Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 343 On the Original Body (Part 2)


[Assist the future war commander? 】

Morgan was silent for a few seconds: For any Primarch, this was a long thought. Her fingers were intertwined, covering her squirming lips, leaving only an unruffled look. A pair of pupils.

And when these pupils focused their gaze on the Emperor again, what followed was the Spider Queen's soft smile.

[Before answering this question, I want to ask a question first, father. 】

+ Talk. +

【You mean...】

[Which war commander? 】

The Lord of Mankind paused.

+ There is only one Warmaster, Morgan: He will be elected at the end of the Great Crusade to replace me in charge of all the military forces of the Great Crusade, while I need to shift my attention to more important things, to the things that can make the Empire Go up to those problems that continue. +


[Internet channel? 】

+ included. +



【Ha ha ha ha ha……】

The Lord of Avalon endured for a while.

But she couldn't bear it in the end.

The contemptuous attitude was accompanied by unconcealable laughter, making the already serious-looking Lord of Humanity frown: Morgan's answer was obviously not in his plan, which was really bad enough.

+What are you laughing at...+

[Nothing, I just...]

The Primarch took a few deep breaths and barely suppressed his laughter.

[I just don’t understand: You know, father, for me, in the passage you just said, there are at least three points of view that can make me laugh, and they are squeezed into the same sentence. . 】

Morgan's fingers drew careless circles on the desk. She met the gaze from her genetic father, and couldn't help but think: Did her father do this on purpose? Why could such innocent words come out of his mouth?

The Lord of Avalon couldn't think of any reason other than doing it deliberately.

+ three? +

The emperor's voice was a little solemn, but he didn't care about these questions.

+ I don’t want to know where your weird laugh is, Morgan: You can laugh anywhere you want, but you can’t make fun of me here. I’m asking you a very serious question, my daughter. +

+ Are you willing to become the Warmaster's assistant in the future: This will not be a specialized position, but it does have some invisible powers. If you can make good use of it, its value will definitely satisfy you. +


[Am I such a snobbish person in your eyes, father? 】

Morgan raised his eyebrows, knowingly asking.

But the Emperor didn't even move his eyelids.

+ If you want: I can only talk about feelings with you, and I can even say to you the words I said to Jonson and Mortarion again. What do you think? +


[Yes, I am a snob. 】

A brief smile appeared on the lips of the Lord of Mankind, but he did not indulge in this false victory: he was always concerned about the impromptu problem.

+Don’t beat around the bush: answer my question, Morgan. +

[I really want to answer. 】

The Spider Queen leaned back in her chair.

[But you see: If you don't cooperate with me to solve my questions, then I won't be able to answer you. I don't even fully understand the question itself, and there are still too many doubts that are bothering me. 】

+ Just ask. +

The emperor's words were concise and to the point.

[As you wish, Father. 】

After receiving an affirmative answer, the Primarch raised the corners of her mouth, and her pupils flashed with a knife-like light: Very good, she successfully changed the topic from the emperor's question to the areas she cared about.

From this moment on, the dominance of the topic briefly came to Morgan: she could finally ask about the things she was confused about, and also, by the way, observe who her genetic father was. Are you pretending to be crazy, or is it true...

Have innocence?


She didn't believe the latter at all.

[Okay, Father, my first question is: is your question itself confusing enough? 】

[To put it clearly: Why are you so sure that I will be able to become the Warmaster's assistant? 】

The hands that were originally placed on the table had returned to the Primarch's chest unknowingly, crossing them arrogantly. The Spider Queen casually stuffed the crystal card of "Kingslayer" into her collar. , it seems that there are no plans to return it in the short term.

[After all, you and I know very well in our hearts, my beloved father: most of my blood relatives are emotional animals. They lack the calmness to suppress their own nature, and this is doomed. Those who have different personalities from each other It is difficult to work with different Primarchs. 】

[Even if it comes from your orders, they can only be forcibly kneaded together: the price of this forced team formation is catastrophic efficiency and internal losses, and this is the final outcome that no one wants to see. 】

[In other words, if you want me to serve as the assistant of the future War Master, then I must be able to maintain a good personal relationship with the future War Master: but the reality is that many brothers and I cannot maintain this kind of relationship. . 】

[Whether it is Jaghatai Khan or Mortarion, their attitude towards me cannot be said to be likeable, or even negative: not to mention, there are many brothers who I have never met, so who can know Is the chemistry between them and me good or bad? 】

[And on this basis, how can you ensure that I can have a good relationship with the future war commander? In other words, how can you be sure that the person who becomes the Warmaster will accept my assistance? 】

[Isn’t the War Commander an elected position? Wasn't he the most convincing Primarch at the end of the Great Crusade? So in this case, his identity should be completely unknown, because no one will know who will be the most convinced by that time. 】

[To put it simply: If the War Commander is really elected, then the request you are making to me now and the corresponding promises are just castles in the air, empty promises, and cannot be taken seriously. 】

[And if you can confirm now that the future Warmaster is a figure who can accept my assistance: then this so-called Warmaster title is entirely up to the original body to fight for, and those who are constantly working hard on the battlefront to perform My own, my blood brothers, are there some of them...]

【funny? 】

Squinting her eyes slightly, the Lord of Avalon whispered this word: she couldn't decide whether her face was serious or that kind of overly provocative smile.

But the Lord of Mankind sitting opposite her actually fell into silence: the Emperor was silent for almost ten seconds, which was even long enough to make Morgan a little uneasy.

After a silence that seemed like an eternity, the Emperor simply nodded.

+Beautiful word art, my daughter Morgan: Now, I'm convinced, why you can have good relationships with so many of your brothers, even if they are hostile or even hate each other. +

[You can’t say that, father: There are brothers who hate me. 】

+ It is completely normal for Mortarion to dislike you: this is the most noble aspect of his composition and one of my original intentions in setting him up. +

Having said this, the Lord of Humanity slowly showed a pleased smile.


Morgan didn't respond.

[What about Chagatai? 】

+As for Chagatai...+

The Emperor touched his chin.

+ His character is like this: love and hate are clear, as is public and private, and his relationship with me is not gentle. Our interactions are always accompanied by indifference and doubt. I am not good at dealing with him. get along. +

+After all, he would unleash malice on almost every point he made to me: this was probably the most hostile expression he showed toward anyone else. +


Morgan still said nothing: she just touched her neck.

And in her silence, the Lord of Mankind asked next.

+ So, second point, Morgan. +

【……? 】

The Primarch raised a brow.

[Father, I think we haven’t even explained the first point clearly: you didn’t answer my question directly, and you didn’t explain to me what the so-called Warmaster election is about? 】

+ Do you really want to know an unspoken fact? +

The Emperor only responded to her with an unashamed chuckle.

+ If you must want to hear: Yes, Morgan, when I created the position of Warmaster, Horus was the best choice in my mind. There are countless ways to make him become Warmaster, but I know that my Sagittarius will only accept the most upright kind. His noble soul allows him to live only under the brightest sunshine. +

+ Therefore, there will be elections: although such elections themselves are unnecessary. +

【……snort! 】

[What a touching family affection, my dear father, but it’s a pity that I, living in darkness, cannot understand all this: just like I cannot understand the fragile heart of Horus. 】

A contemptuous sigh emerged from the corner of Spider Queen's mouth, her brows and eyes were furrowed, hidden in the shadows covered by her hair: It was at this moment that Morgan confirmed one thing.

Whether her genetic father was naive or not is a moot point: but he was certainly shameless enough.

+ You don’t have to be jealous of him, Morgan: Each of you has a different position. Horus was just placed in the position he is most suitable for. In other words, if you were asked to serve as the warmaster, you would Do you want to? +

[Of course not, father. 】

The Spider Queen put away the sourness in her heart and smiled again.

[I am not Antoinette, and I have no inclination to go to the guillotine. 】

The Emperor suppressed his chuckle.

+What do you mean, Morgan? +

[Literally, father. 】

The Primarch looked at her father without fear: the small anger she had built up because of the Emperor's words gave her the confidence to carry out such a transgression.

She smiled: full of sarcasm.

[Let's play a game: Now, there is a script with the theme of the Civil War, which is placed in front of us, and among the actors currently known, one of the characters plays the role of the Generalissimo of the Governor-General's National Army. 】

[So what do you think: In which act will this so-called generalissimo exit? 】

Faced with Morgan's aggressiveness, the Emperor just remained silent for a moment.

+ Horus will not betray me, Morgan: You don't need to worry about that. +

[I was never worried, Dad: I just felt ridiculous. 】

The Spider Queen has sharp eyebrows.

[Everyone knows that in a drama with a civil war as the main body, the first person in the army like the Warmaster will only have two endings: either, he betrays the king and falls in the last scene of the drama. , or he was loyal to the king and fell in the first act of the play. 】

[Can you think of a third possibility? 】

The Lord of Mankind made no reply.

+What exactly are you trying to say, Morgan? +

【What do I want to say? 】

The Primarch laughed: she felt offended.

[I want to say that if I really set up a position similar to Warmaster in Avalon, then the only possibility is that I personally hold this position: You have conquered the entire galaxy with your legions and fleets, and you have no influence on the military. The absolute certainty of power is the most fundamental reason why the double-headed eagle flag can fly throughout the galaxy. 】

[And now, you actually want to completely hand over all the military power in the Great Crusade, as well as the authority that originally overcame all legions, to another person? 】

+ is not given to another person, but to Horus. +

【Is there any difference? 】

The Spider Queen's words were more like a rough scolding.

[The peak that could only accommodate you alone has now been forcibly stuffed with another person: Even if that person is Horus, the person you claim to trust the most, he cannot solve a problem. Then There is no room for you two even on this peak. 】

[The two-headed eagle is a creature that can only survive in fantasy and legend. Father, in real life, creatures with two heads are just a sad case. 】

[When you let Horus stand on the top of the mountain with you, there are only three possibilities for your ending: either one of you will be squeezed down, or both of you will fall down in a scuffle, or , your battle will shatter the entire peak, causing rocks to fall down, killing all of us at the foot of the mountain. 】

[What do you think, father? 】

Morgan smiled, leaning forward with a dangerous glint in her eyebrows.

[If you ask me, the position of Warmaster should not exist. In other words, the fact that you can bring it up is a very strange thing: because even if you have the slightest political sense and instinct, you will not set up such a position. Distorted and powerful positions of power. 】


[This position itself has some special meaning to you. 】

The Primarch stared at the Emperor: his silence was unmistakably gratifying.

[Let me guess, Father. 】

[The fact that you can bring up the position of Warmaster without hesitation only shows that you have done this before: a long time ago, before we were born, you already had a Warmaster, or more than one, and that The Warmaster of Time has given you great benefits. 】

[He may be dead, or he may have left you: but no matter what, he occupies such an important position in your heart that now, you have to set up such an unreasonable position to reshape his role in your heart. The impression in your mind. 】

[And a certain brother of mine, a poor brother who thinks he is your only brother, has become the sustenance of this memory, and has become a sad victim that you use to miss another person and bring another person into you. 】

[If you think about it this way, it’s really...]

+Morgan! +

The silent Lord of Humanity suddenly interrupted the Primarch's words.

It was an unmistakable sound.

+I suddenly thought. +

+ You seem to have just completed a very important task: maybe it’s time for me to give you a reward? +

I made a mistake:

I thought my tooth had been cured. I went to get braces today, but it turned out that it was not cured. I forgot about it.

So today I went for root canal treatment...

I have been mumbling in bed all afternoon...

I'll make up for the past few days tomorrow, and this conversation should come to an end...

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