Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 367 Heydrich’s perspective: the truth and answers to everything

The pain is tormenting you without stopping for a moment, but you are already used to it.

Because you know that pain is the gift you have been given, the source that keeps you calm and conscious, the only kindness the world has for you: it is so great, so precious, so irresistibly priceless.

So, after a long absence, you wake up.

Your will is released from pure calculation and reasoning, and you descend to this land that you despise, and those unnecessary emotions begin to echo around you: you can feel your [pupils] opening. , the surrounding colors poured into your consciousness, and you stopped breathing like a normal mortal, feeling the skin that was no different from the ice, and the blood vessels without any liquid flowing.

Strong light flooded into your field of vision, but no tears shed from the corners of your eyes. You ignored these dim lights and instead expanded your senses further: About fifty meters below you, you Feel the coldness of the ground and the ticking calculations of the instruments. They all obey your orders and operate according to the best laws. This is something that mortals can never do.

Those mortals...

Thinking of this, your proud thinking stopped for a moment. After searching all your memories, you determined that it had been a long time since you last saw a mortal, or another life: Yi Tai The standard calculation is maybe ten years, or maybe a little longer?

That's all, you don't care.

You can feel your mind trying to shake your head, but you lack the necessary organs and limbs for this action. The cold wind seeping from the cracks in the walls penetrates your torso, reminding you The leisurely time is over, and it’s time to get involved in the next work.

After all, your blood brothers have already arrived, and they have brought their weak warriors to your current territory: their number is a little more than you imagined, and their attack is faster than you expected. To be stronger, you originally thought that the core fortress world could sustain it for a month, but Zhuang Sen and his legions completely destroyed it in just a few days, making your calculations a rare and complete failure.

He is indeed your coldest brother, one of the few people in the galaxy who is worthy of your appreciation. You vaguely remember that your evaluation of him seems to be second only to Rogal Dorn: As for the Emperor, no one is qualified to evaluate him. , and no one is qualified to compare with him.

In addition to the beast king of Caliban, you can also feel four other auras, as well as more legions than you imagined, which makes you want to laugh: five original bodies, four Apart from the former Ran Dan alien craze, what kind of opponent is there in this galaxy that can make the entire human empire so prepared?

It seems that you have become a serious nuisance to mankind, a shame that your brothers are desperately trying to get rid of.

Although all this has not exceeded your expectations from the beginning, when these views are clearly revealed in your mind, you can still feel that there is a trace of coldness in your core computer area that is enough to disturb you. There is nothing more abhorrent than the weakness of logic.

Without it, you could have done better, and you should have been able to have a fuller attitude to greet the first batch of crusade, but you know that there are no ifs in reality. And you can only face the next army in a bad state: this can't help but make you feel frustrated. You are not afraid of that army, you just hate yourself for not being able to do better.

You must have disappointed the Emperor.

Your cause, your great plan, can only emerge later, so that the Emperor's eternal rule can only be postponed for a period of time: this is truly an unimaginable sacrilege, and you must redouble your efforts and oppression to redeem it. The shame this has caused you.

So, the first step is to start attacking your brothers.

You smiled, but the deep pain distorted the smile. You could feel how ferocious your soul was now: it really made people lose their dignity.

Four of the five primarchs are no strangers to you: long before you set foot on your own path, you were commanding endless wars while squeezing out the last bit of rest to continue Studying Jonson's ways of war, from the moment he returned to the Empire, you studied every battle he commanded, even the great beasts he hunted on the world of Caliban.

As for Leman Russ, he is also another subject of your in-depth research: after all, you know the value of the Spear of Dionysus better than others, and you also know better the cunning mentality hidden under the reckless skin of the Fenrisian wolf. , and the depressed brotherly love, this excess of emotion turned the Wolf into a half-failed product. As the Emperor's executioner, he should have been more deadly.

If you have time, you might be able to fix this error yourself.

As for Alpharius, that poisonous snake in the shadow, he always thought that no one would find him. For fifty years, he has been sending spies and informants into your legion. It is a kind of order to fight with him. People felt bored and relaxed: But this time, since he chose to stand in front of the stage and join this war in the way he is least good at, you don't mind solving him easily. This hydra has deceived As a matter of fact, his existence is a threat to the Emperor's great order.

Just like you.

Thinking of this, you want to laugh again, but you have to suppress this feeling because you still need to analyze the two opponents who are unfamiliar to you: Morgan and Conrad. You know their names and you know that they are worthy. your attention.

For you, Conrad is less of a threat. The areas he is good at are not suitable for this war, while Morgan is the opponent that needs to be taken seriously: her threat to you is second only to Jonson. A dangerous person who threatens you both computationally and mentally could disrupt your best-laid plans.

But from another perspective, if she can become your trophy, then your grand plan will definitely go more smoothly: you may get twice the result with half the effort.

After all, you are the same kind. The great Creator has shaped you two in a way that is different from the other eighteen creations. You know very well that it is difficult for you two to coexist, because you symbolize the Emperor's two expectations for the future. , and these two expectations are contrary to each other.

You have to get rid of Morgan, or master her completely: defeat her, knock her down, let her kneel beside you, put your palm on her forehead, let your souls and consciousness become one, until she will not Say no to any request you make.

It's all necessary and you'll feel sorry for it.

But you know, you will not stop: you never stop, this is part of the greatest cause, this is your mission as the Emperor's creation, you must burn yourselves in your own way to create humanity. The great empire of the Lord. To truly become the sharpest weapon and the most useful tool in the hands of the Emperor. Rather than like now, because of these redundant self-awareness, it slows down the emperor's pace and journey.

Your blood relatives may not understand your painstaking efforts. They may, no, they will definitely hate you, curse you, force the sword in front of you, and try their best to find a way to kill you completely, but it doesn't matter. , you will defeat them one by one, you will tolerate and tolerate them, include them in your [network], and let them understand what you are doing.

You will even be patient enough to accept their legions and accept these reasonably qualified genetic modifiers. They are the necessary bases and consumables for further expansion of your network. Only after accepting them can you break through the current resource consumption. The ultimate prison, bringing the entire Obscure Starfield into your palms. Later, the Emperor's order will be established throughout the galaxy.

By then, they will understand your difficulties, and by then, you will be like them: after all, they are your blood relatives, your kind, and the only little thing you need to care about in this absurd world. A handful of light, you can't abandon them, you will reach the same destination through different paths.

They will become the Emperor's most reliable tools, free of those disgusting egos and ideas, and you will join this great team: when this is all over.

The moment [it] is established.

Thinking of this, you began to turn your body and look at the incomparably great work of art behind you: you once admired the majestic star torch on Holy Terra, which was the handwriting left by the emperor. You know You can never create something greater than that, but today, you have created something second only to it. This is your own miracle.

It's even finished, it just needs more fuel and sacrifice to fully awaken it.

The Star Torch on Holy Terra will burn in the Warp, guiding the ships in their direction. And the [Star Torch] you build will also burn in the warp, guiding the future of the Empire: the moment it begins to burn, it will be the first day of the official establishment of the Emperor's Eternal Empire.

You've been waiting for that day for a long time: maybe fifty years, maybe even longer.

Since the day you became completely disappointed with your Legion...

No, it should be a little further.

Ever since the day you saw the Lord of Humanity, this idea has taken root deep in your heart, or in other words, its seeds have been hidden in the darkness as early as the moment you gained consciousness, just waiting. Awakened by the light from the Emperor.

Yes, that's it. You are sure of this. After all, like every genetic blood relative of yours, you know everything since your birth. They are deeply engraved in your mind and tell your story. Your immense disappointment and hatred for this miserable world.

You remember clearly that your disappointment and hatred had been accumulating the moment you opened your eyes: as a Primarch, the childhood of your brothers was always talked about by mortals, but you never Tell anyone about your childhood, not because you are ashamed or timid, but because there is nothing good to say.

You heard that some of your brothers did not have a happy childhood. They were either alone fighting monsters, or they were lost in the hands of an ambitious alien adoptive father. Only a few of them had a healthy environment and a happy life. family, but you are slightly different from them. In the first few months of your life, you did have an adoptive father in the literal sense: it would be better not to have one at all.

You can still clearly remember his appearance until now: he is a human being, but has some alien characteristics. This comes from one of his maternal ancestors being insulted by an alien species without reproductive isolation, and these characteristics have been passed down from generation to generation. The inheritance has undoubtedly penetrated deep into his bloodline.

He wandered in the desert world where you landed, wandering on the edge of the great hive cities built by alien slaves, and as the leader of a scavenger family, he picked up the amniotic capsule that wrapped you.

The moment he picked you up, you had already opened your eyes and engraved your impression of him in your mind: he was a strong man in the popular sense, wearing a pair of glasses with no actual function. , with a neatly clean scarf and a diced stick that had never been washed and was stained with human blood residue: it was with this appearance that he caught you in his hand, and he could tell at a glance that you were unusual.

Then, he laughed and took a satisfied bite of the scarlet fruit held in his other hand. The memory in your mind told you that it was a human heart: the heart of your adoptive father. Favorite food, and his first interaction with you is to put this heart to your mouth.

Mortal blood is hot, hard to swallow, and smelly: it is your first meal and the first knowledge you learn.

Over the next five or so Terran standard months, you would learn more of the same from him, learning the value of killing, dissection, and technology: until his fear of you slowly overshadowed what was left of you. appreciation.

When you single-handedly killed the deformed beast that the entire tribe feared, and planned to conduct further research and analysis on it, he came to your room, patted your shoulder, and said: He chanted his praise and expectations for you: but you can hear the sound of the big pot being set up in his room and the sound of hot water bubbling in it.

The cauldron he prepared for you is indeed big enough to hold him and his few cronies: thankfully, except for the first few drops of blood, you have no interest in mortal flesh. Not the slightest interest.

You kicked your adoptive father's red-hot body in front of his former followers, and then watched these mortals devouring it like beasts in the desert: this made you fall into deep thinking for the first time. among.

Is there any essential difference between the mortals you have seen and the beasts you have seen?

Apart from the knowledge, history and culture they have accumulated over generations, they seem to be beasts with long limbs, capable of cannibalism without hesitation that ordinary beasts would not do. Behavior, even proud of it. Take this as normal, take this as inheritance.

Maybe, this is just a mortal.

At that moment, this vague idea appeared in your mind, but you still didn't believe it. You spent several years wandering in the desert, meeting and observing one mortal settlement after another. Most of them don't seem to be any more different from these so-called followers behind you. They will also gnaw the fingers and hearts of the same kind mercilessly, while others, although they despise this bad habit, when they see you The betrayal and dark deeds that flashed in his pupils when he took out the petty profits were really disgusting.

You hate them: their savagery and ignorance, their cruelty and madness.

And more importantly, you hate their weakness, and you wonder why they can still survive in this world. It is obvious that they have not created any value, and will only be immersed in selfish fighting. In your heart , they all failed.

Of course, it’s not like you haven’t met those barely qualified guys: after they saw your strength and character, they spontaneously gathered from the desert and followed you. Unknowingly, these guys actually Start to regard yourself as your [true follower].

Those guys in your team who are accustomed to cannibalism have gradually disappeared, and those mortals who bound their hearts with bottom lines and morals have formed your new tribe. They don't even need you to worry about it, and they have completed the establishment spontaneously. The base and the work of accommodating new members. Although the middle managers who stand out from the bottom have constant disputes with each other, each of them treats you with respect, just like believers treat gods.

They advocate your kindness and justice, thinking that you will bring a better world, because they have never seen you carry out those useless massacres and violent activities, and you have never asked you to perform hard labor or provide you with pleasure. : After all, these things are useless.

The research you are obsessed with makes them as pious as admiring a miracle. It is just those research results that have long been eliminated in your eyes, after they take them away. But it also significantly improves the lives of these mortals, attracting a steady stream of outsiders to defect to your banner.

In the third or fourth year of your [birth], these followers who you have never seen directly have become the most powerful force in the desert. You have developed information about diet and The technology of clean water has attracted more and more mortals, and they spontaneously formed an organization called the "Freedom Army" and regarded you as their powerful and lonely leader.

Then, the cannibal tribes and mutant tyrants wandering in the desert were eliminated one by one. This was a small-scale war that you never cared about, because everything they did was They are all worthless in your eyes.

After all, in your eyes, no matter how the kingship in the desert changes, the biggest change is just the emergence of a ruler who can make people a little more tolerant. The real essence of this planet lies in those alien cities. As long as they If you don't fall, the great achievements your followers sing about will be nothing more than duckweed in dreams.

During an unbearable collective meeting, you used such words to deal with your loyal followers. This seemed to set off a storm in the Free Army. It didn't take long for the army from the desert to arrive. They began to launch tentative attacks on the alien hive cities, and the human slaves who had been enslaved in the hive for generations became their most reliable allies.

It wasn't until this moment that you looked at them for the first time. After all, this real war is the best place to test your research results. You began to intentionally provide them with more powerful weapons, using They use their blood and tears to improve the new technology in their hands. In your estimation, as long as this war can continue for a few more years, you can complete your only purpose: to build a real aircraft and leave this world. You disappoint the world, go find the one who created you, and return to your kind.

As for your followers, let them be.

That's what you originally thought: until those alien envoys knocked on your door and proposed another, more valuable deal.

These aliens call themselves the Secret Cult, the real Secret Cult. You realize the truth from their boasting and rhetoric: the so-called Secret Cult is just an organization with more aliens gathered together, and these people in front of you are members of this organization. The losers of the struggle have their own territory in this world.

But even so, you have to admit that they have technology in their hands that can greatly speed up your research progress, and when you look at these aliens, you are no different from looking at your followers.

In fact, it was not until you returned to the human empire that you learned about the concept of aliens for the first time. Before that, these alien creatures, like mortals, were just stupid and unreflective beings in your eyes.

After a brief thought, you accepted their request. You became one of the true rulers of this planet, at the expense of those who call themselves your followers. You did not hesitate about this, after all, anyone A decent man must learn to change his blood-stained boots before entering the palace.

As a result, an exquisite performance and a bloody massacre were staged at the same time. When the Free Army disappeared, you became the hero who overthrew the tyranny in the eyes of everyone: the ruler of the city on the surface: you are very aware of these aliens who call themselves the secret society. They just want you to become their new spokesperson. They will regard you as a guard dog in the hall, and you just want to learn the skills in their hands: you each get what you need.

But reality disappoints you.

After spending several months provoking these contradictory alien creatures and getting the technology you want from their disputes, you find that they are far less advanced than you imagined. The power you control is also much smaller than you expected: and when you realize this, the force you control is enough to completely crush this so-called alien parliament, and they become a fluke in your war of recovery. The remnants who escaped.

You are once again among those mortals, as the ruler of the world.

And time continues, and you realize that you cannot leave this planet alone. You must need enough subordinates to help you on the long interstellar voyage, so you decide to carry out sufficient transformation activities for this planet: But It's at this point that the efficiency of these mortals' work quickly makes you feel truly hopeless.

They are so incompetent. Even after the so-called genetic modification surgery on them, their innate efficiency and the lag caused by the so-called self-thinking have made your plan have to be postponed again and again. For that time For you, using mechanical power to replace these mortals is the most correct choice, and the only value of these life forms seems to be to provide enough consumables for your biological research career.

Only at this point are they barely adequate.

At the same time, as you watch indifferently, dirty political dramas are being performed in every corner of the hive: mortals regard you as a decentralized monarch, and start a new round of power and political struggle unscrupulously. It only took a few years for interests to completely tear apart these so-called comrades, and the oppression of the lower classes became even more serious than those of the aliens. You have witnessed with your own eyes how those mortals in high positions use They use petty profits to maintain their rule and establish a decadent and stable ruling institution.

After you clear them out, you don't change the system.

And you just realized once again the correctness of your idea: in essence, there is no difference at all between these well-dressed dignitaries and the offal who once devoured your adoptive father in front of you. They are all just mortals. That's all: a disappointing mortal, a mortal who accomplishes nothing, a mortal who only destroys himself over and over again.

They are not your kind.

It was not the case before and it will never be the case again.

When you left this world, you confirmed this: you couldn't wait to walk into the void to find your true blood relatives. Thank God, it was smoother than you imagined. You just moved forward a few galaxies. distance, he encountered the only light in the universe.

That's the Emperor.

Your father, your Creator, the truly great and benevolent being, the master of science and truth: He just standing in front of you is enough to make you kneel down in sincerity, because when he looks at you At that moment, you have completed all communication in the spiritual realm.

You know how he appeared, how he has gone through tens of thousands of years of ups and downs, how he has stood firm in an environment that is more desperate and hateful than you. You know how he created you and your kind, and how he created you and your kind. Endowed with infinite knowledge in your mind: any one of them is worthy of your heartfelt respect, and when they are combined, the only thing you can do is to worship him.

You know that he did not lie to you, he is indeed not a god: such a sad and ridiculous word as god is not worthy of appearing in the same place as the emperor. You despise your brother Luojia from the bottom of your heart, because you know that he Every motto of the God Emperor that comes out of his mouth is the most intolerable insult to your Creator.

But you have never had any objections to this: Lord Emperor, this galaxy is so vast, and your kind is so rare, you have to admit and tolerate their stupidity, otherwise how else can you do it? Woolen cloth?

And these things cannot distract you: as early as the first day you met the Emperor, he had a long conversation with you that was long enough to make anyone jealous, and the content of your conversation was enough to shake The Empire shakes the galaxy. For the first time, you realize the Emperor's expectations for you. For the first time, you realize the mission the Emperor has given you. You know, everything about you is born for this, everything about you. All for the sake of the Emperor, so that the great cause he is shaping can be kept away from the eternal waves of filth deep in the High Heavens.

This was not an easy job: but you took it without hesitation.

Because you cannot refuse the mission entrusted to you by the Emperor, because you cannot live up to the Emperor's expectations. If your existence cannot accomplish the things he wants you to do, then your existence is a joke, and then you are a complete idiot. of useless people.


You already have a solution in your mind, and you are very sure about the feasibility of this solution.

In the following decades of serving the Empire, you were sometimes obsessed with the progress of the Great Crusade, and sometimes explored the future of this method. Your disappointment with the Legion and the Empire may have been expected. After all, They are just things transformed from mortals. It doesn't matter if they have your bloodline. You can always create guys who have more of your bloodline and are more fanatical and loyal to you.

They don’t know you at all, they don’t know what a sacred cause you are carrying out. They only serve the Emperor and the Empire because of the concept of loyalty that has been forcibly inserted into their minds. They are just a group of people with no force and mobility. Just a giant baby: after they let you down time and time again like mortals, you made the only right choice.

Now, no one can stop you from fulfilling the mission entrusted to you by the Emperor: you have sacrificed too much to complete this mission, you are beyond redemption, you have allowed your body and soul to no longer be pure.


At some point during the Great Crusade, you voluntarily entered the Warp.

In the subspace, you quietly face the terrifying raging tide of chaos: you know very well that you must know these guys well enough to think of a real way to deal with them. As for you being an untouchable, why can you connect to subspace? Is there space...?

Every impossibility in this world actually has its solution. The only thing that needs to be considered is the price: and you need to pay the price, which is not worth mentioning.

Thinking of this, you even felt a little proud, but this time the pride was washed away by the omnipresent pain: these pains have always been there, they have never left.

They are the price.

They are a storm composed of blades, a wave swept by millions of poisonous insects and beasts. They launch new attacks on you every minute and every second, constantly tearing your nerves and tearing them away. Your consciousness ravages, shreds, devours and spits out your remaining soul over and over again, fusing it into new fragments.

They are the malice in the warp, the hammers of Chaos, the gods in the highest heaven pressing their hateful faces close to your ears, so that you will be surrounded by their boundless whispers anytime and anywhere. You can feel their fetid breath on your soul anytime and anywhere: they are watching you, just like the giant monsters in the deep sea watching a boat moving forward, their planet-like The projection of consciousness surrounds you, leaving no gap or breeze.

Compared with the continuous whispers, temptations and threats of these gods, the pain even seems insignificant, and you have long been accustomed to it.

In fact, even all the words in your knowledge cannot describe these physical and mental pains, but you can find a perfect analogy: you know that in your father's palace, there is a throne called the Golden Throne. That existence seems to be a great torture machine, and the knowledge in your mind is telling you that the pain you are experiencing now is completely equal to the torture on the Golden Throne.

There is no difference at all.

And this is the price you pay for connecting to the subspace: you cut a gap in your soul, break through the shackles set by the Emperor for you, and forcefully connect to the subspace, and the storm of the highest sky can be directly connected to the subspace. It impacts the inside of your soul and brings endless torture for decades.

Yes, you have been enduring this pain from the day you decided to carry out this great plan. This pain has been with you for decades of expeditions, Randan wars, and long planning. , research and work, even until now, they are all accompanying you, and you are enjoying this formless golden throne.

You have to admit that sometimes, you do feel pain, but you know very well that these pains cannot disturb you. In the face of the great cause you need to build, pain and suffering are meaningless existences. You have already You have already given up your body, and the pain in your soul can no longer interfere with your thinking and logic. They can even help you feel awake. I help you maintain a calm attitude of rejection in the chaotic hell. .

From this point of view, pain is undoubtedly a gift. It's a gift from your father.

At the cost of endless suffering and pain, you reached the depths of the subspace. You saw the failed futures, felt the shortcomings of your brothers from the heart, and searched for and filled them bit by bit. Ways to achieve your greatness.

In the subspace, there is no concept of time, but the pain is still with you. In this chaotic and painful state, you don’t know how long you have been traveling, heading all the way to the deepest part of the supreme sky. The gods don’t seem to be aware of it. They welcome you, but they don't stop you. They just keep looking at you, whispering with sarcasm and ridicule that you can't hear.

Until you go to a temple in the deepest part of subspace, until you find the throne standing in the temple: it is a creation that you cannot describe, because it seems to be a hideous deformity composed of whips, prisons and instruments of torture. , you see countless screaming and twisted faces on its surface, but each of them has no facial features, as if their personal existence is not worth mentioning.

You observe the throne, curious about what you find, until a voice comes from the throne: a voice that seems to be waiting for your arrival.

You can't describe that voice, and you can't even recall what that voice said, but you can clearly remember: the throne sent you an invitation.

An invitation to the gods.

An invitation about [Hate and Slavery].

It first warmly praised your greatness in these two aspects. It praised your fanatical pursuit of hatred, slavery, extreme tyranny and dim and ignorant rule. But what it appreciates most about you is not These are places where you lead by example.

It accurately points out your deepest thoughts.

Yes, you hate the world equally, hate almost all life except the Emperor and your blood relatives, hate those mortals and aliens on the same level: but you also hate yourself, because you know that you There is no more difference between you and them. In terms of your contribution to the emperor, you are all derelict in your duties. You have not done better.

Yes, you long for slavery, but this is not your slavery: you are convinced that this world needs a real system of slavery to maintain, otherwise, allowing those mortals to maintain their own thoughts will only allow them to be invaded by Chaos one after another. , Only by keeping everyone's thoughts under the light of the Emperor forever can Chaos be unable to attack. You sing about such enslavement, but you are very sure that you cannot become such a enslaver.

Therefore, you are willing to become a enslaved member and willing to become the Emperor's ruling machine: just like the future you have set for each of your blood relatives.

Behind you, the Second Star Torch is shining. It is a creation that you have devoted all your talents to. It is a control center that can even contaminate the Primarch. The only thing it needs is more being Controller: The exquisite design of this machine determines that it can achieve snowball-like expansion. It can gain more power by controlling more people, and then use more power to control more people, and so on, until The end.

And this is the ending you have set for everything in the world, your final reply to the emperor's mission: you will find enough power to turn on this machine, and those blood relatives who come to conquer you will be the first batch of nutrients. And you will be the core of this machine. For this requirement, you gave up your humanity and body without hesitation and became a body of consciousness that can be attached to any great machine.

You will drive this machine, you will find more enslaved people, you will use it to cover the entire human empire, and even the entire galaxy, and establish a truly eternal, which can be called a gestalt or swarm. A powerful future: As you can see in Shards of the Future, this is the way to go.

And this future is being sung and praised by this throne originating from the depths of the subspace. It worships the fantasy in your heart to the point of admiration: or rather. Pretend to be in admiration until you fall to the ground.

You can hear the temptation and malice in its voice: the temptation is for you, but the malice is for a guy it calls the "King of Darkness". This throne seems to have a very bad relationship with the King of Darkness, and it spurns It believes in the equality of end and death in front of all living beings, and scorns to reward this world with destruction without discrimination. It tells you that this is a morbid future, a regression that will wipe out all vitality and eternity, and your current thinking is the opposite. Yes, you will destroy the incomparably abominable equality that brings destruction to all people, and you will establish an eternal empire of tyranny and slavery that will never face destruction.

And you are the most suitable leader of this empire.

And you are the god who should be in charge of all this when hatred and destruction will flood the entire galaxy.

And you only need to touch the throne in front of you, accept its power, and accept the qualification to become a god, then everything is certain: you will be the first candidate qualified to inherit this throne, considering your competition. It will take nearly an eternity of millennia for the opponents to be unleashed, and your ascension to the throne is virtually unshakable.

You just need to let the galaxy burn, just run your machine, complete your plan, just make a small change: for example, let yourself become the ultimate point of slavery, you can become a god, you can become the supreme heaven. Another supreme being in the world.

This is what the throne said. It makes no secret of its appreciation for you, and you know from the bottom of your heart that it is not wrong: you have a magical connection with the subspace, and you even feel for this throne and this temple. There is a certain warmth like home, you know, it does not deceive you.

This throne longs to be integrated with you. It longs to come to this world earlier. The throne is tired of being imprisoned here. It wants to be used. It wants a new god.

It wants you to stroke it and accept the power.

Just need a moment.

All it takes is one step.


What a fool.

Is not it?

This time, even the pain did not wipe away the smile deep in your heart: because you remembered how the throne angrily cursed your incompetence and cowardice, and you remembered the people behind you when you left that temple without hesitation. The overwhelming rage was as if the earth was shaking and the mountains were shaking.

Even the gods who have never left you are marveling from the bottom of their hearts, sighing at how much future and power you have given up: they are all extremely stupid, and they cannot see the true persistence deep in your heart. read.

They don't know that you have already seen the truth about the so-called gods: you know that the throne did not lie, and you have the possibility of becoming a god, but you also know that becoming a god is not achieved overnight. For this path, you It takes a lot of sacrifice, you need a lot of blood, you need to set the galaxy on fire. You need to embrace the entire warp and allow the endless power of chaos to enter your body.

Frankly speaking, you have no more objections to the first few items, but only to the last point, you are deeply unhappy: you know that the power of chaos is not something you can tolerate, and you also know that becoming a god The process is actually the fusion with another great will, and in this fusion, the god's thoughts will increasingly distort your cognition and worldview. When you truly become a god, you will become Become one of those selfish creatures, and you will no longer have the Emperor's mission as your first purpose.

You will...

Shaken loyalty to the Emperor.


This is something you can't stand.


The power of the gods is of no account before your loyalty to the Emperor, your great Creator.

How can the mere power of these dirty things compare to the infinite brilliance of the Emperor's light in your heart!

Therefore, you finally rejected them, firmly rejected them.

You personally shattered the great body that was formed due to your exchange, and ruthlessly started the next plan: in the first base where you stayed, you saw the arrival of those demons. Some are slaves of the Four Gods, and some are guys who shout the name of [Hate and Slavery] and claim to be your dependents.

You had nothing to say to those guys with heads full of tentacles, so you destroyed and imprisoned them equally. After all, they were never your target.

You are waiting for something new: behind these swarming daemons is the consumable you have been waiting for. You have placed your soul in the most conspicuous place in the entire warp, and the soul of the Primarch carries The fragrance is enough to attract the most ignorant and crazy beasts in the entire subspace. Those enslavers are the most powerful among them, but there is no shortage of other mind-controlling species and subspace creatures.

And these guys, that's what you need.

You attracted these subspace beasts who were proficient in enslavement, fought with them, and hunted them in batches. You don’t know how many enslavers and other mind-controlling races you killed, but you know very well, Killings like this went on for ages.

Until your killing forces these enslavers to combine into a group of huge monsters that are tens of meters or hundreds of meters high, you know that it is time to end it all: what you want finally appears in front of you.

You killed those monsters and obtained enough remains to dissect and study these subspace creatures. Based on this, you completed the final transformation plan of your [Second Star Torch]. Now, it can really transform The Emperor's light is spread across the galaxy, and like the true Star Torch on Holy Terra, every mind will forever be enveloped in the light of the Lord of Mankind.

Finally, you can unify everyone's thoughts and truly protect and lead them: Chaos will no longer be able to impose any invasion on the real universe. They will be powerless and furious in front of a unified wall. This wall is sturdier and more durable than even Rogal Dorn's proudest creation. It will last until the end of time, the end of the years, and you will complete the Emperor's commission and fulfill what you were born to do. mission accomplished.

When you imprison the entire empire's thoughts into a system, the Emperor will take over the system, and his thoughts will become the thoughts of everyone, and his will will become the will of everyone, and you are sure of it. , it is impossible for your father to be corrupted by Chaos, nor to surrender to those gods. He will always make the most correct choice, and he will always be able to see the future that you cannot see, under his guidance. Humanity will no longer have any selfishness and internal consumption, and a true eternal order will stand proudly on the galaxy.

This is your dream, a great cause for which you are willing to sacrifice everything. Now, before it is finally completed, you still need to undergo a small training: those crusade armies that are only one step away from your main base are this In the first step of training, they are staying outside the galaxy where you are stationed to prepare for war, calling on all living forces.

There is no doubt that they will become your first companions, it only takes a small amount of effort.

And in your calculations, after absorbing this batch, not even the Emperor can stop your plan: your Creator will once again look at the plan you submitted, and he will realize that you are the right one. , and then, he will get the position he deserves, a position that only belongs to him.

He will become the leader of the galaxy and the sole operator of this system. And you, the Primarchs, will become lesser elements beneath him, generals who share a consciousness with the Emperor, and become the true tools of the Emperor.

Yes, you guys: your future looks like this too.

You have no tolerance or preferential treatment for yourself: this is not only a punishment for you, but also a love for your brothers. You will not be any different from them, because as early as when you set up this second star torch, From the very beginning, you have imposed the most basic operating logic on this great building.

Only the Emperor can open it. Only the Emperor can make it operate.

And your task is to continuously charge it so that it can spread to more people: but you are not qualified to use this second star torch.

You won't use it, only the Emperor will use it: the Emperor will be the master of everything in the future, and you should be the tool beside him, the best tool for him.

In order to prevent your existence from posing any threat to the Emperor's rule, you have even designed a special design: when the Second Star Torch undergoes the final activation ceremony, the inevitable fuel it will consume is your own self-awareness. , is the self-existence of Heydrich’s thought.

As it opens, your self-consciousness will completely die, and you will completely become a tool without any thoughts and senses. Your final consciousness will be sunk in the infinite glory and happiness of the great cause finally being launched.

At that time, you will truly die, and the Emperor's eternity will truly come.

You will die at the last moment before dawn, a truly legendary ending: it will be enough reward for all your hard work.

No one can stop this, not even the Emperor: you are not sure whether he will be disappointed in you, you are not sure whether deep down in his heart, he no longer regards you as his heir and creation. .

But you don't care: you don't care if the Emperor is hostile to you, you don't care if the Emperor despises your existence and your name, you don't care if the Emperor sees you as a mere enemy and not as his heir.

If he hates you, spurns you, considers you his enemy, then let him do it: he is your Creator, and he has the right to do anything to you.

You have no regrets.

After all, the day you met, the moment he molded you, you already got what you deserved.

Loyalty is everything.

Loyalty, no answer needed.

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