Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 351 The Lights of Macragge (Part 1)

When the Lord of Five Hundred Worlds sat at his desk and looked out the window, he could always see the astronomical clock.

It is indeed beautiful, full of an aesthetic that Macragge cannot create: this is not a mockery of Five Hundred Worlds' achievements in the field of art, but a very thorough and calm contrast, a truly fair statement.

The astronomical clock tower: that was built by the Primarch of the Iron Warriors Legion himself and carried by the Primarch of the Dawnbreaker Legion himself. It was a precious gift that united the friendship between the two Astartes Legions. It was undoubtedly Kili One of the most precious kindnesses that Man has ever received from his blood relatives and even the entire human empire.

He placed this gift in the most conspicuous place: the highest peak of the Temple of Solemnity. The temple was planned by the Primarch himself. It is a new landmark building in Macragge City. It and the clock tower can be compared with each other. It can be clearly observed from any corner in the city.

Of course, this includes the office of the Lord of the Ultramarines: in fact, after finishing the day's paperwork, quietly staring at the exquisite gift for a while has become Guilliman's unknowingly and slowly growing habit. It becomes a new habit.

This kind of gaze will not last long, sometimes it will be a few minutes, sometimes only a few seconds, but for any Primarch, this is already a long enough time to give birth to thousands of thoughts: not to mention, Guilliman is a little better than every one of his blood brothers in this aspect.

In a few minutes of quiet thinking, the divergent thinking of the Lord of Five Hundred Worlds is enough to create a boundless kingdom of nothingness. Any topic and idea may find a place in this kingdom. Their appearance is due to Guilliman's multi-threaded thinking approach is almost leap-frogging.

In recent times, there has been a topic that is the absolute ruler in this kingdom of nothingness: as long as Guilliman has some free time, he will start to think about this topic, and naturally derive countless ideas. Reasoning, assumptions, plans, and even some dangerous backup plans.

The same is true today.

After the work was over, the Lord of Five Hundred Worlds began his thinking.


Guilliman was thinking.

This is not a good thing.


But today, his thinking process will encounter a little twist.


"You really didn't go to rest."

When Ms. Euton opened the door that had been specially lightened for her, her voice appeared in the Primarch's perception earlier than her figure.

[I'm not sleepy yet, ma'am. 】

Acting on a certain instinct that had been developed decades ago, the Primarch stood up almost immediately and walked towards his adoptive mother, although his move was meaningless on a factual level: after all, especially Dun needed neither his support nor his salute.

But despite this, Guilliman still stood stubbornly in the center of the room. It wasn't until he saw Joden sitting on the chair that the Primarch pulled out another chair and sat next to it. He closed the door beside him. Window: Macragge has gradually entered winter, and the cunning cold wind is enough to chill the old man in front of him.

"Your reason is very pale."

Youdun stretched out her slender fingers and pointed at the clock hanging on the wall.

"It's already eleven o'clock. In three hours, you have an important meeting that you must attend. Governors and representatives from at least fifty worlds will listen to your speech: You don't have much rest time left. , and you haven’t had a regular rest for a long time.”

[For me, there is no difference between a short rest of a few minutes and a long sleep that lasts for several days. Madam, I don’t want to waste more time on rest. I am in the beginning of my life. In those few years, I had enough rest. 】

"Indeed, at that time, Connaught would treat you as much as possible like an ordinary boy. He even prepared a well-trained medical team for you to prevent possible diseases and falls."

Joden's eyes swept across the room, lingering on the ancient cogitator and the marble statue of Konnor: these were things that reminded the primarch's adoptive mother of the past, as she cherished Guilliman. , cherish them.

"You know, sometimes I even envy the visiting Dawnbreakers: even though they are half a galaxy away from their genetic mother, they still carry out her requirements meticulously and leave at least one thing behind every day. With four hours of rest, even the soldier who is not part of the Dawnbreaker Legion will be consistent with them at this point."


The original body opened his mouth, but in the end he said nothing. He listened quietly to the explanation from his adoptive mother: it was not a scolding or a complaint, but the most bland sentences, describing those corners that were difficult to detect.

[Have you had any contact with those Dawnbreaker warriors, madam? 】

"There have been some, and they were fine young men, very courteous, with a heartfelt humility and patience in their dealings with mortals: I once entrusted them to carry my letters to Morgan, and on my next visit , bring me a copy of the Psychic Code that has not been censored or abridged."

Guilliman blinked.

[…What are you doing with that psychic code? Miss? 】

"It has become an absolute bestseller in the entire Ultramar, or at least in the entire Ultramarines Legion. It will be placed in every library in Macragge, and even on every bookshelf. :What? I can’t keep up with the trend?”

【……cough. 】

【That was not what I meant. 】

The Primarch was a little embarrassed. In his inner thinking, he had to admit the correctness of what Jotun said: In fact, it was not just the psychic code that accompanied the battle between Avalon and Macragge. The trade exchanges between the two countries are becoming more frequent and mature, and more and more things bearing the symbols of the Far Eastern frontier are appearing in Macragge's markets or residences.

The long swords, horses and chivalry from Avalon have become the latest trends in Macragge's upper class, and the sports cars produced by Glaston and the expensive delicacies produced by Salamas are marketable and priceless. Correspondingly, Ultramar's electronic products and Internet culture quickly occupied the land of Avalon. Many local star companies in Macragge unknowingly owned products from thousands of stars. Firmly surrounded by foreigners: countless trade tycoons and merchant fleets traveled between the two countries, and along the routes they took, a hundred human colonies were born that prospered as a result.

And all of this was clearly displayed in front of Guilliman: once upon a time, he had to review countless requests for new trade routes every day, and dozens of missions were sent to Ava. Long, even more frequent and intensive than the communication between the two Primarchs.

There is no doubt that Ultramar and the Far Eastern Frontier, Macragge and Avalon: these two countries entrenched on the border of the Far Eastern Star Territory, hanging alone on the edge of the power of the entire human empire, are fighting more and more frequently. The trade and exchanges are getting closer. This is not only a reflection of the good relationship between the two Primarchs and the two Astartes Legions, but also due to realism such as geography, interests, people's needs, industrial distribution and the trend of the times. The final expression of the factors.

The latter is a force that even Guilliman cannot stop: just like although he has some grudges now, he still can't stop his adoptive mother from coming into contact with some dangerous psychic powers.

"I'm not old enough to need you to worry about my health, Robert: Since you are the ruler of five hundred worlds, you should focus your most energy on those worlds and people who are willing to serve you as their master. On the body."

Ms. Youton knocked on the chair. She obviously had full confidence in the health of her body and mind. She actually cared about another thing more than these.

Then, the pair of pupils belonging to the adoptive mother looked at Guilliman: under this gaze, the Primarch lowered his head. It was almost impossible for him to hide anything.

"Compared with these, I care about another thing, Robert: Both I and your confidants have noticed your recent absence. You seem to be troubled by a certain problem. You have been thinking for a long time. I can't even get you to untie it."


The Primarch's gaze shifted elsewhere, and he resisted a little.

[Yes, ma'am: I am indeed troubled by a problem. 】

"Perhaps you wouldn't mind discussing this with me: instead of locking yourself in the office at eleven o'clock in the night, lowering your head and feeling sorry for yourself?"


[This whole issue actually has nothing to do with you, madam. 】

Euton patted the table.

"It's bothering you, it's bothering the Archons of Macragge, and I'm the first person to be concerned about it: the thought that you're still killing your remaining rest because of this problem, I just can’t sleep peacefully.”

[…Sorry, ma’am. 】

"Don't apologize to me: tell me what's bothering you."


Guilliman took a deep breath.




Yudun chewed on the word, her brows furrowed slightly, obviously not more prepared for this noble word.

"This bothers you, Robert?"

【Yes. 】


"Do you want to be a war master?"


The Lord of Five Hundred Worlds shook his head as quickly as possible: he didn't even think about it, nor did he think about this question. He just followed the most instinctive senses in his heart and gave an answer full of affirmation.

【No. 】

[I will not pursue the position of Warmaster, it is not suitable for me: Horus, Ferus, Sanguinius or Jonson are the candidates who are likely to match it. 】

"Then what are you struggling with?"

Jotun continued to look at Guilliman.

【I was just thinking...】

The Primarch opened his mouth. He was a little doubtful whether to continue speaking. After all, what he was thinking now was a little blasphemous, or in other words, a little suspicious and disloyal to the Lord of Humanity.

But the next moment, trust in the adoptive mother took over everything.

[I was just thinking that with the current administrative system of the empire, a position with absolute military power like this should not exist: in the final analysis, the current empire is just a rule with military violence as its absolute core. Institutions, and establishing a second center called Warmaster at the command level will only create hidden dangers of division and struggle. 】

Yudun listened quietly.

"But judging from what you said to me before: Horus, who currently has the highest voice in the warmaster competition, is an absolute loyalist to the Emperor. Perhaps his loyalty will make this hidden danger disappear. exist?"

Guilliman nodded.

[Indeed, this is the best explanation I can think of for the Emperor to establish a Warmaster: Horus's loyalty to the Emperor is unquestionable. If he exists in the position of Warmaster, it can indeed minimize hidden dangers. . 】


[Even so, from a political and rational perspective, the best way is not to establish the position of Warmaster, or not to give it such high power, or to establish multiple similar positions to check and balance each other: after all, even if It is the hidden danger with the lowest probability, which is worse than no hidden danger at all. 】

"I don't think your brothers want to hear this kind of speech?"

[At the very least, Horus definitely doesn’t want to hear it. He already regards the Warmaster as his own. Jonson and Ferus should have the same idea. 】

The Lord of Five Hundred Worlds shook his head, his smile a little bitter.

[I am not sure about the attitude of the other brothers on this matter, but I hope they can realize the flaws of this position: or, I hope it is just that I was wrong and did not see the deeper meaning hidden in the Emperor. 】

"I'm glad I can finally hear the concerns that bother you."

Yudun nodded.

"Have you been worried about this matter for several days: the Warmaster, politics, your brother and your father, and the human empire far away?"

[It’s not far away, madam: we live in this empire, and the entire Ultramar is the territory of the Human Empire. 】

"Ask any passerby on the streets of Macragge, and they will have reservations about this: apart from those banners, and the warriors who claim to be your descendants, the Empire has indeed left no trace on this land. Something more, isn’t it?”

Ms. Euton blinked, and the Primarch found with some helplessness that his adoptive mother still maintained the same cunningness that had remained unchanged for decades.

[At the very least, the Empire sent me to Macragge. 】

"Yes, that is true: that is why we obey the command of Holy Terra, because we are grateful for your coming and will not deny this gratitude."

Yudun nodded. She seemed not to be more interested in this topic, but more inclined to the question about the war commander: or in other words, the question that prevented her precious adopted son from having a good rest.

"Is this your concern about the Warmaster?"

[No, these words alone are not enough to worry me: I have only told the first half of the story. 】

The Primarch touched his dry blond hair. He felt a trace of spiritual fatigue for the first time in a long time. This fatigue came from his blood brothers. They were even more draining than the entire war.

[Actually, what I just told you is just my own conjecture. At some time ago, I received another idea from another person. This idea is the main reason why I am so entangled. . 】

"Perhaps you could discuss this with your blood relatives."

Yudun smiled.

"After all, issues about warriors are closely related to all of you. This is a good opportunity to draw in you and your blood relatives, for example, the impressive Miss Morgan."


[You seem to like her very much? 】

"Who wouldn't like her? I even wish she could stay in Macragge a little longer."

【All right. 】

Guilliman smiled helplessly.

[But the problem is: this new idea was exactly what Morgan told me. Frankly speaking, the bill she proposed more or less violated some of my bottom lines, but it did have benefits that were hard to let go of. 】

"So, you've been troubled?"

【Yes. 】

"Because the plan proposed by Morgan will benefit you?"

【Not for me. 】

The Primarch shook his head.


[It will bring certain benefits to Five Hundred Worlds: Although these benefits are not completely innocent and cannot be put on the table, they actually exist and will bring exciting benefits. 】


"Talk to me, Robert."

"Perhaps, I can help you on this issue."

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