever way to plunder resources in the shortest possible time without spending a lot of administrative costs and energy.

Well, so under the above premise, assuming that you happen to be a resident of an agricultural world, and the planet you live on has not been affected by the war, and is used to produce food, the situation may look worse than other places. People feel more at ease?

Of course - no.

In the galaxy of the 42nd millennium, an imperial agricultural world is not what the ancient Terrans thought in most cases. With the advancement of science and technology and the development of human exploration, it has turned into some pastoral and peaceful world. A laid back place.

The Agricultural World, as the name suggests in the simple and crude nomenclature of the Empire, is a planet and everything on it that is just for the purpose of building this place into a planet-level farm that the Empire needs, transporting food from the space port all year round.

Some people may think that it is too much to allow such a large farm to not even have a day's rest, but the fact is that planets that can be transformed to the level required by the agricultural world are extremely rare, and the output of an agricultural world may What needs to be fed is the population of the surrounding star systems and even the entire sub-sector, and these populations are related to the output of industrial products, soldiers and tithes.

The Human Empire's important source of rations to maintain its huge Astra Militarum legions is largely produced from raw materials provided by the agricultural world. Of course, when ration bars and starch biscuits are not enough, the Mechanicum's solution will be promethium A by-product of vegetable refining.

If the conditions of an agricultural world are so favorable that the workers and servitors on it can perform routine agricultural operations in the planet's own atmosphere with a little protection, then the planet itself can be considered a paradise. There are only one rich land in the world, such as some of the agricultural worlds in the 500 worlds or the famous former home world of the Crimson Fist Chapter, Ryan.

What is more common is that in the agricultural world that has been operating for many years, workers must wear radiation masks, respirators and protective clothing to work in the haze of pesticides and fertilizers in the fields - because specially bred high-yielding crops do not take long to It will suck away the fertility of the land and turn it into yellowish, flying, nutritious dust. The chemical fertilizers and pesticides transported by the starship are the key to ensuring high yields in the future.

More agricultural planets do not even have such superior conditions. They may be giant cultivation cages covering the entire planet's ocean, huge hollow hydroponic farms made by hollowing out mountains, or they may reproduce rapidly under the high radiation energy of stars. Giant algae and microorganism culture tanks or mysterious giant mushroom communities underground, and even insects are also the source of many protein powders - if a Glocks animal farm can be established, it is of course a better choice.

Considering that after the Great Rift, due to the complete interruption of transportation and cargo ships in the distant subspace, the demand for the agricultural world's products has only increased in the dark side panic. Therefore, Angron's proposal is that the Governor's Palace of Calixis has not yet figured out Before anything happens, troops are sent to control the agricultural world on the route from Belaka'n to the port of landing. As long as one or two crucial agricultural planets in this sector are controlled, then the right to speak and the initiative will undoubtedly be immediately controlled. Iron-Blooded Trumpeter.

Moreover, Angron has very thoughtfully scouted the planets they need to capture in advance. Ms. Lotara said that as an imperial ship, the database of the Desert Ark can also provide some precious information for their rapid strike operations.

As for directly using the authority of His Majesty the Emperor and the Primarch to declare ownership of the agricultural world in this region?

Everyone tacitly avoided the topic.

Lamizane nodded understandingly, The barrel of a gun is better spoken and more efficient than the so-called royal authority. Look at the judges who are shouting about it, but in fact, none of them are fully armed. Can you sway people? After all, this time our side has loyal... and the original body of the empire, so after defeating it, I should not have the governance concerns I had before.

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