Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 200 This matter is finally over, let’s have some tea

The two pairs of eyes of the shepherd dog and the fourth primarch's body stared at each other for a while.

Both sides saw incomprehension in each other's eyes.

It's probably like Your daemon primarch's hobby is really weird and weird. What's so exciting about the chimera Dorne/How come you can't understand the genius of my approach? You're really talking to me.

Finally, Perturabo decided decisively.

Of course!

Okay, that's it, Perturabo, I completely understand. Lamizane nodded. You are such a genius! His eyes drifted to the side, looking for the next excuse to change the subject.

So let's have some afternoon tea first. We can have some snacks while reading the new communication message from the Iron Blood... Huh? Angron? Angron? Pepe, don't you mean that your Primarch doesn't know anything about it? Do you feel sleepy? He seems to have fallen asleep while listening to it?

Generally speaking, our deep sleep is disturbed by supernatural factors... But Angron is in a meditative state, which helps to enhance his power and help him better understand his own nature. You should try to learn to do this more ...Forget it, I'm afraid you'll wander somewhere and kill some guys to pieces, so I have to think of ways to reinforce them.



Let's have some afternoon tea and take a rest.

A certain librarian said sincerely.


So after everything was (seemingly temporarily) resolved, the unsuspecting Dorn in the iron ring was awakened by his brothers and immediately threw himself into his work happily and enthusiastically.

Young Magnar Dorn was delighted to be informed of Angron's current state and of his visit with his children.

He gave the twelfth brother Angron, who was rarely seen together (but this kind big brother looked very guilty for some reason), a big steel hug, and served them freshly baked original-size dishes. Huge starch toast, frozen cream, salted butter, synthetic milk, sugar jar and hot brown sugar Reca coffee.

So Perturabo, Angron and Lamizane sat together and used a small silver blade to cut slices of animal cream half a finger thick, sprinkle them with sugar, or choose to cut some salty slices of the same thickness according to taste. Flavored frozen butter slices, sandwich them into warm slices of bread and enjoy them with flavored brown sugar milk Reca coffee.

After Angron was woken up by Lamizane's hand (Perturabo screamed at this: You can't just wake up a meditating psyker like this next time!), he almost couldn't wait to stuff himself with food. and other people's mouths, for fear that the two Perturabo in front of him would start yelling something that made him need to enter meditation again - the effect of the twelfth primarch's meditation was unprecedentedly good, and he even felt that he could not If he continued, if he continued to go deeper, he felt that he was about to see some volcanoes, magma, arenas, deserts, brass thrones and scarlet things...

And when he thought about what dark words he would hear when he woke up, he wanted to beat the scarlet thing hard and then sit on it... This way, he wouldn't have to listen to it!

Fortunately, before he walked over menacingly with his huge axe, someone's hand reached down from the blood-red sky and naturally shook him awake.

Then he heard—

Let’s have afternoon tea, brothers.

He was convinced and breathed a sigh of relief.


Magna Dorn was very happy to see the happy gathering (?) scene in front of her. He quietly passed a line of text message to Lamizane in a small private communication channel: -

Oh, I'm so happy that our twelfth brother is back so intact that he can come and have afternoon tea with us. I think he likes the bread I baked very much. Just watching him take a bite brings tears to his eyes!

Lamizane paused suspiciously, and then calmly replied in text: -

Well, yes, you're getting better at cooking, Magna. ——So is this the recipe Aharin gave you today? These starchy baked breads and dairy products really taste great and are very nutritious.


Ah, no, it was a recipe I downloaded from the window of the officers’ mess, because when I was searching, I found that the title said ‘special recipe, freshly made ingredients, the original body’s favorite, rich in various trace elements and minerals’! -

……ah? No, our officers’ mess has such a thing? I mean, it's the Iron-Blooded officers' mess, right?


Of course, the recently updated content in the officers' mess is rich and interesting. I often detach part of my thinking tentacles to browse there to see if there is anything I can learn.


I see, so this recipe teaches you how to make these foods? -

Oh yes, and there is a long explanation of how to make it, but it is written in a very ancient coded small print, and it seems to be someone's private code memo. But it doesn't bother me with my analytic equation code! Well, it probably says that 'This compound formula is suitable for all members except the fifth, sixth, eighth, ninth, eleventh, twelfth primarchs and legions. For the above primarchs and legions, please search the special red meat formula label' , so I was originally worried that Angron would not be used to eating it...


Wait, this recipe - I mean, what's written in this recipe is really okay with you?


The analysis shows that I have tested both the listed ingredients and the finished product, and there are no problems. Ah, is it that?


Which? ! -

That said, it does have a warning label on it.


I just knew, what did it say on it? -

It says [If you plan to provide it to mortals for consumption, please remove the first 451 items in the aforementioned additive list in advance, and prohibit their use before the cooking is completed, such as the third, sixth, seventh, eighth, Procedures 9 and 22, the dosage for mortal consumption should be calculated based on a maximum of one cubic inch per fifty kilograms of body weight per day...]

Then young Donne continued to write somewhat uneasily, -Have I done something wrong? I see it says a recipe for the original body's special formula...

Looking at the other two Primarchs eating enthusiastically (?), Lamizane replied to Magna calmly.


No you're not doing anything wrong, just give it a try next time you find this old new recipe...ask me.


OK! Of course, I will, and I will definitely remember it next time. Thank you Rami Zane!

The hoop robot's prosthetic eye light flashed green again happily.


You're welcome, Magna, it's easy.


By the way, I have a little question.

The heart that Lamizane had just put back in his stomach was in his throat again.


What's the problem Magna? -

Since we are all drinking coffee, why call it afternoon tea?


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