The Empire of Man, the Obscure Star Field, the Caliban Sector, and the Caliban Galaxy.

【Emperor's Dream】.

This giant ship, the most powerful, gorgeous, important, and most iconic in the entire human empire, is just like the golden queen in the void, quietly enjoying the protection of an entire huge fleet. It wanders silently Beyond Caliban's low-Earth orbit, another divine command awaits from the Lord of Mankind.

This order may appear in the next moment, or it may make everyone wait for days or even weeks: but in any case, no one will raise any doubts or even the slightest worry because of this, because it is possible to be the first person in this empire. Those who serve on the Expeditionary Fleet are all the Emperor's most ardent supporters, capable of going to the most terrifying hells in the galaxy without hesitation for any shred of his will.

In a sense, these warriors in the First Fleet and the obscure servants in the Terra Palace are the most reliable and solid foundation of the Lord of Mankind's empire and the true foundation for his control of the galaxy. .

And the Lord of Mankind, who is followed and worshiped by thousands of the cornerstones of the empire, is currently staying in a simple room deep in the [Emperor's Dream], with his eyebrows lowered, looking like he is Meditating, but also like taking a rest.

He was so silent and lonely, with only a few crystal cards on the table and the empty chair opposite him for company, telling endless loneliness: but when he ended his silence, he raised his head and At the beginning, there was a trace of unpredictable joy flowing in those dark pupils.

The Emperor spoke.

He spoke towards the void and coldness in front of him.

+What really knocked you down? +

+ is the fall of a blood relative. +

+ is the pressure to fail. +

+ Or after countless efforts, you find that you can no longer become the unscrupulous [smart person] with a cold heart? +

+In your opinion, is this change a good thing? Or is it a bad thing? +

+Are you sure? +

The Lord of Humanity sighed softly, and his sigh turned into a long white mist in the air, unwilling to disperse for a long time: but the only thing that could answer him seemed to be more silence.

as well as……

【I can’t tell clearly. 】

[I don’t want to say it clearly either. 】

That cold, rational voice, unique to Avalon and the Dawnbreaker Legion, came from the other side of the room: the voice contained obvious dissatisfaction and anger, making the Lord of Humanity reveal a brief smile.

+ Does failure make you angry? +

[No one likes failure, not even you, my great genetic father. 】

This answer was accompanied by an overly obvious snort, which stung the air and the false harmony between father and daughter: but it did not pierce the dignity and shame that had long since ceased to exist among the masters of mankind.

+ But no one can avoid failure, right? +

+ What is important is what you can learn from failure again and again: It doesn't matter even if you fail for a lifetime, as long as you can turn things around at the most important time, then the life of a loser will be legendary. +


There was a sigh in the air.

【Father. 】

[I have passed an age, so you should not expect to be able to teach me with some seemingly great empty principles like those fathers and daughters in the mortal world, and establish a tall image of you knowing all things: I will not eat this set. 】

[Don’t you think this kind of stuff written badly in various storybooks is a bit too boring: In Avalon, only those children who have just started studying will excerpt such great principles in their compositions. 】

+Really? +

The Lord of Mankind chuckled. He randomly picked up the cards on the table and lazily guessed the symbol on each crystal card: This was a rather boring game, because he accurately guessed all the crystal cards.

+What you said is actually correct. +

+ But: If it weren’t for a certain capable daughter of mine who spent several minutes picking up just a dozen chess pieces on the ground, I wouldn’t be so bored. +


[I’m picking it up, I’m picking it up...]

A certain Primarch of the Second Legion, an honorary Primarch of the First Legion, Lord of Avalon and a forever old friend of the people of Ultramar (certified by Guilliman himself), after hearing these words, He just muttered in a low voice, squatted on the ground, and sped up the movements in his hands.

After a few more seconds, the Spider Queen, holding a small mountain in her hand, moved very slowly to her seat and put all the chess pieces back into the wooden box on the left: they had faded from their previous colors. , once again turned into a group of lifeless gray-white statues, but for some reason, when Morgan looked at these small statues that were not different from each other, she found that she had been able to determine the true identity of each statue.

The Primarch blinked.

[So, from the beginning, the identity of each chess piece was fixed: Those so-called identity cards only gave them the qualifications to participate in the chess game? 】

+ I hope they can stay out of the world: but every time they fail, even the most elegant [Soaring Eagle] will eventually be involved in the chess game, and in most cases, he stands My opposite. +

[Will Chagatai oppose you? 】

+ In most cases, yes: until now, I don’t know why he took such a path. Among all of you, he is among the ones who have seen it most clearly. +

[Yes, he is very smart. 】


[Is it possible that the problem actually lies with you, father? 】

The Emperor was silent for a moment.

He looked up at the Lord of Avalon: there was no color related to [respect] in those blue pupils. What flashed past was only cunning and ridicule, as well as renewed and eagerness to try. brave.

+Have you recovered from failure? +

【not yet. 】

[I'm still a little confused: specifically, I'm a little confused, why do you have the power to bring Horus back to the battlefield? Logically speaking, doesn't this kind of power belong exclusively to those evil gods deep in the sky? 】

+ Many things in the world cannot be explained clearly: you don’t need to delve into it. +

The Emperor waved his hand. He didn't seem to want to discuss the issue.

+Also, I'm a little confused. +

The Lord of Mankind looked at his daughter.

+Why does [Blind Dark One] explode with such powerful power in your hand? You know, in most of the previous chess games between me and the Palmist, [Blind Dark One] was a marginal and small character. Even if more energy was invested, it would only self-destruct. +


Morgan raised a brow.

[First of all, father, his name is not the Blind Dark One, his name is Conrad Coze, or you can also call him the Midnight Ghost: Generally speaking, he is the only one who performs particularly well, or gets the best results in the exams I set. When I get good grades, I will call him that and cook him a meal myself as a reward. 】

+Does he like these? +

[I don’t like it, but I participate very seriously every time. 】

+It seems like you have done a good job in educating me. +

[Barely qualified, I think this is why Konrad can perform so well in the chess game: your chess pieces seem to be affected by the subjective thinking of the chess player, and in my subjective thinking, although Konrad cannot Expected more, but not a drag. 】

+But in the beginning, you did see Conrad as something of a drag. +

[That was the past: As you just said, that is the past that cannot be returned. 】

Morgan laughed, there was a hint of bitterness in her smile, but she didn't care.

The Lord of Humanity saw this smile in his eyes. He was silent, stroking his square chin, not knowing what he was thinking.

+Conrad is lucky. +

+This is a good thing, both for you and for him. +

After a long while, Morgan's genetic father suddenly said this soft sigh without any end. Immediately afterwards, he lost all interest in this topic: The Emperor is very busy, and he is so busy that he can only care about his own. Heir, set aside such a short period of care and time.

He has more important things.

+ From the moment you dispersed all your chess pieces to occupy the entire Far Eastern Star Territory, I was guessing one thing: In your heart, you know how to delay me, right? +

The Lord of Humanity tapped his fingers lightly on the empty chessboard in front of him. He drew a non-existent straight line between Holy Terra and Avalon. His dark pupils stared at the face of the original gene. Tell her the seriousness of the words: it's not really a question, it's an affirmation.

[Only some vague estimates. 】

The Lord of Avalon twisted the side hair beside his ear with his fingers, rubbing it slowly, thinking about how to answer this question in his heart: After all, no matter how you talk about it, this is a dangerous topic involving "attacking the emperor".

+Network. +

Her father spoke.

+You know its importance: Even if you didn’t know it at the beginning, after experiencing the conversation with the Forge Lord and participating in my transaction with it, you should already know the importance I attach to the Webway. . +

+ So, tell me, Morgan: at some point in this chess game, did you have the idea of ​​delaying me and my power by attacking the webway? +


The Primarch was silent, her hands crossed and placed on her chin, which made it impossible for her to escape the gaze of the Emperor: in this silence and gaze, Morgan realized that this problem of the Lord of Mankind was extremely important. seriously.

[Yes, Father, I have: even from the beginning. 】

[This is also the most important reason why I chose Magnus. 】

+Beautiful choices. +

The Emperor nodded and seemed to sigh.

+Then what are you going to do? +

【have no idea. 】

Morgan shook his head.

[I don’t know what to do: Although I vaguely guessed that the Webway plays a vital role in your plan, and may even be the most fundamental reason why you choose a Warmaster, I still can’t I can't imagine, or rather can't believe, what kind of use this so-called network channel will have. 】

[So, even though I have collected a lot of information about the Webway, even though I have tried my best to value this creation, I still can't understand: Why are you so persistent about the Webway? 】

[I would rather believe: This is just a smoke bomb you released, and your real purpose actually has other plans. 】

The Lord of Humanity blinked and looked at his daughter. There was a trace of unfamiliar look in his pupils that Morgan had never seen before. The light seemed to be shining on a madman.

+Morgan, my daughter. +

[I am here, father. 】

+ You know, the so-called calmness of the subspace is just a temporary phenomenon that will occur in these few centuries. One day, the subspace will change again. +

【Of course I know. 】

+ You know, the so-called Webway is actually left by the ancient saints. It is a stable means that can bypass the limitations of subspace and conduct faster-than-light navigation: it is enough to maintain a human regime across the galaxy. +

[Yes, I learned this from the mouths of those alien souls. 】

The Emperor smiled.

+ So, now you can combine these two sentences for me, and then tell me: you don’t understand the value of the Internet Channel? You don’t understand why I attach so much importance to the Internet? +




Morgan sighed pretendingly.

[I understand, Father: Are you saying that you are going to spend more than a hundred years repairing something that has been semi-abandoned for millions of years while fighting a war that is sweeping the galaxy? 】

[Even the Eldar tribe cannot repair this webway. This is what they told me personally: Could it be said that you have the corresponding technology? 】

The Emperor fell silent.

【Do you have a secret weapon? 】

Then silence.

[Or are you 100% sure that you can fix it? 】

[So, why do you scold me for my contempt for the webway: From the beginning, it was not an achievable goal at all. Why should I attach importance to an impossible thing? Besides, the Eldar told me that in In the darkness of the Webway, there is no shortage of traces of the warp and demons. 】

[Do you really think that you can maintain an entire human empire with a so-called ancient relic that has been penetrated by subspace? 】

[You can’t even guarantee that you can fix it? 】

The silence of the Lord of Mankind seemed to last for an exceptionally long time.

This time, Morgan could have sworn she actually heard a sigh.

+ Do you have a better idea? +


Now, it was Morgan's turn to be silent.


+So, you were not optimistic about the possibility of the Web Channel from the beginning, thinking that it was just a smoke bomb released by me, and that it was impossible for me to invest my own power in it, so you ignored the plan for the Web Channel. +

+Is that so? +

【Roughly the same. 】

After a long silence, the monotonous question and answer once again echoed between the relatively speechless father and daughter: and the Lord of Mankind seemed not to be too satisfied with this answer.

+Is this the only reason? +


【No. 】

Morgan blinked.

[Actually there is a second one. 】

+Say it. +


The Primarch's throat moved, and she hesitated in a rare moment, until her genetic father cast an increasingly serious look, forcing her to speak those words.

She said it with her eyes closed.

[I was thinking at the time: If the Internet Channel had a success rate of even one in ten million, then it would be even less possible for me to destroy it: after all, in this game of chess, I was going to hit You, inherit the entire human empire and the galaxy, whether it is the Webway or anything else, it is my property, but I have not yet obtained it. 】

[Why should I destroy them? 】

The Lord of Mankind was silent.

He sat there, seemingly lost in thought at this answer: Morgan's head was lowered, and she could not see the Emperor's expression.

The Spider Queen could only swallow. She felt that the air around her was extremely cold, so cold that it seemed as if a strong wind would blow out the next moment.

She waited.

I have been waiting for a long, long time...

It wasn't until much later that her ears caught a hint of sound.

That's a hint of...


+Good idea. +

It was the laughter of the Emperor.

A light, happy, even a little schadenfreude laugh.


Morgan felt that he was so nervous that he was hallucinating.


Must be an illusion.

I have a toothache today and am not in a good condition. I will write these first.

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